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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 18 KB, 474x365, 1464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12653118 No.12653118 [Reply] [Original]

I have a feeling that masks do more bad than good.

>People at work touch cancerous chemicals like Aziridine with gloves, then they pull up their mask because it slipped under their nose.

>Wear the mask under the nose all the time but when going in a room with 200ppm solvents in the air they pull it over the nose, instead of getting the A2 mask.

>> No.12653143

yes, I, too, like to make up stupid stories about chemists/chemical engineers/process engineers and the like. These people knew, prior to the pandemic, how to use ppe.
They all suddenly forgot all about 'chemical hygiene' so that you could make this faggotized, idiotic, thread.
bravo, well done.

>> No.12653147

Visited the pulmonologist last week because I've been having issues with fatigue and chest tightness. During the appointment he touched his mask at least a dozen times while we were talking. If a doctor who specializes in respiratory infections can't refrain from touching his mask constantly, how can it be expected that the general public will? Also while he did not say to not wear a mask, he did mention that everyone, including himself, are becoming fatigued from wearing them all day. He gave the example of using the stairs at the hospital, he could run up seven or eight flights no problem but now two or three will exhaust him. The message I took away wasn't "don't wear the mask" but rather "yeah, it sucks and has it's own set of negative consequences".

>> No.12653178

i have stopped reminding them. it’s no use they don’t learn. adults are incapable of learning habits like being clean. if they didn’t learn order and cleanliness as child, they never ever will. don’t kid yourself by trying to change them.
>hurr me handle literal covid swab with gloves despite them being literally ineffective against infection
>because me safe with magic totem me can touch my personal items with gloves
i scream silently but if they get offed i’m not shedding a single tear. sucks about others they might infect tho

>> No.12653317

>I have a feeling that user error does more harm than good

>> No.12653344
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>> No.12654207
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>> No.12654368
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User error?

>> No.12654438

I'm going to wear masks for the rest of my life in public. FUCK FACIAL RECOGNITION. The coronavirus outbreak has been a blessing for the privacy movement. I'm 100% sure that wearing a mask will be socially acceptable even after the pandemic so I'm going to keep wearing one for the rest of my life in combination with a hoodie, sunglasses and baggy clothes so that neural-net AI can't generalize my motion.

>> No.12654462

Don't forget to close your eyes too, put a cloak to trick the walking style recognition, destroy your phone and destroy all the cameras around you.

>> No.12654465
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>> No.12654467

ya fuk masks. my tinder date insisted I wore one but i couldnt cum because i kept getting dizzy right as i was climaxing.

>> No.12654480

Huh? I’ve never heard of problems from masks. Can anyone explain?

>> No.12654484

That's why they now say you should wear more than 1 mask at the same time

>> No.12654514

Americans are obese and suffer from heart failure; they can barely walk as is without stopping to breathe, any minimal obstruction to airflow(i.e. a mask) causes the American to collapse, suffocated

>> No.12654523

Huh, I’ve never known that. If that’s the case... Is there any other solution for people then?

>> No.12654527

Ironically you're making it easier to identify you because you're the only person who is going to resort to that particular set of id avoidance tactics.

>> No.12654539
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>Is there any other solution for people then?

>> No.12654543

Technically, that’s effective. But people would consider you as a wierdo, I guess?

>> No.12654552

Why do poltards create fake news just to make themselves angrier?
Normally propaganda is something you target at your enemies to deceive them, but poltards have mastered the art of shitposting yourself into seething at shit that you yourself made up

>> No.12654555
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A year ago people would have thought you were a weirdo if you wore a mask into a store in the US.
pic unrelated

>> No.12654557

Do you also get upset at The Onion?

>> No.12654598

The Onion is funny

>> No.12654615

Masks don't work very well. The mandates are an obvious failure

>> No.12654735

>I have a feeling
Then go to /pol/. Nobody cares about your feefees here.

>> No.12654759

You need masks to avoid getting fined/refused service. If you can wear masks 1% of the time and manage that, they work as intended.

>> No.12655460

Hurrr durr pay attention God dammit. How can you, after a full year of this shitshow, STILL not understand that masks are only a PART of the concept?
Masks: help a bit
Distancing: helps a bit
Masks plus distancing: helps a lot

Why is /sci/ out of all boards the most retarded? Are you all completely delusional and ignorant of the world out there?

>> No.12655465

>cancerous chemicals
not contagious, retard

>> No.12655469


>> No.12655478

>masks: help a bit
>distancing: help a bit
>countries with total masking, distancing and lockdowns: can't do shit against the cough
Something does not add up.

>> No.12655487

Yeah, your intellect.

>> No.12655505

Wear the FUCKING triple mask!

>> No.12655511

Thought so.

>> No.12655525

Sorry, what?

>> No.12655533

>Wear the mask under the nose all the time but when going in a room with 200ppm solvents in the air they pull it over the nose, instead of getting the A2 mask
The based chemchads laugh in the face of danger anon.

>> No.12655540
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>> No.12655545

pretty cringe tbqh

>> No.12655549

>Doesnt know about gait recognition

It even gets you when you pretend you are limping . Time to get a wheelchair bruh

>> No.12655551

So masks are literaly a filter.

>> No.12655557

I only visit shops with no mask requirements anyway, but if If I'll see such a sign in my neighborhood, I'll make it my favorite store.

>> No.12655581
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>> No.12655827

Hey /sci/ friends.

I want to buy a lot of n95 masks to take this seriously, I'm a recluse so until now I haven't been infected or infected anyone, but surprisingly neither my mother whom I live with and she deals with a lot of people.

I want to invest the minimum amount of money but get it good.
My plan was to use an n95 mask today, then put it in storage for 3 - 4 days, entirely isolated for the viruses to die so I can re-use it 2 maybe 3 times more before disposing of it entirely.

The alternative would be to also buy a type of UV light device used for killing viral particles so to speak, but I'm considering if that wouldn't damage the fabric too much. But in the case you tell me this is the best route, what parameters should I look for in such a device and how much time should the mask sit in it minimally speaking?

Thank you all.

>> No.12655837

you can just let it sit/hang in a dry place for a few days, preferably near sun light. That should take care of the biggest risks. If you are in a risk group, I would definitely consult of of the many hotlines instead.

>> No.12655848

W/e those hotlines might answer, surely already exists in the form of QnA, encyclopedic style articles and so on, do you know of any such materials?

>> No.12655895

I’m not in a risk group, so not really. A quick google search:



>> No.12655898

Thanks for your effort anon, have a nice day.

>> No.12655909

gl hf with life

>> No.12656031

>simultaneously communism and facism
not too surprised it's a retard who put this up

>> No.12656053

>Gait recognition
That's why I talked about baggy clothing that distorts movement and doesn't really show what your stance/gait/movement is.
Yeah sure they might pin "That weird unrecognizable dude" on me 100% of the time with surveillance. But could they actually pin it to my real identity?
>Don't forget to close your eyes too
No need, sunglasses exist
>put a cloak to trick the walking style recognition
Baggy clothing works as far as I know

>> No.12656102
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>That's why I talked about baggy clothing that distorts movement and doesn't really show what your stance/gait/movement is.
But then they'll identify you as the retard wearing JNCO jeans.

>> No.12656206

The entire response to the pandemic has been based on feefees.

>> No.12656210

It should be obvious from the arrows that it is saying that communism and fascism both lead to the same authoritarian outcome we are seeing now.

>> No.12656214
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>> No.12656218

>A year ago people would have thought you were a weirdo if you wore a mask into a store in the US.
Only in summer.

>> No.12656597

>what is Vietnam
>what is Australia
>what is New Zealand
>what is fucking China

>> No.12656603

>implying you ever leave your moms basement

>> No.12656623

i keep hand sanitizer in my pocket and constantly ensure my hands are clean after touching anything at all. I go through a bottle a day.
I can touch my mask if i want to.

>> No.12656639

Clean mask and wear for short periods only. Switch to a new mask the moment your mask gets damp and let your face dry.

The danger is inhaling bacteria like a retard.

>> No.12656650

The mask fouls from oils, dirt and grime. The virus risk is minimal to anyone with basic hygiene.

>> No.12657421

now you see, welcome to reality. for me its crazy see people in the city at night when its cold af and they are alone and are still wearing their makes. fucking sheep

>> No.12657441

>. fucking sheep
Just like people who drive sober, huh?

>> No.12657485

Cringe for being absolutely 100% correct and considerate to your customers?

>> No.12657528

You're not into auto-erotic asphyxiation I take it.

>> No.12657531

Yes, masks filter gases, but somehow they don't filter viral particles, at least that's what I've been told.

>> No.12658407

That's literally what covidists do.

>> No.12658480

You shouldn't drive because you shouldn't leave your house in the first place.

>> No.12658584

What is Belgium?

>> No.12658622
File: 78 KB, 791x654, tests.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is Vietnam

>> No.12658650

Sticking a rock in your shoe should do the trick

>> No.12658817
File: 133 KB, 1162x769, deathsper100k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't need to test as much if few people are dying.
Don't need as much pregnancy tests if more people wear a condom.

>> No.12658882

why do the western nations say "tests performed" and the eastern ones say "people tested?"

>> No.12658927

this is retarded. graph clearly says "deaths attributed to covid-19," so, if fewer people are tested, fewer people's deaths will be attributed to covid-19

>> No.12658933

You'd like more negative tests I suppose? They're mainly testing the sick, and their positivity rate is still ridiculously low.

>> No.12658950

>so, if fewer people are tested, fewer people's deaths will be attributed to covid-19
The USA had it's highest rate of deaths from COVID-19 when barely testing. More testing means testing more people who have a minor illness or no symptoms at all.

>> No.12658966

Don't need to test as much if few people are dying because covid is a seasonal cold which hardly impacts the total mortality rate.

>> No.12658976

>The USA had it's highest rate of deaths from COVID-19 when barely testing.
USA: 948 tests per 1000 people.
Vietnam: 14 tests per 1000 people
How does it feel to talk out of your ass so much?

>> No.12658986

>More testing means testing more people who have a minor illness or no symptoms at all.
yes, i agree
the graph in >>12658817 is misleading since it's only showing deaths among people who had a positive covid test, which in countries with massive, widespread, asymptomatic testing will be artificially inflated

>> No.12658989

Umm, yes. Please make at least USA or UK tier level of testing and then proclaim the covid victory.
Wait, actually don't. If you don't do tests, you have no covid and therefore can forget about pandemics.

>> No.12659004

Asian wisdom.

>> No.12659032

both brands of socialism tho

>> No.12659077

The point flew over your head anon. I'll try to explain in more detail.

In the middle of April, the USA was experiencing over 2k COVID-19 deaths per day, and 20k new cases per day. At that time, the USA was only running about 100k tests per day. That's a 20% positive test rate, and a 2% death rate. Compare that to October, when the USA was running over 1 million tests per day, averaging 50k positive cases, but less than 1k deaths. That's a 0.1% death rate and a 5% positivity rate. So testing more didn't magically result in more deaths. What happened is early on, only the most ill were being tested. As testing expanded, more mild and asymptomatic cases were discovered.

Now look at Vietnam. They've run 1.4 million tests, with only 1800 cases. That's a 0.12% positivity rate. Considering they're testing only the most likely to have COVID-19 (travelers, medical workers, the ill), it's unlikely that far more extensive testing would uncover a rash of unaccounted for cases. Their positivity rate is already extremely low, 0.12%, compared to 20% for the USA early on. Far more testing would be unlikely to result in any substantial rise in COVID-19 deaths.

>> No.12659091

>>simultaneously communism and facism
so, china?

>> No.12659128

No, your point could have worked if Vietnam had a bit smaller testing rate than US. When it is absolutely negligible and 99+% of Vietnamese never ever seen the test (in total, I'm not even talking about last few weeks) you extrapolations over nothing fail completely. No covid testing - no deaths attributed to covid. No way to check it in a different way. No deaths attributed to covid means covid victory.
>Their positivity rate is already extremely low, 0.12
Congratulations, so extrapolated to the whole Vietnam that will give you ~100K of cases. That's assuming that you don't test same people over and over - then your "testing" will be not just nothing, but worse than nothing.

>> No.12659134

>At that time, the USA was only running about 100k tests per day.
So even with such a "tiny" testing rate USA will overdo Vietnam in a few weeks. But of course then it was ramped up enormously.

>> No.12659163

>6 tests per 1000 people in total
>0.3 deaths per million
>7 tests per 1000 people in total
>0.2 deaths per million
Taiwan and Burundi are clearly epidemics-defeating masters. They probably should partition the world and show it how to stop viruses.

>> No.12659167

But that's all bullshit, anon. They're testing the ill, and the positivity rate is still extremely low. It would be much higher if their was a hidden surge in cases and deaths that we're not seeing. But if you think their situation is a sham, look at Singapore and HK, which are both testing at a rate equivalent to the USA. They also have ultra low positivity rates and very few deaths.

>Congratulations, so extrapolated to the whole Vietnam that will give you ~100K of cases.
Nope, because the positivity rate would continue to fall with expanded testing to mild and asymptomatic cases. I already gave you the USA as an example, where increasing the testing rate 10x resulted in a mere 20% rise in cases.

>> No.12659180

>So even with such a "tiny" testing rate USA will overdo Vietnam in a few weeks.
And 20% of the tests were coming back positive, which indicated there was massive community spread and much more testing was warranted. Vietnam has a 0.12% positivity rate, which indicates more testing isn't warranted.

>> No.12659233

Yes, anon. When you proclaim that you are a strong country which defeated covid with drastic measures and then do not many times more tests than covid-sufferers, not the same amount and not even half that amount, but hundred times less, your claims of defeating the covid become pure bullshit.
> It would be much higher if their was a hidden surge in cases and deaths that we're not seeing.
You can just ignore it. After all you do no testing and covid is barely noticeable when you look at yearly deaths. It will not be noticed without government pushing even in the western countries, let alone communist Vietnam.
>I already gave you the USA as an example, where increasing the testing rate 10x resulted in a mere 20% rise in cases.
USA does shitload of tests, not a percent-of-population-in-total amount.

>> No.12659244

>Vietnam has a 0.12% positivity rate, which indicates more testing isn't warranted.
Which indicates 100K cases if tests are done honestly and uniformly and much more if you constantly test the same people over and over.

>> No.12659272

>and then do not many times more tests than covid-sufferers
Where the fuck are you from?

>> No.12659287

No, where are (you) from? China or Vietnam?

>> No.12659289

Reminder that worldwide there have been zero confirmed cases of covid from surface contact. The closest was a case in New Zealand where they couldn't figure out where it originated so they assumed it came in on imported goods.

>> No.12659307
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>> No.12659331

>Czech Republic
>forced masks everywhere, even on the streets
>in top 5 by death rate
Remember, masks kill.

>> No.12659335

>Which indicates 100K cases if tests are done honestly and uniformly
Why would you test uniformly? That makes no sense at all. The ill who needed testing get first priority. That's how it works in every country. It also means positivity rate will fall as testing is expanded to those with no symptoms


You have 100 people. 10 have symptoms. 5 of the symptomatic have COVID-19. There's also 5 asymptomatic people with COVID-19. If you test all 10 people with symptoms (as you should), you'll have 5 cases, and a 50% positivity rate. Then if you test all of the healthy people, you'll uncover another 5 cases, with a 5.5% positivity rate. But let's say you randomly test 10 of the healthy people. Maybe you'll uncover all 5 cases, maybe none of them. That's how it works when you expand testing from the ill to the healthy. It's held true in the USA, where increased testing only drove up cases moderately, and the positivity rate fell dramatically. Deaths actually went down with more testing. But you can claim VIetnam is cheating the system, whatever. So look at Singapore, look at HK. Singapore is testing at an even higher rate than the USA, HK just slightly less. They have a very low positivity rate and almost no deaths, and they've taken the same approach to the pandemic as Vietnam.

>> No.12659345

Kek. It's so broken I can't even place it.

>> No.12659351

keeps your face warm doe

>> No.12659355

my country made it mandatory for children from 12 or 14 years (cant remember) to wear FFP2 masks.

Our fucking government is literally retarded, right? They can cause harm if used wrong. How the fuck is this happening

>> No.12659364

>But let's say you randomly test 10 of the healthy people. Maybe you'll uncover all 5 cases, maybe none of them.
If you tests 10 people out of 1000, that's a very real possibility. If you test 900 people out of 1000, it is statistically improbable.

>> No.12659372

You WILL wear the hazmat suits in the street.

By the way, I'm not even joking. If you swallow the masks and swallow the FFP2, why won't you take the pods?

>> No.12659394

>Why would you test uniformly?
Ok, so there are people in Vietnam who were tested many times? Good for them, but that will drop the amount of people tested in total from percent to the small fractions of percent.
> That makes no sense at all. The ill who needed testing get first priority.
When you do literally 100 times fewer tests than many large countries, you can't talk about "priority" anymore. It's not that you can't easily push it up tens of times.

>> No.12659404
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>> No.12659496

>If you tests 10 people out of 1000, that's a very real possibility. If you test 900 people out of 1000, it is statistically improbable.
And none of them are likely to die, so ultimately, their death total won't change at all. More testing in the USA meant more cases, but not an equal increase in deaths since the very ill were already being tested.

>> No.12659536

>so ultimately, their death total won't change at all.
Covid hardly increases death rate anyway. For example in Sweden 2020 was not the worst year in a century or even decade. In fact if you will compare it to 2010's it will be like 3-4th worst. Literally a non-issue.
Now Sweden is pretty old, with 20% of people over 65. USA has 16% and Vietnam 8%. You don't even need to hide deaths in this case, you will get a pretty average year even with covid running totally free.

>> No.12659546

must be the pee pee in their coke

>> No.12659608

Show me any proof masks work. "Social distancing", as in isolation is of course going to reduce the spread of a virus, but at what price? Economic breakdown, suicide rates amping up, and the futures of a lot of people, namely children permanently fucked up. All for a virus that is not going away until 2022 anyways. Should have just let it ride and this would be over before 2023 but now we have to wait until 2024.

>> No.12659634

It didn't work, sorry

>> No.12659639


As most people do not do extensive work w/ aziridine or solvents this is probably not a significant problem in the grand scheme of things.

>> No.12659801

>Covid hardly increases death rate anyway.
Except in the USA where it increased it by 15%.

>> No.12661187

>Yeah sure they might pin "That weird unrecognizable dude" on me 100% of the time with surveillance. But could they actually pin it to my real identity?
Sure, as long as at least one of those surveilled instances can be tied to you, for instance a credit card transaction or location data from your phone

>> No.12661205

>>hurr me handle literal covid swab with gloves despite them being literally ineffective against infection
gloves help against cross-contamination
and in fact if you are one of those people who can not avoid touching your face, they act as a reminder not to.

>> No.12661215

Chemists know how to use PPE but lay people definitely don't
Every time I go to a restaurant everyone's sticking their masks on the table. No one would eat food off that but suddenly breathing through it is just fine.
Last year some of these people died of "lung infections" too.

>> No.12661220

China is still locking cities down.

>> No.12661225
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>> No.12661298

haha mask meme goes brrrrr
fuck boomer karen though fuck that annoying anti vax idiots.

>> No.12661302

Lay people aren't working with aziridine.

>> No.12662907
File: 331 KB, 1732x1155, pcr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now the question is, How many cycles they runn with the pcr machine.

here in Germany they run the sample 100 times,

someone gets infected, but the immune system battles the virus very quickly in an early stage. the person feels sick , gets tested and has a positive result.
in reality there is not much virus in that person and he is not really contagious.

>T lived with someone with a positive test result and symptoms for 2 weeks in the same house, no family member got infected. inb4 n=1

>> No.12662918

Altmaiers Bimbolippen sind zu dick für die Maske

>> No.12662924

I'm neutral good but wish I could be chaotic good