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12636904 No.12636904 [Reply] [Original]

>Mark Sackler: Earlier this year I interviewed David Wood on his book The Abolition of Aging. In it he forecast that by 2040 there is a 50-50 chance of there being widely available affordable rejuvenation therapy. How do you feel about that forecast right now? Is it overly optimistic? Is it well within reach if there's enough money, or is it totally uncertain?

>Aubrey de Grey: It's pretty much exactly the same as my prediction. That may not be a coincidence.

Is this realistic to believe?

>> No.12636915

Don’t get your hopes up, chances are we will join the billions of nameless dead before us.

>> No.12636920

True immortality is secured by your contributions, scientifically or mathematically, doing something truly original. These days it's super easy, you can just post your stuff to the internet, like Ron Maimon does, no publication necessary. If immortality becomes biologically achievable, you will join the ranks of immortal humans, but nobody will remember you when you die.

>> No.12636926

It’s not that hard to be remembered forever, if you really want to. But you won’t care who reads about you in the history books when your corpse is rotting in the ground.

>> No.12636934

>It’s not that hard to be remembered forever
It's extraordinarily difficult. We can barely remember people from 2000 years ago.

>> No.12636941

A large enough terrorist attack ought to do the trick.

>> No.12636955

>Cares more about posthumous fame than a chance to live longer

just kys

>> No.12636957

Nobody will remember me if I do it now, fellow nobody.

>> No.12636960
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>> No.12637033 [DELETED] 

A lot of the problems can be fixed with low tech solution:
Not eating salt prevents the buildup of the intracellular garbage, which is accumulated to seal with the messed up osmolarity. It may also prevent the calcium buildup with age.
Mitochondria can be fixed by fixing the iron/manganese ratio. We are eating too much iron, as the values were determined from an iron overliaded population and never fixed when more data came. (it is claimed that most of the world is anemic, and needs to be fixed with ridiculous measures. Nestlé invented a method to add more iron to food without making it unpalatable, for example)

>> No.12637055

A lot of the problems can be fixed with low tech solutions:
Not eating salt prevents the buildup of the intracellular garbage, which is accumulated to seal with the messed up osmolarity. It may also prevent the calcium buildup with age.
Mitochondria can be fixed by fixing the iron/manganese ratio, to prevent turning MnSOD into a peroxidase, but many other problems are caused by too much iron
We are eating too much iron, as the values were determined from an iron overloaded population and never fixed when more data came. (it is claimed that most of the world is anemic, and needs to be fixed with ridiculous measures. Nestlé invented a method to add more iron to food without making it unpalatable, for example)

>> No.12637058

seal = deal

>> No.12637157

We can't even cure diabetes, cancer, alzheimers, tinnitus, pain, why would anyone think that age can be cured

>> No.12637182
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>> No.12637794
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No. We barely understand the body as it is.

No one in this thread is going to escape aging or mankind's inescapable fate. You are going to age and die like everyone else, make your peace with it and get on with your life.

>> No.12637932

>this asshole
Don't think we haven't noticed your shitty little cult. When we find this "Nobody" or whatever you faggots call him we are gonna kick his ass.
It's evident it's just another scam. That guy probably doesn't exist.

>> No.12637961

Yeah, and there's 50% chance we'll have nuclear fusion by then.

>> No.12638612

>Ron Maimon

Immortal Hero

>> No.12638636

Some of these are age related diseases

>> No.12638649

There's a 50% chance of aging being cured by the end of 2021. It either happens or it doesn't.

>> No.12638665

>rejuvenation therapy
That doesn't sound like the same thing as stopping aging.

>> No.12638673

>can't even regrow the tiny hairs in the ear to reverse hearing loss and stop tinnitus
>will be able to completely stop aging in 20 years
That doesn't seem realistic.

>> No.12638699

OP, you’re never going to be happy until you accept that you’re going to die. Be glad you’re alive and get to live, make the most of it. But you’re going to die.

>> No.12638757

Imagine thinking life could ever be immortal hahah

You idiots have forgotten Thermodynamics

>> No.12640117
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>> No.12640121
File: 362 KB, 1229x923, The Techies' Wet Dreams 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is an index of the techies' self-deception that they habitually assume that anything they consider desirable will actually be done when it becomes technically feasible. Of course, there are lots of wonderful things that already are and for a long time have been technically feasible, but don't get done. Intelligent people have said again and again: "How easily men could make things much better than they are-if they only all tried together!" But people never do "all try together," because the principle of natural selection guarantees that self-prop systems will act mainly for their own survival and propagation in competition with other self-prop systems, and will not sacrifice competitive advantages for the achievement of philanthropic goals.

>> No.12640128
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>> No.12640133
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>> No.12640141

I am Nobody

>> No.12640144

>the human body is a closed system
Retard alert

>> No.12640274

That would be either 0% or 100% you drooling retard

>> No.12640278

I want to live 400 years.