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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12627149 No.12627149 [Reply] [Original]

Why am I dumb, and why do I suck at maths and physics?

In my country we have 2 different maths in the 1st year in high school; practical maths, where we learn some economy, excel, simple algebra, geometri, etc. It's basically simplified maths. This type of maths is for "dumb" people. Normies choose this math and a lot of people do pretty bad too.

And then we have theoretical maths which is for "smart" people. This is more abstract which requires more hours of studying to learn. Geometri, algebra, functions, etc. No excel or economy. This is for people who want to study STEM.

I chose theoretical maths in 1st year, and wanted to study programming or something related to computer science. I almost failed, and then I took an exam in practical maths and I got the best grade even though I only studied 2 weeks before the exam. (90th percentile)

>> No.12627163 [DELETED] 

Don’t beat yourself up. You got the best grade on applied maths. People have different strengths and weaknesses. Best to play to your strengths so you end up making an impact in your future field and career.

>> No.12627332

Yes. I've looked into business administration and other non-stem fields, but it doesn't sound very exciting.

I'm curious to why some do well in maths, like why do some people get top grades in maths and physics.

I noticed that the ones doing well in theoretical maths and physics usually have parents who are either doctors or engineers. But some of them spend most of their spare time playing video games and do unproductive things, but still they do well in maths.

I know many people who have parents who are dentists, architects, etc. but they get bad grades.

I have one friend who's father is a dentist, but he is very dumb, get bad grades, drink alcohol and do drugs, etc. I have another friend and both of his parents are architects, but he sucks at maths too.

Me, and many other people I know 'paid attention' to class, but we still sucked on the math tests.

>> No.12627344 [DELETED] 

If you really want to do STEM and that's the only thing you're interested in, then you have to study and try harder than anyone else and than you ever tried before. It will be difficult and will be time-consuming but you can't compare yourself to others. If you don't have the innate ability to understand mathematics and physics easily like those sons of doctors and engineers you talked about, then you just have to make up the deficit by working harder than them.
Otherwise take the L and go into some other field and flourish there with little effort.

>> No.12627351

Why are you even asking? Obviously genetics plays a huge role. Both of my parents were college dropouts. Absolute morons, both of them. I went on to get a PhD in physics. Half my siblings dropped out of high school or committed suicide, other half have deadend jobs after refusing to attend college.

>> No.12627616

I'm asking to find out if I have potential to pursue a career in stem. I'm interested in technology, and science in general. This probably doesn't prove anything, and IQ is bs, but I got my mensa certificate from when I was 16. I only took it because my friend wanted me to.

I think most studies in college/university sound boring. Technology sound way more exciting, but the problem is that my maths and physics grades suck (except for applied maths).

How can I become more productive? Like what are some good habits? I have a gf who takes up a lot of time, and I usually drink alcohol with her, which I think makes me stupid. She makes me lose focus on important things.

>> No.12627653 [DELETED] 

If your gf and alcohol are time wasters and ruining your life, get rid of them.
You need to focus and become disciplined. Set schedules and follow them. Find an area to study quietly and do not use that area for anything else. Turn off any internet or electronic devices while studying.
Eat healthy, exercise, and sleep regularly.

>> No.12628181

I'm doing your mom :)