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12649375 No.12649375[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It has been noted that behavior resembling rape in humans is observed in the animal kingdom, including ducks and geese, bottlenose dolphins, and chimpanzees. Indeed, in orangutans, close human relatives, copulations of this nature may account for up to half of all observed matings.

Taking this into account, what scientific basis is there to the claim that rape among humans is unnatural and/or immoral?

>> No.12649387

Actually high sexual desire is more common in intelligent animals like dolphins rape each other and humans and dolphins are the two highest IQ animals and they contribute the most rapes of any animal species.

>> No.12649400

Yes it happens in the animal kingdom all the time. Dolphins keep female sex slaves.

Nobody is saying its unnatural. They do say it's immoral though because we have decided it is. In many other mammals such as lions if a male lion comes across and unprotected female he will kill her cubs then fuck her to try to get her pregnant again with his own genes. That is perfectly natural but if lions ever try to develop complex society they will probably outlaw that kind of behavior.

>> No.12649406

>the claim that rape among humans is unnatural
citation needed

>> No.12649437

>They do say it's immoral though because we have decided it is.
With that shit logic, you are a massive homo because we have decided that you are.
Literally talk to anyone. If you weren't stuck in your basement you'd know this doesn't need a citation.

>> No.12649441

Stop not knowing about the Appeal to Nature fallacy.

>> No.12649447

What do you mean by nature? I guess it's not natural in humans, because "society" is a natural occurrence in humans, so is ethics, so it is not natural I guess? IDK it depends what you mean by natural.

It is natural in other animals like ducks.

>> No.12649451

The majority of duck sex and cat sex is rape I think but in humans the majority of sex is consensual so I guess it is not natural in humans?

>> No.12649481

The fallacy is unsubstantiated. If you think the statement "X is natural and therefore good" is fallacious, then apparantly you have a better definition of "good". What is good, then?
>I think but in humans the majority of sex is consensual so I guess it is not natural in humans
This is a self-fulfilling prophecy though. We decide rape is not natural and thus ban it. From the resulting lack of rapes we conclude its naturality.
In fact, inspecting more primitive societies suggests that "consensual" sex is merely a sophisticated social construct.

>> No.12649486

>but in humans the majority of sex is consensual so I guess it is not natural in humans?
>the last 1000 years of morality and 6000 years of settled civilization is representative of 200 000 years of AMH mating practices

>> No.12649489

>With that shit logic, you are a massive homo because we have decided that you are.
well that is actually true. Chimps would have no words for homo or heterosexuality, they fuck each other all the time like it's nothing and have sex from an early age. If you went up to a chimp and could talk to him and said "that's gay, you are a fag for doing that" he would not have any clue what you are talking about. It would be like if I found you with a button up shirt on and said you were some insulting thing because it's bad to have buttons on your shirt. You would just be like what the fuck

>> No.12649492

Retard baiter

>> No.12649493

Yes but our decision happened naturally.
Fair point.

>> No.12649495
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man that rhyme is pretty good on the left. couldnt wade through the wall of shit text on the right. was it interesting?

>> No.12649506

The number one sexual fantasy among women is to be raped. They all secretly think about it because evolution has primed them to think about it as something that is likely to happen.

Also the default response to actually being raped once a guy has subdued and penetrated her is for the woman to freeze and not keep fighting back. Lots of women who get raped say they were surprised by how after the rape started being actual rape they just kind of froze and did nothing having planed to fight back all their lives

The reason for this is women have evolved freezing when being raped as a survival stratagem the women who froze were more likely to not get get killed or really hurt vs the ones who fought the whole time

>> No.12649533
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Gentle reminder that almost have of female rape """survivors""" report experiencing an orgasm. Which is all the more striking when you realise that only 20% of women report being able to orgasm from """normal""" PiV sex.

>> No.12649543

Stop not knowing about the fallacy fallacy.

>> No.12649635
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Every feminist faggot


>> No.12649655
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>With that shit logic, you are a massive homo because we have decided that you are.
explain how you tell if something is moral or immoral that does not involve people just deciding it is or isn't

>> No.12649739
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Whats up with all the IRL pedo-posting?
The anime-spamming coomers are one thing, but this is a whole different level of glow.

>> No.12649763

I duno I think you are the only one who is thinking about that

>> No.12649773

Why do you immediately think of sex when you see pictures of little(pre-pubescent!) girls?

>> No.12649783

Ah, blame shifting psycholojews. Clever. Explain to me what a normal person would think >>12649495 is suggesting?

>> No.12649791
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>> No.12649795

Not an argument pedo.

>> No.12649812

I'm not the one who gets aroused by random pictures of kids all over the board, friend

>> No.12649830

>still shifting the burden.
Explain what this is >>12649812 .

>> No.12649837

Meant this >>12649495

>> No.12649856

Well thanks. That’s another great point of cognitive dissonance to send the “I f****** love science” crowds right into a rage quiet.

>> No.12649859

looks like a war vet trying to take a nap in the pool but having PTSD flashbacks.
Have some respect man.

>> No.12649938
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I'd like to keep my lunch in my stomach, but people like >>12649859 >>12649812 and >>12649495 insist on separating it from me. I've seen a lot of disturbing shit and shilling as this place progressively went down the gutter, but this crosses the line. Fuck you, fuck this whole shitstain of a place, and fuck the mods who allowed it to get like this. I'm out.

I'm not hoping there's a God, but I'm hoping there's a hell. See you on the other side, faggots. Peace.

>> No.12649952

are you saying that all men have the intrinsic desire to rape?

>> No.12649997

It was a long winded diatribe about a man trying to rationalize his desire to rape or possess a women in body and spirit.

>> No.12650000

>>12649997 was for >>12649495

>> No.12650005
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>> No.12650058
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>> No.12650280
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>> No.12650307

In his natural form, yes. Though in the average male in the Western society, this longing has been systemically supressed.
>a man
Julius Evola.

>> No.12650317


There's an argument to be made that anything that can be done can be considered "natural".

>> No.12650366
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Violence is also something that is observed in chimps and the response to abuse in the development periods is similar in chimps as it for humans. That said, the psychological effects of such behaviors do not exhibit a positive effect on human and ape-kind alike. It causes hyperreactivity of the victim and results in being set back in mental progression. It's not healthy for a society to promote rape-culture, but nor is it healthy to promote sexual regression, because we cannot ignore this innate part of ourselves that seeks to destroy.

TL;DR: Take a psychology class before you make a misinformed proposition, dumbass.

>> No.12650432

>"the psychological effects of such behaviors do not exhibit a positive effect on human and ape-kind alike"
>therefore it shouldn't happen
This is what dopamine does to your brain. Imagine being so degenerated that your only method of measuring naturality / morality is whether it generates pleasure on the short term.
Getting off your ass to achieve something also does not exhibit a positive effect. Yet it's the best option in the long run.