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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12664332 No.12664332 [Reply] [Original]

So what is the actual point of a college degree? I pay all this money, and for what? To find out facts you can easily google? I bet the internet has made 90% of all degrees redundant yet companies still refuse to hire anyone who isn't a four year. To be honest we should scrap the whole system and replace it with certification criteria and exams.

>> No.12664343


>> No.12664373

read nigga read

>> No.12664472

>certification criteria and exams
A-a-almost like a university!

>> No.12664488

because midwits require validation and shlomo needs his (((cut))). now borrow $200k and get that college degree, goy

>> No.12664497

You go to college for connections
You can learn anything you want online but if you dont have nepotism good luck getting a decent job

>> No.12664501

>So what is the actual point of a college degree?

To make you less pleb. Only a handful of professions NEED a degree.

>> No.12664505

Well, you could start with "a degree could help me develop better quality bait threads".

>> No.12664507

Nobody gives a fuck how qualified you are because there are a dozen other candidates just as qualified
If you have no connections you will never land a position at somewhere you'd actually want to work

>> No.12664514

I got a job at fortune 50 by applying on indeed. I get head hunting offers from LinkedIn at least once a month. “Connections” is cope for people without talent.

>> No.12664517

This. Talent > networking/people skills.

>> No.12664531

You learn quite a bit about yourself and about the world. It takes time and effort to get that piece of paper. Some are easier to get than others but you still went through the experience.

>> No.12664556

A great majority of successful people are stupid and untalented, so clearly not. Being a bad person who networks is by far the biggest advantage in life, after looks. Talent and intelligence are disadvantages if anything because no one who has those things wants to waste their life working a job.

>> No.12664557
File: 119 KB, 1216x970, sci education reform.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because kids are graduating high school without being able to read. If we fixed primary and secondary education to actually teach, we would need to send so many people off to university.

>> No.12664565

You seem like someone who is resentful they possess none of the skill sets being discussed.

>> No.12664569

Why are you so mad?

>> No.12664577

the only factor of success is luck, everything else is irrelevant

>> No.12664712

>To be honest we should scrap the whole system and replace it with certification criteria and exams.
but that would be racist. so we can't allow it.

>> No.12664805

Don't use google you ADHD zoomer

>> No.12665973

Consider suicide as your life is redundant