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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 57 KB, 764x470, nothomework2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12621981 No.12621981 [Reply] [Original]

>asked /wsr/, no replies
Brainlet here.
How would you solve a chemistry problem like this?
I'm a layman trying to learn chemistry.

Is the first answer 5kg?
I don't know how you find the second answer.
Anyone mind explaining?

>> No.12622006

Convert grams to moles using molar mass. Then use the ratio then convert moles back to grams using other substances molar mass.

>> No.12622012

ever heard of this thing called stoichiometry?

>> No.12622015

also ask these questions on /wsr/ lol

>> No.12622017

seems legit

>> No.12622026

no I havent.
I did. Nobody there can answer a question like this.
It's really not. I don't want to know the answer I want to know how to find it.

>> No.12622027

I explained it >>12622006

>> No.12622031

then the FBI has been called

>> No.12622042

Then are you a terrorist

>> No.12622051

I'm glad someone figured out the joke.
It's just a workbook problem I found from google images.
Instead of starting from the beginning I like to pick a hard looking problem and try to solve it, even if I can't I find I learn much faster this way.

So looking at the first problem,

4.6292 moles of UO2 = 1.25 kg of UO2?
How do I determine how much HF?
4.6292 * 4?

18.5168 moles = 370.4535 grams
so you would need 0.3704535 kg?

Tell me how wrong I am.

>> No.12622057

For an easy overview, go look up "Organic Chemistry Tutor" on yewtu.be (youtube privacy frontend). I'll tldr the steps

1. convert grams into moles (mass given over molar mass)
2. Set up molar ratio
2b. i.e. X.XX mol of UO2 x HF/UO2
3. Get how many mol you need for compound in question
4. convert mole to gram by mole number x 6.022 x10^22
5. click in number
6. stop browsing /sci/, post these questions to /fit/ they have bigger brains.

>> No.12622061

You forgot to convert kg to g and back again
Not doing the calculations for you but the structure looks right

>> No.12622063

Step 4 is wrong. You use molar mass. Avogadro give you atoms not mass

>> No.12622073
File: 14 KB, 236x236, shoot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>instead of starting from the beginng. You fucking nigger, you're obviously not smart and are a grandiose midwit. Everyone needs to learn from the beginning, you don't innately know theroies or mechanisms in basic STEM shit. This is called Stoichiometry and a kid taking grade 10 chemistry could calculate the limiting reagent here - fucking midwits get off my board REEEEEEE

>> No.12622074
File: 27 KB, 622x521, nothomework4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not doing the calculations for you but the structure looks right
Thanks that's all I was looking for.
I was going to go with this one but I thought the one about U and HF would get a chuckle.

>> No.12622077
File: 238 KB, 944x1018, pepe md question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck sorry, I just sat down to the pc from a bong session - tried my best lol

>> No.12622078

Yeah it’s np fren

>> No.12622079

>This is called Stoichiometry and a kid taking grade 10 chemistry could calculate the limiting reagent here
I only had chemistry for a single year in highschool and we just learned what atoms were and had to memorize the periodic table with no context for what we were memorizing.

It's actually a lot of fun to jump into something you don't know anything about and try to tackle something really difficult.
I'm a big fan of puzzle games and doing stuff like this hit's that same itch.

>> No.12622201

so what was the solution for a mid-wit?

>> No.12622236

Read the thread I already posted my second attempt at it. >>12622061
said I got it minus the conversion mistakes
Now I'm discovering the Avogadro Constant and reading more about stoichiometry. The solutions not actually important. This is what I wanted from the question.

>> No.12622254
File: 11 KB, 645x773, feelsweird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and try to tackle something really difficult
>9th grade chem tasks

>> No.12622260

It's difficult for me anon.
We all have to start somewhere.

>> No.12622334

>4.6292 moles of UO2 = 1.25 kg of UO2?
the molar mass is based on the unit g/mol. convert the uo2 in kg to g first

>> No.12622344

>You use molar mass
this. op can go to pubchem or some other website to find the molecular mass of substances.

>> No.12622656

retard here

I'm supposed to write a chemical formula for the reaction of heating Copper chloride hydate until it turns brown (dehydrated)

is it just Cucl*h2o + OH -> Cucl or Cucl*H2O + heat -> Cucl?

>> No.12622665

I meant cucl*h2o + O2 in the first reaction I wrote obviously

>> No.12622673
File: 24 KB, 372x396, problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
