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12667008 No.12667008 [Reply] [Original]

Biden just handed outer space to chy-na. Surrendered before the fight even started.

>> No.12667037

wtf, wasnt biden supposed to be pro science?
i thought USA will be heaven on earth, now that the orange racist retard is gone.
what a twist.

>> No.12667058

Honestly worth it so that greedy layman narcissist doesn't get his grubby hands on space and ruin it for everyone. Let's make space cool again.

>> No.12667069

>wasnt biden supposed to be pro science
Yes that's why Elon's frankly unscientific, criminally fraudulent """original ideas""" are being shut down.

>> No.12667077

Literally all the article mentioned was that the FAA delayed their SN9 launch by a couple days

>> No.12667081

Musky balls and his spermoid followers ohh noo. I cry. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.12667088

I do not like Biden too but this article is written by a schizo.

>> No.12667096

lol hope you all reap what you sow electing the alzheimers patient.

>> No.12667097

ULA is getting what they paid for. When when Musk learn what Silicon Valley learned in the 90s that bribing politicians is not optional?

>> No.12667122

Have there been any real attempts to reign in tech companies since the anti-trust trial of Microsoft in the 90s? Seems like that was the wakeup call to tech companies to start making campaign contributions and hire lobbyists. They've been given free reign pretty much ever since.

>> No.12667279

It's clickbait bullshit.

>> No.12667316

>Falling for clickbait
/sci/ opnce again proving that it is a bunch of idiots pretending to be smart

>> No.12667325

>Pro space
You have to be a retard to believe that, he was part of the Obama administration and they fucked NASA

>> No.12667350

>Biden just handed outer space to chy-na
A red flag for a red planet

>> No.12667358
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>wasnt biden supposed to be pro science?
You actually fell for that? This is fifth term bush.

>> No.12667414

He was put in as a counterbalance to Obama who at the time was supposedly the most progressive Democrat with Joe being one of the most blue dog/republican. Joe voted for more NASA funding when the party wanted, and he voted for segregation when the party didn't want it. Psaki says Biden will put astronauts back on the moon by 2024

>> No.12667424

Obama era destruction of NASA should have been a sign. Biden doesn't wish to upset China by appearing to try to compete in space.

>> No.12667431

Biden is pro whatever the hell he reads in the news that night

>> No.12667439

At least something from the previous administration will be kept, i guess

>> No.12667449

We can hope but i don't believe that at all. Biden has flip flopped on issues throughout history and i have no doubt he will just follow the will of his party this time.

>> No.12667457
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>questionable screenshot
>politically charged, low-effort caption
>not a single link or other sauce in sight
>dozens of /pol/tards showing off their sub 80 IQ's


>> No.12667486

Was trump as much of a ''people person'' as biden is
To me biden just seems like a classic politician not a single original thought in his damn mind
He is just a puppet on a string for whoever pays

>> No.12667489
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>> No.12667496

Obama kept avoiding the issue of gay marriage. Biden forced Obama into a corner by unilaterally announcing that the Obama administration fully supported and would push for gay marriage. That put Obama into a position where he could no longer sit on the fence. Biden was never the moderate in the Obama administration. He was the radical pushing a social agenda that Obama wanted to ignore so he could focus on healthcare.

>> No.12667528

>Psaki says Biden will put astronauts back on the moon by 2024
Biden's admin put a hold on awards for continued development of a lander last week and there's rumors they're floating the idea of doing another full review and reorganization like they did when Obama came in.

>> No.12667544
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>wasnt biden supposed to be pro science?
have you seen his health secretary?

>> No.12667564

>obama wanted to avoid idpol and improve healthcare
>biden hijacked everything with idpol to prevent actual social improvement
wow, i now have a higher opinion of obama

>> No.12667615

No, this is a fantasy concocted in the mind of a fascist rhetorician or delusional trump-sycophant.

>> No.12667644

The last Qanon shizopost i came across claimed that Trump was a democrat plant to ruin the GOP from within. Cant say the idea haven't crossed my mind...

>> No.12667666

The GOP is filled with RINOs so it's not like a lot of damage was dealt, if anything it forced them to show their true colours and hopefully get rid of that bipartidism charade.

>> No.12667667

Biden and Obama are both robots who will support and oppose anything as long as it benefits them the most politically.

If gay marriage was opposed by 90% of the democrats, both Biden and Obama would oppose it, no matter their own views. Same goes for every issue.

>> No.12667670
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>> No.12667674

No shit. What have I said that would make anyone think otherwise? You realize I'm responding to a thread that thinks a Republican would be better for space travel than a Democrat.

>> No.12667682

>Hurr durr I'm on the science board, but I ignore all political science and biological science.

>> No.12667707

im just counting on the dems running through with enough shit to make Mitch deflate and leave Ted crying in an office

>> No.12667777


>> No.12667789

I don't care who is the president, you should never take anything a White House Press Secretary says seriously. Being comfortable lying to people's faces is the number one requirement for that job. You can tell how much of a sociopath someone is by how long they're willing to remain in that job.

>> No.12667795

Okay, to move the thread away from USA politics because I find them boring; where could Elon "move" SpaceX if this administration proves to be a pain in the ass for his company?

>> No.12667803

damn based digits all around today

>> No.12667842
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>> No.12667896

It's literally an opinion piece from a tabloid you gullible retards.

>> No.12667912
File: 22 KB, 572x674, DD2249D6-6E52-450E-B4E3-59CC9357E79F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok bro, ur so based and coolpilled

>> No.12667918

Why do fascists always cite shit that disagrees with them?
>President Obama says he is not upset with Vice President Joe Biden for getting out in front of the boss on same-sex marriage because he had already decided to back same-sex marriage before the vice president said over the weekend that he was "comfortable" with same-sex couples getting married.

>> No.12667926

Kek at all of the I FUCKING LOVE BASEDANCE fags who voted for Biden.

>> No.12667928

>source cited

>> No.12667934

If that faggot Cooperates with china i swear...

>> No.12667938

WT is worthless toilet paper
stop believing in right wingnut propaganda

>> No.12667940

You're literally retarded if you think the ban on NASA cooperation with China is good.

>> No.12667960


>> No.12667978

You are retarded if you think it is bad. Did you really buy into that "work together as a species" bullshit?

>> No.12667992

not an argument

>> No.12668036

Neither is yours

>> No.12668055

We can work together as a species but niggers aren't in the human species. I'm unsure about white Trump voters either. Definitely sure white Biden voters aren't.
Asians and Jews have a chance at advancing humanity. If there isn't a Jewish Space Laser yet there should be.

>> No.12668056

Elon would literally just take space x to china if he was blocked. I wouldn't even be mad about it either.

>> No.12668071


>> No.12668072

Did you even read what you quoted? Are you trying to be ironic?

>> No.12668075

Is milk good or bad for you?

>> No.12668145

We work with the Russians. Don't see why not.

>> No.12668200

Nice bait
Because the russians don't infiltrate and steal our intellectual property on a massive scale. They also have their own tech on a similar level. Nothing can be gained from working with China

>> No.12668205

>wall of text
The right can’t meme.

>> No.12668219

excellent way to get CIA'd

>> No.12668228

>everyone i disagree with is a /pol/tard
suddenly reminds me of this song youtu.be/He8xMFgeCC0

>> No.12668252
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>> No.12668315

new zealand

>> No.12668325


>> No.12668327

>makes a claim about IQ
>shows brain weight
Based retard.

>> No.12668352

No body cares about your stupid space shit. Only idiots are pouring their money into that. The Earth is the ideal place for the human body to thrive. Everyone that goes to space in their current physical form will have a BAD time over the long run.
Rich people might be dumb enough to go up there for a few days to brag but there is 0 point for humanity to waste money on these stupid space missions

>> No.12668577

Think long term anon. The sun has a finite lifespan. We'll need to spread the human contagion eventually to survive.

>> No.12668677

Belize, closer to equator, English speaking, English style contract law, private property rights and short flight to Houston and Florida, central time zone. Short boat trip to TX, Gulf states and Fl.

>> No.12668704
File: 737 KB, 770x768, Space vs. Niggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N*gs are the Great Filter.

Hail Elon Musk.
F*ck Dementia Biden.

>> No.12668837

Guatemala considers Belize to be a rouge province. The second the UK stops stationing troops there, Guatemala will invade. Also the government is pretty corrupt though that might be a good thing in this case because doubt their price is very high. If they have their own version of the FAA, a thousand bucks would likely be enough to get any launch approved regardless of regulations.

>> No.12668859

Shitty latitude, wacky leftist feminist government.

>> No.12668901

A Great Filter means we're probably already fucked outside of a miracle. It's weird messaging.

>> No.12668916


>> No.12668923

still works

>> No.12669165
File: 502 KB, 1600x1200, bsr philopsphers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12669187
File: 29 KB, 360x357, ae6e1cee23cd9ac6a9c17bc55f988325074d1bb5fae4908d3d6b59d1bdd97072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's probably a cave woman who's upset that the tribal men want to move out of the caves.

Why does he/she even care? So he/she can stay on earth while others die on Mars.

>> No.12669530

How can they be fraudulent if they work?