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File: 355 KB, 1200x800, adderall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12650061 No.12650061 [Reply] [Original]

what causes brain fog?
is adderall the most effective cure?

>> No.12650144

I dunno, I'm on 15mg Adderall IR right now, it's kind of underwhelming

>> No.12650151

i'm on 25 and i feel the same
i just use it to keep awake
without it i sleep 15 hours a day
what should i get my blood tested for?

>> No.12650175

Oh wow, that's basically me except I'm 26, wow. I was prescribed it for the chronic sleepiness which I've had for maybe two years.
I have an underactive thyroid (runs in the family) which I'm taking levothyroxine for. My psychiatrist got my thyroid levels checked (TSH and free T4) to make sure the levothyroxine was working right and my thyroid was working properly. The tests came back normal so she prescribed Adderall.
Other than that I don't have anything I can tell you. The Adderall is working to keep me awake during the day. It totally corrected my sleep rhythm. So I'm satisfied as far as that goes. But I think it makes me enjoy wasting time more, so I need to be more disciplined.
Anyway, I've only been on it for like six weeks.

>> No.12650183

But if you're already on Adderall and it's not working then you should go talk to whoever prescribed it and tell them.
Maybe they can give you a different drug to try.
Or maybe they'll order some kind of blood tests for you. The chronic fatigue is a real drag though. I hope you get it figured out.

>> No.12650193

>got my thyroid levels checked (TSH and free T4)
>The tests came back normal
shouldn't she have checked for all thyroid hormones? there are a lot of them, i think
i can only think of T3, but idk
also, couldn't there be a problem with the receptor sites?
you can have plenty of thyroid hormones, but if the receptors don't work then it will be as if you have low thyroid hormones

>> No.12650224

Idk, that's just what happened

>> No.12650262

quit all screens. Go for a daily 2 hour walk in the woods, read for 2+ hours a day. Brain fog dissapears in 3-4 days.

>> No.12650272


>> No.12650276

was it a GP or an endocrinologist? i'd assume a GP wouldn't know enough to say whether or not your hormones are really out of balance
i don't follow
which parasites?
do you think this is lyme disease?

>> No.12650287

it's mafia work and we should be scared :/

>> No.12650372

Why does this exact image get posted every time?

>> No.12650379

lower ur dose then, retard
dont drink coffee or sugar ever, prob amphetamine (aka aderall) is shit too

>> No.12650388
File: 71 KB, 1878x509, How real is ADHD. How overblown is it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12650421

I dunno man, I was in the car with my unmedicated ADHD sister, who was driving, and we almost got in an accident because she was NOT paying attention to the road. It's not just about maximizing productivity at work.

>> No.12650525

You know anon, meditation has helped me a lot. Try it out. As a bonus it's more or less free, and gets you cred with some people.

>> No.12650844

how long did it take to become not retarded again?

>> No.12650860

For me, it was startlingly effective. I felt drastically better after only ten minutes during my first session, and only better doing it thereafter.
Whether that says something about the depth of the treatment or the shallowness of my condition, you be the judge.

>> No.12650864

why didnt u finger her to focus her attention

>> No.12650878

Going keto reduces my brain fog massively.

>> No.12650998
File: 382 KB, 528x290, Gluten_Sources.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what causes brain fog?
Gluten intolerance

>> No.12651041


>> No.12651127

Insulin resistance in the brain.

>> No.12651259

Literally cut out all starchy carbohydrates. Brain fog is caused by constant swings in glucose levels --> causes insulin swings --> releases cortisol --> fucks with stress tolerance/sleep

>> No.12651263


>> No.12651269

idk, anon, i think i feel it regardless of what i eat or don't eat

>> No.12651278

Have you tried keto?

>> No.12651780


>> No.12652172

>what causes brain fog?
low iq

>> No.12652182

Whoever wrote that has never met someone with actual ADHD.

>> No.12652192

Pretty based but not entirely correct. One of my friends have panic attacks, he got prescribed some medications but opted for a medication with a quick onset and a short half-life which he only takes in very specific situations. (This guy literally showed up at my doorstep after a 2 hour drive, just to get a panic attack at meeting new people, throw up in the bushes and drive home). This has helped him "train" to deal with social situations by being confident that there's always the option of taking his medication if it gets too much, thus allowing him to take greater risks due to that "safety net". (thats how it is in his mind at least, but hey, boat, float etc..)

I have diagnosed ADD but i plan on only taking my medications while i wrangle through my education, then perhaps the first year or two into my first research/development job. Then i just wanna drop it and lay back and bluff my way through the rest of life while enjoying my natural sporadic and chaotic nature. It's kind of liberating desu, dont underestimate it.

>> No.12652202

Do you exercise? How is your diet?

>> No.12652220

Stupid meme remedies by normies who have no idea what it's like to live with a mental illness

>> No.12652456

Bold of you to assume OP has a mental illness.

>> No.12653908

well idk
i sure don't feel well

>> No.12654117

my brain is so foggy rn I cant feel my mouth and anything I put in there feels numb everything feels numb I gotta stop srinking so much monster

>> No.12654130


Only liberal arts heavy reading. Taking adderall and trying to do math calculations or code won't help. I wish it did.

>> No.12654188

No, it'll fuck up ur life.

>> No.12654239

how so?

>> No.12654733

None of you have a disease, you are just undisciplined

>> No.12654767

Load of horsecrap. If I keep leaving the stove on, I'm going to light my house on fire
>have adhd

>> No.12654786

Adderall just makes me spend hours making sure everything is perectly indented and that one specific part of my code is as efficient as it possibly can be. Feels great though

>> No.12654843

Literally...... just......... If Meds aren't immediately working, there has to be other factors involved. It's literally input vs output. What are all the factors going on in your life? Diet, External Stressors, Exercise, Sleep. State all of them, I have no idea what could be the cause

>> No.12654853

My cure is most effective

>> No.12654862

what's that? pls tell

>> No.12655073

I have ADHD and I can't do math.
In fact, it helped me finish an intro to prob and stats class in 9 hours.

>> No.12655081
File: 65 KB, 640x640, 1FB9DD80-C09C-44CB-B047-B19D10F70CBD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12655691

Actually true

>> No.12656094

What's the best study drugs bro, adderall is pricey and meth is meth.

>> No.12656832

Grass fed steaks and butter.

>> No.12656915

liquidate druggos.

>> No.12657039

I don't know the cure but I fucked up my brain by thinking solipsist thoughts and it shut itself down permanently.

>> No.12657059

your spiro

>> No.12658523

am i just tired, or do none of thseese make sense?

>> No.12658613

adderall gives you brain fog. it doesn't cure it.

>> No.12659529

idiopathic hypersomnia

>> No.12659543

get some modafanil

>> No.12659665


Well, antihistamines may cause clouding of consciousness. So may sluggish cognitive tempo w/ regards to the expression of symptoms.

Adderall may be a temporary solution to certain symptoms of clouding of consciousness but seems to be more a treatment of symptoms than the core cause.

>> No.12659872

>antihistamines may cause clouding of consciousness
>may cause
are you sure it won't FIX the brain fog?
i was told chronic high histamine caused the clouding of consciousness

>> No.12660309

>what causes brain fog?
many reasons, mostly unhealthy lifestyle and too little exercise=not enough oxygen. If your blood isnt rich in red blood cells you dont get enough brain fog
>is adderall the most effective cure?
its not even helpfull, it may improve concentration but at a brain function penalty. The obly thing it does is basically make you interested in garbage. the most effective cure is not being a lazy faggot who sits on his ass all day eating mcdonald's and pizza

>> No.12660314
File: 28 KB, 480x471, 1606244626258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you dont get enough brain fog
enough oxygen
>tfw not enough oxygen in your brain

>> No.12660413

Omega 3 complex and healthy fats are about as good of a good combination of nutrients to supply optimal cognitive function.

>> No.12660636

exercise is not needed but benefitial to mental health

>> No.12660660

Cool your jets first year med student. He's probably got Hashimotos which would imply an antibody test was performed at some point. Also, there is no reason to check T3 if T4 is normal on medication since all we care about is the active form in someone with treated hypothyroidism. If he had an unlimited budget, then fuck it. Run T3 Total, T4 Free, TSH, Thyroglobin, Immunoassays, and may as well check estrogen levels for the meme. But I like saving my patients money when it comes to lab tests I don't need.

>> No.12660667

How do I into meditation?

>> No.12660675

wow, a real life doctor! i have a question. what happens when you don't eat vegetables for maybe about 6 years? do you become folate deficient? does that give you brain fog and retardation?

>> No.12660698

Post insurance card

>> No.12660703

i don't get it. what for?

>> No.12660723

It's pretty hard to become Folate deficient in the first world even with a lack of vegetables. Folic acid gets put in a surprising amount of processed foods which I'm sure you eat a lot of. But if you truly had a folate deficiency, brain fog would be the least of your worries. Megaloblastic anemia is the chief concern.

A lot of people with ADHD also have a B vitamin deficiency and I've seen good results pairing stimulant medications with a B-complex. Just don't buy the cheap shit off of Amazon, it tastes like death.

>> No.12660733

>Just don't buy the cheap shit off of Amazon, it tastes like death.
do you know where to get the good stuff? should i get it injected right into my neck?

>> No.12660748

My colleague in Tijuana can get you the good stuff. Just heat it up in a spoon and put the spoon in your ass. Make sure it's the end of the spoon with the medicine in it though, common mistake there.

>> No.12660972

I'll go ahead and say all the nuances to the practices are more or less irrelevant. just get down to it.

>> No.12661932

what do you mean?

>> No.12661938

does adderall makes you horny?

>> No.12661982

It's hard to know what causes brain fog because we don't even know what it is. You have to define it as best as you can.

I've been taking ADHD medications across the range with great success. It turned me into what I felt like was my true potential. However, I haven't been able to convince a doctor to prescribe it to me and I've been trying for so many years. This led me to score some through dealers or from darknet markets. I think doctors see a non-white person asking for amphetamines and automatically assume I'm going to be abusing it. It might be my socioeconomic status because almost all of my white friends who went to the same doctors came out with not only amphetamines but also benzo's to help with the comedown. Medical insurance companies also make it really hard to prescribe yet actively promote opioids; just go to an ER and say your pain level is a 10 and if they don't give you pain relievers, the medical insurance companies sure the hospital.

I'm currently taking Nootropics to help with my symptoms because I've been robbed trying to work with a dealer. I'm on 300mg of Phenylpiracetam, 200mg of Caffeine, and 100mg of Taurine as a legal non prescription substitute for ADHD medication. It's from years of experimenting but it's the closest thing that works for me. I don't think this combination is common.

Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.12662027

minimal brain injury
amphetamine is good but if it's severe meth generally works better

>> No.12662313

Same here. It's an illusion fuck

>> No.12662407

that's just typical for programmers, without med

>> No.12662551

>tfw sickle cell disease

>> No.12663279
File: 83 KB, 1280x534, brain_cloud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a brain cloud.

>> No.12663315

Refined Carbs and Sugar, your welcome.

>> No.12665370

eat more of it?

>> No.12665403

energy disbalance in the brain

>> No.12666013


>> No.12666111

jacking off too much
not jacking off enough
too much sex
not enough sex
too much sleep
not enough sleep
eating too much
not eating enough

>> No.12666599


>> No.12666627

Fix your posture.

Stretch more, I'm serious, I had CFS from sitting in a chair all day which caused all my muscles to be tight which makes it hard for blood to flow properly in your body.

I bet all your traps and neck muscles are tight as fuck and blood can barely pass through your sternocleidomastoid to enter the brain.

Eat more greens.

>> No.12667029

source for this posture thing?