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12678032 No.12678032 [Reply] [Original]

Big Paper -edition

previous >>12670010
We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor) make fun of premeds and shitpost. Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.
>>inb4 not science
>>inb4 poor amerimutts wanting medical advice

>> No.12678035
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>> No.12678037
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>> No.12678041

what do you want know

>> No.12678046
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>all that paper

I'm rich!

>> No.12678049
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Fascism and medicine. Does it belong? Can obesity be solved by making fats run'a mile, or regulating household caloric intake with checkins from SS-Nurstopo?

Anon from the previous thread seems to think it's the way forward. I know nothing about it and I'm open to discussion. Sounds based.

>> No.12678051

the trannies and retards don't actually procreate so it's of no issue, we'll just keep em docile with medication

>> No.12678052

Fuck interviewers

>> No.12678054

true, i went to med school so i wouldn't have to do a single interview in my life, has worked out pretty well thus far

>> No.12678058

To me sounds retarded. If an individual wants to balloon up to 200kgs and die of a massive heart infarction at age 40 he should have the freedom to do so just as I should have the freedom to not pay for it.
Privatize everything and let the market cut the weeds by itself.

>> No.12678066

This sounds pretty retarded. You're not thinking about the social impact of a suicide within a family. This creates instability within infrastructure and it will only extend further, displacing stress and making the entire environment volatile because there's no help for people, and they lead their life up to killing themselves. I don't know, you don't sound very white, so maybe it's a race thing. Us whites want to see each other be well and prosper for the most part.

>> No.12678085

Are those really symptoms of schizophrenia or are you just trying to scare me? Shouldn't I be hearing voices, being paranoid about things?

>> No.12678089

Sounds totally like schizophrenia.
T. Another doc

>> No.12678094

They are part of it but you’d need to have them for at least 6 months and have had hallucinations and a psychotic episode.
You used drugs though so maybe you did start an psychotic episode or some other latent disorder.
Really I would advice you to go to your dock and be honest about what you feel and did. Make sure to mention any fears you have as well.

>> No.12678108
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ok so I have a medical ethics question:
Suppose post-intracavernosal injection with alprostadil and papaverine, I develop priapism. There is no emergency room for 200 miles, as I live in a rural area. My options are to risk permanent damage to my penis, depriving me of years of pleasure, or to allow the next door neighbor's daughter to "help" me alleviate the pressure - trouble being that her mother is also my patient and I tend to talk in my sleep post-coitous and so risk disclosing doctor-patient confidentiality protected information to the daughter.
What should one do?

>> No.12678122

cum inside and nothing is admissible in court when uttered in sleep.

>> No.12678130

Post your smooth stories of curbing nurse-ego overdoses. I need more variety of ways to check these autoclavers into their rightful place. I'll start

>doctor you should use zoloft instead of gravol
>It's more effective in treating nausea
>I've never heard of this is school, go on
>explains, miseribly
>Do you mean zofran?
>thanks kid

>> No.12678131

Alright, I still have roughly 4 months left of observation. I still haven't had hallucinations and psychotic episodes.
So, assuming the worst happened (MDMA + weed melted my brain), there's no recovery from it? I very rarely use drugs, like once every two years, and it's been more than 3 years since I've used weed before New Year's Eve. I wished I knew beforehand what I was getting into, from what've I've read so far MDMA is a devastating drug. Fuck.

>> No.12678132
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>> No.12678135

threads goin to fast cut the shitposting and don't make new thread until it archives you fucking premeds

>> No.12678143

fuck list needs to be broadened

>> No.12678149

forcing things generally is never a good idea long term. education and food/pollution control would be better. you will have better result when you make lazy anon want to improve, when you force him to improve being shit becomes an act of freedom for him.

>> No.12678160

go cold turkey on everything, go out, get sun, exercise (specially cardio), be hydrated.

>> No.12678161

listening to doctors in 2021... when they put people on ventilators pumping pure oxygen into them probably skipped the citrate cycle in "medschool"
doctors are the biggest pseuds

>> No.12678197

>go cold turkey on everything
What do you mean? Quitting using toxic stuff? I don't do any of that regularly, that was a once in a lifetime situation. I don't even smoke or drink alcohol.
>go out, get sun, do cardio, be hydrated
I do all of that religiously already. Thanks for confirming I'm on the right direction, though.

>> No.12678233

eh, you going to pay for it some way, be it insurance premiums or taxes

>> No.12678243

Fuck you, bump limit is the point, always has been. Anything else is retarded because it's dependent on the general post rate in the board.

>> No.12678252

Nah cattle management is always more expensive when you have to be gentle. Interventions fucking blow effiency-wise and cost fortunes.

>> No.12678260

nursoid mistook doxorubicin for doxycycline

>> No.12678261

Honestly in the UK, med school interviewers are some of least empathetic, most sociopathic people I’ve ever met.

>> No.12678269

thank god there are no interviews for med school here, entrance purely based on your performance in the exam

>> No.12678273

sex doesn't really help with priapism though

>> No.12678323

i want to get into medical research, should i get into med school or study biology then specialize?

>> No.12678348

md is a great way to distinguish yourself from the hungry masses with a bio degree and big dreams

>> No.12678356

Spoken like a true socdem tranny. Please tell me what other idiotic authoritarian policies are for my own good. I'm too much of a retard to think for myself or exercise my free will.

>> No.12678378

I'm not advocating that shit, it will only happen over my dead body. But it is the natural conclusion of any collectively organized health care system. Obviously most people are too retarded to be able to pay for their own healthcare. You want the goverment to pay you so we can all pretend you have a "free will"?

>> No.12678384

opinion discarded

>> No.12678394

i'm sorry, I meant swine.

>> No.12678432

>So, assuming the worst happened (MDMA + weed melted my brain), there's no recovery from it?
Schizophrenia has treatment but it will never go away sadly.
Anyway you’re aware and can name your problems so it’s more likely to be some sort of anxiety, really go see a doc or psychiatrist

>> No.12678555

>wasting posts talking about politics vaguely related to medicine.
And now I have wasted a post telling you to stop.

>> No.12678571

I’ve heard people talk about disability insurance as percent of salary, is this people saying ‘I’ll get a 200k/yr policy as I make 300k and this is 66% income’ or do the policies literally give a percent of your income?
If so how does that work if you get it in residency?

>> No.12678659
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"FMs are chads"
>spend your entire time prescribing paracetamol, antibiotics (even for viral infections), and opioids to drug addicts
>when someone comes across with an actual medical problem you refer them to a real doctor
admit you're just lazy niggers but were too bad at surface anatomy to be an anesthetist.

>> No.12678666
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>allow insurance companies to discriminate against obesity same way they discriminate against smoking
>end taxation
your move bucko

>> No.12678674

you better end democracy as well, otherwise the trash will always be coming for their bennies

>> No.12678680

Go see a doctor ASAP. Your psychiatric issues maybe due to electrolyte imbalances like hyponatremia which can be corrected. If not, then at least they'll be able to treat you before it becomes something major

>> No.12678683

>t. coping anesthetist
turn up the gas, it'll take the pain of you life away

>> No.12678689
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you don't need to end democracy, you just need to practice democracy the way it was initially intended.

only white, male, landowners can vote.

>> No.12678690

Had a nurse once tell me carpal tunnel is on the dorsal side of the wrist and when I explained to her that it's the opposite because of it having to do with the flexor retinaculum she said "no my grandma had carpal tunnel so I'm pretty sure"

>> No.12678707

Rural FMs are chads. Urban FMs are just pill dispensers.

premed niggers take it to sdn or /lgbt/

>> No.12678715

in my country rural medicine is a distinct branch from family medicine

>> No.12678721

Oh nice. What does Rural med encompass? Is it basic peds, IM, and ob/gyn with some general surgery? Some critical care?

>> No.12678746

yeah, it's exactly what it is in the rest of the world, it's just considered its own thing since my country is like 80% rural.

>> No.12678753

>2 months to receive MD interview invite
>4 months to receive DO interview invite
>3 days to receive podiatry interview invite

what gives

>> No.12678758

Cool. If it was offered here in the US, I'd do it. Stuck with IM instead.
What country? Is it tough to get accepted into rural or is it easy because people don't want to do it?

>> No.12678769

>What country?
New Zealand.
>Is it tough to get accepted into rural or is it easy because people don't want to do it?
It's easy. You even get special admission to med school if you're from a rural area.

>> No.12678777

Man everything I hear about NZ makes it seem so much better than the US.

>> No.12678786

Well the downside is we have socialised healthcare so you'll frequently end up turning down patients you could treat and who have paid into the system their entire lives just because the Government tells you they're not a priority.

>> No.12678790

>because the Government tells you they're not a priority.
Any stories?
Can you argue with the govt like we do here with insurance companies?

>> No.12678828

>Any stories?
I'm a fifth year so I've yet to have to do this myself, but we frequently have to tell people who are elderly or have bad prognosis (but not a death sentence) that their treatment isn't funded and they have to go private if they want anything other than a referral to palliative care. It makes sense, if you only have one treatment and two patients, a 60 year old and an 80 year old, you give it to the 60 year old, but I imagine that's not much consolation for the 80 year old.

Another problem is waiting lists. I've seen patients told they'd have to wait three months to see an oncologist, and cancer can go from treatable to terminal in that time, especially if the patient is late presenting.

Also drugs. We're about five years behind America when it comes to drugs. Dabigatran wasn't funded until 2011 here, despite being in use in the United States since at least 2008. No one in New Zealand has gotten a COVID-19 vaccine either.
>Can you argue with the govt
Yeah but they can take months to give you a response, by which time your patient is already dead, and they usually don't change their mind.

>> No.12678841

rural is comfy yeah, but surgeons are true chads of medicine!

>> No.12678846


>> No.12678877

kekekkekekeke didn't had orthos exactly in my mind, but yeah surgeons are the chads of medicine!

>> No.12678880
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>but surgeons are true chads of medicine!
Me doctor Grunt. Me surgeon. BANG BANG BANG.

>> No.12678922

u jelly?

>> No.12678959
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>> No.12678981
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>> No.12678992

that’s a republic son, not a democracy

>> No.12679096

fuck off with that boring ass shit.

>> No.12679106
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Get mogged sgarbossa style

>> No.12679117

i enjoy sleeping

>> No.12679221

A DEMOCRATIC republic, aka the intended form of democracy.

>> No.12679224

Teach me ecg please? Is this wide spread st elevation?

>> No.12679242

read Dubin as a primer
then Garcia
EKG there showed a ventricular paced rhythm, PACs, and STEMI by Smith-modified Sgarbossa criteria

>> No.12679266

If you're interested btw

>> No.12679293


Let the low IQ gang help out

>> No.12679328

That's good if you want to recognize patterns for step or exams but patient ekgs don't turn out as clean as those and have multiple issues at once. And knowing the theory behind it helps in those situations. If you really want to learn EKG I once again recommend Dubin as a primer then Garcia.

>> No.12679466
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>> No.12679496

Why are rural FMs chad? Nobody ever really explained.

>> No.12679505
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fuck the what? my english dirty

>> No.12679528

Hell yez, no liability with the gubment chedduh. That wut it do. Free green, when it time to do sumfin sumfin you don't gotta do.

>> No.12679572

>"no my grandma had carpal tunnel so I'm pretty sure"
Dr. Anon BTFO with FACTs and LOGIC

>> No.12679984

/r/ image of brain nerves particularly with Cranial Nerve 0/XIII showing. The more detailed looking, the better. I'd prefer something not heavy on the labels, but I'm willing to forgo that approach to the quest.

>> No.12680039
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starting med this july, I'm 22 yr old mexican in cali. any helpful words?

>> No.12680127
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why the fuck did they even put neuroanatomy in step 1

I can't fucking do it lads. I can memorize it but I hate every minute of it.

>> No.12680138

>work 40 hours a week tops, 3 day weekends every week
>call barely even exists
>know everyone in your town and play an important role in your community
>make more money than city FMs despite 1/3 cost of living
>far easier to go into private practice

>> No.12680148

Just learn it in a different language and use those words on the exam instead of the English ones. Fuck the scorekeepers. They're the ones that ruin the education system on a whole.

>> No.12680156

us med school is all multiple choice

>> No.12680164

Write the answer in size 2 font if you have to on the answer sheet.

>> No.12680363

I'm legit thinking of repositioning towards vascular surgery. Finally got to assist in the OR the other day and it was pretty good. Was buzzing after.

How does vascular compare to e.g. gen surg in terms of operating hours/procedure length/lifestyle?

>> No.12680477

they aren't

>> No.12680689

neuroanatomy is actually pretty easy though? I think your expectations about the brain are impacting your ability to look at this objectively. between the four lobes and the basal ganglia, you've only got about 12 important structures you need to learn. things get a bit more complicated with the brain stem and spinal cord, but even that isn't comparable to something truly monstrous like musculoskeletal anatomy.

if you're struggling with brain anatomy then maybe medicine isn't for you.

>> No.12680715

How is the radiology field?

>> No.12680718

How expensive is the schooling going to be for you?

>> No.12680939
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>cute 19yo wanted to hold my hand and said she was scared during induction (tons)
>comfort her, "I know what I'm doing" etc.
>she walks up to me and hugs me before leaving
>nurses ask me who my new gf is rest of the day
Nurses ruin everything

>> No.12680951

pretty based. I only held hands with old babushkas in the ER and telling them that the ambulance will take them home soon, kek.

>> No.12680998

how competitive is neonatology in the us

>> No.12681008

I think there's no pure neonat residency in the US but a fellowship from peds

>> No.12681035

yeah that's what I meant. like if I matched at a lower ranked peds program would I be fucked trying to fellow in neonatology?

>> No.12681041

I honestly don't think it's THAT competitive considering how many subspecs peds has, like GI peds for example. If you're really worried about it, do some neo research, that might help you.

>> No.12681044

alright thanks I'll look into it

>> No.12681057
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my doctor friend is retarded, maybe becuase she's a woman

i was trying to point out how at a certain threshold of suffering suicide is a correct choice and should not be discouraged

you guys agree right?

>> No.12681063

>*gets replaced by a neural network*

>> No.12681067

people can't even create an EKG machine that will read them properly, how on earth is AI going to replace them?

>> No.12681081

John's wort may speed up how quickly your liver processes drugs and wastes in your body
does John's wort protect liver?

>> No.12681086

No it's a cyt p450 inducer
That's like saying griseofulvin or barbiturates protect your liver

>> No.12681102

>it's a cyt p450 inducer
doesnt tthe it eliminate drugs at a faster rate sinonimous of it accelerating the waste elimination?

>> No.12681127

It isn't that simple. It induced particular cytochrome p450 enzymes not all and this affects metabolism of only those chemicals affected by that type. Some of those chemicals include hormones or other useful endogenous compounds that are hepatically metabolized and can also include medications that are needed by the individual.
If you want to find actual hepatoprotective compounds like NAC:

>> No.12681190

Very based.
Anesthesia is great when it isn't having to sedate fatties
>nurses ruin everything
Are you really surprised?

>> No.12681239

>useful endogenous compounds
for example?

>> No.12681249

Dude please learn how to google
Androgens for one
This is the cyp450 that is induced by sjw

>> No.12681316

I said I can do it. I just hate it.

Also not sure what neuroanatomy you learned, but a single one of our lectures included all the cranial nerves, the location of their nuclei, the course of their signals, what they carry (GSE, GVE, SVA, etc.), prenuclear deficits, post-nuclear deficits, and any other trivia they care to include about the nerves. And that's just one lecture.

>> No.12681320

Haldol and thorazine all day erryday

>> No.12681355

Do those vaccinated for Covid need to wear a mask?

>> No.12681370

female patient, 31 years. healthy overall. no allergies. 2-3 times per year she starts hemorrhaging from all orifices, including the eyes (seemingly from the tear ducts). have multiple times woken up covered in blood. total amount is roughly 400 ml. resolves in hours. checked for GI issues multiple times. otherwise no prolonged bleeding or healing time. PFA-100 shows no defects.

can't figure it out. it's like she gets a quick bout of VHF without the fever, lol.

>> No.12681393

How many years has this been happening and is it every year without a break?

>> No.12681404

Is it focused in a special part of the year?
Winter or autumn for example.

>> No.12681444

iirc the nurses use this book to learn about brains. It's 99% pictures and >1% text, so it should be good for anon. Also use Anki if you're really that retarded.


>> No.12681445

Since 7 or 8 years of age.
Only happened once during a few years.

No indication of seasonal tendencies, quite irregular. Also no way to tell in advance when the bleeding will strike next; no other symptoms before or after it. Completly painless as well.

>> No.12681482

previous treatments or consult results?

>> No.12681493


>> No.12681503

go be edgy someplace else

>> No.12681507

you don't want drugs to eliminate faster in most cases to have maximum effect

>> No.12681509

honest answer would be "don't know".

>> No.12681514

any history? what time of the day does this happen? is there any regularity? lab results would be nice if you can provide.

>> No.12681519

is this at the time of menstruation? i'm thinking doctor house tier endometriosis disseminated throughout the body case

>> No.12681528
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You browse here and you don't know what anesthetic induction is?

>> No.12681533
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premeds these days...

>> No.12681540

UK 2nd year. My Uni just dropped the bomb that our exams will be open book this term. Errr wtf and this bitch is telling me the exam wont test facts but a synthesis of knowledge. I have a good memory but thats about it boyos. Wtf am I supposed to do. Chuck anki?? Any UK anons tried open book?

>> No.12681570

Are you some kind of retard?

>> No.12681575

I think she has the big gay

>> No.12681591

Any meds or exposure to toxins like rat poison?
Recent travel to Africa?
What is her pt/inr, ptt, platelets?
Anemia workup done?
Recent trauma?

It's an unlikely zebra but you might have to consider a case of some filovirus like Ebola or Marburg esp if immigrant or recent travel

>> No.12681599

just not anglo didnt know meaning of the word basterd sir!

>> No.12681600

Oh sorry saw some of the posts and read more carefully. Too tired rn
So ignore those unnecessary qs
Also ct/mri of head?

>> No.12681884
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moments like that are the best, that and coffee breaks

>> No.12682151
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is there something like this for musculoskeletal?

>> No.12682265

>tfw fucking kidneys man

>> No.12682335
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Just got diagnosed with MS. I'm just 23, but Is my life over already?

>> No.12682406

Your life started to decay as soon as your umbilical cord got cut. Everything else from there may look like development but it's just further degeneration into the human form.
If I had a chronic degenerative illness diagnosed I'd feel kinda relieved to know I'll have a preset date to die. Most folks never put any thought into their existence only to end up as minced meat on a car crash. What kind of life is that?

>> No.12682505

Netter's Anatomy
Don't use this trash. Use Blumenfield's Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases

>> No.12682510

It depends on the type of MS. Relapsing-Remitting or Primary/Secondary Progressive.
We have decent treatments for MS though.
What are you taking for it?

>> No.12682515

Also would you be willing to give a basic history, like your sex, race, past medical, family, social history? And what symptoms you came in with? Like why did you decide to see the doc, was it some sort of visual disturbance, pain, numbness, etc.

>> No.12682517

>fucking sexually uninteresting women
Pros and cons

>> No.12682543

>you get to blow a load
>raises testosterone levels
>gets boring if they are uninteresting as you say

Just do what young doctors do and fuck dumb and hot nurses instead

>> No.12682605

I started noticing that I was waking up every night to use the bathroom, and then it turned into multiple times a night. I went to a urologist, tried some medicines that didn’t help, and didn’t suspect MS.

I later had a brief onset of double vision when looking to my left, but MS wasn’t mentioned then either and it resolved on its own after a month.

I didn’t think at all about MS until I tried a new urologist about 2 years after my symptoms had started and he mentioned it as a possibility in our first appointment. It didn’t think of it much at first until I looked closer at little annoyances I had been ignoring - the double vision, my restless legs at night, my vision getting dim/washed out when I’m outside in the heat or exercising, my increased clumsiness.

My urologist referred me to a neurologist, who scheduled me for MRIs. Within two hours of taking the MRIs I got a call that there were lesions on my spine. A few weeks and a lumbar puncture later, I got my official diagnosis.

>> No.12682637

Thanks for the history anon. What meds are you taking? Do you know which type of MS it is? If RRMS, it shouldn't be too bad.
Also are you a woman or a man?

>> No.12682643

I'm guessing a man since you're seeing a urologist and women usually see gynecologists for urinary problems but some women do see urologists so just wondering.

>> No.12682681

Male, it's RRMS luckily. Betaseron. Needle injection every other day

>> No.12683403

Sorry had to see some patients.
Good bro. It's not that big a deal. Just keep up with the treatments and use the opportunity to focus on your diet, exercise, and sleep.
That will go a long way.
I'd also recommend checking if you have any vitamin D deficiency.
Best of luck man.

>> No.12683437
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not oc

>> No.12683504

replacing alcohol with antihistamines - y/n

>> No.12683509

dumb drone, doctors are the midwits of the "educated"

>> No.12683563

t. HR secretary

>> No.12683610

For what? Knocking yourself out?
Melatonin is better for that.
If you decide to quit alcohol, please make sure someone is around in case you develop withdrawal seizures or hallucinosis.
He's a chink premed who dropped out because of failing and constantly rages. Just ignore his shitty posts.

>> No.12683625

>For what? Knocking yourself out?
>Melatonin is better for that.
melatonin does jack shit and isn't fun
at least with antihistamines i can shut my brain down and enjoy things more
pretty sure i'm nowhere near the level of getting DTs, but i'll still drink a bit anyway to taper

>> No.12683636

Well antihistamines safety profile is better than alcohol for sure so knock yourself out I guess.

>> No.12683645

it's metabolized by CYP2D6 so i dont know if any possible steatosis (i had scans done a while ago and it was clean of any fatty tissue) might be bad in combination but yeah it's probably better

>> No.12683806

Kk got an interview tomorrow. I’ll try and b myself. I didn’t prep that much though

>> No.12683868
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jus b urself ;)

>> No.12683971

>fellowship is 1/3 clinical and 2/3 research
no thanks senpai

>> No.12683973

That sounds awesome.

>> No.12684051

Interviews are high-speed autism checks. Just cross your eyes and take a big shit before you go and talk. Sit up straight and don't touch your balls, let them be uncomfortable. Ball touching/moving is cringe. however if females need to fix their bras I am okay with this and it reflects well on their application.

>> No.12684056
File: 107 KB, 845x925, pepe md resident vibes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have so many of your medpu creations swedebro. Thank. Also I've been giving them better titles. I dont know what your words means, although they are based and aryan.

>> No.12684175 [DELETED] 

I am max level autism and took phenibut before all my interviews to sneak in. Eat shit normies

>> No.12684478

I think it's a finnish pun for something medical related with apu in the middle I'm probably wrong though

>> No.12684576

both cringe

>> No.12684625

Now that’s offensive.

>> No.12684631

>waking up every night to use the bathroom
>I’m outside in the heat or exercising

how often/much do you drink water within 4 hours of bedtime?

>> No.12684651

It's neurogenic bladder/LUT dysfxn 2/2 MS premed. Now gtfo

>> No.12684905

>starting medical school in 2021
Y-you aren't seriously going to do this are you, anon?

>> No.12685042

What's are some distinctive symptoms of lip herpes vs food allergy? Herpes pops up on the surface right away, no deep lymph node inflammation at first, right?

>> No.12685108

show pic

>> No.12685121
File: 22 KB, 197x190, carbonated guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you guys think about CO2 bathing?

>> No.12685138

>euthenasia is ok but suicide isn't

>> No.12685161

It's gone now

>> No.12685228

If an interviewer asked me to name a flaw my friends would give me, is it bad if I say retarded?

>> No.12685376

Done. I fucked up general knowledge. I said Indian and Muslim as different ethnicities like a retard. I barely answered the other two. Also, when asked to name a flaw I said poor organisation. When asked to name an example of resilience I mentioned organising myself and following a routine

>> No.12685427

open book is fucked. it's basically a concession that people will cheat and they can't be fucked to come up with a good way to avoid it, so they design questions to be so hard that you basically just don't have the time to figure out the answer without knowing it beforehand. it may be best to chuck it all in a word document or something and ctrl+f

>> No.12685503

>be mississippi
>let NPs and PAs practice independently

Is there a nation more cucked in this world than murica?

>> No.12685508

No. America sucks ass.
Where should we go after fellowship? I've got citizenship for an EU member country. Any of them better than this shithole?

>> No.12685548

Not sure about scandinavian countries.

>> No.12685597

Yes I would disqualify you instantly clearly shows an immature person. Maybe if it's for some sort of intern I'd just chuckle but a huge red flag for any sort of aspiring professional.

I am not hiring people to be my epic zany lol retarded friends.

>> No.12685609

Society generally allows "authoritarian" measures for children and young adults in the context of schools. You're not going to fix some mentally ill lardass by penalizing him, I mean these people life horrible lives, they don't care. I'd say offering an actual wide variety of sports/athletic programs to children and making attendance mandatory would do a lot, add some basic physiology and dietary stuff to the curriculum and you'd probably get a lot of children and young adults used to a more active lifestyle which would do wonders in the long term. But actually improving education in a way that isn't easily measurable by some sort of score is essentially impossible nowadays

>> No.12685631

Yeah that sounds like a good idea. Since Im in second year now they keep saying they can examine anything we have learnt so far ie everything from year 1 plus year 2. But can they really dilute what we are tested on that much. Not only does it make revising a huge pain in the ass. Would love to hear about your experience. Do they just say this and maybe have one question from 1st year but the bulk of it are topics from this year??

>> No.12685633

Why are you giving a serious reply? I was off it when I made that post.

>> No.12685757

How likely is it I testiculated my torsion by masturbated

>> No.12685768

If you're feeling testicular pain see a doc before you end up getting a necrotic or infected testicle

>> No.12685783

It’s not like super strong pain maybe a 3 on a scale of 10
Google search does nothing just vague shit about abdomen pain and ball pain
Couldn’t my my balls just be tired from nutting I do think I’m low test but I never bothered to check

>> No.12685866

If your testicles are twisted you have about 7 hours to do somthing about it

>> No.12685875

While standing up lift your balls in your hands
Does the pain get better, worse, or the same
Also any probs urinating like pain or blood
Can you feel any mass in your scrotum

>> No.12685954
File: 75 KB, 482x427, 1ishq9vdmeg51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any way to stop being sad without taking meds? please, this is a genuine cry for help

I've been feeling really ill mentally and physically for the past few months but these weeks have been especially hard for me
i just don't have enough energy to do anything, doing things that i like are chores, socializing is hard (even my friends told me that i'm too moody as of late) and i'm flooded with homework

I've been trying to hide this from my parents but i don't know for how long

i'm certainly not depressed but i'm just really down in the dumps
i'm posting this here since i think that psychology is a med topic

please, i'm serious

>> No.12685971

You sound like you're in the profession for money. No serious self-actualizer would be like this.

>> No.12685973

Use this site
Also exercise regularly just like running or yoga, eat better, and sleep better.
Sleep hygiene tips

Hope that helps.

>> No.12685983

Also if you truly need help and this doesn't work after 2 or so weeks, please see someone especially if you have any suicidal thoughts. Meds can help a lot if you really need them. Don't discount it entirely yet.

>> No.12685992

Assisted suicide is the way. You should not deny the kill point of another creature by way of suicide. That said, no one is gonna be able to do it quickly, so stop thinking about it all the damn time and do the obvious thing which is to be productive.

Take a break from the net, bud.

>> No.12686020

thanks, but i don't feel suicidal, i just feel really really sad
i actually hurt myself during a workout so i can't really do anything other than sit on my chair :(

I'm trying to limit my time on the net but with online classes i really can't do it as much i would've liked to...

>> No.12686107

Those will help you even if you’re not suicidal or depressed. Try it out

>> No.12686159

thanks anon i read a few of them and they're helpful

i just wish i had the strength to do them

>> No.12686188

I mean if you're bothered, then keep browsing. Personally, I'd suggest to just learn to play a game real fast in the mean time. Fuck the competition; go for PB.

>> No.12686378

Feels the same No blood Nothing I can feel outside how they normally feel

>> No.12686465

Then it's likely not testicular torsion. Just sleep it off.
If it doesn't get better, see a doc.

>> No.12686504
File: 175 KB, 1152x864, 49 - nUJ91XU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much the same but my parents know

my dad keeps telling me to let it pass or sleep it off but i don't know for how long I'll be able to do that
do i really have depression or am i a retard like my dad thinks i am?

>> No.12686700

Alright thanks fa m I’ll keep an eye on it

>> No.12686885

So I'm scheduled to get the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine tomorrow but I'm feeling a little irate that some of my coworkers already got the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine and I will get this POS and still be susceptible to the South African variant.

>> No.12686897
File: 348 KB, 719x1280, lääkeapustaja79.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol sucks to suck
this is why you should've signed up early while the dumb nursoids were hesitating
Pfizer is clearly the Chad vaccine

>> No.12686975

>get prescribed spironolactone for heart failure
>start growing tits and feeling all kind of weird emotions
>tfw slowly transforming into a tranny
>realize it isn't so bad and actually kinda like it that way
Have I been a tranny all along on the indide and just started realizing it or am I being tricked into becoming one?

>> No.12686994

Is the gyno painful? You can ask for eplerenone if you want to avoid that side effect.
How did you get HF?

>> No.12687018

How old are you?

>> No.12687158

Imagine thinking Swedes and anglos would ever produce something worthwhile

>> No.12687633

I've got a physiology question. Will wearing extra layers on my torso help keep my hands warm without gloves? My theory is that if my core temp stays nice and toasty it'll help promote blood flow and keep my hands warm. Thoughts?

>> No.12687649

wont work, heat radiates away like crazy instead youll constrict your bloodflow and get ishcemic fingers

>> No.12687672

No. Are you a premed? If not, read Guyton and be ashamed you thought of this.

>> No.12687721

Any tips to perform better under pressure? I want to go into a crit care spec but I get kinda nervous under pressure. Might change if I realize I'm just fucked and would kill someone

>> No.12687818

Do you guys find your work fulfilling? Or do you just feel like a wagie with extra steps?

>> No.12687837

Practice and breathing. Once you're in the flow you'll get it down.
I love my work. Seeing patients, ordering labs and imaging, accumulating all the information and diagnosing them, managing them, communicating with colleagues, learning more each day. Even love writing notes unlike some. There are some downsides, yes, but overall I couldn't imagine doing anything else. I truly love medicine.

>> No.12687848

What specialty do you do?

>> No.12687882 [DELETED] 

Since covid surged med school applications 30% do you guys think ID will end up more competitive as well?

>> No.12688009
File: 192 KB, 112x112, 1608348791994.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen guys...
Today I did a covid test sicne I need it to travel for my studies.
It has been like 2 days since I have been having mild pain in the chest while laughing hard/coughing/deeply breathing.
I looked it up and it sounds like Pleurisy, also known as pleuritis.
And apparently it's mostly due to viral infections. and one of the main COVID symptoms.
I'll know for sure in a day or 2, but what do you think? Other than that I'm fine. Should I worry?
Is it a common symptom, something that could just come and go like a cold? it's very mild all things considered and I feel fine breathing normally.
I'm freaking out, also because I live with my old dad, and tomorrow I'll need to go into an hopsital for a different reason.
I probably should not.
What do you think? How fucked am I? I booked flight and trains, paid university tuition too...

>> No.12688085

Note writing only sucks because there is a (((criteria))) you must meet so it becomes very boring.

>> No.12688201

>school starts a "womens only exercise club as a safe space for females to work out"
>lets MTF trannies in
l o l

>> No.12688355

i have some really bad hand writing, do you write on a computer?

>> No.12688618

>Are you a premed? If not, read Guyton and be ashamed you thought of this
I am but a humble anon who works outside and needs dexterity.

>> No.12688745

do i have hypothyroidism?
i felt my tongue swollen and i was wheezing and had some trouble breathing for a while before i took ibuprofen and it calmed a little

i've also felt really depressed and i have a sore throat and a feeling like something is stuck in my throat that i can't get rid of

idk if i should go to the ER, there's lots of rona patients here and i dont wanna risk it
the earliest i can go to a doctor is probably in a week or sth

wat do? i'm not gonna take whatever meds you give me i just want to vent cuz i'm super scared

>> No.12688797

literally just stop being nervous

>> No.12688803

i enjoy it

>> No.12688807

>he doesn't compose notes in verse

>> No.12688811

thick gloves which you wear when not doing anything with hands and thin gloves underneath that allow you to do the shit that needs dexterity, never bare hands, conduction kills your hands the fastest

>> No.12688865

you're a cute girl let's meet up and fugggg

>> No.12688965

Index of suspicion high: allergy, hay fever, anxiety, George Floyd syndrome

Medium: endoscopy findings

low: everything else

>> No.12689413

if by GF syndrome you mean that i have a hard time breathing, that's kinda true

i can breathe normally but when i lie down i have trouble yawning

i also get a dry mouth

>> No.12689419

also me, i read something online about epiglottitis or something like that, as that area is roughly where i feel the thing in my neck

>> No.12689428
File: 172 KB, 800x600, fortifyva-vertebral-replacement-thumbnail-800x600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How good are these things really?

>> No.12689485

Ey dentists if I had my 2 top wisdom teeth out 36 hours ago realistically how fine am I to roll up a smoke

>> No.12689542

I need your advice. I finish my ba degree at 2022 and i really want to enter med school at us then but there are several problems:
1) My ba dergee is bachelor in mathematic. During education i didn't take any bio/chem courses or such activities. Also my GPA is pretty low, around 3.5.
2) I'm a foreigner. Currently i live in Russia. Yep it's not trolling.
3) How strong does mcat scores influence on applicant's resume?
I know i should ask such questions at resources like sdn, but theirs servers are down at the moment, so...
Are there any chances to me?

>> No.12689614

I guess there wasn't much fundamental change to EKG tech in the last 30 years, but just out of curiosity, these books are pretty old, do they really hold up completely?

>> No.12689738

When did you realize viruses are not even real? It's made up by Big Virology.

>> No.12689743

lol getting the anglo ersatz huh

>> No.12689784

yeah true but no idea what the fuck that guys saying

>> No.12689788
File: 308 KB, 819x611, 7fbef198c451dd8798c0bb69408314b5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plug your anus to stop aether and positive energy from leaking from your sacral chakra. electrically charge your gonads
>inb4 schizo
here are my sources, it's pubmed so you can't argue against it:

>> No.12689806

are 4chanian MDs aware of the jewish influence in their field

>> No.12689842

Only one mention of Jerry Tennant's theory. Everything else in those sources is claptrap.

>> No.12689850
File: 1.22 MB, 247x161, 1600292766555.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading this and realising I only ever have to do this with paediatric patients
Am I going to prison bros? Do nurses think I'm a nonce?

>> No.12689853

I'd save them if they weren't wearing a white coat.

lol nice one retard.

>> No.12689861
File: 81 KB, 424x583, 1588535948939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's torsion, you'll feel like you want to vomit. I had pretty bad tescitular pain after blueballing myself last year on a night out. The next day, my right testicle had a dull ache and blew up in size. Then I was cumming blood for weeks as I'd blown something in my epididymis.


>> No.12689945

we have electron microscope pics of viruses tho

>> No.12689947

there's chad influence from our side

>> No.12689951

Yeah all EMR

>> No.12689989

They don't accept it because of the methodology. Some of them say it's exosomes you see.

>> No.12690090

i have hard time understanding how bacteriophage can be an exosome.

>> No.12690114

I have hard time understanding how viruses are not real but actually bacteriophage or exosomes.

>> No.12690153

>trying to make sense of delusions
Have you learned nothing from being on a psych floor?

>> No.12690157
File: 56 KB, 600x800, pepe md its time to talk, listen up kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd save them if they weren't wearing a white coat.

Return to my patients, nursoid. Both of us can't be shit posting, you lazy!

>> No.12690173

>lol nice one retard.
No way am I making that mistake next year

>> No.12690181
File: 2.90 MB, 3665x2832, forest_path_steps_trees_nature___f_3665x2832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoga is actually retarded.

Go be in nature. Pills are mean't to give you a boost, psych therapy is the only thing that fixes problems and thats over a long time. Some diseases require meds forever (e.g. schizo, bipolar). You sound like youre just under stress. Go out and hike a mountain, or somewhere you can be alone with the birbs and other creatures. If you can't fix the problem, at least just go see nature and be around a calming environment. I know some races don't like going innawoods, I can't help you really. White man love the woods, it's based and tranquil. Designate working time, sleeping time, etc. Get yourself on a schedule and stick to it - providing structure in your life will make goals seem tangible and predictable and thatll help you gain more mental stability to overcome to obstacles youre facing. Being organized is a powerful way to get through hard tasks.
consider that you might be just feeling hormones. Anyway, whatever your problem is it wont be fixed today, but you can go into nature today and thats always a good experience. Pack a lunch and take pictures.

>> No.12690397
File: 58 KB, 300x168, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I just want low taxes, freedom, no more wars, and for people to stop killing their babies in the womb
>get lumped in with nutters like this

>> No.12690422

Help please, I need a rundown on Ritalin vs Focalin.
I'm functionally retarded and can't read, so I'm unable to figure this one out by myself.

>> No.12690441


>> No.12690448

Ritalin is a compound called methylphenidate.
Focalin is a particular isomer of that compound called dexmethylphenidate.
They both have similar mechanisms of action but differ in their drug kinetics because Focalin is an isomer.

Ritalin is better for narcolepsy but both are effective for ADHD.
Other differences are in side effect profile. Most of the side effects are the same but a few are different.
Focalin has side effects like jitteriness or restlessness. Ritalin has side effects nausea, vomiting, presyncope, blurred vision. Not everyone will experience these side effects.

They also interact with different medications so you should talk to your doctor about which is better for you based on your medical history. Also to determine which is cheaper for you based on insurance if that's an issue.

>> No.12690574

>They both have similar mechanisms of action but differ in their drug kinetics because Focalin is an isomer.
That's the part I'm interested in, more precisely the equipotence of dosages. There's a table of binding profiles on the wikipedia page, but I don't understand what they mean. Then for Ritalin, it says that there's conversion to l-MPH, which has bigger numbers in the binding profile table, but d-MPH is supposed to be more active. What gives?

>> No.12690596

Is this the table you're talking about?
Kf is inversely related to affinity.

>> No.12690626

So if I surmise correctly, Ritalin has ~60% the effectiveness of Focalin at equal dosage and release speed?

>> No.12690790

is the top of the crown of the skull supposed to be totally smooth and featureless? or are some grooves/ridges/bumps normal?

i was in the shower and shampooing my hair and i was moving my scalp around and feeling the bone underneath and i noticed that at the top of the crown of my skull that there are some perceptible ridges and lumps/bumps. i don't think its actually noticeable on the surface of my scalp, only when i wiggle and press down a bit in order to get a sense for the geometry of my skull

>> No.12690819

Yes you could say that. So dose wise:
>Ritalin 10mg twice a day=Ritalin 20mg/day
>Ritalin 20mg/day=Focalin 10mg/day
Which is what we actually use if want to change doses.
It's fine to have some ridges and bumps.
>inb4 physiognomy

>> No.12690823

>yo i'm a blind nigger from somalia posting with fm radio, never been to school, how to get to harvard med school

>> No.12690828

You'd just have to right exactly that on the application form, m'nigger

>> No.12690830
File: 264 KB, 1040x1072, lääkeapustaja43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and dude, they are not pepes, you transplants need to lurk moar

>> No.12690837

How will you be paying for med school in the US?

>> No.12690843

got me there

>> No.12690852

I'm not worried about having an attractive skull, Im already ugly. kek
I was just wondering if an uneven skull at the top is a sign of something scary like bone/brain cancer. Brain tumor is like my worst nightmare

>> No.12690854

>med school at us
Impossible. I doubt most schools even take foreigners and with your grades not possible.
Do med school in some EU country or Russia and then do well on USMLE to do residency in the US.
>premed gtfo

>> No.12690863

It most likely isn't an issue at all. If you notice some bump on your head has grown in size after a month or so, then see a doc. Take a pic before and after a month if you want to be absolutely certain. But the likelihood of this is low.
And in terms of having an attractive skull, your hair covers that so who cares? There's hair loss treatments too.

>> No.12690881
File: 106 KB, 1024x646, goldman-1024x646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tbf viruses are very complicated and behave very uniquely compared to every other organism we know of. Similarly, out immune system is extremely complicated and we are constantly learning things about it.

It's also an open secret that big pharma does not want people to be healthy, or even for healthcare systems to effectively treat people; big pharma prefers a population of perpetually sickly, unquestioning bovine-people. And so even if you hate it, people who are vigilant and question basic presumptions about health and illnesses, they may be misguided but they understand something isn't right and they should be making determinations for themselves. They're based even if they arrive to wrong conclusions, because at least they understand on some level the true nature of the real world

>> No.12691068


>> No.12691277

pepe is my hierarchy tagging system within my computer. It works, suck my pepe peepee

>> No.12691300

go back to r*ddit

>> No.12691529
File: 393 KB, 933x593, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who was in the wrong here ?

>> No.12691568

dumb fucking babies don't understand how hard it is to be a mutt nursogroid during the rona, cut them some low and tight slack

>> No.12691621

You haff 2 go back.

>> No.12691628

Based nurses btfoing human trash.

>> No.12691639

I've been having pains in my entire abdominal area, my back and arms for about a week now. It's like a dull on-and-off pain the arms right now. I'm 23, no diabetes, I don't smoke, I'm skinny. But I DO eat a lot of fast food and rarely exercise.

What's going on? I had a colonoscopy 2 months ago or so and it came back all clear.

>> No.12691650

Same poster. I have bad health anxiety. I can trace it back to my grandmother having breast cancer when I was a kid, but it really started around 14. I am scared of having cancer. I know the likelihood of it being cancer is low, but a 15 year old neighbour tragically died of cancer around Christmas and it reinvigorated my fears.

>> No.12691655

I had a patient who had that. He died.

>> No.12691674

I know it's not a heart attack because if it was I'd be dead by now. It's been a week. I am unconvinced rationally that it is cancer because I have few risk factors and am young. But the fear is still there because the fear is irrational.

>> No.12691691

there is no way of knowing what it is based on this you just go to a doctor and they start testing you. Vague pains inside the body can be referenced from other locations and anxiety can trigger other psychosomatic pains to accompany them.

>> No.12691717

oh well that's great, since we all know heart attacks are the only cause of death that exists.

>> No.12691744

I have been stressed and anxious lately over college and me breaking up with a girl I met recently. But during COVID, my GP rarely takes face-to-face appointments at the moment.

No need to be a dick. I'm just ruling it out.

>> No.12691745

>I'm just ruling it out.
clearly you're fit to diagnose yourself then. have a good day.

>> No.12691764

I think I can clearly rule out a heart attack a week later considering I am not six feet under, prick. Heart attacks don't take a week to kill you or make you end up in ER at least.

>> No.12691766

yes yes okay doctor anon, I meant no offense doctor anon. may i accompany you on your ward round, doctor anon?

>> No.12691851

>patient on the ward had a ""seizure""" today
>kicked his legs around a bunch
sick of these Munchausen pricks

>> No.12692040

A year or so ago I ended up going to urgent care for some impacted earwax. As I was getting my ear irrigated, I started coughing a lot, which the PA treating me said was normal. I forgot to ask him at the time, but why would irrigating one's ear cause coughing?

>> No.12692064

All nursoids should be hanged for their crimes against humanity

>> No.12692065

baka at this medical neglect I don't even have the spoons for this

>> No.12692085
File: 20 KB, 449x450, Gray791[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called the Arnold's nerve cough reflex.
The auricular branch of the vagal nerve ("Arnold's nerve") is in the external auditory meatus. When it is irritated by mechanical stimulation, commonly with an otoscope or irrigation like in your case, it activates sensory afferent fibers in the vagal nerve which have the same distribution as Arnold's nerve which then send impulses through vagal efferent fibers and through the superior and laryngeal nerves (which arise from the vagal nerve) stimulate the glottis and vocal cords, inducing a cough.

>> No.12692351

Thank you for the explanation. It was interesting.

>> No.12692528

Any peds people on here? What do you think of neonats

>> No.12692675

Pedes is for dumb women who think it's playing with kids all day and real fucking niggas like the pediatric Dr. Anon in /med/

>> No.12692703

What's the perspective in studying bio materials? As in ways to make implants and prostethics? I have such specialization as an option

>> No.12692767

Not peds but I have a lot of respect for the guys in the NICU. It's intense and can be emotionally draining.
Lots of research opportunities too.

>> No.12693080
File: 94 KB, 471x388, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guy once again goes into details on his PhD that are irrelevant to the current case we're working on
>everyone internally rolls their eyes
>tutor tells him that "it's too scientific for what we're doing"

>> No.12693472

covid doesn't exist.

>> No.12693512

felt like this was the best place to ask.
How accurate are HR trackers like fitbit? just got one yesterday, wore it to bed. says my normal HR was about 60... except for a 30min period where it averaged at 120bpm. what the fuck could that be? everything else, like oxygen intake, and level of sleep, was stable.

>> No.12693531

stopping drinking then and replacing it with doxylamine succinate after work to relax (if you even think about life for a second you'll realize how awful it is) and sleep
how do i know when i need to redose/taper
i assume a seizure wont come out of nowhere

>> No.12693584

>Return to my patients, nursoid. Both of us can't be shit posting, you lazy!
>not beeing a chad Aussie/Kiwi/Brit doctor who follows no uniform rules, bows to no regulations, and wears whatever they want

>> No.12693611

thanks anon, i've always wanted to just get lost innawoods

to be fair i am feeling a little better than Tuesday, my mood has gone up significantly and yeah, i think i was just under a lot of stress

>> No.12693619

the only foreigners that get into US med school are basically canadians with top, top scores, extracurriculars and grades

>> No.12693946

could be nightmare or dream sex

>> No.12694135
File: 17 KB, 643x188, 2021-02-11 16_43_15.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whom am I supposed to murder for pic related?

>> No.12694229

the fuck

>> No.12694239

The American Calorie starts with a capital C and is equivalent to 1 kcal.
Literally an invention of food producers so Americans wouldn't feel so guilty about eating so many kcal and instead engorge thinking they were only eating 500 Calories not 500000 calories.

>> No.12694284

Nursoids are basically the type of girl that never understood percentage calculations.

>> No.12694296

Thing is, I've reported Google's nutritional information page because it used lowercase, but they're still using it, so I googled the subject and found this, which specifically states that lowercase calorie is allowed.

>> No.12694298

DO a biology degree but remember to do tons of courses in programming and statistics. Knowing programming is becoming more and more essential in science and is what is going to separate the meme candidates(i.e. women) from the true candidates.

>> No.12694305

Now that's some news to me.
Food companies have so much control over nutrition and diet that they're good free to just change terminology so Amerifats eat to death.

>> No.12694306

One night. Nothing to worry about.

>> No.12694312

How far are you? But if oxygen intake eAs normal it's fine.

>> No.12694314
File: 201 KB, 1998x1502, nufnoemovsz01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12694326


>> No.12694338

I've been working out and dieting recently so 204/6' used to be (for years +/-3lb) 215.

>> No.12694347

Nah, the treatment is quite good. Just make sure you're compliant and learn to notice signs and symptoms of relapses and potential infections as soon as possible so you can get treated.

>> No.12694363


>> No.12694393

sure it wasn't psychogenic?

>> No.12694460


>> No.12694965

Show me what you wear. The white coat strikes more fear into people than white skin - I'll never take it off.

>> No.12695740
File: 189 KB, 828x828, Momo-Hirai-Feet-4363118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the likelihood of getting HIV if I wore a condom during vaginal intercourae? Asking for a friend.

>> No.12695752
File: 144 KB, 1080x1350, 1609260808850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a semester break from college. No one will judge you. Best decision I ever made.

>> No.12695859

Probably depends on a number of variables, such as duration of intercourse, vaginal lubriaction, if you went balls deep, how many virions existed in the mucous, your genetics, etc.

>> No.12696090

Hm, what do you think about Carribbean med schools? I found MCU one year online premed course lol with guarantee admition to medical program. Sounds good plus they have affordable tuition fees.