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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12643134 No.12643134 [Reply] [Original]

>Left wing people don't believe in 2 genders and calls late term fetuses parasites

>Right wing people don't believe in evolution and climate change

What is the political party that accepts complete logic and rational?

>> No.12643168

My one, vote for me please.

>> No.12643183
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Libertarianism is what you're looking for. We're basically atheist Conservatives.

>> No.12643191
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Join the cult of science. We are many, and we spread like rats. We worship science and reason.

>> No.12643198

what about randlet and ron paul they dont

>> No.12643207
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pic related

>> No.12643208

the person u linked is the type of person that would argue for genderfluidity and abortions

>> No.12643215

The "I just want to grill" centrist gang
>t. just want to grill

>> No.12643228

Stop aligning with a political party, just have your own values and beliefs. The two party system has been outdated for a long time

>> No.12643251

He doesn't like abortions though

>> No.12643254


>> No.12643274

Fuck off niggers, go worship moloch

There is no political party that accepts logic and rational
They accept money and whatever their money dictates as truth

Science is gay because science goes where money is allowing it to go (on the most part)

Reject money, get the truth,
reject money, you cannot do proper research

Logic is a matter of perspective and dialectic
The most rational you can get is to abandon society and go live in the woods

They get it

>> No.12643276

Well, neither do half of us. Abortion is kinda divided among Libertarians.

>> No.12643283
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Forget politics.

There are no party that has everything even in remotely right. Scientific people should not care about party politics, which pretty much is just sociology (ugh!!).

>> No.12643497

How can you not care about politics when it affects you in every aspect of your life? It seems to me that it is your duty as a citizen of any state to be well acquainted with politics.

>> No.12643514

>Women violating the NAP against their own offspring
>An underage child counts as private property
I must agree, a very dividing issue

>> No.12643518

Same as you man. I just want the party that supports
>Two genders commensurate with sex
>Climate change
>Strict gun control
>Anti SJW policies

>> No.12643526

>politics affects you in every aspect of your life
Nah, don’t care lol. Ignorance is bliss and my only duty is to myself.

>> No.12643542

Tell me how I know you're under the age of 25

>> No.12643554

> Strict gun control
You disgust me. Gun control shouldn't exist.

>> No.12643557

Gender is not the same as Sex. There can be many more than 2 genders, and multiple academic papers lean this way. It's an odd thing that, this (partly) being a scientific board, has its fair share of contrarianism just for the sake of it, an attitude that's not scientific at all.

>> No.12643559

No gun control means niggers can get guns too.

>> No.12643586

That's a political stance no matter how you put it anon.

>> No.12643600

>Left wing people don't believe in 2 genders and calls late term fetuses parasites
What do you mean? They believe in two genders, and even more. Don't hear the other one though. As for the other question, it's called the Democratic Party in the United States.

>> No.12643656

I'm a democrat and I hate trannies, now kys

>> No.12643661

there must be a mythical tranny loving boomer repub

>> No.12643735

I think, secretly there are more repcucks who want to fuck a tranny than democrats. Like all the republicans closet homos who suck men in public restrooms. (see larry craig) hypocrisy is a conversative trait

>> No.12643777

I'm literally a communist and I've literally never heard anyone referring to a fetus as a parasite.
That said, there are at least 3 genders jack.

>> No.12643824

Look at Brazil or basically entire South America, Gun laws won't prevent them from getting guns either.

>> No.12643833

>right wing people don't believe in evolution and climate change
i haven't met an unironic creationist in years and i'm a conservative
and no one denies climate change, they just don't believe it's as an immediate emergency and a slow transition to green energy would probably be better for people instead of shutting down entire industries and forcing people out of work

>> No.12643835

Is that a reason to not even have laws preventing retards from getting guns?
Is mediocrity your end goal?

>> No.12643843


>Left wing people don't believe in 2 genders
They do believe in two genders, they just might believe that being Somewhere inbetween doesn’t invalidate your pronouns or w/e. In any case gender the way they refer to it describes cultural expectations and therefore isn’t nearly as scientific as evolution and climate change
>and calls late term fetuses parasites
Again, tumblr isn’t real life and i’m pretty sure this was one particular ultrafeminist being hyperbolic to get her point across. Healthy left-wingers might understand gender woo but no healthy leftist calls infants parasites.
Also it literally depends on you to survive and is at least marginally detrimental to your health, so If you were a real scientist you would realize she’s using the correct scientific definition.
>Right wing people don't believe in evolution and climate change
Only in america, i think. i imagine this is more ubiquitous than your accusations Towards leftists.
>What is the political party that accepts complete logic and rational?
You didn’t even finish the sentence
Vote for the party that gives more funding to science, bonus points for research that’s not funded by DOD

https://en.m.wikipedia org/wiki/Lysenkoism

>> No.12643850
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i do hope you're joking

>> No.12643870

Why is climate warming bad, again? All I know is my city would turn into a warm paradise with literal tropical beaches.

>> No.12644087

I am right wing and I believe in evolution and prefer more CO2 because it’s better for plants, and hopefully it will cause some warming and delay or even prevent an ice age.
Your stereotype of right wingers is a pathetic straw man.

>> No.12644103


>selling kids

Yeah, no.

>> No.12644109

>political party
That's where you went wrong

>> No.12644125

As a Russian I can only praise it. Hope to visit the Arctic Ocean resorts 50 years later.

>> No.12644187

>not caring about politics is politics is politics

>> No.12644216

Sun also influences my life, but I have no way to influence the sun.

>> No.12644223

Right wingers(outside of /pol/tards) don't think climate change is fake, but it is too slow to ruin my or my grandson's life

>> No.12644226


>> No.12644251

I am loosely right wing if you force me into a category and I believe in evolution and climate change. The one thing is that I believe climate change isn't all negatives, for example more plants will grow. Yes, the sea levels will rise, but that's pretty much the worst that will happen, it isn't gonna be the end of the world, it is definitely happening though and is definitely caused by humans.

>> No.12644363

they're called schizos

>> No.12644367
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>political party
>logic and rational

>> No.12644397

Law of many retards: when the people in a parliament have no consensus on anything, probability to get a bad law is zero.

>> No.12644590

While it's morally reprehensible, he's still correct.

>> No.12644640
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>> No.12644870

The problem is that it's not as simple as "more plants will grow". Ecosystems are delicate, and predictions suggest many of them will be destroyed. A good example is algal bloom: Sometimes, when fertilizers are dumped into a body of water, it causes a huge increase in growth of algae (increased plant growth). However, this quickly disrupts the ecological balance, killing huge swaths of other organisms. Coming back to climate change: Even in the most conservative models, there will be huge housing crises and our crop supply will also likely suffer, resulting in pretty bad economic collapse

>> No.12645127

>Right wing people don't believe in evolution
no, that's the superstitious fringe trying to be part of the right wing because what else are they going to do, join the left? throw them out, I say.

>> No.12645135
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Let us introduce ourselves

>> No.12645139

what you want is not political party that accept complete logic and rationality, but what aligns to your belief

>> No.12645140

>That said, there are at least 3 genders jack.
neither delusionals nor hideous freaks of nature qualify as genders.

>> No.12645144

>bad because ugly
>good because pretty
>bad because it hurts me
>good because it benefits me
this is all that politics boils down to folks
bias justified with post hoc rationalizations

>> No.12645152

this has zero connection with what I wrote.

>> No.12645161

>>Right wing people don't believe in evolution

>> No.12645162

That's even worse than not believing at all lol.
>more plants guys gardening is just gonna be even easier
Such a drooling ignoramus thing to think, sorry to be an unproductive dick replying this but jeez ass shit

>> No.12645171

sure it does
>hideous freaks of nature
When you look at a tranny your first reaction is disgust. You then rationalize a way to dislike them after the fact.

>> No.12645174

I'm Australian and even here I've had to listen to people push lines like "they changed the name to climate change cause global warming is a failed theory"

>> No.12645180

>Science is gay because science goes where money is allowing it to go (on the most part)
Nah, hard science goes where it wants. Sure certain profitable topics get more research, but there's still plenty of funding for particle physics experiments and what not. Theory and maths don't need loads of funding. It'd be great if there was more but it's not a huge issue.

>> No.12645181
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>> No.12645183

He says you shouldn't care about PARTY politics.

>> No.12645187

no, I never even saw a tranny irl. I was referring -a as it is clear from what I wrote but there's no helping autists - that I referred to hermaphrodites and suchlike.

>> No.12645190

Based and horseshoepilled

>> No.12645199

we're doomed

>> No.12645211

>neither delusionals
>nor hideous freaks of nature
cmon now, there’s no need to lie on an anonymous forum

>> No.12645214
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>>Left wing people don't believe in 2 genders and calls late term fetuses parasites
The ones I know recognize the difference between biological sex and gender. They also think that consciousness or "personhood" requires a sophisticated network of highly interconnected components that don't even begin to develop until the 24th week of gestation, by which point less than 1 percent of abortions are performed and think that venerating human tissue for the sake of its humanness is religious thinking until there is a thinking, feeling person involved to go along with the crude matter and that if you want to grow the population, filling out the underclass with unwanted babies-turned-teenaged malcontented Untermenschen-turned-somebody's body in a ditch seems like the wrong way to go about it.

>Right wing people don't believe in evolution and climate change
Literally only the most braindead Christard minority does that, and most Right-wingers aren't actually raging Christards they just caucus with them because they're enthusiastic voters and donate vigorously to political causes that smart right-wingers like. Even among mainstream Christards, you get things like the Pope announcing his support for the science behind the Big Bang theory. Online, it's mostly just a thing that they do to troll left-wingers who take their shit too seriously

>What is the political party that accepts complete logic and rational?
Neither because both parties want the vote of morons. Confining yourself to a single well educated demographic is a great way to let the ultra-rich unite the moronic masses against you at the polls. Embrace the suck and figure out which side is the less-bad option, and form your own opinions from your own research from sources that you can verify for being trustworthy.

>> No.12645221

>That said, there are at least 3 genders jack.
Yes, masculine, feminine and neuter. Humans don't have a gender, they have a sex, and there are two sexes, even though some individuals may display characteristics of the other sex, they are still one or the other.

>> No.12645232

Why? You can keep caring about politics all you want, but you'll never find happiness that way.

The ultimate redpill is realizing how futile your actions are on a grand scale and how meaningful the everyday interactions are in your life.

>> No.12645243

Gender is male or female, sex is what I have with your mom.

>> No.12645393

no care abt politics
me care bad thing happen
stop bad thing happen
no matter how
stop bad thing happen

>> No.12645611

Realize that all of your actions are futile, but that you must press on anyways.

Take the existentialpill.

>> No.12645625
File: 60 KB, 460x576, 91D85A7F-D5D5-4950-BCB9-1D2CBAC6DD24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic related

>> No.12645649
File: 120 KB, 705x468, 94F5B84F-D9FD-4BD6-83B7-ECFC04DCF51B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.12645676

> Libertarians
> Whaaaaa, we don't want to pay our taxes

Libertarians aren't the party of reason. They're the party that shits in the park because they haven't taken a shower in a week, and no restaurant wants to let them in to use a public toilet because their B.O. is putting off the customers.

>> No.12645688


>left wing people make value judgements on values

>right wing people actively deny reality


>> No.12645702

>Left wing people don't believe in 2 genders and calls late term fetuses parasites
>Right wing people don't believe in evolution and climate change
also projection, not all right wingers are completely retarded

unironically communist parties are always the closest to being on the side of science. that goes for climate change, covid, economic issues etc.
i assume thats because those parties arent just fronts for the rich, like pretty much every liberal, conservative or "green" party is.

the best solutions for climate change and covid threaten the profits of those in charge of major parties, so only a party with no interest in profit can solve them.

>> No.12646939

What the fuck are you talking about? Lysenkoism was not an anomaly in Communism.

>> No.12646945

I hate to break it to you, but right-wing atheism is the fringe.

>> No.12647119

Atheism in general is fringe in the US. You’re not going to get elected if you don’t at least pretend to be a good, god fearing American. It really sucks t b h.

>> No.12647192

Not the anon but you're a boot licking pseudo intellectual pussy. I'll just make a gun what do you think about that? Fucking baiting ass faggot

>> No.12647209
File: 68 KB, 655x500, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ft0ewsi.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no those are just two forms of right wing (liberalism).

What you are looking for is the party of the dialectical and historical materialists.

>> No.12647542

im talking about modern communism
lysekoism was a product of the soviet union and its obsession to be different from the rest of the world. its not a result of communism on its own.

>> No.12647859

>They also think that consciousness or "personhood" requires a sophisticated network of highly interconnected components that don't even begin to develop until the 24th week of gestation
Social science applied to biology... Lmao

The right is the right one because you obey the rules of life, easy

>> No.12648011

>i dont like either of the two strawmen ive created to represent a wide spectrum of political beliefs, therefore I'm too smart to participate in any current politics

>> No.12648032

The shit are you talking about. Leftists think that hauling trillions of nonwhites to white countries will make it better. I think this is beyond retardation.

>> No.12648123

> can be many more than 2 genders
I can have 6 fingers as well

>> No.12648130

By not picking any party
Reddit is that way, lawlbertarian is like babies first redpill, the next one is realizing the libertarian is a fucking meme just like athism.

>> No.12648131

is it free?

>> No.12648137

I assume you mean can't, and we all know how well those pavement apes follow the law....

>> No.12648434

I don't know if it exists, but I'm sure it's being called extremist.
Their agent's have been spreading nonsense beliefs on purpose, so that nobody can stand up against them.

>> No.12648493

Left wing.

>> No.12648513

The very idea of partisanship, political parties and political careers are anti-democratic and should be illegal (like it was in Athens)

>> No.12648524

that 80s decor

>> No.12648530
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>> No.12648539


The Catholic church.

>> No.12648612

Provide one sound, rational argument for the existence of god.

>inb4 iq chart s o y jack

>> No.12648613

There must be a cause, an origin to this world, hence, God exists.
This world is a product of something with great intelligence, not just chaos and randomness.
Randomness is a lie, as it is no more than a product of ignorance.
Laws cannot be "randomly" generated. Intelligence lies behind those.
Hence God exists.
God must hold deep love for his creations, for all creators need that in order to create anything.

>> No.12648665

>Social science applied to biology... Lmao
facts don't care about your feelings

>> No.12648671



>> No.12648705

>cosmological argument
The cosmological argument is generally as follows:
All things have a cause.
Thus, there must have been a first cause of the universe.
Therefore, god exists.

To begin with, the argument does not argue for the existence of a god at all. Simply an initial cause to the universe. This is a far cry from religious conceptions of a god.
In any case, how does causality imply the existence of a god? Why is it more rational to say that the cause of the universe has no cause than to say that the universe has no cause? If you are going to say that the cause of the universe has no cause, why not say the cause of the cause of the universe has no cause? Or the cause of the cause of the cause of the universe? Either the chain of causality goes on infinitely, or it ends somewhere. It does not make any sense to go one step (or two steps, or three) further than the first known cause.

>teleological argument
It is generally as follows:
Complexity exists
Therefore, god exists

There are many criticisms of this argument. Here are a few:

First, it once again does not prove the existence of a god. Even if you could prove without a doubt that the universe was designed intelligently, that does not prove that a god exists, only an “architect”. Attempting to use that as proof of a “supreme being” is a thinly veiled ontological argument (which has its own issues).

Secondly, complexity does not in any way imply intelligence. You’ve simply asserted this with no reasoning. Clearly, there are rational explanations for complexity without a creator. For example, evolution.

Finally, if nature is designed, how would it be possible to distinguish a designed object from an undesigned object? An object appears designed only in that it differs from a natural, or undesigned object. If all objects are the result of design, it becomes impossible to distinguish a designed object from an undesigned object.

Also, the anthropic principle.

>> No.12648708

You are telling me to believe, but why? Just because?

>> No.12648713

A cause is proof of God, as God is the origin of all.
Intelligence and complexity is proof of a God.
God cannot be a phenomenon, as the rules and laws of this world are too stable to be randomly generated.

>> No.12648716


Trying to give an origin to an origin and never stopping is an infinite process, hence an absurd one.
See Zenon's paradoxes:
"That which is in locomotion must arrive at the half-way stage before it arrives at the goal."
"In a race, the quickest runner can never overtake the slowest, since the pursuer must first reach the point whence the pursued started, so that the slower must always hold a lead."
God is the origin of all. He is the start of all.

>> No.12648728


Sola Fide

>> No.12648736

>the rules and laws of this world are too stable to be randomly generated
>intelligence and complexity is proof of god
You simply assert this with no evidence. Frankly, these are massive leaps in logic. I adressed these points in the second part of my first post.

>Trying to give origin to an origin and never stopping is an infinite process, hence an absurd one.
This is exactly what I was getting at. Again, why go one step farther than is necessary? Why not simply say the universe has no cause? If you are going to go farther than is necessary and say that the cause of the universe has no cause, there is no clear reason to stop at the first layer of abstraction.

And again, neither argument even argues for the existence of a god as portrayed by religion.

>> No.12648738

Ok but...

I don’t believe in anything “just because”. It seems a little silly, don’t you think? To believe for no apparent reason.

>> No.12648750

If randomness does not exist, there is intelligence. Unless you would like to argue the world "suddenly" appeared?
If there is intelligence, there is a thinking God and not just a phenomenon.
God must be a loving one, just like what the religious book say, as creation is love.
Hence religion is truth, atheism and science are lies.

>> No.12648764

>if randomness does not exist
You keep asserting this without even an attempt to justify it.

>there is intelligence
Quite a leap there, anon. Can you tell me explicitly how the universe is not random, and how a lack of randomness implies intelligence?

>If there is intelligence, there is a thinking God and not just a phenomenon.
Even if you accept that the universe was intelligently designed without a shadow of a doubt (which has not at all been proven), that does not prove the existence of a supreme being. It would merely prove that some intelligent being (or group of beings) has ordered the universe in some way. This does not imply any of the qualities of omnipotence, omnipresence, or omniscience.

>God must be a loving one, as creation is love
Creation is not love. I’m not sure where you got that from. Surely you can recognize that many creators hold great disdain for their creations?

>> No.12648772

Randomness does not exist as it is a product of ignorance.
Hence there are clearly deliberate and definite laws by an architect, not "randomly generated ones" out of emptiness.
Creation is love, as if you do not love what you create, you instead "produce" or "manufacture" like a tool the love of another.
Most people do not like their jobs because they act like sheep obeying the whims of others for the sake of money and career. They cannot love a creation not made out of love, but constraint.

>> No.12648775

>Randomness does not exist as it is a product of ignorance.
Once again, you say this. Justify it.

>Hence there are clearly deliberate and definite laws by an architect, not "randomly generated ones" out of emptiness.
Once again you say this. How does a lack of randomness imply intelligence?

And how does an architect (or many architects) imply a religious god?

>Creation is love, as if you do not love what you create, you instead "produce" or "manufacture" like a tool the love of another.
Can you not love something while creating it, then grow to hate it later on? Why do you think that, if a god exists, he would create rather than produce or manufacture?

>> No.12648790

If you know all, nothing is random, everything is deliberate.
Ignorance creates the illusion of randomness, hence randomness is a lie, as all products of ignorance are.
No randomness must mean everything is deliberate.
The world is clearly not an unstable one, regardless of how many doomers yell around that the world will end.
The laws are fixed, the world is orderly, hence there is a great mind behind this world.
God creates because creation is the origin of all. He cannot manufacture or produce without having any core entity. The core must be made out of attachment and love.
When you produce or manufacture, you blindly follow the blueprint of another's creation. Love is still at the root of all creations.
Hating anything is irrational and stupid. We all must make mistakes in order to grow. Hating your own creations and your past self is a mistake, hence a lie.
Even if you were some sort of pedophile in the past before you made amends, hating oneself is a mistake and a lie and prevents you from moving on and turning a new leaf.

>> No.12648836

>If you know all, nothing is random, everything is deliberate.
>Ignorance creates the illusion of randomness, hence randomness is a lie, as all products of ignorance are.
There are certain experiments whose outcomes cannot have unmeasured results. Thus, the outcome cannot be predicted ahead of time. The evidence against local hidden variables is quite strong. Still, there is a possibility that we are wrong.

>The laws are fixed, the world is orderly, hence there is a great mind behind this world.
This is a non sequitur. Physical laws do not imply an intelligent mind, nor have you proved that the world is orderly. Once again I point to the anthropic principle.

And, I want to stress again, even if you accept your argument as true, that does not prove the existence of a god as portrayed by any religion.

>> No.12648934

Why do you need to be part of a club like a damn 14 year old? Grow up, think for yourself nigga

>> No.12649132
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Arrogance of scientists makes them think they are the center of the world.
The center of the world is God.
The spiritual is always truth, hence the Holy Books speak truth.
Don't listen to sellouts liars who care not for truth but for career.

>> No.12649171
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