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12648943 No.12648943 [Reply] [Original]

Moment of silence for all of our friends lost in space

>> No.12648963
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>> No.12648969

The greatest space hero of all time.

>> No.12648987

I don't know why but reading about animals dying like this makes me cry like a bitch. Just fading away in this completely alien situation from where they come from and how they should live, with no idea what's going on, probably very stressful and confusing, all alone and then forced to die alone in complete silence thousands of miles from other life. Animals surrounded by all this advanced cold technology and science just to gather some data.

>> No.12648991
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whats the point of it all

>> No.12649004

Were they at least put down quickly once their mission was complete or were they just left abandoned to starve to death?

>> No.12649015

Laika spent 7 days in orbit and died to overheating

>> No.12649028

Goddamn, what a horrible way to go. I'm okay with necessary animal experimentation, but the least we can do is make sure the animal is in the least pain as possible.

>> No.12649040

>Oleg Gazenko, one of the scientists responsible for sending Laika into space, expressed regret for allowing her to die:
>Work with animals is a source of suffering to all of us. We treat them like babies who cannot speak. The more time passes, the more I'm sorry about it. We shouldn't have done it ... We did not learn enough from this mission to justify the death of the dog.

>> No.12649115

Did he say the same about cosmonauts dying?
Fucking doubt it

>> No.12649569

Doubt there was any shortage of qualified people willing to be cosmonauts. Though the Soviet Union had some jobs that could be considered slavery, cosmonaut was not one of them. No human was put in a rocket against their will.

>> No.12649803
File: 26 KB, 600x286, baker-2-neu-DW-Wissenschaft-Neu-Isenburg-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she packed my bags last night
pre flight
zero hour
9 AM

>> No.12650679

She actually died in several hours, not days. But glorious Soviet media still published several "updates" on the dog's well-being for at least a week. Oh and they also decided not to tell the public that the dog was doomed from the start - the entire purpose of the test was to see what happens to a complex living creature left in space for prolonged periods of time. So the reason the test was a failure is because the dog died to early.
And when the media finally published the truth of the dog dying in space, along with the fact that this indeed was the plan all along, there was an outrage and people kept bombarding the newspapers with letters like "why couldn't we have sent some much more useless creature instead, for example our dear General Secretary (Khruschev at the time)"

>> No.12650871

I get that the life of a dog is pretty insignificant but that doesn't make it hurt any less

>> No.12650959

Delete this

>> No.12650977
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>"why couldn't we have sent some much more useless creature instead, for example our dear General Secretary (Khruschev at the time)"
based antikhruschevites

>> No.12651190
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>first monkey to survive training
>first monkey ro survive takeoff
>first monkey to survive the cold expanse of space
>first monkey to survive re-entry
>survive days in the freezing ocean waiting for the navy to find you
>die from anesthesia during routine surgery for an infected NASA electrode
>get stuffed and put on display so teenagers can laugh at you on field trips for centuries
>meanwhile your partner lives to be 27 (aka 90 in mokey years)
>AND she gets to be buried in the White House next to Nixon's dog Checkers
NASA wants you to remember the Challenger so that you forget the real tragedy.

>> No.12651202

Animals probably aren't conscious entities. This world was created for humans for some kind of transcendental purpose that includes our consciousness. Animals are just here for us to experience.

>> No.12651212

Cosmonauts are (hopefully) aware of the risks and make their own decision (again, hopefully). A fucking dog has no choice and no clue what's going on.

>> No.12651227
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Sucked for Able, but worked out good for Baker, who ended up being the longest lived squirrel monkey known at that time.

>> No.12651264
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there aren't many engineering projects you work on where there are things like a dog unit or monkey module

>> No.12651294

t. an animal

>> No.12651413

that's a real shit take there

>> No.12651414
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>Before the launch, one of the mission scientists took Laika home to play with his children. In a book chronicling the story of Soviet space medicine, Dr. Vladimir Yazdovsky wrote, "Laika was quiet and charming ... I wanted to do something nice for her: She had so little time left to live."

>> No.12651445

Fuck thats sad.

>> No.12651577

God's lonely doggo

>> No.12651644


>> No.12651653

A cosmonaut is willing to die for a cause. A dog is too helpless and ignorant to consent

>> No.12651680


>> No.12651694

>Per tutti i camerati caduti, presente!

>> No.12651710

Thanks, I cried

>> No.12652482


>> No.12652666

He was a good boy

>> No.12652733

>No human was put in a rocket against their will.
>Komarov was selected to command the Soyuz 1, in 1967, with Yuri Gagarin as his backup cosmonaut. The cosmonauts knew that the spacecraft had major safety problems, but Komarov stated that if he were to refuse to fly, Gagarin would be forced to go instead.[26][citation needed] Komarov chose to fly to protect Gagarin, and insisted before the flight that his funeral be open-casket so that the Soviet leadership could see what they had done.

>> No.12653006

this hyper personification of animals some of you display has got to be some sort of a mental illness jesus christ this is absolute nonsense