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File: 51 KB, 220x203, 220px-Eric_Weinstein_in_January_2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12663046 No.12663046 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.12663050

Damn, that's crazy. Why doesn't he publish his results?

>> No.12663062

The fact that he's Jewish makes him x10 more credible. White people haven't contributed to Physics since Newton.

>> No.12663298

is that the guy with the timecube?
>he's white but he's -Stein so he's not white meaning race is just a social construct.

>> No.12663492

You making him white is the construct because of pale complexion. He's Jewish, race is real and Israel tests for it

>> No.12665378

>White people haven't contributed to physics since Newton
Kind of, there are some, but the majority of modern physics was made by either German Jews or other Jews: Oppenheimer, Feynman, Einstein, etc.
But there are counter-examples: Nils Bohr, Planck, Schrödinger, Dirac, etc.

>> No.12665512

bohr was half jewish

>> No.12665546

He claims because of the academy's entrenched bureaucracy and turf guarding. He should just put it all out on google docs. He'd get a Nobel Prize if he were right regardless. It's not like he can FORCE experimental physicists to take up the research, but once it's out there, it's out there. If it's right, he will eventually be recognized, perhaps after he's dead. Who cares? You have to die to be immortal anyway. He does seem to like attention and drama though, so being right might not be enough for him.

>> No.12665559

Jews are mutts and the longer they stay in a given region the more genes they take. Leave Ashkenazis in China and come back in 400 years, they will all look like Chinese. Basically very white looking jews have just been bleached and are 95% white. Even their "jewish" language Yiddish is just medieval German

>> No.12665576 [DELETED] 

>Yiddish is just medieval German
it has alot of vocab in it that is not german, explained through the silk road and other merchant-routes, where jews spoke this dialect within themselves.
it is not just medieval german ...
t. german

>> No.12665602

Loanwords dont mean it isn't essentially German

>> No.12665614

r=p; epic weinstein

>> No.12665634

He is so far up his on ass that he cannot even conceive the possibility that people will find obvious flaws in his work.
If he was really fighting the system he would do like Perelman and post it on the arXiv.

>> No.12665683

stop being a newfag , nothing is ever solved, the universe is alive, science is infinite

>> No.12665708

ok it is german written in hebrew i am such a fool

>> No.12665746
File: 24 KB, 266x380, 266px-Stephen_Wolfram_PR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solves physics

>> No.12665766
File: 21 KB, 597x559, 2A1B06FB-C980-462F-BBCE-B3D82DF381B5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Joe Rogan's personal mutt
>solving anything

Let me guess, you listen to autist Lex Friedman and the pill popper Jordan Peterson too

>> No.12665807
File: 37 KB, 647x724, 1591528403980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't?

>> No.12665959

>he'd get a Nobel prize regardless
Kek. You obviously haven't heard about what happened to his brother

>> No.12665979 [DELETED] 

I only know him for being a jewish faggot retard that was part of the original lineup of the "intellectual darkweb" (roflmao) and for looking like a clear sexual pervert that got famous cause he really wanted to fuck underage girls. I have no idea what his thing is except trying to look very smart. Are you telling me he claims he's made some discoveries that will change science forever and he hasn't published them cause he doesn't trust the institutions but it's totally 100% true? Is he really that much of a faggot?

>> No.12666057

This but unironically

>> No.12666089

>Is he really that much of a faggot?
yes, maybe its also partly his schizophrenia and delusions kicking in
those are symptomatic for members of the long nose tribe

>> No.12666118
File: 1.49 MB, 2592x3888, emmmfro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't even claim to have quantized his field theory

>> No.12666283

he’s a conman. basically the same as Garrett Lisi, but he learned from Lisi’s debacle. Lisi, who got his PhD in literally dolphin physics (“””biophysics”””) went through 4 steps.
1) he tried learning a tiny bit of actual high energy theory so he could create a meme “theory of everything”
2) created an absolute piece of shit theory that sounded real because of some buzzwords and posted his junk theory.
3) then he went out on a publicity tour and gave TED talks hyping it up. (it got debunked quickly)
4) despite being debunked all the popsci idiots just disregarded that and he got famous since Sabine wrote a chapter in her book about him. this is what funds his Hawaii-surfer-bum lifestyle

now back to Weinstein. he realized that he could improve the grift and get famous even if he skipped steps 1 and 2. he just skipped right to buzzword hype and nobody cared that in fact he has no theory. the popsci idiots like Sabine publicize it anyway, even though there is nothing there. and fortunately your theory can’t get debunked if you don’t have any theory to debunk. so he just perfected the Lisi method by cutting out the unnecessary step of actually making up bullshit—you can get famous nowadays by just faking it

>> No.12667604
File: 226 KB, 266x380, 266px-Stephen_Wolfram_PR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
