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File: 193 KB, 940x914, climatechange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12664615 No.12664615 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, climate change sure is confusing.

>> No.12664647
File: 24 KB, 370x370, 1603904360466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>climate change?

>> No.12664670

Pollution is bad, more CO2 in the atmosphere is bad. These are facts.

Don't worry too much about whatever dumb shit the news runs articles on. Just worry about the facts. Its 2021, news isn't supposed to be taken seriously at all in a direct objective manner without unilateral consideration of all perspectives. News that most people see is only written for what sells or spreads, any dumb correlation can make headlines. But its objective fact that we are dumping shitloads of greenhouse gasses into the atmosphere, and smog is a very very real problem.

>> No.12664681
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>more CO2 in the atmosphere is bad. These are facts.

>> No.12664689

we are at 2021 already, and nothing bad really happens.

at what point we can say global warming is falsified?

>> No.12664693

jump off a bridge

>> No.12664695

> 'Nobody knew climate change could be so complicated'

>> No.12664710

Are you being facetious or are you really surprised that something as complex as the atmosphere isn't a simple A/B problem?
>greenhouse gases increase heat retention
>but also some greenhouse gases reflect away incoming heat
>some do the former better and some do the latter better
Big surprise.

>> No.12664725 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 645x729, 1580592825783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what you're saying is we should increase greenhouse gases to the point so that as much as reflected as possible and the remainder has high retention. with increases CO2 plant life will flourish and the more temperate whether will be a boon for all life.
in stark contrast to the idea that we should gimp industry to reduce CO2 thereby increasing direct heat exposure and reducing heat retention increasing the fluctuation of temperature creating various natural disasters
wow really activates those almonds.

>> No.12664746
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So what you're saying is, we should increase greenhouse gases to the point where as much sun is reflected as possible and the remaining heat generated by the sun is retained creating a more temperate weather increasing the Earths habitable zones. The increase in CO2 will also create high yields for plant life, combined with the increased arable lands, we will solve world hunger.
This is in stark contrast to what is currently being peddled. That we should gimp out industry, increasing poverty and reducing the innovation needed to propel humanity forward, so that greenhouse gases are reduced, thereby increasing direct sunlight exposure. The reduced CO2 will also cripple plant life which relies on high CO2 concentrations to flourish. Additionally, with low heat retention the Earth will become more polarized towards hot and cold waves creating more natural disasters and reducing the habitable and arable areas further exacerbating world hunger.
Really makes you think.

>> No.12664771

This is probably because the sulphites from aeroplane exhausts in particular dropped and they have a cooling effect. But you shouldn't want them in your air anyway, and large carbon emissions are still not a great thing for us.
It's not a particularly confusing idea. And we should be cleaning up our pollution regardless of climate change anyway.

>> No.12664807

again with this retarded argument

co2 that se pump out is different than natural co2
plants have an upper limit for co2 so no that does not mean that we will solve world hunger, the results will be small on the plant life and too much co2 actually gives negative results for plant life.
And we would just further damage evrything
watch potholers videos on the subject he destroyed this stupid argument on several occasions
ofc you would beliveve that stupid shit when industrial shills have infinetly more power and influence kn the public than actual scientists
dont be a brainlet for once understand how much we humans are impacting the enviroment, realise that coal burning releases more radioactive supstances than nuclear poweplants does
how much of the worlds forests did we cut down
we are turning the whole world in a big pasture thats innefective at recycling co2, unlike the forests that use to cover so much ground
and we dump everything in the sea, ruining ecosystems, increasing acidity. once the plankton start dying out its adios for us
not to mention the melting permafrost releasing even more shit in the atmosfere
there is a natural balance and today we tipped it too much with polution and industry

>> No.12664813

>coal burning releases more radioactive supstances than nuclear poweplants
That's racist

>> No.12664821

After you.

>> No.12664822
File: 166 KB, 482x856, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CO2 is different than CO2
stopped reading there.
your retardation knows no bounds

>> No.12664944

The doom is near! And it's your fault, goyim. You must pay for your sins. All forms of currency accepted.

>> No.12665157


>> No.12665160

Faggot, don't just transplant a thread directly from /pol/

>> No.12665171

>Fact Check: False
>While CO2 is increases growth of plants, it isn't good for plants because high CO2 will increase temperature which is bad.
Nice snopes article you fucking retard. CO2 is categorically food for plants. Unrelated shit like temperature is unrelated. As mentioned in >>12664807 you can increase CO2 while keeping temperature constant.

>> No.12665175

faggot, there isn't any thread on climate change on /pol/ you FUCKING NIGGER

>> No.12665193

I mean >>12664746. If greenhouse gases reflect enough light then the terrestrial temperature will be stabilized even better than it is now. Bill Gates plans to literally spray aerosol into the atmosphere to reduce the temperature.

>> No.12665213
File: 422 KB, 1520x1230, CC_trends_anthro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keeping temperature constant.
sure bud

>> No.12665220
File: 136 KB, 768x380, cc_co2absorbtion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

light =/= heat

>> No.12665234
File: 42 KB, 531x241, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>temperature changed in the past that means it will change in this hypothetical situation
literally kill yourself you copy pasting fucking NPC. Try using your brain for 5 seconds and you might realize that smarter people than you are actually seriously discussing this while you're posting shitty infographics from over a decade ago.

>> No.12665238

>i have no argument

>> No.12665245
File: 350 KB, 368x450, 1606974277074.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>i have no argument

>> No.12665286

it's like miniature nuclear winter type of thing
>visible sunlight hits ground
>light is partially reflected like mirror back, partially transforms it into IR
>smog (which is not greenhouse gas by the way) reflects more than ground without transforming as much to IR
>CO2 absorbs IR and heats itself up

Global warming is not total end of the world scenario, but it will very likely cost more money to mitigate things than it would to prevent it

>> No.12665299
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>> No.12665309

>Unrelated shit like temperature is unrelated.
you obviosly never even tried growing a plant outside, otherwise you wouldn't be spouting such nonsense
please stop

>> No.12665318
File: 386 KB, 680x649, 1612423474588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12665319

they're called greenhouse gases for a reason nerd

>> No.12665325

this presupposes man made climate change is true to start with in order to divide out things it thinks humans are causing and calculating backwards what it would be with out it.

I happen to think we have an effect, but 'evidence' like this just weakens the argument.

>> No.12665326

I'm never sure if you people are just being intentionally obtuse or if you're actually so dumb that you're incapable of understanding that aerosols and CO2 are both released by combustion but affect the climate in different ways and on different time scales.

>> No.12665337

I refuse to believe anyone is this dumb for real

>> No.12665339

Put a plastic bag around your head then, dipshit.

>> No.12665350

Can you describe the process of photosynthesis for me without linking anywhere as best you are capable? Just so we know you aren't full of shit.

>> No.12665369
File: 36 KB, 400x506, 1572020048770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carbon go in.
Oxygen go out.

>> No.12665376

Thanks. You are full of shit.

>> No.12665379
File: 7 KB, 400x222, CC_global carbon cycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol retard

>> No.12665381
File: 25 KB, 326x250, 1580516458820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoa whoa whoa bud, who are you to say I'm full of shit? Explain the all the processes by which CO2 is going to destroy the Earth without linking anywhere so we know you aren't full of shit and can accurately described someone else's capacity of shit.

>> No.12665384


>> No.12665391
File: 39 KB, 600x579, 1611765307043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12665399

>without linking anywhere
red flag
you're full of shit

>> No.12665400

Greenhouse gasses increase the temperature
Aerosols decrease the temperature

Greenhouse gasses stay in the atmosphere for a long time and are still going up
Aerosols drop out from the atmosphere pretty fast and are down thanks to near halt to plane travel and decrease in energy use.
Result hotter climate.

>> No.12665401

You can't even describe a process taught in HS. Kill yourself, fucking waste of space.

>> No.12665405

I don't know if I should call this a good post.

>> No.12665417

What a retard.

>> No.12665487


>> No.12665490

Embarrassing thread.

>> No.12665500

It doesn't matter, this propaganda covers both groups.

>> No.12665518

Your post is schizo ramblings but on the point of intentionally pumping out greenhouse gasses which would reduce the incoming energy that's actually one of the geoengineering ideas that people are looking at (and probably won't go anywhere because it's a logistical nightmare and would have it's own damaging effects).

>> No.12665528

Nobody's seriously looking at that. They're looking at sulphur based aerosols since greenhouse gases obviously contribute to heating via the greenhouse effect.

>> No.12665536

I dont care if global warming is real or not, i have AC.

>> No.12665539

MSM pushed fearmongering, that should tell you all about the credibility of these clowns.

>> No.12665544

I dont believe you, simple as.

>> No.12665545
File: 18 KB, 211x239, 1580496823624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12665548

that's what they used to say in syria too

>> No.12665572

Droughts and war have existed since ever.

>> No.12665587

there was like an hour before this thread posted and it had the exact same screencap in the OP you fucking double nigger

>> No.12665592

how would I know that, not being a crossboarding faggot like you?

>> No.12665594

Sulphur based aerosels have a greenhouse effect too Anon, they're what I was talking about. And nobody serious is seriously looking at them since the logistics don't work.

>> No.12665600

>serious people
All these climate scientists are just fanatical teenage groupies following some corrupt celebrity researcher. People go into that field because its hip just like Indiana Jones lead to mass production of archeologists.

>> No.12665601

> scientists say that if we don't work to stop climate change then we'll have big problems
>Legislation to ban use CFCs was passed globally 1990
>several other pieces of legislation to decrease climate change go into place
>retards see the original prediction, without knowing those predictions are out dated

>> No.12665604
File: 410 KB, 1369x1146, 1569882116450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12665606

Weak shilling. CFCs? You can do better

>> No.12665613

not a shill.
not a climate scientist.
Sorry it's coming from some random anon, rather than coming from the divinely inspired Q-anon. Doesn't mean I'm wrong

>> No.12665629

'Course this chart would be a lot simpler if you just changed out the "big baddie" to oil tycoons.

>> No.12665640

>ozone layer is global warming because atmosphere

>> No.12665661

So, have they narrowed down the value of climate sensitivity, or is it still an order of magnitude spread between literally nothing and hellfire?

>> No.12665735
File: 53 KB, 534x800, man-in-jacket-talking-on-phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi /pol/
Bye /pol/

>> No.12665760

and idiots, so you're no mystery

>> No.12665761
File: 7 KB, 635x137, doze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth is a stupid planet.

>> No.12665763
File: 3 KB, 111x125, 1611345246989s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientists are corrupt to the core, what a surprise!

>> No.12665775
File: 358 KB, 1000x800, 1585785758359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So let me get this straight
>Toxic smog full of aerosols clears up
>As a result, these very specific areas warm up a bit
>Therefore, global warming big hoax
Did I get it right?

>> No.12665795

It is already there and happening. Leave your basement.

>> No.12665810

It's almost like all those recent papers saying that cloud cover has significantly bigger cooling effect than previously thought were right.

>since 1900s co2 has risen faster than before, lets blame co2
>what do you mean earth's magnetic field has weakened faster than in the last 10 000 years, also since 1900s, that has nothing to do with temperature, just trust me bro