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12660638 No.12660638[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Scientifically speaking, is it possible for a man to get pregnant?

>> No.12660644

Yes. Men who were assigned female at birth and are fertile can get pregnant.

>> No.12660658
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If a literal plastic bag can become pregnant, anyone can become pregnant.

>> No.12660678

The ideal woman really does exist...

>> No.12660772


>> No.12660817


>> No.12661409
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you'll never be a woman

>> No.12661418

Yes, but you have to have a massive cock and ram it REALLY deep up his colon then cum at minimum 1 cup of sperm.

>> No.12661432

if she was born with two X chromosomes, yes
that's not a man though

>> No.12661462

What would happen if you inserted a viable egg into a testicle? Fertilization? Implantation?

>> No.12661475

no you'll get an immune response and the egg will be fagocytosed very fast

>> No.12661734
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You're not going to get her pregnant Abigail.

>> No.12661739

Why not both?

>> No.12661740


>> No.12661750

achtchually, im under the belief that if you were to clone yourself and make it so that your clone is woman, then you proceed with transplanting your brain into your clone, you could become a woman, theoretically

>> No.12661751

I believe the scientific term is 'cowboy mode'

>> No.12661756

Sure. Scientifically everything is possible. You could transplant an uterus, than insert an egg.
You could create out of a mans body part something that is similar to an uterus.
You could use some gen-altering process that man grows a vagina and uterus.
You should ask if humanity is able to master technics that can make a man pregnant. No. It is too complicated, too risky and too hard to master. Everybody react different, the methods you need to use are too fragile.

Hi, there plastic lover!

>> No.12661764

I agree. Theoretical everything is possible. But the chance that this works is another question. Since cells and self-reperation is always a thing of chance, try & error, it could work or not. Look at pregnancy and birth. Some bellies are undetectable after giving birth. Others have to cope with stretchmark, loose stomach skin. It is a lottery of genetics, eating and excercises that gives you your former belly back or not.

>> No.12661802

>assigned female at birth
What does this mean? Why do trans people prefer it over "biologically male/female?" Is it because it's less triggering or because they genuinely believe they're no longer at least in part still the sex they were born as?

>> No.12661805

Rent free my nigger.

>> No.12661810


>> No.12661837

Which breadtuber is going to be next?

>> No.12661853
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Maybe in the future humanity will develope something similar to Death Stranding's bridge BB system

>> No.12661861

hbomb. It's been clear since his vidya videos.

>> No.12662303

Probably a minor one like Xanderhal

>> No.12662326


>> No.12662329


>> No.12662389

>Scientifically speaking, is it possible for a man to get pregnant?
No, as scientifically speaking, a man is an adult human male, which means he produces sperm and not ovum and does not have a uterus, and thus can not become pregnant.

>> No.12662873


Fuck, I'm done pretending that the "leftism makes you trans" thing is just a meme anymore, there's no way all these people would legitimately be dysphoric in a vacuum. 2/3 of all the big name breadtubers who started as men are women now. I think Jim fuckin' Sterling just came out as one too.

>> No.12662975

I think it may be a self-selection thing: (1) If someone is fighting constantly for trans rights, it's possibly because they may be trans. (2) It's easier to recognize this shit and come out as a lefty than anywhere else.