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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12652462 No.12652462[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12652466
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>> No.12652469

>Posting a r*ddit screenshot instead of the study

>> No.12652471
File: 2.88 MB, 750x1334, A3FF6BA9-1AA2-4F57-8803-ADB4D2558926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People who post screenshots from Reddit/twitter should be perma banned.

>> No.12652622

>Implying leftists can't be radicalized.
Anon, stop following that stupid subr*ddit. Here's a tip, if a subr*ddit has over 5 million subscribers, it's been bought and paid for by your technocratic overlords and is pure propaganda.

>> No.12652631

>Neo-Nazis are sociopathic
No shit, Sherlock.

>> No.12652640

You're saying someone with empathy will tend to avoid extreme, crazy shit compared to someone who has no consideration for other people? Shocker.

>> No.12652650

r/science is horrible... Full of retarded post about drugs and low psychology

>> No.12652652

>You're saying someone with empathy will tend to avoid extreme, crazy shit compared to someone who has no consideration for other people?
You're saying you're an idiot? Not a shocker.
Stop buying into this retarded myth that empathy is the solution to all problems.

>> No.12652676

Nice opinion piece. I'll stick to the facts, thanks.

>> No.12652690

Social desirability bias keeps normies from questioning the status quo.

>> No.12652694

Which of the opinions shared by Fritz are wrong and why?

>> No.12652716

They're all opinions, maybe the book has studies to back them up, but the article does not. Fact, psychopaths are much more likely to be violent. Fact, psychopaths are much more likely to be political extremists. It doesn't mean there aren't benign psychopaths, and it doesn't mean an empathetic person can't be steered in the wrong direction, but based on averages, the psychopath is the much more dangerous person. I don't think anyone is claiming that empathy is good all the time and the solution to everything.

>> No.12652723

>Dismisses sources
>Makes claims without sources

>> No.12652748

r/science cherrypicks small studies with small correlation to jerk themselves off

>> No.12652783

>Suggests a new study
IIRC those words suggest the headline is bullshit.

>> No.12652796

You didn't provide a source, you provided an opinion piece. Fine, here:

>Descriptive statistics and intercorrelations of all measures are shown in Table 1. As can be seen, narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, and everyday sadism were positively associated with political orientation. Moreover, Hofer voters had higher scores in narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopathy, everyday sadism, and political extremism than did Van der Bellen voters, indicating that right-leaning individuals score higher on all aspects of the dark personality. Narcissism and psychopathy were also associated with political extremism.

>Psychopathy, as measured by the PCL-R, has long been documented as a robust indicator in forensic settings of how likely one is to reoffend, (Porter et al. 2001; Salekin et al. 1996), and it is a particularly strong predictor of future violent recidivism (Cornell et al. 1996; Harris et al. 1991; Porter et al. 2009). Indeed, research has indicated that within one year of release from prison psychopaths are about 4–6 times more likely to commit another violent crime than are non-psychopaths (Hemphill et al. 1998). Estimates are fairly consistent across studies: within 10 years after release over 70% of psychopaths (with a history of violence) commit another violent offense, and 20 year follow-ups indicate that as many as 90% of psychopaths (with a history of violence) will be re-arrested for violent crimes. In contrast, the average non-psychopathic violent offender appears to have a risk for violent recidivism around 40% (Hare et al. 2000; Harris et al. 1991; Hemphill et al. 1998; Rice and Harris 1997). Furthermore, analyses of the actual crimes committed by psychopaths suggest a heightened severity and gratuitous nature to their violent acts (Porter et al. 2003).

>> No.12653162

The take-away you are supposed to infer is that conservatives are psychopaths.
It's a leftist dog-whistle to ironically encourage bias and violence against conservatives.
>They're psychopaths, they aren't even human, we must kill them before they kill us
No redditor will see the irony in this

>> No.12653183

They can't even acknowledge their summer of violence so they certainly won't see the irony in their beliefs.

>> No.12653195

Makes sense. The Demo-shits are clearly overcompensating for a lack of morals and consideration.

>> No.12653199

lets be honest the reddit title works way better as bait

>> No.12653203

yes i remember all the times all of my non extremist, non conservative, non right up or right down friends advocated for banning womans rights, killing people based on their IQ and promoting social Darwinism and this fuck the weaker ones let them die out themselves attitude in general

>> No.12653211

If you can browse this site without concluding that every /pol/ shill is some combination of mentally ill, evil and retarded then you most likely are one of them. On the rare occasions I’ve actually opened their brainwashing board itself I felt dirty almost immediately. it’s a cult that should probably be prosecuted.

>> No.12653219
File: 295 KB, 1166x600, 2F3188A0-2550-459C-BC36-AF7561B9B41A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unlike four chin that gets their beliefs from dubious “sourced” infographs like pic related. when you make a criticism of others make sure your own people don’t do the same thing but worse

>> No.12653223

Based effort poster

>> No.12653239
File: 72 KB, 904x864, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12653257
File: 495 KB, 1104x534, mostly peaceful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is supposed to be a hit on conservatives? because the first thing I thought of was picrel

>> No.12653272

>999 people protest peacefully
>1 lights a fire
>”hurr you can’t use logic to say it was mostly peaceful!!”

>> No.12653308

no they just advocate for murdering unborn babies, enforcing their politics through mob violence and fear, and genociding white people for the atheistic equivalent to the concept of original sin.

>> No.12653312


>> No.12653316

You realize you're the left-wing equivalent of /pol/ right?

>> No.12653321

how much of a brainlet do you need to be to not understand why abortion isn’t immoral
it’s no different from the perspective of the baby than if you had not fertilized the egg to begin with. getting closer to existence still means you never existed.

>> No.12653323

There's scary people on both sides, and it's the moderates who suffer for it.

>> No.12653324

I’m at least twice as smart as anyone from /pol/ and I value honesty and integrity. There’s more but those two things alone make me infinitely different from those animals.

>> No.12653348
File: 80 KB, 1110x588, buring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unironically saying the protests were mostly peaceful

>> No.12653356

Abortion is not merely immoral, it's actually evil.
>I'm at least twice as smart as anyone from /pol/ and I value honesty and integrity.
I haven't seen an evidence of that and in principle the first sign of a stupid person is making declarations about how smart they are.

>> No.12653376

>I value honesty and integrity
Then be honest about leftist violence. It was no better than the 6th of Jan protests, though the two situations were quite different.

>> No.12653380

I never said I was smart, I said I was twice as smart as a /pol/tard.

Pro-lifers are too stupid to grasp logic so I won’t bother explaining why you’re objectively wrong, but you are.

>> No.12653389

I mean they’re not wrong. I want to exterminate non-whites, non-catholics, and non-heterosexuals. I had to go to therapy as a kid for hurting squirrels & rabbits. Trump cultists are ignorant ZOGbots but at least they’ve made right wing rhetoric beyond neocon tripe a social force again.

>> No.12653427

Actually /pol/tards are for abortion since the majority of people who get them are black

>> No.12653429

>Violent riots are okay if I lie about the numbers!

>> No.12653433

>Implying anyone other than women can get abortions
Women get abortions Anon. Why are you even saying people?

>> No.12653439

>thinks being smarter than other internet retards is some kind of accomplishment
>claim to value the truth while lying about something political
>dehumanize people by calling them animals
Sounds pretty /pol/-ish to me.

>> No.12653441

25 people died over the span of four months from protests involving literally millions of people

5 died and dozens were badly wounded within 24 hours in DC at a protest of a few thousand

>> No.12653460


>> No.12653554

>Implying leftists can't be radicalized
The title does not imply this at all.

>> No.12653571

this is a basic environment concept. did you think criminals were short out of fluke?

>> No.12653726


>> No.12653743

>lives are more important that property
>insurance will pay for the damage
>destruction of property isn't real violence
>business are only owned by callous rich people
those don't sound like low-empathy rationalizations to you?

>> No.12653982

water is wet new study claims

>> No.12654018

literally doublethink

>> No.12654085

The ownership of property is right now killing countless thousands of people a month.
Destroying that is self defense.

>> No.12654151

grass is green ? wtf kinda ''study'' is this

>> No.12654170

Someone will always own property. The communists always seem to forget that the government isn't just an abstract entity. Each time the head honcho takes the cake.

>> No.12654205

They killed millions....
...to save thousands

>> No.12654257

A link between:
1) psychopathic traits
2) antisocial tendencies
3) support for group violence

1 causes 2
2 correlates with 3

"political radicalization" is claimed to correlate to "lack (of) consideration for others wellbeing"
No mechanism of causality for this is proposed.
No connection to the more inflammatory labels discussed are presented.

Basically the headline only claims that "people who do not care about you, do not care about you".

My criticism would be to point out that it is misleading to use all those strong inflammatory labels to say so little.

>> No.12654281

>people who are ostracized and at the bottom of the system are violently opposed to that system and the people that perpetuate that system
Colour me fucking shocked.

>> No.12654420
File: 240 KB, 1080x963, 1585367083317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New study suggests literal common sense.