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12670108 No.12670108 [Reply] [Original]

and China will do it

>China began to reveal a possible acceleration of its Moon plans in November 2018, when it revealed a new 5-meter diameter manned SLV with a three parallel booster configuration, like the 63-ton to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) SpaceX Falcon Heavy.
>Then, in September 2020, an official subordinate to the Armaments Department of the Central Military Commission of the People’s Liberation Army, which controls China’s space program, officially confirmed for the fist time that China had an active manned Moon program, and was developing a new manned Moon Lander, and the new manned SLV. This is the 921 Rocket designed to loft about 70 tons to LEO, and about 25 tons to the Moon.
>The interest and attention paid to this new rocket caused some Chinese observers to speculate that the Long March-9 program has possibly been abandoned. But this was put to rest by a Nov. 26, 2020 report in China Daily that stated, “China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp [CASC] has estimated that about 10 Long March 9s will be needed each year from 2030 to 2035 in China to serve the nation’s robust demand for heavy-lift rockets.”
>This means that the Chinese regime may be planning to build 60 of its Long March-9 super heavy space launch vehicles (SLVs) over a period of six years. This has huge implications for China’s ambitions to build a dominant presence on the Moon and to begin colonizing Mars.
>China Daily also stated, “The super-heavy rocket will be 93 meters tall, have a liftoff weight of 4,140 metric tons, and a thrust power of 5,760 tons. Its core stage will be about 10 meters in diameter … will be able to transport spacecraft with a combined weight of 140 tons to a low-Earth orbit … will also be able to place spaceships weighing up to 50 tons in an Earth-Moon transfer trajectory for lunar expeditions.”


>> No.12670111

The moon landing was faked.
China is gonna be the new globalist capital, with as many lies as the USA used to have.

>> No.12670114
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>Such limited data, however, does offer some idea for how rapidly China might populate the Moon.
>One might start by estimating that China devotes 40 of the potential 60 Long March-9’s to Moon missions, with the remaining to be used to support a second-generation Low Earth Orbit space station, and to begin sending people to Mars.

>The 50 square meter interior and 22.5-ton Tianhe module that could be launched by April for China’s new space station can support a crew of three. Perhaps a Moon base of four similar size modules might support a crew of six people. Assuming a Long March-9 could transport two Tianhe size Moon base habitat modules to the Moon,
then 20 Long March-9 missions might begin the building of 10 separate Chinese Moon bases.

>The other 20 Long March-9 missions could transport the Moon rovers, power systems, communication systems, mining equipment, and Moon production systems that would enable full exploitation of the Moon’s resources. This, in turn, could accelerate the Chinese regime’s ambition to build very large space-based solar power satellites to achieve energy independence on Earth.

>Such potential Chinese Moon “blitz” ambitions are of concern because it is also possible that water-ice, the most important early lunar resource objective, may be available only in a small number of locations at the Moon’s South Pole. Remember, the CCP is capable of “imperialism” as in the South China Sea.

>> No.12670698
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Roscosmos continues discussing joint Moon base with China
>MOSCOW, January 25. /TASS/. Russian state space corporation Roscosmos carries on the talks with China and other international partners on the creation of a joint Moon base, Roscosmos chief Dmitry Rogozin said on his Telegram channel.

>"We are holding talks with all international partners, first and foremost China, on establishing a Moon research base," he wrote.

>Rogozin reminded that the Russian Moon research program is set to begin in 2021. "We plan to begin a piloted Moon program in 2028," he stressed.

>Earlier, China National Space Administration (CNSA) Spokesman Xu Hongliang stated that China would continue researching the Moon and it plans to unite efforts with Russia to implement the corresponding projects.

>In November 2017, Roscosmos and CNSA signed a space cooperation program for 2018-2022. The program includes six sections, working subgroups were established to work on them. In December 2020, Rogozin said during a round table at the Russian Federation Council (upper house of parliament) that back in June, China had offered to involve Europe in Moon research.

>> No.12670897

I cant wait. A functioning Chinese moonbase will be the final "fuck you" to the shit hole that calls itself the USA and still thinks itself a first world nation. A nation that has been trading on its past accomplishments for over half a century. A nation that swapped out facts for fantasy by systematically disenfranchising the only group of people within its society that could actually get shit done.

When the Chinese moonbase is up and running the reality will sink in, then the USA will realize far too late they have fallen irreversibly behind. They wont be able to build their own moonbase. They no longer have the right combination of technology, political will and economic strength. From a nation once brimming with the "the right stuff" they have gone to a nation of snowflakes, sois, and losers. In way less time than it took for Rome to fall. Sure, there will be a lot of noise made at first, many calls for a US base will be heard, and then it will all be quietly forgotten about and buried under socialist slogans about oppression and equality as they slip every year a bit closer to overtaking Brazil in the shithole stakes. At least the British empire retired from the world stage with some grace, the fall from power of the USA will just be an embarrassing series of humiliations.

Then just maybe the rest of the world will get the wake up call it needs to realize that the threat of Chinese global hegemony is very real and can not be combated by merely ignoring it. Maybe the prospect of living 100% bug-like lives will convince Europeans that pragmatism is a better ideology than political correctness. Perhaps, and this is a vanishingly remote chance, some sectors of American society will finally figure out that they quite literally have nothing left to lose and fight back to create a secessionist state, one that is actually free. Only then do they have a chance of reclaiming what was lost.

>> No.12670920
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I still think this was childish at best...

>> No.12670924

And? There's nothing on the moon worth going, the only good thing that may happen is the chinese rocket that tries to land explodes and all the rat eaters inside die.

>> No.12670937


>> No.12670945 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself chink. Anybody who supports these CCP shills is a traitor to the west. You have to be functionally retarded to think Russia is still the threat it was during the Cold War. China is an existential threat to everything we believe in and we fail to see it because their inferior manlet genetics make them appear passive.

>> No.12671023

You're such a bitter little bitch kek

>> No.12671038

The "West" gives money and jobs to blacks just for being black while jailing you for tweeting wrongthink stuff such as citing crime statistics or claiming there are only two genders. Fuck you and your pozzed idea of what the West is, faggot.
China doesn't want to jail me for being white.

>> No.12671039
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>> No.12671058

>traitor to the west
Why would you be loyal to a entity that hates you and actively works for your destruction?

>> No.12671066

>Kill yourself chink.
Lol, OP here, first I am not chink. I don't care who gets to the moon as long as someone does.
>Anybody who supports these CCP shills is a traitor to the west.
As I say I don't care, and besides that, USA had 50 fucking years to get to the moon, half a fucking century to do something and you did nothing. Worst, now that you have someone that gives a fuck like Elon, you throw the FAA to hinder his efforts. You kidding?
> You have to be functionally retarded to think Russia is still the threat it was during the Cold War.
Russia is providing knowledge and experience.
>China is an existential threat to everything we believe in and we fail to see it because their inferior manlet genetics make them appear passive.
China has the industrial base to take us to the space. That's what matters.

>> No.12671078

>threat to everything we believe in
And what would that be? Diversity and multiculturalism or just straight up hatred of everything western civilization built up before 1970?

>> No.12671105

>China has the industrial base to take us to the space. That's what matters.
China has more than that. It has the political apparatus, the cultural homogeneity, the social stability, and the allocation of resources to achieve it. At the same time its fighting a highly efficient cold war against the west, the USA in particular. Fly a few jets over Taiwan and the US dispatches a fleet. Build one frigate and the US builds another carrier. They are doing to the US what the US did to the USSR. Slowly bankrupting them with the "fleet in being" doctrine.

>> No.12671129

You come off as a troll or a delusional brainwashed individual full of hatred.
If you haven’t realised most of the pro China stuff on 4channel comes from 2 things, the total self destruction and impotence of the current western establishments, and that china’s current government is semi interesting and different.
I doubt anyone here blindly 100% adores China, it’s half joking memes obviously. It’s also nice to see a nation as large as China not have a blind ‘politically correct’ agenda and actually care about engineering, science, space travel and Information technology.
There’s space X in America still but that’s a private business not ran by the suicidal maniacs of the government that you seem to think represent western values which they don’t.

>> No.12671156

Dude, you can't post stuff like this. You're benefitting China which is genociding 20 million Uyghurs as we speak (there's probably like a few hundred left at this point)'

>> No.12671177

>Criticizes the CCP.
>Lives in the USA that is turning into an extreme left country persecuting freedom of speech.
Anon I...

>> No.12671262

how can you burgers can be so entitled

>> No.12671277

and that's a good thing.

>> No.12671287

>There’s space X in America still but that’s a private business not ran by the suicidal maniacs of the government
Even worse, those suicidal maniacs have tipped their hand and shown they're going to destroy that private business.

>> No.12671306

The number just gets larger out of thin air, doesn't it? And I thought they were being locked up, now it's just regular ol' genocide. Pray tell though, what's the evidence for these numbers? Not even for the number you gave but the one million figure, how was it calculated?

>> No.12672083
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China hopes to build nuclear-powered space shuttle by 2040
>China is hoping to achieve a “major breakthrough” in its space program by 2040 — including the development of nuclear-powered space shuttles that will allow for the mining of asteroids and “large-scale space exploration” — state-run media have reported.
>Developing nuclear-powered space shuttles will “support large-scale exploration and development of space resources, and make mining on asteroids and space solar power plants possible,” Xinhua quoted the report as saying, without adding further details.
>By 2045, with advanced space transportation capabilities, China will be able to carry out the large-scale exploration of planets, asteroids and comets in the solar system, as space exploration enters a stage of rapid development, the China News Service quoted Lu Yu, a senior rocket engineer with the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp., as saying.

So, yes, that`s great news too, China has picked up the nuclear thermal engine program that USA discarded for political considerations, and planning to use it.
It is refreshing to know, that even if Elon fails (I hope he doesn`t and wish him the best) China will take us to the stars.

>> No.12672109
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>HELSINKI, Finland — A senior designer with the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology has presented updated details for an upcoming series of new rockets to expand China’s launch capabilities, including super-heavy-lift and reusable rockets.
>Long Lehao, a chief designer with CALT, a major launch vehicle institute under the main contractor for China’s space activities, revealed the details in a lecture at Tsinghua University in Beijing on May 31.
>Long gave an overview of the history and progress of Chinese launch vehicles before providing updates on new projects under development, notably the Long March 9.
>The Long March 9 will be a Saturn 5-class super-heavy-lift rocket comparable in capacity to the Space Launch System currently being developed under NASA.
>According to Long, the Long March 9 will be capable of lifting 140 metric tons to low Earth orbit, 50 tons to Earth-Moon transfer orbit, and 44 tons to Earth-Mars transfer orbit.
>The 93-meter-high Long March 9 is expected to have a launch mass of over 4,000 metric tons, producing close to 6,000 tons of thrust.

>> No.12672124
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