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12670088 No.12670088 [Reply] [Original]

Are Human races just different sub species?

>> No.12670117

the term race doesnt make sense when talking about humans
>Are Human races just different sub species?
different ethnicities, the important question however is why would you be interested in making that classification

>> No.12670246

because I'm not a slave and I am not blind

>> No.12670250
File: 13 KB, 288x240, aboriginal-vs-slav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left is H. australis

>> No.12670254
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no we are all same species

>> No.12670269

>A taxonomist decides whether to recognize a subspecies. A common criterion for recognizing two distinct populations as subspecies rather than full species is the ability of them to interbreed without a fitness penalty.[citation needed] In the wild, subspecies do not interbreed due to geographic isolation or sexual selection. The differences between subspecies are usually less distinct than the differences between species.
Arguably hybrid vigor due to heterozygosity in major histocompatibility complexes means that mixed race humans are more adaptive, rather than less. So based on the interbreed ability + no fitness penalty, no human (today) do not have subspecies, scientifically speaking ;)

>> No.12670365

>the term race doesnt make sense when talking about humans
Of course it makes sense. Why do you think dogs can be trained to attack specific races? Surely dogs aren't capable of learning our socialized categories. In fact, even without being trained to do it, dogs will attack a specific race.

>> No.12670408

As different as wolves are from coyotes

>> No.12670462

Yes probably but I don't buy the wignat argument that you necessarily have to make a value judgement off of that information, particularly the assessment that races shouldn't (or should, if we include forced diversityfags) mix both sexually and socially. I'd think Abos are the only exception to this as they really are missing link-tier.
Bottomline is that 99% of people that know of and propagate this information do it for incredibility biased reasons and just an excuse to promote their specific flavor of supremecism, white or not.

>> No.12670478

I like racial segregation because I actually like real diversity. I don't want the world becoming just slightly different flavors of mutt, culturally and ethnically

>> No.12670479

>the important question however is why would you be interested in making that classification

Why should we apply these categories to animals but not humans? That's just speciesist.

>> No.12670497


what is your problem with Australian people?

>> No.12670503


>> No.12670518

You are being disingenuous as fuck and you know it. Maybe you are the rare exception but I highly doubt it.
Racial segregation de jure is redundant by the common NatSoc/Wignat argument that races naturally want to keep to themselves with the occasional race traitor. By that fact, the only thing you could say needs to be done is to prevent (((those))) who want to forcibly integrate different peoples together from having legal power. But saying you want to forcibly segregate the races out of some supposed care for "reel diversity" is fucking nonsense and I'm tired of Nice Guy National Socialists pretending that they believe this. You just don't like being around niggers, and couldn't care less what happened to them as long as they don't live near you. If you really had some bigger picture idea of humanity, that you cared about the diversity of the peoples with it, you wouldn't care if mixing occurred as long as the stock of the two races being mixed wasn't being completely mixed, like what's happening to whites with our current system of forced diversity. This limited mixing is what occurs in humans naturally, given the fact that there IS an in-group preference but with some exceptions, and nothing needs to be done in terms of policy in either the direction of integration or segregation, unless you have some ideological fetish towards mixing all the paints into a shit brown with no left overs, or limiting the world's palette so to speak to just red, blue, and yellow based off some autistic color preservationalism.

>> No.12670544

Stop this fucking bulletin anon. All you did was cherry pic a really unattractive black women

>> No.12670545

>black woman
that's a abo

>> No.12670547 [DELETED] 

nigga she's closer to being a poojeet than black

>> No.12670549


>> No.12670643
File: 1.93 MB, 1768x630, (((science))).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why yes there were different human species thousands of years ago who could interbreed
>no no in modern times there are no different human species
>we look the same we are the same

>> No.12670985

I can train a dog to only attack people with beards, that doesn't mean clean shaven people are a different species.

>> No.12670997

Define "species" and "subspecies" rigorously.

>> No.12671012


>> No.12671024

(((Species))) are arbitrary

>> No.12671037

>or limiting the world's palette so to speak to just red, blue, and yellow based off some autistic color preservationalism.
fuckin kek, thanks or the laugh anon

>> No.12671064

>>why yes there were different human species thousands of years ago who could interbreed
>>no no in modern times there are no different human species
>>we look the same we are the same
who fucking cares
The definition of species requires that members of the species can produce fertile children.
Imagine I kill everyone in the world except for an infertile male and an infertile female, would we now say they are not the same species since they can't produce offspring?
Or would we say "species is an arbitrary out-dated concept"?
I'd say the latter.

What does this really mean? are niggers and aryans really the same species TECHNICALLY? does the answer matter? or do you just want an excuse to justify your biases?

>> No.12671074

I think the extremities of Human genetics are more interesting than the mixed populations. For example Mbuti Pygmys are genetically more distant from other Pygmies than Swedes are from Saudis.

>> No.12671080

God damn, we out here memeing return to monkey while she's actually doing it

>> No.12671081

You are so fucking stupid

>> No.12671092

>posts gibberish
>unlogic is logical

>> No.12671361

When I (a white male) cream my girlfriend (a Korean female), what species will our child be?

>> No.12671438

A mass shooter.

>> No.12671446

And the other 13 children?

>> No.12671456

>different ethnicities, the important question however is why would you be interested in making that classification
Are you kidding? I already do that in my marketing job. Every major organization in the world distinguishes between races. Many even diversify workforces to prevent worker solidarity/organization.
Getting people to disregard race is a way of getting those groups to cripple themselves to your own advantage

>> No.12671462


>> No.12671475

My sides

>> No.12671476

No you cant. There are documented cases of dogs attacking by race. No documented cases of dogs attacking only bearded or unbearded men.

>> No.12671477
File: 129 KB, 975x765, Negroes-slip-by-angry-mob-enter-school-whites-leave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But saying you want to forcibly segregate the races
This isn't really necessary even by the most extreme open Nazi groups like the National Justice Party. Races naturally self-segregate. There's a reason why there has to be forced integration and constant "corrections" to homogeneous demographic territories.

Just having freedom of association leads to racially segregated areas as a matter of course

>> No.12671489

Species: a group of organisms able to produce offspring with each other.
Subspecies: geographically district subgroups of a species, capable of producing offspring within the species, but containing unique phenotypic markers to have adapted to that unique environment.

Polar bears and grizzly bears evolved to be different types of bears due to geographic separation. They are subspecies of the bear species.

And whites and blacks evolved in different geographic environments, meaning they're subspecies of the human species.

>> No.12671490


My banana army will outbreed your children

>> No.12671507

*and take all of your children's university slots and high paying jobs

The future is now

>> No.12671540

>This isn't really necessary even by the most extreme open Nazi groups
(X) Doubt, especially for Amerimutt Nazis
>Races naturally self-segregate.
Clearly not completely if we needed Jim Crow and anti-miscegenation laws.

>> No.12671541
File: 434 KB, 1840x2500, H21350-L147434901_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a few normal young women of full abo ancestry.

>> No.12671547
File: 426 KB, 1809x2500, H21350-L147434902_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12671548

they're homo erectus basically

>> No.12671555
File: 375 KB, 1786x2500, H21350-L147434905_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these look like the same subspecies as you ?

>> No.12671561

are you 12 or what?

>> No.12671566
File: 384 KB, 1810x2500, H21350-L147434903_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12671567

im erectus

>> No.12671580

This one is actually cute lol

>> No.12671590

Based on what?

>> No.12671596

I'll beat them if they don't

>> No.12671602

And when they turn 16 I'll give them condoms that I've poked holes in

>> No.12671603

no, and you will never be a woman

>> No.12671608

>The definition of species requires that members of the species can produce fertile children
then lions and tigers are the same species.

>> No.12671643

>then lions and tigers are the same species.
Also coyotes and wolves, hooded and carrion crows, bactrian camels and dromedaries, african and european bees, american and cuban crocodiles... Mallard ducks and sixty-three (63) other species of ducks...

>> No.12671657

Medicine, for one.

>> No.12671676

well, maybe you could say that, but considering how most people living today are so thoroughly mixed it wouldn't matter

>> No.12671721

Honestly I just dont see how these attributes won out in natural selection
How ugly were the ones that didnt pass their genes on?

>> No.12671725

>most people living today are so thoroughly mixed
If that was true we would be brown.

>> No.12671731

Obviously, so what?

>> No.12671732 [DELETED] 


what a sublime creature. the white man's days are numbered.

>> No.12671759

We are brown now. White kids don't get to go to university anymore

>> No.12671775

East asians are white now, so they do.

>> No.12672071

>White kids don't get to go to university anymore
They do, they just get brainwashed to become niggers.

>> No.12672086

>hybrid vigor in populations numbering in the dozens of millions
No western nation is inbred, so no hybrid vigor.

>> No.12672094

Human ethnicities are more analogous to dog breeds than subspecies. Subspecies take a long time to develop and have large and highly consistent genetic differences. I really wish you would stop making this thread. It's so tiresome.

>> No.12672148

You didn’t know anon? Their culture is literally rape culture. The ugliest ones outcompetes the attractive ones since they all just rape and murder. Most women are beaten and disappear in the desert.

>> No.12672157

The quote doesn't apply to your argument, you are kind of stupid.
No fitness penalty + interbreeding ability = not different species. You have said nothing of subspecies.

>> No.12672182

Have you ever seen a country/poor white Australian. They end up looking fucked up too, it's the harsh sun as much as anything else.

>> No.12672189

>It's all so tiresome

>> No.12672197

Define race
Define it's scientific significance
Evolutionarily, tell me why cross-varying inter-mixing of genetics is not itself something that allows better genetic variation and evolutionarily confers greater adaptability and survival

>> No.12672201

Of course not.

>> No.12672209

>Define race
"A contest where the goal is to cover a set distance in the least amount of time"
>Define it's scientific significance
Races have predictive power. Being the winner of an Olympic race, for example, correlates with being wealthy and successful. Winning races, when compared with matched controls from the same school, correlates with lower success, however.
>Evolutionarily, tell me why cross-varying inter-mixing of genetics is not itself something that allows better genetic variation and evolutionarily confers greater adaptability and survival
There are a set number of muscle fibers people can naturally support on their frame. Having all fast-twitch fibers makes for a great sprinter, whereas having all slow-twitch muscle fibers helps in marathons. But if a sprinter and a marathoner intermarry, their kid will have mixed fibers and won't be particularly good at either kind of race.

>> No.12672210

Of course

>> No.12672243

In these paramaters, perhaps.
Poor women's sport though vs Trans

>> No.12672247

>There are a set number of muscle fibers people can naturally support on their frame. Having all fast-twitch fibers makes for a great sprinter, whereas having all slow-twitch muscle fibers helps in marathons. But if a sprinter and a marathoner intermarry, their kid will have mixed fibers and won't be particularly good at either kind of race.

Only relating to the pre-defined goal of progeny survival being based on Olympian races.
Fast Muscle Twitch fibres are useless in long distance marathons and say in Quito where extra lung capacity at high altitudes matters

>> No.12672252

cute eyes
would kiss

>> No.12672264

why are redheads the least represented race holy shit

>> No.12672267

Yeah but this also applies to many different parameters, it's called "disruptive selection".

>> No.12672282

>"disruptive selection"
Yes, but your parameters are based on narrow Olympian goals.
Not on adaptation to society today.

>> No.12672317

What parameters do you need to adapt to society today, and how do they benefit from hybridization?

>> No.12672322

She's kinda cute

>> No.12672357

>Subspecies take a long time to develop and have large and highly consistent genetic differences.
Nice bunch of vague made up arbitrary criteria you got there. You thought if the location of the goalposts wasn't specified you could move them as needed ? Too bad, you only made them so that they can apply to anything, including humans.

>> No.12672376

Ever studied the genomes of subspecies such as ravens, compared with those of human ethnic groups?
>moving the goalposts
Why are you so obsessed with these rhetorical memes? You're the one "moving the goalposts", or more accurately moving one goalpost to the other side of the field so that anything counts as a goal. Another win?

>> No.12672637

wow slavs really are sub human
such recessed foreheads and ape like features

>> No.12672710

OP has sofar worked out that anon continually kicking his amateur ass to the kerb in every thread he tries dominating in is an Aussie.
OP is just seething and doesn't understand how threads like this only serve to further highlight his already well documented bipolar condition.