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12650745 No.12650745 [Reply] [Original]

Osteoclasts Osteocytes Osteoblsts
I cant keep all that shit in my mind
can somebody just tell me the scientifically proven way to optimize bone health?
I started running and now my shin (see arrow) hurts. what drug can I take to fix this?

>> No.12650765

Have you tried milk?

>> No.12650770

no Im egan I dont drink milk

>> No.12650772

NSAIDs for the pain, vitamin d and calcium for the bone density, bisphosphonates if you have osteoporosis or an underlying malignancy

>> No.12650777

How can I get a gymnast gf that still looks like a child because of a too intensive exercise regime? I knew a girl like that, she looked 11 when she was 18 because gymnastics caused her hormones to flip, and she was gorgeous. I need more.

>> No.12650785

is there such thing as too nuch vit D I heard too much actually resorbs bone wtf

>> No.12650786

I knew a competitive skiier like this. her face looked older cus sun of course but had the body if a 9yo.

>> No.12650817

bisphosphonate off label what would do?

>> No.12650886

No, I also meant the facial structure. The girl I knew had the facial bone structure of an 11yo girl, extreme neoteny. Maybe slight eyebags and stuff like that, but her lips, small mouth, small bose and big eyes were incredibly beautiful.

>> No.12651006

increase bone density but there are many side effects like esophageal ulceration/gastritis, osteonecrosis of the jaw, atypical extremity fractures, hypophosphatemia
you also need to take it a particular way if PO
Yes. Vitamin D is lipid-soluble so it's possible to have hypervitaminosis D. It doesn't resorb bone per se, more causes hypercalcemia which effects your PTH and calcium homeostasis which can lead to abnormal bone formation.

>> No.12651027

You must be retarded then, since you cannot remember three words.

>> No.12651238

dairy products and a balanced diet. there are some plant based sources of calcium but dairy is by far the best (barring animal rights, ethical farming practices, and environmental concerns).

but you should really focus on strengthening your muscles first via resistance training. it will help increase mineral bone density quickly and inhibit undue stress on your bones themselves.

>> No.12652056

which lipe u talken about

>> No.12652237

weight bearing exercise

>> No.12652323

>I started running and now my shin (see arrow) hurts.
You have shin splints. If you aren't overweight it's likely caused by poor gait

>> No.12652487
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>> No.12652641

what the hell does this meme refer to? a frog typing with one finger? i dont get it

>> No.12653319

>I started running and now my shin (see arrow) hurts.
Did you start intense training from essentially a couch potato start? In that case you might have micro fractures. Happened to a friend of mine. Pain is your body telling you to dial it down.

>> No.12654199

take more estrohen

>> No.12654534

Why you make so many shit tier threads?

>> No.12655846

Squat bench deadlift and OHP idiot.

>> No.12655851

Also make sure you have enough vitamin d and calcium

>> No.12656038

since vit d is fat solubule how much is too much?

>> No.12656212

Look it up. Don't mean to be il-natured but looking it up yourself would be the most helpful. Also note that vit d poisoning does not exist, only calcium poisoning (which is caused by excessive vit d), Vitamin K helps manage the calcium in your body. studies have had people take 300,000 UI of vit d (an obscene amount, don't go anywhere near this) with adequate vit k, with no problems. Other people have supplemented 100,000 U (still a ridiculous amount) a day with no problem, because they had adequate levels of complimenting Vitamin K to offset this.

But to answer your question, probs around 1,000 UI to 10,000 UI a day depending on how deficient you are, (if you are at least). Variation caused by the fact you may be getting various amounts of vid d from the sun and from your diet already etc, but once again look it up yourself so you know what you're doing, beyond what some anon has told you.

>> No.12656405

geez that is a little moe complicated than the first hit on search engine.

Do you think Im ok just taking a gummy vitamin a day?

>> No.12656598

why are some vitamins like vitamin D so inexpenive. I can get 500 for $10 but others are so much more expensive wtf

>> No.12656655

thats probably not very much D. The gummys i take are only 1000 IU per gummy. I take a total of 6000 a day.
The american endocrinology association says 4000 is the upper limit of what people should take with out medical supervision. That means 4000 is the ammount they feel safe saying anyone can take with out side effects. My doctor actually tested my D and it was low and told me to take 5000. The 'vitamin d fixes everything' people regularly take 10k a day and dont seem to suffer any consiquences. There were some covid study with people taking 50k a day for a few weeks and they did not have anybody adversely effected by it.

I just take 5-6000 a day

>> No.12656668

goy yes you need to pay $$$ for vitamin D. no you don't just need the SUN goy nooooo!

>> No.12656698

>the jew bakes himself instead of spending a little on inexpensive vitamins

Every day i take a gummy multivitamin, gummy D, Gummy b-12, Gummy biotin, a chewable zinc twice a day (smaller doses of zinc spread out are less likley to cause stomach upset), gummy C throughout the day.

>> No.12659333

I guess you enjoy having expensive gummy piss then

>> No.12659457

what about doing what Van Damme did. worked for him

>> No.12659476

inexpensive and its a full meal to boot

>> No.12659540


Look no further

>> No.12659677


There is not a wonder drug to fix poor bone health. Strong bones require a combo of adequate intake of calcium, normal hormone levels, & regular physical activity.

>> No.12659894
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>mfw running after hitting the shin bags the day before

>> No.12660716

gummies are yummy :(

>> No.12661507

all you need is sun and weightlifting ignore all supplement shills itt

>> No.12661550
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>imagine the bones

>> No.12661568

>I started running and now my shin (see arrow) hurts. what drug can I take to fix this?

There's your answer. You're exposing your bone tissue to new stimulus, take it easy for a few months so it can catch up with demands (bone reorganization takes time unlike muscle tissue which responds relatively quickly).

>> No.12662292

Imagine MY bone

>> No.12663883

is this some kind of rick and morty meme low IQ ppl larping to be high IQ throw out there ?

>> No.12664412

how do gymnasts have such good bones?

>> No.12664421


>> No.12664471

I know a cross country girl in this condition. She trained from child running 10+ miles per day, usually more; at age 25 she looked like a little child except if you tried to pick her up she was about twice as heavy as she looked. Also had no periods

>> No.12665808

yea poor things. looking so young and not able get pregnant no boy wanting them so.

>> No.12666509

It is selection: weak bones mean they wash out early.

>> No.12666812

yea but they work out so much no estrogen no estrogen no good the bones capice?

>> No.12666911

weighted exercise and lots of sun

>> No.12667226

is there anything over the counter?
why isnt bisphosphonates and stuff like that otc?
das bullshit

>> No.12667253

Drug you say? Have you tried running into a busy road. Start quickly, one of the first symptoms is posting the same irritating shit thread like a little girl.

>> No.12667772

No. Your grammar is severely b0rken and your hip attitude did not improve anything either.

>> No.12668525 [DELETED] 

how to better spine bones?

>> No.12669493

It has to do with taking phosphate and vitamin d

>> No.12669891 [DELETED] 
File: 1.63 MB, 854x480, sniffing.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12669929
File: 91 KB, 1184x928, LET THE EGGS HIT THE FLOOOOOOOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was she intelligent from first glance? there is this idea that the longer the "childhood" the smarter you are.

>> No.12670080

is that because the us is so obese then

>> No.12670121

no i think it is the lifestyle, no leisure, high stress, bad diet (causing stress) and much more!
like omega6 excess in pregnancies and shit.

>> No.12670134

which gummies i am interested. but i dont consume fungal derived citric acid, so might not be for me.

>> No.12670614

>there is this idea that the longer the "childhood" the smarter you are.
What mechanism underlies this? Cause and effect are not clear.

>> No.12670653

>mechanism underlies this
it is called "development"

>> No.12670999

Too vague. How does it relate to an extended childhood?
And I know two former gymnasts, both have kept their good looks and gotten good education. It is anecdotally though, need better statistics.

>> No.12671222


>> No.12672552 [DELETED] 

very true

>> No.12672593

Osteoblasts are building the network structure inside your bone
Osteoklasts are destroying the structure and preserving materials,especially Calciumphosphate so the structure can be rebuilt in different way.

The structure is based on the force and direction the bone experiences, which means it always adapts to your needs. This network structure is called spongiosa.
In the middle of it and through the bone is bone marrow that produces red blood cells.
The hard part of the bone from the outside it's kortikalis. It is surrounded by bone skin.
Korticalis itself isn't full either, it has small capillaris inside that transport blood.

So based from what you see, what you need is:
Always do sports, make your bones experience some force, and drink a lot of water.

>> No.12672693 [DELETED] 


>> No.12672709