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File: 24 KB, 660x339, diversity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12629291 No.12629291 [Reply] [Original]

I am studying a STEM course (masters degree). Recently we were forced to take some new course about something "scientific integrity".
I stumbled upon following statement which is extremely vague formulated (pic very related).
My issue however is that I think this statement is false and is very harming for science to say things like that. Do you have any solid proofs for this or something that denies it?
What is your opinion on university forcing us to take this course?

>> No.12629298
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Nazi's were pretty good at rocketry.

>> No.12629303

90% of "science" today is nu-science with basedlatte drinking faggots screaming how they love science.don't bother with such nonsense they just want to get a reaction

>> No.12629304

But once Wernher von Bruan came to the US and took over NASA we became the most advanced country in the world in terms of rocketry and space travel. Looking like a +1 for diversity leading to innovation

>> No.12629310

But were american scientists truly "socially divererse" then? I assume white men with their ancestors coming from europe doesn't really scream "diversity"

>> No.12629311


An ethnic German immigrated to a mostly ethnic German country, though, so it doesn't count.

>> No.12629323

>Socially diverse groubs breeds demonstrably more innovation than homogenous groups
Lets take this statement apart (scientifically)
>Socially diverse
Define "Socially diverse". Does it mean origin? Gender? Skin color? Gender intentity (aka mental illness)? Why is "socially" highlighted?
Qunatify demonstrably. What would that be in absolute numbers? 1%? 50%? 200%?
What counts as innovation? Is this scientific invention or something coming from "gender studies"?

From a scientific point of view the entire shit has no substance. How is it even allowed to teach that? Can't you just like sue university?

>> No.12629338

>can't you just like sue university?
Good luck suing any of them for educational malpractice, your case will be thrown out immediately

>> No.12629380

>They thought I was serious when I said NASA increased its diversity by hiring Nazis to run the program

>> No.12629385

To 50% mutts hiring white people is a diversity at this point

>> No.12629393

It is true though, America after ww2 made tremendous advance in technology when they took in many european and Asian refugees. NASA was definitely not homogenous.

>> No.12629403

Soviets had pretty homogenous scientists and yet they made a huge progress too.

>> No.12629423

The people who made that line have probably praised Japan at some point in their lives and wondered why can't we be like them

>> No.12629431

Having a homogeneous population allows for efficiency in that everyone is already on the same page in terms of planning and action. If you bring in good engineers from different cultures around the world their approach to the problem you are working on might offer valuable insight into a more optimal solution, so yes I would say diversity can spur innovation. However having a bunch of people born and raised in America who all went to American universities but have a different gender or skin color will not be the same as a team of engineers from multiple academically-focused countries who all have very diverse backgrounds, work experiences, and education

>> No.12629441

don't speak up, they want to filter such persons

>> No.12629442

>tl;dr someone isn't special just because of their skin color
color me surprised

>> No.12629472

Yeah, whites are a joke

>> No.12629498

> The genetic diversity between races is less than the one within the population of each race
> No, we must diversify the country with all races because that gives better results

They never make sense to me. Maybe they should be consistent with Lewontin's argument and hire Americans exclusively because most diversity is within a single population.

>> No.12629517


>> No.12629523

That wasn't diversity. America took in the very high achievers. Every single one NASA received was highly trained in STEM fields. That's the opposite of diverse.
Skin colour or ethnicity by itself makes no diversity when the people share the same mindset.

>> No.12629720

The African race has never produced an individual that matches any white, asian or arab in terms of scientific thought. All the race mentioned above only achieved their success in racially homogenous societies

>> No.12629794

But there are no human races dood, all humans are totally the same race, human race!

>> No.12630101

i guess international collaboration is useful for scientific progress

>> No.12630114

>America after ww2 made tremendous advance in technology when they took in many european and Asian refugees
yes having more europeans generally improves things, what's your point?

>> No.12630127

Take the diversity pill Anon. We need more women in STEM. This diversity will give more of these incels female attention, reducing their productivity, and advancing IFLS Scientism while adjudicating the dissolution of the male dominated patriarchal, white supremacists transphobic Popperian (((science)))

>> No.12630393
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I mean, it really depends. Throw some random people in a room with nothing in common and they probably won’t do too well. Throw a Jew and a European in a room and they’ll likely do very well if they have a similar goal.
There needs to be a clear dominant identity for large projects, if you deny a skilled person because they don’t completely fit in though you’re making a stupid decision. As long as you keep the diversity semi low but allow truly capable people from anywhere to help I think that’s superior to a total homogenous project.

>> No.12630405

It's DFG, they are talking about diversity of research groups and disciplines, not races.

>> No.12630406

>if you deny a skilled person because they don’t completely fit in though you’re making a stupid decision
The way they phrase it and assuming that it comes from the american way of thinking it lets me assume that by "Diversity is good" they mean "If a white scientist, a negro and a woman apply to the same job, you must hire negro and woman first disregard the skills because diversity"

>> No.12630420
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I don't think so, I think it's exactly what /pol/ imagines by hearing diversity. My reasoning is because this is what is shown a few pages later

>> No.12630430
File: 347 KB, 1180x596, g454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and this

>> No.12630451

You want people who think differently. In that sense, it’s true that diversity breeds far more innovation than homogeneity. But using ethnicity/sexuality/race/gender as a proxy for diverse thinking is stupid. People can look drastically different from each other and still operate via similar mental frameworks. A group comprised of a gay mexican, transgender white man and a straight black women is probably not as diverse as you would think with respect to how they think.

>> No.12630453

Right, I just mean dismissing diversity completely isn’t the smartest move either. My engineering diversity class was mostly about “how do we get black people and women into engineering”? Which is just an insane thing to me, I would not want my engineers to be people who were culturally brainwashed into going into engineering and getting through it with extra and exclusive help, only caring about the aesthetic of what they study. I’d want some black guy who was building nice bridges in Africa and landed a scholarship which he did well on to be on my team though even though he is different from me and the majority of the team. Is what I mean. That’s where diversity shines.

>> No.12630485

Source for diversity claim:

source for gender claim:

Here you can check those out to validate. I dont really like especially the diversity "source" so feel free to find some agenda here

>> No.12630508

Here in Argentina we are literally obligated to take a "gender equality course", if you don't take it you can't advance in your degree

>> No.12630553

I think the basic idea is that people from different upbringings / backgrounds will approach and think about problems in a fundamentally different way, and so having a diverse group means that you will be more likely to hit the most elegant solution since your group will be thinking about it from more different angles. Like a scattershot.
Of course, not all angles are valid, but that's up to the group to figure out which approaches make sense and which don't. And sometimes an invalid approach might shed some light on making a valid one better.

>> No.12630606
File: 7 KB, 245x250, ahem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine a math competition. One group is not diverse, every member is a negro. Another group is diverse, they have jews asians whites indians and negros. It is obvious the more diverse group will do better. Therefore diversity will lead to better performance.


>> No.12630660

Nazi's stole the work of Goddard and Tsiolkovsky.

>> No.12630664

But we are being made to believe that they are.

>> No.12630668 [DELETED] 

Not really stem related but
>Go to introductory course for sociology in the UNLP
>A lot of it is really about militating and the dissapeared in the city (don't mind it really)
>One of the days we have a gender workshop class
>Kirchnerist teacher straight up tells me it's tedious as fuck and i can skip it if i want to

>> No.12630675


The burden of proof is on them, simply state that successful innovative countries attract immigrants thus the causal direction of this correlation is unclear. Mention a few advances on quantum computing from China and remark they are impressive when one compares GDP per capita and ethnic diversity.

Should a discussion about Chinese diversity ensue mention the imposed fertility decline on Uyghur women while quoting that Chinese official's tweet.

You will anger some who hold power over you, they will think you are evil should you choose to dissent. It's important to be as clinical and professional in your choice of words as possible, otherwise you will make a fool of yourself and turn public opinion against your ideas.

>> No.12630683


>> No.12630721

>demonstrably more innovation
Do you know what that word means? Ask them ot demonstrate what they claim. They just told you they could, so they should be able to... unless they were lying. Ask them to demonstrate it to find out if they were lying.

>> No.12630733

Wrong. Diversity simply means not white. It doesn't matter if it is 90% black. More black people means more diverse.

All linguistic tricks with these people.

>> No.12630744

>All people are equal
>Diversity is our strength

Double think.

>> No.12630752

Out of Africa theory implies more diversity even if it comes from ghost hominid genetics in Africa.

>> No.12630760

This is why I just fucking stopped trying to make sense of modern politics. Inconsistent garbage.

>> No.12630769

It makes sense if you understand the motives. It is an ideology hostile to humanity itself and trying to prevent us from advancing to the next stage of civilization.

You cannot ignore it, because it is attacking you and everything you hold dear.

>> No.12630781

that's the sources they cite

>> No.12630788

No anon, you ask them for a demonstration, not citations. They said it was demonstrable.

>> No.12630796

Good point Herr Führer

>> No.12630852


>> No.12630858

But a group of negros is diverse by definition since non-diverse can only be whites

>> No.12630876

Socially diverse does not automatically mean racially diverse.

> What is your opinion
I think that either this is a poor attempt at racebait, or you need to do your own homework. Depending on some anonymous basket weaving forum board to prove your point for you is not masters-level thinking.

>> No.12630881

Read nigger, the racial diversity is also included in their argument

>> No.12630884

>not a single statistics, only narratives
I wouldn't be surprised if someone told me its beneficial to have an ethnically diverse marketing team. Or that it was beneficial to have somewhat multi disciplinary research teams.
Those papers are just making stuff up.

>> No.12630890

>Do you have any solid proofs for this or something that denies it?
Most people in chink universities are Han Chinese and even without diversity they now produce more research papers and innovation than the US. The West is a joke and Spengler was right: it's going to die.

>> No.12630895

>Looking like a +1 for diversity leading to innovation
How is that diversity? A German coming to the US is not diversity. Many white Americans are of German descent, and even those of Anglo descent are closely related to the Germans. And back then universities were mostly made up of white males, so where is your diversity?

>> No.12630902

Europe has same culture. Bet they took sample from this continent.

>> No.12631311

The Soviet Union had a larger population than the United States, and only half were ethnically Russian.
Sergei Korolev was a quarter Belarussian, raised by his Cossack grandmother in Ukraine, and married a woman named Vincentini. Pyotr Kapitsa's family were Romanian-speaking Moldovans.

>> No.12631321

While this may in fact be diversity in viewpoint and ideas and this may be the kind of diversity that has a positive effect, don't expect race obsessed modern cargo cultists to accept a german as diverse.

>> No.12631343

What these people get backwards is that individual diversity is much more important than diversity of groups.

As in, you would get a much more diverse collection of opinions from Richard Pryor, Michael Jordan, and black science man than you would from Lebron James, Yao Ming, and Larry Byrd. It doesn't matter that the former group included all black men because the diversity in individual experience and opinion are much greater than three basketball players.

>> No.12631356

It is Diversity of thought retard

>> No.12631785

See my response here >>12629380
But >>12631356 does make a good point

>> No.12631802
File: 117 KB, 500x543, herschel-lieberman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a pattern when it comes to diverse groups and which kinds innovate and stagnate.

>> No.12632920

go back to /pol/

>> No.12632942

I really hope that that wasn't a graduate course that taught you this. I saw it in an undergrad codemonkey CS class (in fact its almost word for word the same points and probably cited the same "studies") which was disgusting but understandable considering the fact that most CS guys don't care about STEM and just want a job in tech and they, their future workplaces, and the codemonkey professor all care about politics way more than tech. If I saw this in a graduate course I'd vomit.

>> No.12632947

fuck off already faggle

>> No.12633711

>graduate course
No idea what it means but it's necessary to finish an exam in this course to be allowed to start masters thesis

>> No.12633734

Socially diverse does not mean racially diverse/ It is probably true if you have one atheist, one protestant, one catholic etc etc.

Homogeneity in thought is what has led to the abomination and perversion of science that is /sci/ and redit. If you say anything the idiots they hang around with have never talked about they chimp out and can't process it.

>> No.12634061

Having many different cultural ans social perspectives allow you to tackle problems with more information. I don't see how this would be a bad thing unless you are a faggot in need of a safe space away from people, in which case the problem is not in the statement but in ur mind.

>> No.12634199

That's a diverse group of northern, western, southern Germans.

He was basically abducted. The rest was abducted by Russia, kickstarting their space program.

>> No.12634205

So the more Germans the better?

>> No.12634211


>> No.12634215

Back then that was definitely true.

>> No.12634234

itt: /pol/tards can't comprehend any diversity other than skin colour

>> No.12634246

Read niggas>>12630485
it literally means racial diversity

>> No.12634250

From my perspective, having worked with a lot of people from around the world
>Indians work hard but complicated
>Pakistanis pretend to understand and know everything
>Germans are well-organized and precise, but lack creativity
>eastern Europeans were fun and easy to work with
>Americans are pretenders, similar to Pakistanis
>Arabs are either great guys that work almost as hard as Indians (especially Palestinians), or complete monkeys
>Canadians are great to hang out with, generally hard-working creative, but not so well-organized and precise
>Dutch people are basically Germans, but more fun and less German
>South Africans cannot organize themselves out of a paper back, next to impossible to start big projects (I was involved with a project that cost around 2 million euro, complete failure because South Africans cannot think ahead), but are fun and easy-going, good people. I like their accent a lot. I mean both blacks and whites here

tl;dr: diversity IS helpful iff it's coordinated well and the recruitment process is fair, but can also quite literally sink a ship.

>> No.12634497

diversity of thought != diversity of ethnicity

A black woman from NYC and a white guy from Kansas whose research interests are close enough to collaborate have more in common that a Finnish man and a Spanish one.

>> No.12634739

I'd rather work with the Finn please.

>> No.12634776

you can't say this. iirc they cancelled some woman, who i think was black, at some big tech company and got her lynched on twitter and fired from her job because she made a tweet saying that two white guys can have very diverse backgrounds and ideas and two people of completely different color can be the same.

>> No.12634787

wtf I love black women now

>> No.12634812

desu black women are often redpilled and need to be saved from the insanity that is black men

>> No.12634819

Black women are loudmouth bullies who would rather gossip about everybody behind their backs (and probably gossip about you, when you aren't there either) than do work. I hate working with them.

>> No.12634873

Diversity requires isolation. “Diversity” nowadays seems to mean putting people from different backgrounds together, but how come people have different backgrounds in the first place? Because they were isolated. If everyone works together all the time in the name of diversity, you end up with one homogeneous soup where everyone thinks the same way.

>> No.12634886

That's the objective. The elite want homogeneous labor units. Our individuality is their liability.

>> No.12634933

>The elite want homogeneous labor units.
You mean like China, where there’s zero innovation?

>> No.12634935


>> No.12635483

Hey op why don't you kys?

>> No.12636720

Read "cynical theories" and you know why...

>> No.12636820

Please take down this VERY anti Semitic post

>> No.12636823

He's right tho

>> No.12636847

When will you faggots realize it's just there so you sperg out about it, so they can fire you? Most people don't care who they work with. Most institutions care if the people working for them aren't problem causing dipshits.

>> No.12636851

>Haha it's just to make you sperg out
>Don't question us, just accept being replaced by a pajeet goy

>> No.12636861

How come white guys invented and created everything tho?

>> No.12636874

Because they stole it from da working black man das rite

>> No.12636887

You're insecure

>> No.12636961

I see a rapper, a gang member, a drug addict, a welfare recipient, a criminal, a basketball player..

>> No.12636962
File: 174 KB, 1718x966, Grimstad-Turing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just form a study group on the side with lambda calculus filter quiz.

>> No.12637463


So what? The German Uranverein seems pathetic in comparison to the Manhattan Project and Tube alloys. Nazi advances in rocketry don't reflect the technical superiority of Germany over the US and UK, but rather the focus of the German government at the time to research and develop weapons not based on Jewish Physics (protip: Manhattan project was filled with Jews).

>> No.12637468


Philosophers unironically are more useless to society than gang members.

>> No.12637499

Not sure if someone else has said it. But yes, there is evidence, the essential argument is diverse backgrounds gives rise to different problem solving strategies - so a group of diverse backgrounds are better at problem solving as multiple methods Will be presented

I guess you are not the one for psychological studies, there are quite a few if you just search for it, but here is a study doing theoretical research on it with some simulations https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1046496407301972?casa_token=zyDWJriMrCwAAAAA:x1llF_Tus55oQdtobboiXf6o4QDutGhPfFory5wcUwAZnSg1Aa-n_FkCGCvsn8VG_AvnZblT0EI

>> No.12638594

They used destructive development like SpaceX. No wonder they came that far.

>> No.12640391

They were interbreeding with those homonids, as recently as 20,000 years ago. That makes black Africans the most recent addition to the human race, not the most ancient. In another 20-50,000 they might reach the level of the asians, but probably not before.

>> No.12641426

>. NASA was definitely not homogenous.
NASA was basically all white dudes.

>> No.12641428

that statement is false

>> No.12641444

Calling bullshit on this.
National diversity negatively correlates with GDP and more diverse countries tend to produce less patents.

>> No.12641453
File: 21 KB, 584x346, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And more diverse firms tend to be less productive

>> No.12641460

This meta-analysis found that background diversity correlated at -.133 with innovation.

This review of literature found other negative effects diversity has
>“There is substantial evidence from both laboratory and field studies conducted over the past four decades that variations in group composition can have important effects on group functioning. These studies show that increased diversity, especially in terms of age, tenure, and ethnicity, typically have negative effects on social integration, communication, and conflict.”

>> No.12641465

As a meta-response it is fair to say that /sci/ is the exact right place to decide about this, since this board consists of homogeneously anti-scientific and anti-humanity creeps.

>> No.12641468

Thanks anon, thats a good thing to read and show as an argument against

>> No.12641529
File: 2.45 MB, 2434x2110, 1591496193233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a big push for all this woke idpol diversity stuff is because those in power realized a long time ago is it causes division. now amazon uses it as a means of union busting.
back during ows, the 1% were a target and p much most of the 99% (left and right) were pointing the finger rightly at them, so what did they do? they introduced sjws into the movement who forced the "progressive stack" where depending on your group identity's perceived oppression that decides the order of speaking. it doesn't matter if the white male has the best idea, he is privileged despite the fact he may be poor so the black tranny who may be from a rich family gets to speak first. this fragmented the movement.
now they use it as a distraction, "what billionaire? look at that white male who works a little harder and earns a little more money over there. he is the problem. billionaires are a racist conspiracy theory." what is happening now imo is bezos and the other billionaires who have established businesses are using blm as a means of market consolidation. lemme explain this hypothesis. you notice that blm is supported by all the major brands despite the fact that they torch their warehouses, etc. why is this? well first of all, all of the megacorp offices and warehouses are insured so they incur no loses. but more importantly their a huge segment of their competition is all those small business mom and pop shops. most of those do not have adequate insurance to cover a blm torching and on top of the lockdowns that they faced probably cannot go back to business when this is all over. this allows the megacorps like amazon to consolidate more of the market.

>> No.12641666

It's one of those things that you can't really prove or disprove (because the goalpost can always be moved to reach the conclusion you want) but it sounds good in the current social climate so theirs no backlash against baseless statements.

>> No.12642054

Diverse as in far-right Germans, not 60 IQ Somalians

>> No.12642188


>> No.12642223


The problem is not diversity (the actual definition), the problem is the clown world purple haired leftist newspeak definition of "diversity" which is basically "anyone non straight cis white male".

>> No.12644500


>> No.12644791

What's hilarious is that that viewpoint is now considered racist

>> No.12645051

And even if you prove it with studies you will still be a racist because "your studies were based on racial superiority" and therefore void.

>> No.12645062

This kind of horseshit makes me reluctant to finish my bachelors

>> No.12645292

It's a bit silly isn't it. When the seatbelt was designed the only people that had the money to actually afford cars were dudes. It wasn't some discrimination drive it was a pragmatic one. Why don't any of these equal women design a new seatbelt then? Cause it's not that easy

>> No.12645307

Maybe because it's pointless to make seatbelts and entire airbag system exclusively for pregnant women in mind since it will cost so much more for some measly % of drivers? Like how many pregnant women drive in first place?

>> No.12645356

You gotta be kidding me...

>> No.12645361

Finish it. The system is shit, rise over it. Don't handicap yourself because of others' stupidity

>> No.12645687

It's the same with the abortion argument. Men and women are equal but men can't have a say in the abortions n argument. The two of these are directly at odds.