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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12656227 No.12656227[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What can be done of the plight that is the state of our scientific and mathematics education?

Whether it be Russian 4th graders learning math taught at the US university level
or Chinese schools tracking students' brainwaves to enhance educational outcomes,
western nations are being left behind in the dust.

Why is it that a child has access to photo realistic depictions of scantily clad women running around in video games but
animations designed to "enhance" mathematics and science accessed from textbook publishers' websites look like they were designed in the 1960s?

What can be done to make learning science and math intrinsically motivating once again?

>> No.12656309 [DELETED] 

no no goy just listen to AOC
remember to HODL diamond hands GME
remember HODL means you're screwing those Jew bankers like us-I mean (((them)))

>> No.12656339

>Why is it that a child has access to photo realistic depictions of scantily clad women running around in video games but
>animations designed to "enhance" mathematics and science accessed from textbook publishers' websites look like they were designed in the 1960s?
There is a word for that, fren: capitalism, and its unfortunate basic principle, local optimization.

>> No.12656358

The drive towards an answer can only be fueled by authentic curiosity towards the problem itself. Focus on understanding problems not producing answers. From this point curiosity will fuel itself.

>> No.12656368

little girls.....

>> No.12656468

I'm here for the pic

>> No.12656531

why can't they make a video game about learning math. how hard can that be?

>> No.12656544

So the problem with the west is there is no cultural drive for learning math. The highest good a kid can achieve in America is to become a popular youtuber or something. Until we have a decent culture again math and all other intellectual pursuits will continue to degenerate.

>> No.12656561

/sci/ - Science and Maths.

>> No.12656576

This is the most important issue concerning science and maths. If this doesn't get fixed science and math itself is over unless we switch the board's language to Chinese or Russian.

>> No.12656583

Maybe we should.

>> No.12656604

I have no faith in schools doing this, it doesn't really matter to them whether the kids end up smart or not. Anybody have ideas for a home school curriculum though? I have a kid on the way and don't want to send them to a shit hole school where they learn nothing all day

>> No.12656614

The point of school is not education, it's to make children interact with each other in a relatively safe microcosm of society so they learn how to deal with people in their productive lives.

By homeschooling a child you're depriving him from the experience he needs to handle issues with people or take chances to fuck them over. You're fucking killing them, anon. What the fuck does knowledge matter if there's always someone with higher specialization who also knows how to handle a team? Where the fuck do you see your children in the future?

>> No.12656627

Be my guest, learning languages comes pretty naturally to me

>> No.12656630

Yeah because the only way to socialize a kid is to send them to a school where they are bored for 8 hours a day

>> No.12656649

Well that's your problem then. Nigger just don't get the kid bored lmao.

>> No.12656651
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>> No.12656681

>animations designed to "enhance" mathematics and science
Pure cancer. Any textbook with color illustrations is automatically trash. Also, any textbook in which the author refers to himself as "I" and addresses the reader as "you" is likely to be trash as well.

>> No.12656682
File: 156 KB, 600x600, Loudly_Crying_Face_Emoji_grande.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute and funny, pic related.

>> No.12656696

>1st grade
Now, now, easy with the compliments. If you praise children too much they grow arrogant.

>> No.12656725


>> No.12656737

It's "UUUOOOHHH!!!", you philistine.

>> No.12657414

this, western culture is in decline. its why our universities are filled with indians and chinks, and its only getting worse and europe imports more middle easterners and blacks and the US imports more blacks and mexicans all who have even less interest in science and engineering than white people.

>> No.12657444

They wouldnt be filled with indians and chinks if you gave all latin americans a fair chance, but you don't, so go fuck yourself. Enjoy your brown universities.

>> No.12657468

Contrast your typical science education video

What that of the playstation 5 demo

>> No.12657833

It's a cultural thing. In the U.S. everyone thinks it's okay to be shit at math. That mentality isn't nearly as prevalent so students are more encouraged to git gud and as a result many asians and European learn significantly higher level maths before going to uni, many jump straight into abstract mathematics because they already took the calculus courses and linear algebra in High School (in the U.S. you are never taught vector or matrices, most never make it anywhere near calculus or statistics).
Since there's a mentality to dumb down mathematics even more, in a few years your average American will have only taken, not necassarly pass, Algebra I... In their senior year of high school.

>> No.12659380

but if they made it cool with video games then everyone would want to be good at it. that is the whole point. its such an easy fix

>> No.12659557
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Good thread topic Op. Science education has undergone numerous reforms which have consistently failed to address core issues. There are some clear and established "fixes" that could be implemented to increase science education tenfold but for whatever reason, reform efforts have never shown interest in reform. If you have the time, read pic related (left). A solid discussion into the purposes of public education.

>> No.12659584

Can you explain some of these fixes?

>> No.12659594

bring back spanking in the classroom

>> No.12659703
File: 134 KB, 586x727, rbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an PhD student in science education currently so when we talk about necessary "fixes" a few that I put fourth are 1) Invest in preservice teacher prepartion i.e. more than a single methodology course. 2) Incentivize teaching as a profession. The goal should not be to create a career in which people do it for money but that educators are compensated for the time put in. 3) Eliminate textbooks. The adage of a mile wide and an inch deep is true. Research has shown that textbooks offer little benefits to a quality science education. 4) Eliminate streamlining practices such as universal lesson plan formats. 5) Promote a research-based framework for teaching which requires preparing educators to make decisions which are congruent with their goals, how those goals will be assessed and materialized, and incorporates the psychological sciences of how people learn. See the picture for the framework I refer to most often. And finally, we don't have inspiring narratives for students to care about. Schools cannot survive if economic utility is the driving motivator. Also, as a note, I focus and have experience mostly with secondary science education.

>> No.12659910


>> No.12660159

JIDF is paid to shit up /pol/, not /sci/

get back to work

>> No.12661379

Who is posting all these cunny stock images?

>> No.12661447

JIDF is paid to shit up everywhere on this site.

>> No.12661456

This is exactly the sort of drivel I encountered during my post grad diploma in secondary school teaching. Noble sounding fluff which comes up short on gritty specifics. It makes you sound progressive without delivering any actual content. Fuck you assholes, you disseminate this tripe down through the channels of like minded idiots in the education sector, people who fill their days waving their hands and compiling lists without actually doing anything. You useless fucks are the reason its a mess.

>> No.12661469

inclusive capitalism does that to you
if we had communism, we wouldn't have to force midwits into these powerful positions to profit off inclusivity

>> No.12661520

>Whether it be Russian 4th graders learning math taught at the US university level
It's not just Russians, it's just that Americans are particularly low iq
Reminder that every supposedly American scientist/mathematician is either a Jew, or a first gen immigrant from Europe/Asia

>> No.12661521

dont you have that backwards?

>> No.12661539

no faggot, why do you think it's called the globohomo deep state.

>> No.12661564

Please stop this constant nonceposting. You were in the other thread as well

>> No.12661762

You will get the curriculum from a local school or school board. You will get support. Your kids will grow up safe without bullying, and they will not spend half their day dealing with drill instructors and arbitrary rules that shape them into cogs for an obsolete industrial system. School is a soul crusher. Make sure to set things in motion well beforehand.

Always answer questions. If you don't know find out, or batter yet help them look it up.

Explain even uncomfortable things. Tell them why these things are uncomfortable.

>> No.12661766

what about when it comes time to explain illustrate and critique the various genres of hard corn pornography?

>> No.12661770

We don't have enough capitalism. The only tax should be sales tax. What you own should be yours. You should not have to rent your property from the state.

>> No.12661782

If your kid really asks you about that, explain to them about sex, then sexual disorders, then psychological disorders, then coping mechanisms, then ethics, then cultural interconnectedness, then artistic styles, then from this knowledge base have them explain illustrate and critique the various genres of hard corn (popcorn?) pornography. The emphasis will be on the human condition as a whole not on the sensational nature of inflammatory imagery.

>> No.12661791

>or take chances to fuck them over.
Your fatherless children will die in jail.

>> No.12661798


>> No.12661820

Unironically nothing good has come from the west, I say give other countries a chance to shine.

>> No.12661821

Everything mentioned there is already copium. sex, sexual disorders, psychology, ethics, art. All cope. The state is happy that you voluntarily brainnix your children though. Very honorable citizen.

>> No.12662301

fucj science and math someone should teach Mladies the meaning of "skirt must not rise above the knee" what is this a bordello no it is a place of learning!

>> No.12662354

This is the attitude which pushes people further away from a unified public education. The things I've noted are not "noble sounding fluff". These are ideas about the goals and purposes of education which trace to Dewey (arguably one of the greatest educational thinkers and teachers in history) who wrote about these problems in the early 20th century. The science of how people learn including the learning cycle, Piaget and Vygotsky's work on learning progressions, Behavioral, Developmental, Constructivist, and Social Learning theories are not fluff. You want a solution? Its preservice teacher preparation and administrators not putting meaningful and worthwhile education above all other goals. Mayn of us (myself included) have been jaded by the depressing society. Public schools reflect society and so we in turn see how crushing and limiting they can be. I've made the same complaints that few people are willing to roll up their sleeves and address the core rot of education but I there are good people in all levels of educational institutions, who genuinely care about students and how our schools prepare them.

>> No.12662427

I dunno, I for one am going through Khan Academy math courses and the way they explain concepts is way better than the shit I find in modern Russian textbooks.

t.30-ish yo Russian

>> No.12662502
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>> No.12662550

Primary schools in the US are glorified day care centers. There is no coincidence that school runs from 7-3 while mom n dad work 9-5. Kids shouldn’t be in class for more than 3-4 hours a day. They should be running around and interacting with their parents. First thing that needs to happen is to cut out the fluff and shorten the school day by half. Good luck getting that past Mr. Sheckelstein though.

>> No.12663898


>> No.12664415

why are russian girls so much better at math than us boys?

>> No.12665800

Nah, maximum we have a little introduction to calculus and linear algebra in high school

t. russian school attender

>> No.12665802

ohhh that must be fun comrade

>> No.12666729

do bullies exist in all cultures or just us

>> No.12666735

Eliminate esucation catering to the lowest common denominator.

Prevent government experiments on smart children

Eliminte the academic GOP

>> No.12666889

eliminate all video games that are not educational. stop allocating billions of dollars to drone strikes and put that into video game creation for maths and science

>> No.12667176


>> No.12667337

Word salad

>> No.12667583

math sucks thats why

>> No.12667656

Use competent teachers.
Hold back failing students so they don't hold back everyone else.
Do awesome things in school like nuclear rockets instead of egg drops. Kids can drop eggs in their kitchens at home.
Society does awesome things like moon landings, nuclear war and Mars colonies instead of 50 years of crying about global warming without fixing it.

>> No.12667755

video games make people smarter

hate for them always comes from brainlets; re:/g/ re:/pol/

>> No.12667824

why is math so boring and video game so fun? thats the real question here

>> No.12667871

You mean authoritarianism. China's brand of Communism is basically Fascism with a coat of paint, actual communism would be even more repulsively inclusive (councils of industrial workers would be responsible for governance of local areas, the head of state would basically be a fucking union boss).

>> No.12667882

HaHA YEAH just leveled up after pwning some noobs teeheeee! epic win! pew PeW VROOOM

>> No.12667959

>t. Revisionist

>> No.12668084

What's your thoughts on nofap?

>watch closely kids, you're about to spot the juice

>> No.12668736

education is in the shitter. too many midlevels dont wana do anything so they make bullshit powerpoint on education

>> No.12668789

College education is one of US's biggest exports. I thought you /pol/ schizos cares about the economy

>> No.12668790
File: 58 KB, 544x357, Cirno Math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>12656227 >>12656368 >>12656682

[math]\mathbb{C}ute \land funny \iff \mathbb{C}unny [/math]

>> No.12669498

More derivations should be taught instead of proofs.