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File: 202 KB, 1886x576, 1592966860308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12665011 No.12665011 [Reply] [Original]

Lets talk about Mars. We are getting closer and closer to making a settlement on Mars a reality. ITT we discuss and speculate on the infrastructure, transportation, and opportunities of the upcoming Martian plans.

>> No.12665137

Okay what if we invested that money in life expansion first then Mars later once we live forever, sound good?

>> No.12665141


>> No.12665214


>> No.12665261
File: 709 KB, 1920x873, 1 million human colony city on Mars by Max Rymsha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a horrible plan that will eventually lead to our end.

>> No.12665275

What is there to do on Mars though? As in, what resources are there? What would be the main Martian industry in the fist colony?

>> No.12665310
File: 723 KB, 1920x1080, SpaceX base on Mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely mining, science and service industries. Elon's entire goal is to get a colony there no matter the personal cost so it will probably start without a true industry but it being there will bring work. I know NASA will be very interested in having a permanent presence there.

>> No.12665336

>invested that money in life expansion first
Space colonization has to come BEFORE a large increase in human lifespan(artificially) otherwise we'll destroy ourselves before we develop the tech to do it UNLESS there's a WW3 that wipes out third worlders

>> No.12665363

Bezos is focused on space industrialization, Musk is focused on making a colony possible. I would assume the first Martian industry would either be an Antarctica style science facility or it would be a raw material gathering industry.

>> No.12665387

I think the spacex colony will be underground dwellings with public domes. NASA will definitely 3d print their future bases because they have an interest is developing that technology

>> No.12665460
File: 100 KB, 625x369, Lunar-base-ESA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could see that

>> No.12665468

jesus dude, imagine if all our ancestors were cowards like you. We'd be a bunch of old fags still living in africa. Have a sense of adventure.

>> No.12665471

are you more afraid of your own death than the extinction of the species? pathetic

>> No.12665475

>NASA pods
You got a loicense for that?

>> No.12665476

only the healthiest, best, and brightest people are chosen to go.

Imagine the martian gene pool.

>> No.12665482

"The selfish gene".

>> No.12665483

presumably the latter to supply the former

>> No.12665485

>Oy lets send the best goyim to their space tombs

>> No.12665488

Too selfish. Every great society started with a handful of men willing to put convictions before mortality. If you're not willing to do that, even in the most abstract, risk free sense of funding adventure and conquest before living forever (not just medicine mind you but literally never dying) then ur gay

>> No.12665491


>> No.12665494

most likely yes

>> No.12665501

why not just have robots build the structures beforehand, before sending humans?

>> No.12665625
File: 693 KB, 4000x2250, nasahome1-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is what the 3d printing contest was about

>> No.12665636

Were not getting closer. We are still lightyears away from dealing with the radiation problem, let alone dealing with lacking resources and supplies while there.

>> No.12665650

It must be humiliating to muck around these habitat problems instead of just sending a rocket convoy to park the supplies around mars and landing crates of rocket fuel and then one final rocket with the astronauts, walk around a bit and take off on the fueled rocket waiting for them.

>> No.12665659

Nasa is a dumb jobs program and doesnt develop anything

>> No.12665669


>> No.12665695

>implying thats not part of the plan

>> No.12665702

Nah, they all muck around with lettuce pots and hairbrained schemes to make fuel from local rocks and drink their own pee. Just send more rockets.

>> No.12665747

reddit seems like a place for you newfriend

>> No.12665804

>Building glass domes on planet that close to asteroids belt.
One little rock from space and dome got destroyed. Martians will live and sleep mostly underground. The sun, sky, horizon and the glass domes with vegetation is propaganda.

>> No.12665823

The first 2 generations will live in Nasa Pods. Then maybe something like that seen in the Martian will come about. You guys really underestimate how anal it is to build something on other planets. If you lose a screw youre fucked, if something bends out of shape youre fucked, if something is joined incorrectly you're fucked, if something is broken accidentally youre fucked, if your tools / equipement is broken / lost youre fucked. Building it on earth and sending out to get attached in a modular way would be the only way if it was to happen in the next 200 years. So I'd say traditional nasa pods then maybe just bigger pods. Never 3d printed or underground.

>> No.12665882

Imagine being born on Mars and having only seen videos/pictures of Earth. You would grow up with an insatiable urge to escape that shithole of a planet. This is why I think a Mars colony is unsustainable. You can’t subjugate humans into living in conditions that are orders of magnitude harsher than the harshest conditions on Earth forever. The only thing that makes sense is to treat it like military service. Astronauts would do tours on Mars that lasted some number of years. At any given time the colony should be self sustaining, but to assume that there will be humans willing to go their entire lives without seeing Earth is ridiculous.

>> No.12665987

Fibre glas would still be nice to direct some light underground. Maybe some windows could prevent depressions too.

>> No.12665997

an we have that first then the other shit? I think things might go faster.

>> No.12666112

>imply investing in one prevents investing in the other

>> No.12666116

Could send old people there to retire they'll be stronger on Mars

>> No.12666167

Lmao going to Mars isn't going to prevent extinction you retard. Stop listening to that chucklefuck Elon Musk fraudster. You realize he will say whatever bullshit to get funding and you shouldn't take him seriously.

>> No.12666313

>Implying the crew won't be exclusively blacks and women

>> No.12666464 [DELETED] 

>So what happened to the blacks my dude?
Resettlement in Mars my dude

>> No.12666539

The asteroid belt isn't near at all, it's like another planet between mars and Jupiter.
The real problem is the lack of atmosphere, Earth too receives a lot of small meteors everyday we just don't notice because of the atmosphere.
I wonder what are the probability of a serious impact on your dome, someone should have already done the calculation.

>> No.12666614

>You guys really underestimate how anal it is to build something on other planets.
I love anal as the next guy, but that doesn't make any sense.
Other planets means pretty much nothing, let's talk about mars.
Very thin atmosphere, possibly some problems with dust, perchlorate in soil.
Nothing really incredibly different from welding iron in Boca chica, probably the almost lack of atmosphere can require longer times for metal to cool off, but not that much.
There is no reason why they shouldn't be able to weld big structures.

>> No.12666753

We haven't even put a person on the Moon, coon. Mars, lmao.

>> No.12666765

Official Mars terraforming anthem


>> No.12666777

I'm not just taking his word for it, retard, the logic makes sense to me. By keeping all humans on one planet we're very literally putting all our eggs in one basket. Even if it's a better basket, you're still taking more of risk by not diversifying.

>> No.12666783

Asteroid detection and deflection is a far better investment.

>> No.12666786

I've been here longer than you have

>> No.12666788

>Just send more rockets
Thats not sustainable long term. The early bird gets the worm

>> No.12666789

How about doing all of them to see what works best? I think a heterogenous environment is beneficial in any case. Living years underground sucks, and so does living in pods. Humans gotta have some change.

>> No.12666796

I agree that most will probably be underground but domes are going to happen. You can't have people living in a tunnel for long periods of time without some way to escape it and see the surface

>> No.12666797

It’s going to be square apartment blocks and tunnels between them
You don’t need retarded fancy meme structures to hold 10-15 PSI inside

Building underground is a joke, huge amount of work, NASA prebuilt pods are wildly over engineered

>> No.12666803

I agree with this, we should flesh out every type

>> No.12666817
File: 838 KB, 1240x753, MzI5NzcyOA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meme structure was about ease of 3d printing and keeping structural integrity. If you have to build these remotely you aren't going to make blocks

>> No.12666828

First of all
A: they are unaesthetic af
B: 3 d printers can do squares
C: man naturally wants a square
D: there will be people there to build, living in whatever ships got them there for the initial period

>> No.12666840

>man naturally wants a square

>> No.12666853
File: 143 KB, 3175x800, marstubes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One benefit to underground is the massive lava tubes that could be there.
If you are able to seal the walls of the tube to have air pressure inside, then you could easily have colony built inside without the need for complex digging or structures. The amount of pressurized space could also be very good for people's health instead of being inside a cramped commie block type building

>> No.12666875
File: 82 KB, 1540x800, 3D-printed_lunar_base_design_article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 d printers can do squares
Can a boom arm rover do it easy? Also i disagree that man wants a square, i believe squares are made because they work the best on earth. None of the designs submitted were square and this moonbase design is not square

>> No.12666876
File: 2.92 MB, 1000x539, MARSHA-3D-printed-Mars-hab-animation-AI-SpaceFactory-2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there will be people there to build, living in whatever ships got them there for the initial period
That is riskier and takes away from the astronauts other work

>> No.12666890
File: 134 KB, 980x463, Matrixfaq2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

However lava tubes could be risky and you are going to need light, you don't want your city to be like zion from the matrix

>> No.12666941

sky lights with mirrors is pretty easy task, idk about risky Mars isn't geologically at all

>> No.12666960

I don't think we know enough about it yet to assume the risk

>> No.12666973

Artificial lighting would work fine. Or there could be a common dome above grounds area for people to visit during safe periods. Commie blocks is too cooped up, but works as a starting point. The underground tunnels would have to be a thing with each large tunnel network having small domes above for leisure. Underground tunnels would not only give larger living area, but it would be much better from safety/hazards point as well. Not to mention the temperature thermals are much more stable below than above, leading to less structural damage from cold/heat expansion cycles.

>> No.12666991

make a game, a la factorio.
Include radiation, growhouses, sandstorms, air leak, waste accumulation, etc. as elements
release it to the public

Let the spergs and dropouts figure out a healthy balance between above ground, underground, earth dependent and independent living

>> No.12667010

>Artificial lighting would work fine
Spoken like someone who has never lived without the sun.

>> No.12667017
File: 1.29 MB, 1646x1646, khoshnevis2012_phii_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically believe the proont meme. I think its the only way to geta real habitable colony that people would want to live in

>> No.12667022

>By keeping all humans on one planet we're very literally putting all our eggs in one basket
Except that analogy isn't applicable here because if Earth gets annihilated any colony on Mars will be doomed as well. Because any colony on Mars will be completely dependent on Earth to survive. The problem with Musk fanboys is they lack the ability to think for themselves when it comes to his bogus claims.

>> No.12667023

If we can't even land on the Moon, how can we make a settlement on Mars?
The Moon landing was faked.

>> No.12667025

I doubt for anything large scale, it what be very useful for small science outposts though

>> No.12667036

Or you put people there and have actual industries producing thousands of tons of concrete and rebar and some sorta sealant/insulation which is what’ll happen in a real colony

Not reenacting Apollo first, then next decade maybe put a couple prefabbed habitats plus a test 3 d printed one

>> No.12667044

Idk if they tech is fleshed out it might become the standard way to build on mars. Lava tubes are an excellent idea but I can't see any real settlements actually growing out of them

>> No.12667046


Buzz alrdrins recycler is a really good idea.

>> No.12667110

Why not start with the moon first? Seems easier since it's so much closer.
This whole "lets go to mars" things screams of money laundering to me

>> No.12667112

there are cities in the arctic circle that spend months without sun, I think that competent artificial lights that actually dim and change color based on time will be fine

>> No.12667137
File: 202 KB, 957x891, 1612327213301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think we should dump the entire 3rd world there so that they suffocate and starve, then we'll have plenty of resources here and won't need to colonize space.

>> No.12667187
File: 66 KB, 750x1334, brainletfountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there ant major risks to living in lava tubes? Is collapse an issue? depressurization?

>> No.12667220

We assign numbers to each tube
Mars tube 1, Mars tube 2 and so on

>> No.12667233

Just build wooden houses.

>> No.12667235

>he thinks Mars is bombarded by asteroids 24/7 just by being closer to the asteroid belt
How's primary school?

>> No.12667236

Hello, Elon. Arguments are not you thing, are they?

>> No.12667243

>Or you put people there and have actual industries producing thousands of tons of concrete and rebar
And build in space suits? 3D printing will be the best method of building if the colonists are using regolith concrete

>> No.12667269

>there are cities in the arctic circle that spend months without sun
Months is not permanent, have you ever lived in a place with heavy winters and months with limited sun? You get depressed, its a strain mentally and it is hard. To make that permanent would break people.

>> No.12667288

Fuck that i want to make an ethnostate on mars. Lets send the third world to venus

>> No.12667304

You haven't made a credible argument yet why should I?

>> No.12667392
File: 395 KB, 900x1350, AI-SpaceFactory-RedEgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who actually loves this design

>> No.12667408

Turd and buttplug jokes aside, it still has soul

>> No.12667426

It's a bit small, innit?

>> No.12667436

I will NOT eat bugs
I will NOT live in a pod
I will NOT live underground

>> No.12667524
File: 95 KB, 850x500, article_mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its scaled down for the contest

>> No.12667526

Can you point me in the direction of the Facebook group you got this information from?

>> No.12667569

this, where's my fucking piss airlocks

>> No.12667631

nice buttplugs

>> No.12667657


>> No.12667747
File: 92 KB, 640x985, bambirunner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one one the right looks comfy. God I wish I could live in space bros

>> No.12667764

sorry for typos, I'm retarded

>> No.12667836
File: 166 KB, 992x560, Mars Phase 3-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was the penn state team and their material was more realistic

>> No.12667847
File: 158 KB, 725x516, pennstate_team_photo_3dhab_2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12667851
File: 141 KB, 1080x1215, f2qmESbe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are getting closer and closer to making a settlement on Mars a reality

>> No.12667887

t. FAAg

>> No.12667889

Post eyes

>> No.12667906

That's why we need a higher percentage of hot females in the colony.
Sex is a very good antidepressant.

>> No.12667925

Its not enough you need sun

>> No.12667970

>hot females
Maybe if the colony had the same women's rights as Iran I'd be OK with that. Otherwise it would be best to just have sex dolls/robots

>> No.12668197

we go underground so we only get to the surface to sunbathe a little while doing science and discovering life, imo it's the best strat lmao

>> No.12668227

Have you ever lived without the sun? If you have to go outside of your daily routine to get the sun I cannot see it happening. I could see underground living areas with domes for public areas though

>> No.12668233 [DELETED] 

There is no long term. There is nothing on Mars. The goal is to send some people, they walk around and come back. A redo of the Stanley Kubrick missions.
You want a base? Ok then treat it like the Antarctica bases, evey few months a plane comes with food and fuel. So its the same but with rockets. Billions of dollars a year to keep 8 of the sexiest girls and bachelor's at the Mars sex house. Its ok because billions are nothing. For Earth's economy billions are a rounding error.

>> No.12668243

>unfortunately, an unexpected magma event that only happens every one hundred thousands martian years or so rises to colony lava tube height and the colony goes extinct

>> No.12668262


also we bring sex, humour and social life with us at the physical weight of our own bodies.

>> No.12668264

>The goal is to send some people
The goal is to establish a colony period. Also there is plenty on mars, industry will take off from it

>> No.12668268


>> No.12668273 [DELETED] 

Whats on mars? Iron ore? Like Mars is going to export iron ore to Earth? Pfffff

>> No.12668287 [DELETED] 

You cant even send one person to orbit around and come back and you think you can establish a colony? You should do some baby steps first as a proof of concept. Otherwise good luck on the hydroponics lettuce farm research, its only been 60 years of space lettuce research.

>> No.12668289

>whats on mars?

>> No.12668296 [DELETED] 

So why cant you do that with a rocket convoy? Send a few rockets before people to land food and fuel and then the rocket with people goes, people walk around a bit, refuel and take off. The end of Mars mission. When is all this fake research of lettuce and pods gonna end?

>> No.12668297

3d printing organs in 0g is extremely promising. All space exploration is beneficial to this because it makes launch cheaper and more reliable.

>> No.12668299

Why are we talking about colonizing Mars when we haven't even built a lunar base yet? Building a base on the moon can act as a hub for Mars missions and commercial asteroid mining/tourism.

>> No.12668305 [DELETED] 

These people dont want to do anything. They are fake.

>> No.12668337
File: 27 KB, 640x800, auujne6snef61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raw materials, a colony, a fuel factory for your mining missions into space.
Spacex has already reached orbit multiple times, NASA has made it to the moon and starship has the direct goal of mars and the moon. Wtf are you talking about?

>> No.12668341

Why live anywhere? You could just drive/fly/boat to it from iowa.

>> No.12668350 [DELETED] 

I think you need to write less and read the thread

>> No.12668355

I'm thinking a Mars colony would be the first time actual socialism is implemented kek

>> No.12668357

I'm not a musk fanboy, I've never mentioned him once, I just happen to agree on his thinking on this one point. Obviously the colony would need to be self sustaining, otherwise it's not much of an insurance policy.

>> No.12668358 [DELETED] 

What is that supposed to mean?

>> No.12668369
File: 25 KB, 640x427, ftvtv9piqhe61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you need a lunar base as a hub? You can just refuel in orbit. Mars is SpaceX's(Elon musk's) goal so it is a focus. NASA is focusing on a moon base first but they are slow as shit so we won't see it anytime soon. Mars is a good goal, it would make a good hub for exploration/industry and it makes humanity's fate independent from the earth's.

>> No.12668372

I think you need to take a look at reality

>> No.12668377

It means you are an imbecile

>> No.12668379 [DELETED] 

How insufferable.

>> No.12668385

Yes you are.

>> No.12668387 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12668388

Mars is too far away to bee a hub. You need the hub to be easily accessible, where goods can be sent back to earth quickly. Asteroid mining will probably end up being the number 1 reason for space exploration in the future. There is nothing on Mars.

>> No.12668401 [DELETED] 

You are wasting your time. These niggers dont even want to visit Mars.

>> No.12668409

Would chemical reactions run through the same process as they do on earth? For example the hyperconjugation, is it bound by "earthly" laws or would it work on mars too?

>> No.12668444

are you trying to b8

>> No.12668456

>C: man naturally wants a square

Anon, despite what the song says, you're not hip.

>> No.12668461

You seem to be missing the biggest reason for going to Mars. Getting away from the earth and I can assure you that many different groups would jump at the idea of ditching the earth to start a breakaway state over there.

Nobody gives a shit about exporting or anything like that, the Martian resource wealth will serve Mars and only Mars in order to built the new civilisation.

>> No.12668470

I'm sure there's a stripper who goes by Sun. Asian most likely.

>> No.12668477 [DELETED] 

Sure you are going to build a state based on rock and hydroponic lettuce

>> No.12668479

Okay, but how do you expect Mars to be self-sufficient enough for that? What is on Mars that can sustain a civilization?

>> No.12668491

Mars could be a month away by the time its setup.
>Asteroid mining will probably end up being the number 1 reason for space exploration in the future. There is nothing on Mars.
Most of the asteroids are beyond mars, asteroid mining will require a refuel and refitting base.

>> No.12668493

You idiots realize that there is no point for this right?

>> No.12668503 [DELETED] 

I can settle for an apollo-like visit but these dumb fakes say its colony or nothing

>> No.12668531

Hydroponics for food.
Nuclear reactors could be fuelled by uranium mined from Mars itself.
Ice and possibly underground aquifers for water and oxygen.
Above ground domes will allow for trees and other plants eventually.
Massive deposits of untouched iron and any other metal you would find on earth.
Above ground industry which could pollute as much as they wanted too.
And vast underground cities could provide plenty of space for a growing population.

>> No.12668540 [DELETED] 

Much easier to do in Sahara or the bottom of the ocean

>> No.12668545

Not him but hydroponics and shit fertilized filtered regolith grown plants are sustainable. We have plenty of industries built upon rock and people

>> No.12668546

Nobody wants to sit around on this planet forever, how difficult is that for you to understand?

And let’s not forget the obvious reason that if anything happens to the earth it would be nice to have a back up eventually.

>> No.12668549

Other than the survival of our species and the ability to stop tearing up the earth for raw materials.

>> No.12668560

The richest man on earth isn't trying to send a million people to the Sahara or the bottom of the ocean.

>> No.12668571

Okay, let's test that on Antarctica first before we head to the stars.

>> No.12668575

Yeah, but then you wouldn’t be left alone tho would you? and establishing a city in either of those places would be much easier from a technical point of view, but politically a nightmare.

You keep missing the point. It’s not about putting people in some difficult terrain, it’s about people putting themselves as far away from everyone else as possible in order to grow and create something that can’t be knocked over the moment a nation on earth decides they have had enough of your Sahara or underwater city.

Think about when the Mormons ran of into the middle of some shithole in Utah to establish a breakaway civilisation, but the main difference is that it would be much harder for anyone to follow or fuck with them on Mars.

>> No.12668588

>leave a couple dozen settlers on Mars
>come back 4 years later
>find corpses

I can see the movie being made already.

>> No.12668606

That’s why it’s a long project and it won’t happen over night. You set up the infrastructure before you start moving people in and the sooner we start the sooner we can start moving in.

Hints why musk is rushing to get there rather than fucking around on meme shit like nasa or doing nothing like bezos.

>> No.12668614

We already have, also what is the point of not going to the stars? Do you want humanity doomed to this planet? Do you want to continue raping the earth for raw materials when we could just get it from rocks in space? Do you not want the extra tech we would develop from the challenges of mars

>> No.12668618

Eh. Most zoomers I know live meaningless lives of despair, wasting their twenties in jobs that boomers consider “starter jobs” but all economic mobility has been destroyed (by boomers) so there is no way out. They’d jump at the chance to do something historic and meaningful, no matter how deadly and/or arduous it would be. They wouldn’t miss subway or their shorty apartment.

>> No.12668631

There's no internet on Mars. It would be living like cavemen.

>> No.12668640
File: 3.52 MB, 2616x1768, combined.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The way to go is to bite the bullet by spending the extra money upfront and go with tunnel boring machines & modular micro reactors.

You could move to Mars & have a condo built for less money than an equivalent condo on most of NYC.

That way you could live in a decent sized apartment that's built into the tunnel's walls without being required to live in communal cuck pods for 30 years. Also with such a type of housing accommodation you could create an economy off to bat by having people get paid for building apartments for new batches.

Not just housing, you could build large sprawling complexes underground such as rocket storage/hangers, water treatment & storage where you would build water tanks out of removed stone instead of being required to ship in water tanks. With the right location to process frozen water you could have millions of gallons of water stored so water wouldn't have to be rationed as much.

You could pump methane into underground storage tanks like what was done for the National helium reserves, and what is currently done for the national strategic oil reserve.

>> No.12668647

Zoomers millennials and the occasional gen x

>> No.12668660

Only zoomers will have a chance at visiting Mars. Oldfags like you will die before you have that chance.

>> No.12668661

It wouldn't take long to set up starlink with a connection to earth. Musk talked about it but honestly you would be too busy probably to want to fuck around on the internet.

>> No.12668675

I don't want to live on mars but its genx and millenials that are getting mars set up for you

>> No.12668701

Quality post

>> No.12668726

>You can't have people living in a tunnel for long periods of time without some way to escape it and see the surface

Why? It's not like the SpaceX janitors can do anything about it.

>> No.12668740

Imagine how fucking boring it would be without Internet. You'd spend most of your time indoors on Mars.

>> No.12668751

Stack prefabbed insulated forms
Then pour concrete

>> No.12668758
File: 47 KB, 720x480, wpa-1-data-hall-underground.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody says the tunnels will be a rape dungeon, there would be access to Mars's surface but it makes sense to avoid the need to ship in building material when available. You could build access to the surface with a hanger for land rovers & acess by those space suits where you access by a back hatch.

Since it's underground you'll have less pissing & moaning from people who worry about destroying mars.

>> No.12668763

Is the gravity still shit underground?

>> No.12668787
File: 3.75 MB, 2616x1768, dwarf pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underground bases blow the fuck out of surface structures in the short to medium term.

Stop being edgy about mandating futuristic looking buildings on the surface of Mars and take the dwarf-pill.

>> No.12668818

why not? i can see the need for a lot of infrastructure to be surface level but i would wanna actually live in a comfy tube under a lot of rock

>> No.12668824

whatever the fuck the sun does we can do it artificially, weed grown indoors seems to do alright

>> No.12668827
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>> No.12668832
File: 286 KB, 1947x1203, B2EE1FE5-4433-45A5-AF2B-D8134210F5E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what’s on mars

it’s more about what won’t be on mars

>> No.12668834

Why don’t we just planet crack that shit hole for resources dead space style?

>> No.12668849

>brown people are why I'm not living in science fantasyland
lol retard

>> No.12668854

You guys seriously have never experienced a real winter

>> No.12668860

>You'd spend most of your time working on Mars
Ftfy, also I'm sure they would have a localized system. Starlink could honestly be set up so fast though that it wouldn't matter.

>> No.12668863

>Stack prefabbed insulated forms
>Then pour concrete
Or just have a printer do it while you oversee it

>> No.12668868

Like you said so much infrastructure needs to be surface level, living underground causes mental instability and tubes don't allow endless growth like the surface does.

>> No.12668873

No we can't. Fucking try it some time, those lights don't provide the same thing.

>> No.12668890

Imagine the cancer you'd get on Mars

>> No.12668919
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i see what you’re saying it just seems like a waste to not use the free, very effective radiation shielding of the lava tubes. Maybe mirrors could be used to pour a lot of sunlight through the openings and disperse it where it’s needed for habitation in the bigass cavern, best of both worlds.

>> No.12668938
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Rjukan, Norway essentially does this

>> No.12668956

I wouldn't be surprised if they get used but if you are talking about real colonization of the planet then lava tubes are a limited measure

>> No.12668960
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It's backwards thinking. Why is it that we can do only one or the other & not both? After all we subsidize both African Americans & Africans in Africa. It's not the 1960s quit thinking like a politician.

>> No.12668977

yeah i’m mainly talking about for first places of real significant size, once you’ve filled up the good lavatubes you should be able to have enough of an industrial base that constructing properly shielded surface habitation at large scales becomes viable

>> No.12668989

Initially, it'll be pods but it will end with 3D printed shelters.

>> No.12668992
File: 1.22 MB, 988x1014, 8680914F-B901-48E7-AE37-B6CCB308D648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and there is a good deal of potentially good cave systems and lava tubes in proximity in certain regions, so transport and communications networks could be expanded throughout these regions fairly quickly.

>> No.12668997

sorry heres source on map


>> No.12668999

>Thinking any American president, Republican or Democrat, would stop the first Mars landing

Biden-haters are becoming just as rabid and insane as the Trump-haters.

>> No.12669048

Lets get real here.
There is no point creating a settlement on Mars unless its for
1) Science research
2) Mineral extraction/processing
3) Using it as a base for further space exploration.

With respect to research we are talking equivalent to the bases at the south pole. Fucking miserable places which attract only the most autistic of the nerds. But hey, who knows? Maybe they will discover some seam of incredibly valuable resource beneath the surface, right?

Until then there is nothing on Mars worth extracting. Anything in the belt would be better processed in the belt, not on mars. Further space exploration is pointless unless you are talking interstellar because the rest of the solar system including the moons is just a collection of barren useless rocks and balls of gas. All of which are too fucking cold or hot.

So the best case scenario is something like a four man research outpost manned by some highly autistic geologists cooming over rocks, counting the years down before they can get home.. Only when robotic probes give some evidence that a nearby solar system might be worth shot at colonization would there be any point to establishing a large scale mars settlement to serve as a base for manufacture and service. Even then a base in the belt would still be better.

So fuck these tunnels and greenhouses and retards in space suits crawling over the surface of mars. Its a fantasy for 14 year olds and the intellectually impaired.

>> No.12669116
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A moon base is better

>> No.12669117

Well he stole an election so people are going to be pissed

>> No.12669144

Nah, that's just coping.

>> No.12669155
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I agree, we should spend that money on illegal migrants such as giving them public housing.

>> No.12669201

>There is no point creating a settlement on Mars unless its for
You forgot one, Elon Musk the richest man on earth wants to create one. That means there is a demand for work to build, maintain, clean, and provide services. NASA will obviously will want a presence there and mineral extraction will come as soon as the transportation is possible, the fuel factories on mars will be crucial for future exploration.

>> No.12669266

No its the truth

>> No.12669373

>Nah, that's just coping.

Face it, both sides have sore losers that scream "THEY CHEATED" whenever they lose.

>> No.12669514

Yep joe biden is the most voted for president in history despite losing all but 2 of the bellwether counties and underperforming in every city except the ones he needed to win. I'm sure you believe NASA when they say the SLS is the only path to the moon too.

>> No.12669524


>> No.12669554

>A: they are unaesthetic af
well, that's your opinion
I like them - they remind of Russian churches
goopy commieblocks wouldn't be aesthetic either
>B: 3 d printers can do squares
circle has maximum area and minimum perimeter of all shapes
you minimalize build material needed
>C: man naturally wants a square
no, carpenters want square because it's the most convenient shape to build with brick/cinderblock/timber and the furniture is also simple rectangles
>D: there will be people there to build, living in whatever ships got them there for the initial period
they will have other things to do than to lay bricks or whatever
besides, there's radiation - you would want to stay indoors as much as possible, not to mention spacesuits aren't to most comfy things to wear for 8 hours

>> No.12669587
File: 64 KB, 1100x619, hassell external.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the Hassell designs

>> No.12669647

Luxury Mars Passtime-ism
Every day is arcade day and we end the day with a lobster dinner. Everything is funded by Elon's billions.

>> No.12669653

If lobster is aquarium shrimp fed on your own feces and if arcade is remotely operating mining robots from your bunker to shield yourself from cosmic radiation

>> No.12669654

tilapia, crab, leafy greens, potatoes
what else is really easy and good with aquaponics/aeroponics

>> No.12669674

Ever seen places like Dubai?
They have domes with artificial ski slopes in the middle of a desert

>> No.12669679

Perigee wheat, dwarf varieties of all kinds of crops

>> No.12669681

>dwarf varieties
fuck that shit I'mma grow some corn in a tube

>> No.12669689

Why not both?

>> No.12669697

No carcinogens will be taken there. No viruses, not bacteria, not germs, not mold, no niggers.

>> No.12669707

Looks like dwarf fortress lol

>> No.12669708

>Corn in a tube
Is that like a reversed corn dog?
Tube of meat filled with batter?

>> No.12669713

uh okay so take a Boring machine and drill out a tube and then cover the ceiling in LEDs and then lay down some soil and then CORNM

>> No.12669771

Yeah and how is that relevant

>> No.12669853

There is at least a 20 minutes lag between earth and mars.
The internet as you know it would be completely unusable.
The only possibility would be having martian servers caching a lot, but most modern websites are dynamically generated.
Basically you would need local interfaces and caching, it's' the only way you could see youtube videos of cats doing funny things.
No shitposting on 4chan though.
One day we could see "mars compatible" on some websites.

>> No.12669965

Faggot deleted original post so the context is gone
The argument was: billionaires should be building "martian bases" in deserts because it's easier to go to a desert than Mars or to test it out or whatever.
My point is they are already doing it. Places like Dubai are completely depending on what is similar to space-grade life support systems.

>> No.12669972

looks like a pile of shit unironically

>> No.12669973

>man naturally wants a square

>> No.12669975

you can reinforce them with iron needles and concrete as we swiss do in tunnels

>> No.12669977

yes there are many reasons to go to Mars

>> No.12669978

Africa is a literal demographic time bomb

>> No.12669982

looks pretty comfy
is it 3D printed?

>> No.12669985

But a 1 million people colony on the moon could never declare independence from Earth, A 1 million people Mars colony might actually pull it off.

>> No.12670000

they will push for autonomy when they reach complete autarky, it's always been this way historically

>> No.12670057

Before we get all too excited, why don't we fix the whole biodome sustainability problem. I mean if it needs to be resupplied every few years with air, water and food then all it will amount to is a glorified research outpost and maybe a super rich retirement home. We got to fix that part before we can get anywhere near some of these second colony dreams.

I am not against putting up a research post on Mars, but if we do it we need to be honest and set real goals. Simply putting people on Mars does nothing unless we capitalize on it correctly.

>> No.12670494

Yes, there are risks.
But the same happens here on Earth with caves and artificial tunnels, and we have become quite good at understanding those (aside from the pressurize thing oc).
I'm sure we can do the same on Mars.

>> No.12670508

Why would people on the moon ever declare autonomy? It would essentially be a massive airport for space travel. You'd go there to refuel, drop off goods, and maybe get a bite to eat at the Lunar McDonald's

>> No.12670524

They need energy and "atmosphere processor" (for lack of a better name) to generate fuel anyway or they will never go back to earth, the same machine can be used to filter CO2 and replenish oxygen
There should be a lot on Mars.
We still don't know if it's easy to extract it and how, finding water on Mars is pretty much the second most important step after setting up the energy generator
>and food
Three main sources in order of time:
1) Dehydrated food imported from earth. If they have water it's very weight efficient.
2) Produced from methane in vats. Spacex has already contacted the ones who developed the tech. Probably not that tasty, but you don't die.
3) Grown on Mars. With time it should become the main source.

>> No.12670599

Sending people to Mars is a great idea. Everyone who thinks colonizing Mars is a great idea should get an all expenses paid one way trip. We should get a marketing team onto extolling the virtues of living on Mars. Lets see. Free money. Total social equality. All you can eat . No conservative white males allowed.

Look, I realize this would be a very expensive undertaking, but in the long run it would be worth every penny.

>> No.12670661
File: 160 KB, 1079x506, atmosphere PIA16800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How long would this take?

>> No.12670678

>Everyone who thinks colonizing Mars is a great idea should get an all expenses paid one way trip
I'd be in, if you promise not to let niggers and idiots go too.
>No conservative white males allowed.
Oh :-(

>> No.12670682
File: 122 KB, 1000x619, a62281a5b8fcda5c0ca25fd9edd05710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let's leave the planet with most uranium, precious minerals, oxygen, water, other organic compounds and their elements for a shithole corrosive desert with no valuable resources, high radioactivity, no atmosphere and a shit ton of other problems
this literally just elon fulfilling his fantasy of being a martian and a savior of humanity in his mind and he is doing this at the cost of taxpayer money. people that fall for this shit are extremely retarded
>ooooooohhhhhh 3d printed walls oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mars biospheres uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
jesus fucking christ you guys are so retarded it makes me angry

>> No.12670684

Is there actually any point landing on the moon, instead of just doing stocking and fueling in orbit? Just seems like an extra step

>> No.12670693

>Yellowstone erupts
Heh, nothing personnel kid

>> No.12670791

You're the kind of person who cannot think past dinner.

>> No.12670806

> stocking and fueling in orbit
This is important though. Also space tourism. It takes 3 days to get to the Moon, 7 months to get to Mars. Most people will be visiting the moon. As Earth's environmental laws become more strict, private companies might mine for lunar resources such as silicon, aluminum, and ice (for the water). It also serves as a testing ground for governments experimenting with new technologies.

>> No.12670821

>A planet so hostile that stupid people would die off.

Sounds amazing. Where do I buy the ticket?

>> No.12670968

We cant have white male patriarchy messing up the perfect utopian society that will be created on Mars. Imagine. Endless tunnels swarming with human diversity, all living together in peace and harmony as self maintaining robots grow an endless bounty of tasty food on the fertile, well watered soils of Mars. White men would screw that up. Imagine strolling outside under yet another perfect day, your bare skin soaking up the warm and benevolent rays of the beautiful sun, as children play happily, building mudhuts in the Martian sand! White men would screw all that up too. There will be swimming pools, lots of liberal white women and low g sex. No one will have to work, everything will be automated and take care of itself. Machines will do all the dirty work. Everything will be free. Plus every everyone will get $10,000 a month to spend on whatever they want! Cant have white men coming along and stopping that.That's why its a one way trip, nobody would want to return to Earth after experiencing such a paradise. The best part is that Mars is huge! Plenty of room for everyone! Except conservative white men.

>> No.12671173
File: 1.23 MB, 1917x575, Lars_moisture_farm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks kinda like the structures in star wars

>> No.12671186

Yeah what a retarded comment

>> No.12671252

>The internet as you know it would be completely unusable.
You would still get videos, forum archives and non reactive media. By the time the average joe is on mars there will be enough people that the local internet would have its on culture. Also being free of 4chan is something i dream of anon.

>> No.12671255

They had to rush them for the contest, they look pretty decent for what it was

>> No.12671269

>Except conservative white men.
How are you going to get there without the conservative white men who build starship. But sure send all the niggers to space

>> No.12671349
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>> No.12671744

Mars base supplies and some robots will be there manned missions planned 2030-2034

>> No.12671756

mars is a terrible place and nobody should ever go there, and the same is true of most planets.

>> No.12671763


i actually feel bad for the poor bastards they send to mars to live out the rest of their lives in a barren wasteland. devoid of nearly everything that brings joy to the human race. it's almost as bad as getting life in prison.

people have really strange priorities and i don't understand it.

>> No.12671767

Ok bye, enjoy your stay on diversity hell world.

>> No.12671772

This attitude is for losers who never achieve anything. Those that risk reap rewards

>> No.12671865

Oh, you want to go to Mars? Name everything you want to do there.

Yeah, I thought so.

>> No.12671869

>Build a new civilization

That's it, that's all the motivation needed.

>> No.12671873

>Build a new company town for Weyland-Yutani

Enjoy your cancer btw

>> No.12671878

ok bro

>> No.12671886

You will die of radiation poisoning or go crazy when you realize Earth is a hundred million miles away.

>> No.12671889

Incorrect since my habitat will be well shielded and only soft faggots like you would cry over leaving this shitdump of a planet.

>> No.12671896

So infinite lockdowns in red antarctica.

>> No.12671900
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>> No.12671903

Nice hyperbole, you live in a concrete jungle shithole anyway so your opinion is worthless.

>> No.12671919

Not a hyperbole, Antarctica is actually more hospitable to life than Mars.

And I live on 4 acres in oak woodlands.

>> No.12671928
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>> No.12671931

Disgusting. How the fuck are people supposed to live in that? You could barely fit more than a single person.

>> No.12671935
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>> No.12671943

well yeah, especially in that northern peninsula which is pretty much antipodean Prudue(sp?) Bay in north Alaska (where lots of seasonal people live).
I'd like to see an experiment in settling an Antarctic dry-valley, powered by the katabatic wind.

>> No.12671945

why does that look like putin as a monkey

>> No.12671952

Sit at home figuring out problems, occasionally fixing stuff, and every now and again walking about to enjoy the landscape
Seems like how shut-ins live in north New Mexico over the winters
Seems comfy

>> No.12671982
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>> No.12672107

Work on making it a livable and pleasant place, i would definitely do infrastructure work but my main focus in my free time would be to make an aesthetic living space and public areas to improve QOL for everyone. I wouldn't live there permanently as i love earth but I could spend 5 years working there

>> No.12672110

We live in real life here redditnigger

>> No.12672134

>Doesn't understand synecdoche

Try being less autistic

>> No.12672139

>building shitty pods on a desert rock for Amazon

>> No.12672218
File: 251 KB, 1071x700, 1587501452.blackshirtboy_947-small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are getting closer and closer to making a settlement on Mars a reality.
LOL, WUT? Not even close. Martian colonization is a scam. Lunar colonies on the other hand... THAT'S where the real shit's at.

>> No.12672269

Moon's too close, too much government

>> No.12672293

>How are you going to get there without the conservative white men who build starship
Ah, you see, that's where reparations comes in.

>> No.12672319

>conservative white men who build starship
Starship is built by beaners assorted Tex-Mex mystery meat in a field on the Rio Grande, anon
the engineering is done by California liberals living in Los Angeles

>> No.12672328


mars is a barren wasteland. that's why nothing grows/lives there.

>> No.12672345

A conjunction mission will last 2.5 years with 1.5 years on the surface. This is the most common plan that anyone is considering.
A shorter opposition mission of 30 days on the surface is possible but requires much longer transit times and more delta-v.
Your plan simply isn't happening.

>> No.12672423

That would mean saving the earth then yes

>> No.12672425

You are a chink and China will never succeed. You are built of theft and shortcuts, you have no way to innovate or succeed as a race

>> No.12672427

>Ching chong bing bing bing I eat dog and cannot see

>> No.12672437

Mars is a desert shithole. That's why there's no reason to go there.

>> No.12672452

Still butthurt about Nanking?

>> No.12672829


>> No.12672892

2.5 years is an insane undertaking compared to Apollo, the only way I can see that happening is after a pretty sizable base is on the moon.

>> No.12672907

> Pressurised vessel
> Structural integrity
Just keep it inflated bruh. Maybe put a tent pole in the middle

>> No.12672922

Cope. Mars is mostly useless for Earth and is a shit place to live. We can simulate surviving there just as effectively underwater and in mineshafts here.

That said I fully support Elon Musk trying to set up shop there. It'll be fun to watch. I ain't goin tho.

>> No.12673027
File: 37 KB, 806x728, 1452666239294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have some gutter oil to make?

>> No.12673394
File: 607 KB, 2048x1229, SpaceX Starship on Mars by Dale Rutherford.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometime people forget how big Starship is.
Here is your habitat.
It's already big and has an has an area protected from solar eruptions.
I wonder If they can put it in horizontal position, covered with terrain would be ideal.
Cargos will probably never go back to earth, so they could seal the openings and open internally the tanks, or simply use them for other purposes, i.e. water reserve.

>> No.12673405

>I wonder If they can put it in horizontal position, covered with terrain would be ideal.
It would be pretty risky, i think they will use them as temporary housing more than anything

>> No.12673519

I mean, the long-term plan is still terraforming, right? So the idea is to get habitats up and running and people working on making that shithole beautiful.
Since humans are super easily bored, it's important to give them an environment with distractions and change. Build all the proposed habitat methods, connect them, let people wander freely between them. Make sure they see the results of their work as early as possible. Mars will be better than earth, if were doing it right in the beginning. Let only intelligent (emotionally and cognitively) go there, make sure no viruses and bacteria detrimental to humans or products in there are taking the journey.
I'd be in.

>> No.12673526
File: 307 KB, 1032x1805, 1606835451256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end? just a disaster and a setback i hope
send us back to the long forgotten ages
what splendid time would it be to wield a sword openly

>> No.12673530

We should probably focus on colonizing Antarctica first. It's much safer, but would still give us valuable experience on settling an extremely inhospitable place.

>> No.12673693

the earth will be destroyed eventually we gotta have a backup

>> No.12673696

It would give us pretty much nothing.
There is breathable air at the right pressure and no radiations, plenty of water literally all around you.
It's only cold. We already know how to deal with cold.

>> No.12673701

definitely not a solution to radiation you fucking clown

>> No.12673772

>plenty of water literally all around you.
Ayyy, this guy hasn't heard.

>> No.12673880

Bigass glass window with nice view.

>inb4 radiation
It hits hard from zenith, not the horizon.

>> No.12673950

>It hits hard from zenith, not the horizon.
On Earth, because we have a sizable atmosphere.
On Mars the effect is going to be much smaller.

>> No.12673968
File: 269 KB, 1920x1152, 88321652876428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that embryos can't develop in <1g. There will be no colonization

>> No.12674010

That is so naive.
Anyone who grew up in those conditions would be completely accustomed to it, the same most people today on Earth living in cities would be horrified to live in a jungle with bugs and snakes.

>> No.12674058

Muh russia was part of the full term effort to get trump out of office. 2020 was the real deal

>> No.12674070

mercury > mars
Debate me.

>> No.12674085

Orbital Earth gravity stations.

>> No.12674586

I mean terraforming isn't possible yet

>> No.12674589

There's nothing to gain from that

>> No.12674945

>We are getting closer and closer to making a settlement on Mars a reality.
No, not really.

>> No.12674952

>it will probably start without a true industry
Idle hands are the devil's playthings. If people don't have anything productive to do, there will be trouble.

>> No.12674958

Sounds boring as hell. Worse even than a cruise ship.

>> No.12675003

>Obviously the colony would need to be self sustaining
That's been attempted on earth, and it failed. If the concept cannot be proved on earth, where construction and material costs are dirt cheap compared to Mars, what makes you think it will work on Mars?

I have the same gripe with the "floating balloon cities in the upper Venusian atmosphere!" fanboys. Sure the upper atmosphere of Venus is Earth like... but airships failed on Earth. If airships can't be made safe and reliable on Earth, what the fuck makes people think they'd work any better on Venus?

>> No.12675009

>Are there ant major risks to living in lava tubes?
Yes, Martian Ants are very aggressive. Those lava tubes are death traps.

>> No.12675020

For the sake of the space kids, please don't let anybody from Penn State go to Mars.....

>> No.12675042

Imagine being a teenage kid on Mars, except when your parents and siblings piss you off there is no escape. You can't go outside. Your trapped in a stone prison with them. And to make matters worse, space is at such a premium you don't even get your own bedroom to jack off in privacy.

Hell, but not on earth...

>> No.12675047

Notice how it's only lighting up one patch of a parking lot and the rest of the town is still in darkness. Unfortunately, that's the way mirrors work. And though you could spread the light out, it would no longer be bright. You'd be spreading a few square meters of sunlight collected by the mirror over a several hundred square meters of space, making it a pointless exercise. These sunlight mirrors are basically just dumb stunts, I'm sorry to say.

>> No.12675059

It would cream many American states, but otherwise life would go on. Seriously.

>> No.12675072
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>meanwhile government spends hundreds of billions on the military

>> No.12675106

What's missing? Or rather, what do we need?
An atmosphere, fertile ground, what else?

>> No.12675137

>X is bad
>therefore you should pay for Y, which is unrelated to X
This is not a persuasive line of argument, ever. You need to persuade people that Y is worthwhile, not just that X is bad.

>> No.12675204

it's too far down and it has no atmosphere

>> No.12675309

Underground caves can actually be huge.

>> No.12675349

>What is there to do on Mars though?

Make it habitable. Terraform it. Expand and sustain the colonies. Do research. Imagine finding the remnants of ancient life on Mars, or even the remnants of a dead civilization. Either event would drastically change humanity's perspective.

Even if neither happened, the evolution of human microbes on a foreign planet would give us great insights.

>> No.12675370

Stronger magnetosphere

>> No.12675379


>> No.12675484

when's my SWAMP CAVE filtration plant full of SPACE HICKS and ALLIGATORS

>> No.12675561

are any of these designs antifragile? the most certainty we can calculate is something will go wrong

>> No.12675624

Military at least provide some sort of service, the amount given to niggers and losers is twice that of the military

>> No.12675680
File: 958 KB, 1240x746, MzI5NzY0NA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They tested the top 2 contestants durability like this

>> No.12675709

I should add that this was a concept design competition and this was the first time they were ever even prototyped

>> No.12675870

Looks very scientific, look at all that instrumentation.

>> No.12675892

You should watch the video on the contests, it actually looks pretty promising

>> No.12675900

Also they tested to see how much weight the structure could endure. Thus the loader

>> No.12675954
File: 434 KB, 2250x1500, Mars_Greenhouse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would being a botanist on Mars be peak comfy?

>> No.12676015

It just always looks wrong to me. I suppose there's nothing that could blow it over, but it just looks like it will tip over at some point

>> No.12676120


>> No.12676262

Why would we 3d print a habitat rather than spraying over the skin of an inflatable?

>> No.12676468

Because inflatables require prefabrication and extra space.

>> No.12676888

That's because most of the posts in these threads are by We Will Be Kangs stormniggers whose DIY level makes Wile E. Coyote look like an aerospace engineer: I imagine most of them could put up some drywall, but not without close supervision and a whole lot of tongue-lashing to get them off their lazy larping asses by whatever Karen hired then to do it.

>> No.12677033

that's not a Botanist, anon, that's a farmer

>> No.12677036

I can weld. Also ironwork and pipework.

>> No.12677071

Steel? are you retarded? The amount of precious metals we could get from space is infinitely more than staying on earth. Let musk build his Martian city, It will help the earth long term.

>> No.12677112

Oh shit. Right. Are there any ideas currently for how to achieve that?

>> No.12677165

although you would know it is just naturally inevitable and a part of the human condition to explore and conquer/touch, just like the americas and everything in between, so you know joking just can't prevent these things

>> No.12677218

dig a hole lmao

>> No.12677339

>closer and closer to making a settlement on Mars a reality.
Imagine believing the authorities will ever allow this.

What do you expect? World governments suddenly disappearing as rockets start flying or suddenly growing very lax at the idea of independent societies?

>> No.12677658

Not gonna help a lot. And I wanna jump around naked in Mars. Dies it have an iron core that can be made to spin or so?