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12669969 No.12669969 [Reply] [Original]

Are women superior sex?

>better immune system
>lives longer
>more physical endurance
>mostly immune to genetical desieses because of 2 X chromosomes
>better sense of smell and taste
>can see more colours
>better brain specialized in rational thinking and memorazing

>> No.12669990
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God I wish that were me.

>> No.12670008

>more physical endurance
>better brain specialized in rational thinking and memorazing
Like, when? I'm a woman and I can tell you, there is no dumber fucking animal in this planet than a female human being. I mean, the females of the new age, the boomers and the previous generations were pretty badass, but these onlyfans bitches suck ass.

Menstruation is a fucking curse, and you can't rape without schlong, so I think men are superior.

>> No.12670009

Yes, women are so precious that they should stay in home to avoid harm

>> No.12670017

You already posted this, were the answers not satisfactory?

>> No.12670020

boomers were maybe badass... but they were still fucking boomers
something must change in the future

>> No.12670085

Then start making strong women, not weak metoo gangcunts.

>> No.12670094
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yes and no
it's complicated

>> No.12670095

tits or gtfo

>> No.12670426
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>better brain specialized in rational thinking

>> No.12670436

"forced envelopment" is still rape.

>> No.12670439

>better brain, specialized in rational thinking and memorazing


>> No.12670457

>>better immune system
>>lives longer
Only because men do heroic shit
>>more physical endurance
>>mostly immune to genetical desieses because of 2 X chromosomes
And mostly immune to superhuman mutations
>>better sense of smell and taste
Only when pregnant
>>can see more colours
Still men are better artists.
>>better brain specialized in rational thinking and memorazing
Lol no

>> No.12670517

Check out every flu epidemic, men are the one who get it hard
>Only because men do heroic shit
Check long livers lists, the top is women only
>And mostly immune to superhuman mutations
>Only when pregnant
Wrong, companies prefer to hire female degustators and parfumers, because IIRC they have more sensible zones in nose and mouth.
>Still men are better artists.
Unironically cultural factors, plenty of good female artists, you are just lazy to lurk more
>Lol no
Lol yes, women have more grey matter in neocotex and frontal lobe. BTW girls outmatch the boys in school, even in math.

>> No.12670538

>better pain tollerance

Forgot to add

>> No.12670565

>Check out every flu epidemic, men are the one who get it hard
>>Only because men do heroic shit
>Check long livers lists, the top is women only
>>And mostly immune to superhuman mutations
Have fun being statistically average and boring
>>Only when pregnant
>Wrong, companies prefer to hire female degustators and parfumers, because IIRC they have more sensible zones in nose and mouth.
>>Still men are better artists.
>Unironically cultural factors, plenty of good female artists, you are just lazy to lurk more
Women are just lazy
>>Lol no
>Lol yes, women have more grey matter in neocotex and frontal lobe. BTW girls outmatch the boys in school, even in math.
No and you're talking about modern feminized school. I don't see the girls at math olympiads either or at university or in the literature

>> No.12670569

Girls cry just from a stern look

>> No.12670585

>I'm a woman and I can tell you, there is no dumber fucking animal in this planet than a female human being
I present to you, exhibit T. A male who opts to become a female. The only thing dumber than a female is a male stupid enough to become one.

>> No.12670714

don't bother. there is no escaping the time loop. you will be here forever.

>> No.12670731

But then why are they the best programmers?

>> No.12670871

Austism and AGP correlates very well, hence autistic AGPtard make better programmers

>> No.12670905

>you can't rape without schlong
Not with that attitude, you can't
Also, you know the rules

>> No.12670949

Cope, the post

>> No.12670984

I'm a fucking nigger of gender, the post

>> No.12671015

>strong women
to me a strong woman is a woman able to produce 4+ non-retarded children

>> No.12671017
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>BTW girls outmatch the boys in school, even in math
This is simply an effect of a school system which is primarily composed of women and has a female-centric teaching style. Female teachers in my public school experience unequivocally favored the girls over the boys. The girls were treated with kindness, given help on their work, were forgiven for their mistakes, etc. The boys got scowled at and punished for small infractions, and were flat-out refused help when they were struggling. The more active boys like myself got it especially bad, we were all forced onto meds and constantly reprimanded for every single thing. There's also the fact that the only way the boys could learn was by conforming to the female-geared learning style, i.e. be quiet, don't move, and listen. When I got into middle school and high school, there were significantly more male teachers, but the damage was pretty much done. A great number of the boys fucking HATED the school system because it had been fighting them ever since their first day of kindergarten. They ditched class, they didn't do their homework, they acted up, not to mention that their struggles with learning meant that they were often behind academically. The sad thing is that many of them were actually pretty bright. I've met many a struggling male student who created their own website, built a crossbow, played with cryptography, etc. The talent is absolutely there but it's not being utilized because our education system is fucked. Most of the girls, on the other hand, were dumb as shit. They knew how to plug in formulas, memorize graphics, etc., but were completely devoid of higher-order analysis and reasoning abilities. They'd get rekt when they were presented with a problem that required intuition and reasoning beyond what had been taught. Most of them never engaged in any form of intellectual pursuit, even the best female students just wasted their time on instagram or dumb artsy shit. You are objectively wrong.

>> No.12671026

>nigger of gender
hmmm, I see that exact phrase often used on /r9k/ to refer to men as well. Surely this is just a coincidence instead of an uber-seething roastie coming here to shit on men because she's an unwanted whore.

>> No.12671032

so all boards have baits huh

>> No.12671045
File: 1.09 MB, 2240x1488, B86BC3BF-64BC-4B0F-B462-6CC3FAB0D1C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man is the master, anon. Ever has it been. Always shall it be. The power of women is upheld by men and always an ephemera.

>> No.12671075

>And mostly immune to superhuman mutations

Ah yes, that famous superhuman mutation known as autism

>> No.12671109

If women have better taste, why do they like sugary garbage so much? Women who can appreciate something like olives or freshly-brewed black coffee are pretty rare, they have unrefined palates.

>> No.12671113

>>more physical endurance
Is that why peak female athletes are routinely outperformed by teenage boys? Lmao

>> No.12671160

>men are powerfull, muh kings n shiet

Untill you realize what sexual selection

>> No.12671171

Endurance, not exposive streangth

>> No.12671189

I was thinking of football specifically which is an endurance sport. European football, not mutt handegg.
But feel free to bring up an endurance sport where women outperform men.

>> No.12671216

Sexual selection means that men will always have fewer deleterious mutations than females because they are subjected to harsher selection pressures. Most of the traits you associate with females, calling them “neotenous” or whatever, are just dysgenic traits covered in makeup. The average woman just resembles a sickly boy if you shave her head.

>> No.12671707

>better immune system
That's actually false, Women and Men are more or less equal, but Males have a higher exposure rate to disease because they are more likely to be out doing shit and interacting with other people.
>lives longer
Heavily skewed because Men work all the dangerous jobs, are expected to die in wars, are more likely to get sick, live "harder (IE more alcoholics and drug abusers)" etc. Like your first point naturally speaking Men and Women live about the exact same time. Men are just significantly more likely to die from non-natural causes.
>more physical endurance
Every guy who has ever had to endure a military female can directly attest to the falseness of that statement.
>mostly immune to genetical desieses because of 2 X chromosomes
Where the fuck did you read that? Women are every bit as sensitive to genetic diseases.
>better sense of smell and taste
Again, where the fuck did you read this?
>can see more colours
Now you're either just baiting or retarded.
>better brain specialized in rational thinking and memorazing
No, female brains are more normalized toward the center of the bell curve, but the smartest humans are all universally Males, as well as the dumbest. Men are more likely to be either really stupid or really smart, Women are more likely to be midwits. Also anyone who has ever dealt with a Woman for more than five seconds knows that they are the most irrational and emotional fucking beings on Earth. They also score much LOWER in things like spatial recognition and geometry, abstract thinking/higher order thinking, and critical thinking. Basically, women are basically all midwits with admittedly good memory that can recite the textbook but can't tell you WHY that information is actually important.

Men and Women are different. There is no "superior sex" overall, because they each have strengths and weaknesses that compliment one another.

>> No.12671727

>less intelligent

Emphatically, no.

>> No.12671993

boys' brains develop later. this is cope: the post. you don't have to blame everything on
>muh education system
at least suggest a better way of doing it

>> No.12672011

That dude is right though, even "independent" and leftist researchers and educators acknowledge that the modern education system is absolutely garbage for teaching boys.

Co-ed general education is a fucking mistake, Males and Females learn differently and need different learning environments. Also female teachers largely cannot handle 8-16 year old males, I know, because I was one and the teachers absolutely had zero ability to control or instruct me when my father and other male authority figures could.

>> No.12672128

Women will be genetically modified to be tall and thick and beautiful with big boobs and butts.
Men will be modified to be small and cute with big dicks.

>> No.12672131

Sexual selection doesn't matter whatsoever

>> No.12672895

It is difficult to fathom how stupid women are. Why do they not care for art at all? Why are all of their supposed interests merely outgrowths from their primary interest in sex? Women enjoy music not for the music itself, but for the sexual nature of it (that is, when it can be discovered by their paltry brains). When women claim they enjoy music written by men, what they mean is that they find the writer of that music sexually desirable. When women say they enjoy music by women, what they mean is that they find the songwriter's sexuality desirable. They never realize music as an ends, but, rather, as a means to entertain their lusting. Because of this, women can only appreciate (and I use appreciate in the loosest way possible) music that is forthcoming with its sensuality. Therefore, the tastes of women - in regards to art - are as bland, uncreative, and superficial as their minds are. This also explains why literate (and I use this term, also, as loosely as I can) women read only romance (for obvious reasons), true crime (because of the misguided and, I must say, worrying sense of arousal they achieve from it), young adult (because, again, it holds romantic and highly-marketable qualities), and children's books (I'll leave explaining this one to Freud). I'm sure the rest of the data on women's consumption habits shows a considerable bias towards the sexual as opposed to the chaste.

>> No.12672897

>>12669969 (OP)
Art, as I have written, for women, is nothing more than a means to satisfy sexual fantasies, or a way of informing their own sexuality such that they can attract a mate. The art which is either chaste or asexual, then, receives little attention from women. (What reason would a woman have to listen to Autechre?) All rigorous fields of science, likewise, in their abstinence, find little respect from women. In fact, the only female scientist who ever lived, Curie, probably just printed her name on her husband's papers. The push, then - which all universities seem so eager to entertain (probably for the prospect of doubling their enrollment sizes) -, for women to enter tech seems as fruitless as trying to make calculus sexy. In the most sublime irony, it seems as if women - the bearers of life, the creator-gods of mankind - can't actually do much in the way of creation. In fact, they seem more suited to destruction. Recall that some woman almost threw Henry Darger's life's work into the trash. Recall that some woman DID burn Bernhard Riemann's life's work. Recall that some woman DID burn Thomas Carlyle's first volume of The French Revolution. Why do women love destroying the life's work of men? Perhaps because it does not arouse them. Women think sexless and worthless to be synonymous and, therefore, care not to consume the sexless, care not to create the sexless, and care not when they destroy the sexless. Women, in their all-encompassing desire to reproduce, find, ironically (as I have written earlier), all other forms of production to be utterly alien to them. They don't understand the essence of that which is their essence. (Or, in other words: women don't understand creation despite the fact that it is what they were designed to do.)

>> No.12672898

The superior female brain at work.

Just kidding, a self-hating male with autogynephilia typed this.

But I mean estrogen literally decreases IQ in Male-to-Female transgenders, so this is unsurprising

>> No.12672901

>>12669969 (OP)
All of this becomes devastatingly worrying when you realize that about half of the Earth's population belongs to that mindless gender. Half of all people (again, I must make mention of the inexactness of my employment of a term - people, that is), then, are as much philistines as they are scientifically-illiterate. Half of all people are utterly ignorant. Half of all people, as terrible and isolating as this is, are nothing more than walking genomes - existing only to replicate, existing without concern for all other things (things which the conscious humans hold as dearly as they do their sexuality). The world is, when looked at from this perspective, truly a hellscape.

>> No.12672905

>estrogen literally decreases IQ
does taking testosterone increase it?

>> No.12672918

The only think I'm aware of is long distance swimming, where the way a woman's weight is distributed to her hips and legs doesn't actually disadvantage them.

>> No.12672923

There's one, really long distance swimming. Like, 5 Km or more. They seem to be better suited to the endurance+cold combo or something. If I recall correctly it's also because their higher fat content gives them an advantage in both buoyancy and thermal insulation.

>> No.12672934

>more physical endurance
I can vaguely attest to that, I think they are better at strict endurance. But yeah no sources.
>mostly immune to genetical w/e
They are immune or very resistant to some genetic diseases tied to X chromossome, like color blindness, because they have 2 copies.
>better sense of smell and taste
>can see more colours
I remember it being so. It has to do with berry picking and overall food selection. It's not more colours though, just a better ability to distinguish. There actually is one woman though that does have an extra color cone in the eye that is functional. If you read the tetrachromacy page on wikipedia it has the colour part well discussed.

>> No.12673222

Have you ever met a woman?

>> No.12673225

no but i have done lots of research online
did you at least like my essay?

>> No.12673366
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>I never talked to woman, instead I read incel's essays about women.

>> No.12673371

Yes darling. Can I have cunt now?

>> No.12673633

who is she

she literally looks like my ex

>> No.12673738

So many fucking threads of this retarded shit right... why is /sci/ sexually confused all of a sudden?

>> No.12673779

Women are just as mediocre as their male counterparts. They are just put in a pedestal by beta male feminists.

>> No.12673914


>> No.12674470

IIRC Tifa cosplayer

>> No.12675475


>> No.12676299

What objectively determines which sex is superior?

Regardless, I'm not a fan of idealizing women as a whole because from a moral point of view they are capable of all heinous shit men do (yes, including rape). Still I sometimes wonder if the world would be a better place if women were the leading sex, and I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. I'm saying this as a man by the way.

>> No.12676337

Go ask some power shitters down at your local gym. I’m sure that they’re intelligent fellows.

>> No.12676496

From what I know it’s stuff like ‘bike 2500 miles’ or ‘run a mountain ultramarathon for 200+ miles’ aka stuff that you will never need to do

>> No.12676956

there's like 15 million results when i search that and reverse searching the image gives me nothing

>> No.12677350

>I was thinking of football specifically
Thought so.
The alt-right and its consequences have been a disaster for the Internet.

>> No.12677364
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why are you a cuck?

>> No.12677368

according to polyginy


>> No.12677452

Fit people are indeed likely to be smarter than people who are out of shape. Sorry you fell for a movie trope. Chad IS smarter than you.

>> No.12677454


>> No.12677460

>no source

>> No.12677643

>better immune system
There is no study that confirma this. But women surfer more from auto-immune diseases.
>lives longer
They don't work as much as men
>more physical endurance
Lmai what
>mostly immune to genetical desieses because of 2 X chromosomes
What the fuck are you even talking about. They're even more susceptible because of mitochondrian DNA being maternal.
>better sense of smell and taste
Fitting for dogs, even though it's false
>can see more colours
>better brain specialized in rational thinking and memorazing

>> No.12677655


>> No.12679162

not an argument