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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12675338 No.12675338 [Reply] [Original]

Still studying SICP? What're you reading? What career are you aiming for? New study groups confirmed for February 21st
Inspired by the thread in >>>/g/cspg

CS + SWE + CE + IT + Math

Complete self taught pathway: https://teachyourselfcs.com/
Structured pathway: https://github.com/ossu/computer-science
AI focused pathway (warning: functional programming ahead): https://learnaifromscratch.github.io/

The first link recommends SICP as an entry, but if you want a gentler introduction to the world of computing, I'd recommend How to Design Programs. Before you complain, read:

Math for CS:

Free books:

Not sure if programming is for you? Try:
https://1lib.us/book/11284291/ccb571 (New edition)

This month's study group: SICP chapter 1
New study groups for February 21st confirmed for:
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs (SICP)
- How to Design Programs (HtDP)
- Programming and Programming Languages (PAPL)
- Introduction to Algorithms by CLRS (CLRS)
- Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science by Knuth et al
- Modern Compiler in ML by Appel (potentially)
- Others being considered

Discord: https://discord.gg/S2j9jJJGKM

Remember, you don't need to be a computer scientist to be a good programmer, but it sure does help.

>> No.12676530
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>> No.12676576
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I study geophyisics, i'm almost graduated. I started with MATLAB/Octave/BASH/GMT, then moved to Python wich makes everything.Also i know a deal about GIS(ArcGis/Qgis)
Also i learned advanced statistics and picked the Seismology branch.

Unfortunatelly my university is getting more woke everyday, thus i wish to start i business with a fren (GIS services) or make a side income in case it goes full 1984.
Is there a community of GIS on the internet?, How can i make money without relaying on the academy? any advise Anons?.

I live in Latin America so it is not a very exploited area.