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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 922 KB, 1000x2119, nasa 2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12645192 No.12645192 [Reply] [Original]

And everybody knows it


It would be cheaper, faster and more efficient to found private companies like SpaceX

>> No.12645208
File: 123 KB, 709x1299, old-man-walking-cane-isolated-white-background-41407784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Average age of a NASA`s employee is 60 years.


>> No.12645223

>number one reason is politics
>and a lack of public interest

Lol the usual excuses

>> No.12645257

>I know! The American public should relinquish a public company with public interests they have control over in favor of a private company with private interests that is controlled by a megalomaniacal jackass
Not going to happen Chud

>> No.12645261

Fuck off. Sick of taxpayer-funded research being handed to private companies for free so they can monopolize our resources. We need to move into space as a nation looking to colonize and advance, lifting all of our people up in the process.

>> No.12645270
File: 455 KB, 1496x1147, 593D7A86-3803-4EB9-BCCC-CDBD93CF731C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12645273

Just a reminder that railroads were to be built by public authorities but libertarians (Jacksonian Democrats) cried foul, so then they were built by private companies, and then those same rural Democrats votes to create the Interstate Commerce Commission which set the price of rail for cargo and also the wages paid to labor. Funny watching lolbertarians both wanting private companies to do everything and then freaking out and demanding government regulates everything when “monopoliesL are created.

>> No.12645282

>you made it
>you pay for it
>we will regulate it
welcome to gubment

>> No.12645288

No Von Braun
simple as
now look at the average ethnicity

>> No.12645296

Infrastructure (roads, waterways, and early moon settlements) should be constructed by the state and then paid for with tolls by private industry for conducting commerce and extracting resources. Otherwise, we’ll have another Battle of Blair Mountain on the moon/asteroids. I love coming on /sci/ bcuz you retards don’t know /his/ at all, and are absolutely destroying the future as a result.

>> No.12645330

No Drumpf
It’s that simple. Shut it down.

>> No.12645334

>government should build things then sell them to their buddies for pennies on the dollar

Sure thing mr Republican

>> No.12645362

Alternative is private companies build and maintain public goods. I don’t even feel the need to tell you how bad of an idea this is. Read about the Credit Mobilier Scandal, observe how communication and financial infrastructure (which is in theory a public good) is being misused by private interests to silence dissent.
If you really think Bezos will shut people off Web Services he doesn’t like, but will let them use his space infrastructure, you’re a fool and deserve your disappointing future.

>> No.12645373
File: 35 KB, 500x600, MoonProtest-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're from /his/? Then there's a unique form of "destroying the future" happening right now that you're blindly ignoring.

>> No.12645390

You’re 100% correct. I dropped my history degree and am now a based EE major. Time to stop wealth transfers, and embark instead on wealth creation.

>> No.12645407

The real problem is that NASA went uncontested for quite a while, not that it's an argument of public vs private priorities. NASA aren't exactly giving you the benefits of taxpayer funded research, they're more akin to something like Lockheed Martin. So in other words, the net positive is competition from all around.

>> No.12645506
File: 68 KB, 777x583, Prospection-Moon-Base-777x583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That point would be valid if NASA were building space stations and bases in the Moon with taxpayers money.
They are not.
They are using billions of public money to found expensive missions so someone can write a paper about the soil in some forgotten asteroid, instead of building something that has a future.
The public sector is filling the void because the public sector is doing nothing.

>> No.12645634

True. So let’s compete with China and Russia. Not completely opposed to handing out contracts, but we all must admit it is dangerous to allow private companies to claim ownership of the Moon, and even asteroids in the present.

So when your public officials stop doing their jobs, your plan is to keep paying them and then also let them pass contracts to their friends? Really good plan anon.

>> No.12645693

>So when your public officials stop doing their jobs, your plan is to keep paying them and then also let them pass contracts to their friends? Really good plan anon.

When did I say that? Your strawman is definitely subpar.
When the public officials stop doing their jobs, make clear targets so they do it right, or kick them out and subsidize the private sector to do it.
NASA has not been doing anything of note for 30 years. They are wasting public money and obstructing private companies that can do it with excessive regulation.

>> No.12645696

>When did I say that? Your strawman is definitely subpar.
Not that guy but you made an unfortunate typo.

You said "The public sector is filling the void because the public sector is doing nothing" when in context I'm pretty sure you meant "The private sector is filling the void because the public sector is doing nothing"

>> No.12645785

Original guy here. You’re right, sorry for straw man.
I think we all recognize it’s political obstructions getting in the way, but what I’m saying is, these same obstructive bureaucrats also are the ones handing out contracts. I just don’t see how saying “contract the private sector” will help... After all, it’s a long ways before any of this is privately funded.

Personally I’m tired of letting politicians do jack shit and we excuse it by saying, “well, public sector is wasteful, nothing we can do.” Politicians don’t solve energy crisis, for example, so we are now considering shutting down entire industries “in the name of science”. Politicians used to build roads and dams, but that stopped in the 70’s. We must return to the American System of economics.

It’s a tough situation and, you’re right, many administrators need to be fired. Also, any research not immediately related to the moon mission or space weather needs to be cut (ex: climate change research)

>> No.12645790
File: 308 KB, 830x1064, 1605482110207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You said "The public sector is filling the void because the public sector is doing nothing" when in context I'm pretty sure you meant "The private sector is filling the void because the public sector is doing nothing"

>> No.12645808

There are some things that have too many hurdles for a private company to invest in i.e anything nuclear related like power sources or engines