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12637247 No.12637247 [Reply] [Original]

if the vaccine is 50% effective

why don`t you just take double the amount or get vaccinated 2 times to make it 100%?

>> No.12637303

Because then it's 50% of 50% i.e. 75%. A third one would be 87.5% and so on, you can't reach 100%.

>> No.12637308

50% of 50% is 25?????
what the fuck you talking about

>> No.12637319

>if the vaccine is 50% effective
Although the report that the number came about from is sound scientifically, the number is misleading
The Chinese vaccine is 100% effective in reducing serious hospitalizations
78% effective against mild to severe cases
50% effective is for very very mild including asymptomatic cases with no treatment needed

>> No.12637333

>taking a chinese vaccine

>> No.12637348

Chance of not working = 100%-50% = 50%
Chance of two not working = 50%*50% = 25%
Chance of at least one out of two working = 100%-25% = 75%


>> No.12637392

oh look, propaganda

>> No.12637908

That's why you need two doses.

>> No.12637975
File: 1.37 MB, 2000x6350, 1611334578052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaccines are a hoax, they weaken your immune system.

>> No.12638030
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why not take it 3 times to get 150% immunity?

>> No.12638041
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>> No.12638049

Aren't there several Chinese vaccines? This one is the killed vaccine, right?

>> No.12638058

It doesn't stack?

>> No.12638066
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be careful fren, if you take two vaccines and they have 60% efficiency each then you overshoot the ideal dosage by 20% and then you get 20% of autism on top of what you already have

>> No.12638234
File: 36 KB, 1004x617, varicella-cases-1972-2013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So why did the rates of chicken pox fall by 90% after the varicella vaccine was introduced in 1994? Was that also improved sanitation? Because people have been washing their hands for almost a century now.

>> No.12639236

Judging by your graph, it started to fall since 1987.

>> No.12639919

This one is Sinovac, one of the most popular coronavirus vaccines in the world used in Turkey, Hungary, Serbia, Indonesia, Thailand, Brazil, China, and more

>> No.12640006

No, they train your immune system.
>I don't take vaccines I have a working immune system
Having a good immune system is a reason for taking vaccines. Not against them.

>> No.12642110

Serpentza really cant fucking leave it can they? Too deep down the anti-chink rabbit hole to crawl out and find a real job...

>> No.12642135

Underrated kek

>> No.12642290

calculate the standard deviation of the points before 1995 and see if that apparent drop is statistically significant

>> No.12642315

t. brainlet

>> No.12642335
File: 49 KB, 720x720, 1611320199456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical brainwashed midwits who blindly believe in "science".
Injecting mystery serums in your body is never a good idea.

>> No.12642363

they aren't mystery serums brainlet
we know what's in them

>> No.12642379

based dumbass

>> No.12642601

So why is the varicella case rate 10% of what it was before 1994 when the vaccine was introduced. Please answer this simple question. Unless they redefined the criteria for chicken pox cases, or people just suddenly stopped reporting the chicken pox, I don't see what else could account for such a plunge besides vaccination.

>> No.12642783

Da joos turned off the 1g signal that caused chichenpox, and turned on the 2g signal that causes obesity, car accidents, alcoholism, miscegenation and illiteracy, then released the vaccine to explain the drop in chickenpox that was actually caused by 1g.

>> No.12642807
File: 3 KB, 111x125, 1611345246989s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaccines disrupt your natural immune system.
I do not think there is much I can do to shake off your cult and worship of scientists sadly.
Remember me and this conversation after your vaccine has done irreversible damage to you.

>> No.12643289

>Vaccines disrupt your natural immune system.

>> No.12643321
File: 129 KB, 504x571, 161193698216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obviously all scientists who would dare to publish anything that runs counter to the vaccine narrative would get fired and lose their jobs, their good name soiled by the media.
Believe whoever you want: the corrupt people, or those who tell you to use your common sense.

>> No.12643345
File: 92 KB, 1489x268, oopsie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not only are the vaccines experimental but so is the production process which is different from other more robust vaccines.

>> No.12644844

>muh conspiracy

>> No.12644945

Actually, one of the doctors who did not believe in the COVID scare was sent to the asylum.
Stop being a coward.

>> No.12644959

>why don`t you just take double the amount or get vaccinated 2 times to make it 100%?

Isn't that basically what the pfizer vaccine is? IIRC, only taking the first shot of that vaccine is about 50% effective as well.

>> No.12645231

don't take vaccine

it no work

>> No.12645283

>Vaccines disrupt your natural immune system.
Yeah. The varicella vaccine "disrupts" the immune system by causing it to develop antibodies to varicella, and massively reducing your risk of suffering from the associated disease. How awful.

>> No.12645524

Stop spouting completely retarded bullshit.