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12652680 No.12652680[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the purpose of doing anything when the sun will just blow up in 5 billion years

>> No.12652684

>What's the purpose of doing anything
This is a relevant question and all answers are probably cope.
(The rest of the sentence doesn't add much to the question of the dilemma of existence)

>> No.12652699

The Western man's obsession with objectivity and search for a universal experience has destroyed his spirit.

>> No.12652704

We have 5 billion years to move to a planet with a new sun.

>> No.12652707
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An ethics is relative to a discourse. What is it you desire?

>> No.12652717

It won't blow up though.
Just bloat for a while and then deflate to become a cute little white dwarf.

>> No.12652754

Ackshually, multicellular lif on earth will not be possible in about 1 billion years

>> No.12652811

We should all kill ourselves or at least stop reproducing and allow consciousness to go extinct. Allow the human race to die off and the universe and everything in it will follow. At its very core, existence is pointless and boring which is why we created hobbies, jobs, etc. to distract us from the true nature of our being. We are nothing and all of this is shit and even if we are the universe we're immortal, existence would still be boring and shifty. Not joking, I am going to an hero soon. Not looking for pity. I want to tell you this so you may also consider. Plan wisely. Efilism and antinatalism will never take off. If you won't off yourself, then at least don't reduce to bring more consciousness into this shithole. Elon musk is wasting his time and I've never seen a bigger cope than his. Everything he is doing is absolutely pointless in the end. He could be a hedonist, but instead he insists on carrying on a species that is ultimately suffering. Happiness isn't real and no amount of AI or space colonization will ever make existence good. Let's do it, /sci/. Let's die together. Let's cease to exist. Forever. Join me at sanctioned-suicide.org.

>> No.12652816

why would we want to? What is the point of striving for immortality? There is no ultimate purpose, but keep distracting yourself with video games, weed, booze and jobs. You keep coping.

>> No.12652817

Pwing the libs

>> No.12652831
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You're actions will contribute to whether or not someone later down the line will be able to solve that issue for humanity by virtue of the butterfly effect. If the issue is solved and humanity survives beyond that, there lies the potential for resurrection or recreation, provided the mystery is solved.

>> No.12652854

>At its very core, existence is pointless and boring which is why we created hobbies, jobs, etc.
human is sum of his actions, you dumb nigger

>> No.12652887

How are we doing anything to "distract" ourselves from the true nature of existence when there is none? The issue isn't that life is pointless, its that in your naivete you believe that there should be more than biological constraints on the meaning of existing biologically. The bottom line is that it feels good to fuck, it feels good to create, it feels good to solve problems and it feels good to communicate with people. Your ancestors were this way to survive, because survival ultimately feels better than anything else, and now you are this way. If you aren't happy then the problem isn't existence, it's a mix of expectations or a lack of achieving the basics. Talk to girls, get a hobby, work out, etc.

>> No.12652941

Not sure I agree. Existence is beneficial for a relatively small percentage of the population — good looking people steal the bulk of privileges/value from everyone else. That “everyone else” is enslaved by biology to do the bidding of the privileged. The ethical choice might be to stop doing anything which benefits good looking people so they have to fend for themselves instead of leeching off of their betters.

>> No.12652956

It's not beneficial. Emotions are just chemical reactions. Suffering is guaranteed even for the happiest people. Non-existence is neutral.

>> No.12652961

All of those things you listed are copes. Existence at its core...at its very core...in and of itself is stupid and we just find stuff to help us produce happiness chemicals until we die. We are miserable 90 percent of the time.

>> No.12652966

That seems like a lot of mental gymnastics to avoid self improvement, anon.

>> No.12652975

If you have to do any self improvement, you’re already a useful idiot for the handsome/pretty (who are just parasites that don’t need to do anything except consume).

>> No.12652981

The duration and intensity of suffering matter. For a dozen or more reasons, the inevitable tragedies of life like death are a thousand thousand times more painful and difficult for ugly or average people than for the privileged.

>> No.12652984

How dare you insult me?

>> No.12652985

>the sun will just blow up in 5 billion years

>> No.12652986

Not being content with your entirely subjective life does not justify mass suicide. If it's all chemicals that determine the way you think then why is it a stretch to say your attitude isn't the byproduct of a lack of achieving an adequate source of these chemicals?

>> No.12652991

Nigga close the computer and get some pussy

>> No.12653004

Good looking people reaping the benefits of civilization while everyone else suffers pointlessly is a moral evil. At minimum it justifies taking all of their luxuries and services away from them. For example anyone who makes money from a fake “job” should not be allowed to consume or make use of the services provided by people with real (essential) jobs.
If you don’t despise your job you are a parasite. A good rule of thumb anyway.

>> No.12653005 [DELETED] 

That's an answer for >>>/his/ or >>>/lit/ but the answer is improving human lives.
>Improving human lives? That's it?
Tell me of something more important, I'll wait.

>> No.12653077

I enjoy living, what else?

>> No.12653085

No, doing self improvement is just taking responsibility for the fact that nothing is owed to you. They got lucky, you didn't. Your disposition won't help you change that. You're just throwing yourself into an endless loop of discontent. You act as if attractive people living good lives negates your potential for happiness. Who gives a fuck if you are an idiot in this regard? I play into the system because I reap adequate benefits for my reasonable expectations. It's literally that simple. No need to get worked up over a world you were born into whenever you have all the tools necessary to change.

>existence is futile
>morality is important
Pick one

>> No.12653086

If you enjoy living, you are delusional and toxic as fuck.

>> No.12653094

We get it. You did some LSD.
Now let the real scientist do their work, hippie.