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12650099 No.12650099 [Reply] [Original]

How do we deal with knowledge obesity?

>Knowledge is not power if we’re not applying it
>It actually is just weighing us down. There is a tipping point in having too much information and it’s unrealistic to think we can consume it all.

>> No.12650130
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>tfw intellectual heavy-weight

>> No.12650137


Information is not knowledge.

Information is data, while knowledge is a graph connecting various pieces of data together.

More information could in fact result in the degradation of knowledge, as more energy must be expended to filter out useless data.

>> No.12650147
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>read more than thousand non novel books (including textbooks)
>can't recall a single one unless something from it is specifically mentioned
>same thing with memories, lectures and pretty much everything
anyone else like this?

>> No.12650159


Just because the food you eat doesn't stay with you, doesn't mean it's not changing you.

>can't recall a single one unless something from it is specifically mentioned

That's the point. What would be the use of knowledge if it doesn't arise during the right conditions? To flex on others with your memory capabilities?

>> No.12650327
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>Physical obesity correlated with Physical wealth
>Intellectual obesity correlated with Intellectual Wealth
How long until spiritual obesity is correlated with Spiritual Wealth?

>> No.12651796

No this is salt piisoning. It makes you unable to create a coherent view of the world, so your mind becomes a useless dump of disconnected trivia.

>> No.12651875

If you are capable of remembering everything from every book you're read you're probably autistic. Not being able to remember most of the stuff you take in is normal. What's important is how easily you can find this information later when you need it, and how you can apply it to other situations besides the one you learned it from.

>> No.12651884

OP is a retard. The original article talks about sources of information specifically in a workplace setting https://www.hcamag.com/au/specialisation/mental-health/struggling-with-knowledge-obesity-youre-not-alone/241290

As for the general knowledge setting, there is functionally no limit to how much you can learn. You might forget stuff you don't use, but that's hardly "obesity". More importantly, knowing trivia doesn't hamper your ability to form a coherent thought about a topic you know deeply. There is something to be said about the recent trend where most people only have a surface knowledge of everything, but OP's way of framing this topic is stupid

>> No.12651969

>salt poisoning
Source on this?

>> No.12651973

>Knowledge obesity
Sounds like a new take on Information Overload, which is decades old concept.

>> No.12652129

I avoided this fate by developing a practical engineered machine. I actually applied my mind to something real while my "friends" learn languages on duolingo

>> No.12652138

>>It actually is just weighing us down
citation needed

>> No.12652226

>expecting a source on /sci/
Welcome, newfriend.

>> No.12652242

ur just fat

>> No.12652249

This is me. I have an awful memory, I feel like most of what I learn is a waste of time because if I ever need it, I'll simply need to re-learn it. Anki is the only way I've found around this, but to do it right takes time, so I limit it to mostly need-to-know stuff.

>> No.12652252

This is true. I cut out the salt, allowing the fat in my brain to turn brown and giving me near perfect recall of my entire life.

>> No.12652276

You unironically might be right, if you grew up without it.

>> No.12652314

I spend more time reading than any other hobby, if you're reading for enjoyment it doesn't matter if you remember it so long as you enjoyed the experience of reading it, if you're reading to learn take notes digitally so it's easily searchable

>> No.12652473

My knowledge is healthy at every size. Stop being eruditephobic.

>> No.12652509

In fact you can see that "primitive" people that didn't eat salt spoke extremely complicated languages. It is possible that languages started decaying after the people were taught to use salt, as the ability to systemize was lost, and the people couldn't learn the languages for real, but only as a mess of vocabulary and set phrases, like modern languages.