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12659148 No.12659148 [Reply] [Original]

Is reaction time a good way to test for ADHD? I've been diagnosed with ADHD, but my reaction time is above average. None of the medications seem to be working, if anything they make me more excited.

>> No.12659727

no medication work?

>> No.12659737

over for ADHDcels

>> No.12659750
File: 58 KB, 680x453, 42E98626-B825-4239-9A7B-3ED4ADA2C505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have ADHD, focalin made me miserable. Stop taking your meds dude, seriously. Just fucking crack down and study, I went through four years of STEM plus an additional 60 credits for a USCG license without my medication. The way that shit makes you feel isn’t worth it

>> No.12659751
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Do you have a fast computer? How'd you do that? I'm perfectly average..

>> No.12659759

I've went through ritalin, concerta, now taking 20mg vyvanse. None have had any effects except concerta which, at 54mg dosage, gave me anxiety, fast heart rate. When I first started taking the high dosage I once didn't sleep for 2 days straight and didn't feel tired after being awake for like 48 hours.

>> No.12659767

I failed from college and got diagnosed with ADHD. I couldn't stay focused during lectures, kept getting up, rocking my chair. This was when school went online. When classes were in person I'd sometimes doodle in my notebook. So I began to suspect ADHD and was later diagnosed with it.

>> No.12659800
File: 366 KB, 750x523, 54637019-6A4E-4A0B-94C4-46B108E42D4E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never EVER paid attention in classes. I crammed for tests and my GPA ended up being a 2.25 overall.
I admit, there certainly were times when I was convinced I would fail out. Actually I had one more semester with a gpa under 2, I would have.
I don’t know what you studied, for me it was marine environmental science along with an unlimited tonnage third mate’s deck license. I find the best way to study was nonstop quizlets

>> No.12659831

I began college taking chem 1. I had 4 hour lectures. I'd constantly zone out, pretty much every couple minutes, and constantly miss information, growing increasingly frustrated as the gaps in my understanding kept widening. By the end I wouldn't know what we talked about and learned nothing, I'd have to spend additional time rewatching the lecture but my inability to focus remained so a 4 hour lecture could take way longer because I'd constantly have to rewind. My grades were dropping with each test. I had to drop the course because I was going to fail it. Also I have a hard time reading textbooks.

So no trying harder or cramming wouldn't have worked at all as it got to the point where i had to watch like 15 hours worth of lectures in a few days when my attention span is like 3 minutes.

>> No.12659866

Ha. I actually had to drop chem 1 twice before I really sat down and took the class. And I struggled with Chem 2, environmental chem, orgo, and marine biogeochem. YouTube saved my ass in that class, bless pajeets and their endless YouTube videos. Oh, and I read the textbook too. Only time I’ve ever done that

>> No.12660008

ADHD taking 6 classes engineering major. Only way I can do well is doing problems. If I do the video lectures I'll be browsing 50 websites and not retaining a thing. Have to go back to lectures when I get stuck on a problem.

>> No.12660046

I'm the same way, I can do problems easily and hyperfocus but I can't read or pay attention during lectures.

>> No.12660171
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I have a 144hz monitor but I don't know if that would make a difference. Just took it 3 times in a row and got less than 200 each time. Surely a person with ADHD couldn't get this score?

>> No.12660246

adhd is fake and gay. pharma lobbying pushed adhd to sell speed and people who have an attention span disorder just had bad parents.

>> No.12661321

It's not fake and gay. It's the most well understood and treatable condition in psychiatry.

>> No.12661449

good for you anon, that must not have been easy.

>> No.12662364

why thank you anon

>> No.12662400

Same here, I got diagnosed as a kid and in high school but didn't get medicine until I was a freshman in college. The vyvanse triggered panic attacks that I have never had in my life, at least once a day I was concerned I was going to have a heart attack. It wasn't worth it and getting off was the best thing that could have happened.

It wasn't easy but learning how to focus and work around my horrible time management skills was honestly life changing. Went from the smart but lazy stereotype making B's and C's to straight A's legit top of the class sometimes.

Also at least for me, the medication makes you wired but not necessarily wired on studying or getting work done. I found the most use popping a double dose before a long exam and going ham.

>> No.12662404

focalin made me anxious, quiet, spaced out, and made me lose my appetite.
the worst part of focalin was that it would indeed make me focus, but I was liable to get sucked into a book or doodling

>> No.12662505
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My brain scans show I should be asleep but I'm not, I'm in 'shower thoughts' mode pretty much all the time. I just learnt how to program my auto-cog through my subconscious and nervous system, I let them take the wheel since that's where the reaction magic happen. The left side of the brain has a much longer delay.

>> No.12662619

Do you do any meditation?

>> No.12662800
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Funny, they asked me that after my brain scans and yes I do. I enjoy studying all techniques since they help a lot with my profession and hobbies, I fell in love with them when I was bed ridden for years and used them to get through that time.

>> No.12662841

Meditation improves reaction time?

>> No.12662851

>Is reaction time a good way to test for ADHD?
No. That is the most retarded thing I've ever heard.

>> No.12662901

Tell more about it, i'm interested in starting it.

>> No.12662903

Yes, going to the brain gym is real; according to neuroscientists Image-Stream is the best one and even improves IQ. You can even program yourself to have triggers through mantras and gestures, causing adrenalin to rush through your body.


>> No.12663762

Daily meditation helped reduce the amount of panic attacks I would get. I'm interested in getting better at communicating with my subconscious.

>> No.12663786

try cocaine or mcat, it lasts shorter. i dont really get anxious on them either