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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12675438 No.12675438 [Reply] [Original]

What are the evolutionary reasons behind higher goat IQ?

>> No.12675452
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Well, goats like to climb on stuff and this requires higher visual IQ.

>> No.12676305

Bump animals are easier to herd.

>> No.12676611

Yep, lambs survived predators by staying with the flock, whereas goats had to get smart.

>> No.12676801

lambs are female goats retard

>> No.12676934
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Goats are the jews of the ovine world. As a tribe they're enormously successful but are also prone to recessive genetic diseases.

>> No.12677272

Sheep are grazing, they just eat like a lawn mower, goats are browsing, they go around looking for tasty stuff all day. Goats seem to even pick out medicinal herbs when they are sick or have a nutrient deficiency. Goats are good at climbing because they love eating bark and other hard stuff, but can't exactly just chew into a mature tree trunk so they climb to reach the smaller branches.

>> No.12677293

>tfw when all the blood in your body goes to your massive penis so you pass out
happens to me occasionally

>> No.12677313

Lambs are babies you fucking moron

>> No.12677473



>> No.12677485
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, dam licking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be one of these non dam licking subspecies.

>> No.12677488

Makes sense then...

>> No.12677502

>My dick is killing my brain cells

Many such cases.

>> No.12677598

Purely economic factors

>> No.12677772
File: 257 KB, 1156x700, CAPRICORN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are GOATS so much smarter than LAMBS Anonymous 02/07/21(Sun)07:09:56 No.12675438▶>>12675452 >>12676305 >>12677272 >>12677313 >>12677473 >>12677598
>What are the evolutionary reasons behind higher goat IQ?

how /sci/ sees goat.
/x/ sees goat as HOUSE of GERADAMA capricious son-of-Adam, Saturn Capricorn Father-Time
/x/ sees mz goat as Sophia cosmic-egg universe

weird lot, ey!

>> No.12677838
File: 53 KB, 570x662, il_570xN.1844205449_14lk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12677863

>I was told /x/ was weird
>I am an illiterate tard