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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12639599 No.12639599 [Reply] [Original]

Bros I've failed my Data Structures and Algorithms exam for the second time. Before you tell me to go to /g/, I'm a master student and the exam is highly theoretical in nature. We need to write formal proofs like strong induction, contradiction, case distinction and the grading is very strict.
Now I understand the underlying algorithms but I absolutely suck dog shit at writing formal scientific proofs.
How do I get better?

>> No.12639676

Read books like how to prove it, book of proof, a passport to advanced mathematics, and then write fucking proofs on whatever you can

>> No.12639813

Learn some propositional logic and usually this comes with all the techniques to prove theorems (not sure if how to prove it covers all techniques)

>> No.12640892


>> No.12640980

>Bros I've failed my Data Structures and Algorithms exam for the second time
>I'm a master student and the exam is highly theoretical in nature. We need to write formal proofs like strong induction, contradiction, case distinction and the grading is very strict.
Double KEK

>> No.12641000

What are you laughing about retard? You wouldn't even know how to read the stuff we're tested on.
Kill yourself

>> No.12641241

Start reading harder books like TAOCP. And do the exercises.

>> No.12641440

Basic proof strategies like you described are trivial even for a middle schooler. More than likely your failure has to do with a lack of rigorous understanding of the material rather than with proof writing itself. If you actually ‘understand the underlying algorithms’ and are asked something reasonable about them, then you should be able to convince yourself of the answer by thinking in a logical sequence. proof writing is just recording this on paper.

>> No.12641474

I just had my exam in Data Structures and Algorithms a week ago. I guess it depends on the professor. We only had to answer a lot of maths stuff that was all pretty easy. In what part of the world do you attend university?

>> No.12641480

The litersture suggests that Lidl shoes make it easier to write proofs, so I think you're in the right direction.

>> No.12642395

Post it faggot, I need to laugh at how trivial it is. I bet it's all freshman stuff that doesn't even have amortized questions.