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File: 92 KB, 1607x895, league-of-legends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12621430 No.12621430 [Reply] [Original]

is there any correlation between being good at league and having a high IQ ?

for those who have never played league, it requires pattern recognition ( enemies on map and deducing an optimal strategy ) , memorization of each champions abilities and spells (150 + champs in the game)

there are so many different combinations of team comps and different stages within a game with unique playstyles and strategies.

this game isnt for brainlets, ask all the asians who regularly beat NA and EU in world finals

>> No.12621466

I have 130 IQ and cant get out of plat

>> No.12621472

Dota 2 players are more intelligent than rito gayms players.

>> No.12621473

im high gold :/ , but dude ur next to being diamond,

if youre diamond in LoL thats where you begin having opportunities such as streaming on twitch bc ppl will watch diamond + gameplay

think of it this way, if u can hit diamond u may literally have a career if u push it enough

>> No.12621475

literally nobody plays Dota my dude....

>> No.12621478

Going by this logic it would be true for all RTS games. I’m sure there are some utter simps out there that are filthy at LoL.

>> No.12621480

Post your score faggot

>> No.12621485
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On one hand it does take some form of intelligence to be good at a strategy game.
On the other, only people with brain damage plays lol.

>> No.12621491
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>> No.12621493
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Yu-gi-oh! is literally chess but with more complicated pieces.
Unironically, a game that at its pinnacle can only be enjoyed by the highest IQ.
And if you delve into quantum theory or philosophy, your faith and connection with your deck improves your chances of getting the cards you need during RNG scenarios. Anne Hathaway briefly touches on this in Interstellar.

>> No.12621525
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Stop trying to associate IQ with mundane shit
In fact, stop trying to use IQ on whatever argument you want

If you don't use your self-proclaimed intellect for something productive such as reading non-fiction and doing experiments, then you are just a slob.

Simple as that

Being good at games mean you are good at games. Nothing more.

>> No.12621531
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LOL no, there's actually an inverse correlation. Starcraft 2 is the thinking man's game.

>> No.12621555

More people play LoL because there's are average people then smart people

If Mobas are on a bell curve the dota 2 geniuses are on the right, center is LoL The large pool of everyday people, and we have the retarded mouth droolers on the left that is hots

>> No.12621572

you just proved his point

t.dota chad

>> No.12621582

What's the point of a high IQ if you aren't using it for actually important things. There's no difference between 90 or 140 if you waste your time on frivolous crap such as games.

>> No.12621606


>> No.12621611

Video games are for children and basedboys

>> No.12621837

It doesn't matter if you have a high IQ if you waste all of your time playing LoL

>> No.12621853

World of Warcraft and other mmos are the highest iq and lowest iq games at the same time.

>> No.12621944

I've been officially tested for high IQ, but I wasted years and flunked out of uni (STEM) because of LoL and I peaked at Bronze 3. I eventually reached Bronze 5 with 0 LP. I also mained support.

>> No.12621953

I have a 98 IQ and I'm Platinum.
I just picked a really easy and broken champion to carry me through ranks.

>> No.12621959

I used to love playing this, but I gave up trying to convince the local kids around me to get into it. Genuinely believe that this card game filters the low IQ.

They would never understand the rules of the game and just collected the cards because they looked cool.

Now that online yugioh is a thing, I'm starting to get back into it.

>> No.12621960

High IQ would help, but most MOBAtards are just monkeys who have perfected the mechanics to such an extent that they just abuse small little imbalances to give them advantage. I only have experience with dota, but it was pretty obvious that there was little to not thought put into most decisions made by high-level players. Whenever you question them on a decision they will ALWAYS give some retarded ad hoc answer that can be picked apart easily.

>> No.12621962


>> No.12622018
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>> No.12622038

Exactly this, only Play Video Games for a few hours every week
Dont fall for grindy games or muh ranked gamemodes, only leads to mindless addiction

>> No.12622122

imagine being retarded enough to actually play this cancerous game let alone believing you need an IQ greater than 80

>> No.12622131

How would high IQ help ? And why would any high IQ person waste their time playing that shitty ass game ? It's just an excuse for retarded kids to feel like special snowflakes and smart.

>> No.12622152

I got top 100 in 2016 and I'm average intellect but below average social ability

>> No.12622776

Why would high IQ help with a game that requires strategy?

>> No.12622804


>> No.12622818

*requires the execution of a strategy
They aren't high IQ, they are meta slaves. Clicking will never be an intelligence check.

>> No.12622826

>the low IQs telling high IQs how high IQs should behave

>> No.12623183

As someone who spent many nights playing LoL in the Engineering Commons with my retard friends during my undergrad, I can definitively confirm that there is no correlation between intelligence and League skill.

>> No.12623266
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Anyone intelligent will pretty quickly see how shitty mobas are and quit long before they ever get good.

Multiplayer games and grindathons all serve the same purpose: keep the player coming back for that little dopamine spike when they win or get that shiny loot drop.

>> No.12623278

>Anyone intelligent will pretty quickly see how shitty mobas are and quit long before they ever get good.
Imagine playing a team game with 4 strangers with close to no communication and complain why the game is shit.

>> No.12623279

thats all video games anon. Hell, that’s life. Constantly chasing the biggest and most consistant dopamine hits for your present and future self.

>> No.12623299

Sure, thats why I stick to games that you're done with after 10-20 hours. Its only really a problem if its the kind of game trying to get people hooked for thousands of hours.

And lets not pretend like the dopamine hit from figuring out a solution to a tough problem or climbing a mountain are even comparable to winning a game in lol.

>> No.12623325

They are comparable anon, that’s why video games can be so addictive. Why go climb a mountain for your dopamine when you can easily get it at home? I’m intimately familiar with getting sucked into a goal and spending thousands of hours on video games chasing those sweet purps and mounts.

>> No.12623336 [DELETED] 
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>is there any correlation between people being bothered to play well and those not bothered about doing well?

Yeah those who aren't bothered or care to put the effort in to understand and perform, do bad. Same for IQ tests believe it or not.

>> No.12623345

>is there any correlation between people being bothered to play well and those not bothered about doing well?

Yeah those who aren't bothered or care to put the effort in to understand and perform, do bad. Same for IQ tests believe it or not.

>> No.12623350

Because climbing a mountain feels much, much better than getting that sick dragon mount in wow. I think your dopamine receptors are a bit fried.

>> No.12623364

There are dopamine receptors that belong to achieving something more tangible away from cyber rewards, you need to look into that. You'll soon snap out of hailing virtual rewards.

>> No.12623377

MOBA is Warcraft 3 micro dumbed down for adhd zoomers

>> No.12623383

Dota is excellent for practicing russian

>> No.12623390

It’s comparable. It’s literally the same damn thing. Obviously climbing a mountain will give you a larger hit. It’s a harder to achieve goal.

>> No.12623391

>peaked at Bronze 3
This is bait right?
Don’t know if serious

>> No.12623411

Yes serious. It’s a balance between your dopamine now and your dopamine later, moderated by your self control. Obviously I’m not saying that’s all there is to life, but pleasure seeking and the ability to delay pleasure plays a large role.

>> No.12623423

Yeah that's correct. Once you've established many accomplishments off a PC, you'll be more comfortable and enjoy your life more.

>> No.12623481

>MOBA shit
>high IQ
The absolute state of this board

>> No.12623488


But when I'm a middle-class teenager climbing a mountain is out of reach. Sick dragon mount is in reach.

Also WoW has many deep hidden lessons that have drastically improved my life. I'm certain that there was no better way to spend my teenage years. But then I had it in the pre-Activision days.

>> No.12623495

wah wah
im a nigger that needs to larp as a middle class white boi cuz im low IQ
wah wah

>> No.12623499

Ok nigger.

>> No.12623521

>There are dopamine receptors that belong to achieving something more tangible away from cyber rewards
Huh? A dopamine hit is a dopamine hit. Some are stronger than others, but they're all impacting the same receptors. That's the reason social media and video games have trapped so many people, they're tapping into a dopaminergic system that wasn't adapted to being constantly triggered.

>> No.12623604

Being successful while working in the framework of a complex system will always correlate with IQ. Why is this even a question.

I'm honestly fairly sure you need min. 120 IQ to be diamond+, however, you're completely wasting your life/potential if you actually are. Which is why I quit.

>> No.12623616

there probably is. i think i've read an article on the topic of correlation between being good at league and having a high IQ. there is no correlation in my personal case, though.

>> No.12623618

My wording was pretty bad. I meant that your current dopamine network can incorporate real life (physical) accomplishments just as strongly. Words of encouragement I suppose.

>> No.12623621

i climbed a few mountains in my lifetime and i see no reason why i should care about that more than social media

>> No.12623649

Climbing a mountain is for normies and fat boomers

>> No.12623679

Yeah, I agree with you there, and I've never felt the same sense of accomplishment from video games as I have some of my real life accomplishments. Yet I've still wasted more time than I care to admit on stupid apps, and I've known very successful people who fell into the video game trap, though they did eventually work their way out of it. It's a very easy path to head down without even realizing it.

>> No.12623694

New information is addictive. If you could framework your mountaineering passion, such as climb the tallest mountains in each continent. Climb all the 8000km mountains. The interest will grow. Games are addictive because they have a lot of checkboxes, achievements and stats to cover. Social media platforms are addictive because they give you multiple ways to entertain your friends and vice versa.
The social element with other people is a comfort thing, in which you confide in others problems in order to soothe your own, and to find the enthusiasm or courage to move on with other areas in your life. If you knew what you was doing in your life, had a framework, and was making good ground with real life interests then social media would be felt as less needed to confide in.

>> No.12623697

>framework of a complex system
>league of zoomers

>> No.12623718

I don't really care about playing games and don't view it as something to take pride in. If I was a high rank in the video game it may be something to take pride in but it looks likely that I won't reach high rank in any game I play. I don't care about video games, I just view them as something to do. I don't use social media except 4chan.

>> No.12624450

is there still the same stale meta of precisely 1.0 jungler, 1.0 tanky dps top laner, 1.0 ap mid laner, 1.0 dps and 1.0 full support
failure to comply with this comp will result in your account being suspended btw

>> No.12624648

>playing within the boundaries of the shitty skinner box
>high IQ
breaking the skinner box is high IQ

>> No.12625524

sort of

the high rank people are the most intelligent lol players but not objectively intelligent overall.

some exceptions but not many. i have a 113 iq and got to plat at 34 years old.

there are many approaches to success at lol and not all are high iq

>knowing the meta perfectly and only playing whats most broken (winning through better weapons)
>playing braindead champs like garen or malph (low iq high pragmatic)
>winning by being a good sport and non toxic (high conscientiousness)
>winning through mechanical ability (medium iq, high coordination)
>winning by shotcalling with pings (high iq)
>winning with a duo (youre stupid and gay)
>winning through dodging champ selects not in your favour (winning through game knowledge very low iq just rewards grinding games to understand what beats what)
>winning by low ping +perfect computer specs( luck and or money, maybe high iq if you earn the money doing something smart)

obviously approaches can be combined. so someone can just combine a lot of low iq approaches to succeed in lol.

>> No.12625528

forgot winning by wave management which is high iq but also rewards game knowledge accrued through grinding

>> No.12625531

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

>> No.12625781

It's hilarious that an ESL made this post.

Dota 2 is primarily played by thirdies in shitholes like Peru and Indonesia. It's dead in all the high iq region like NA, Western Europe, East Asia. Keep coping

>> No.12625796

I thought so too, when I was younger. And I would assume anyone that fucked up == a retard.

It turns out, just like with chess, that most of all MobA's are a game of repetitions. The more you've been in a situation, the better you know how to deal with it.

Now, having between 1-2 std's above the mean probably has a correlation, because you need to have SOME logic thought process and on the fly problem solving, but really, most of the games are just repetition.

This is why most of KR/CN players are midwit 16-20 y/o's who were never good at anything but playing computer games, but they played 10-16hrs/day so they have no need for high cognition, when everything becomes type 1 thinking.

Hikaru Nakamura #2(PEAK) rapid chess player in the world, has an IQ of 108, tested.

>> No.12625803

I would like to think so, but Starcraft is, if anything a game of repetitions and type 1 thinking.

>> No.12625975

I'm 130 iq and bad at LoL

>> No.12626126

high IQ is realising nothing you do is important

>> No.12626130

mtg is the high iq card game

>> No.12626140

>Hikaru Nakamura #2(PEAK) rapid chess player in the world, has an IQ of 108, tested.

don't be a fucking retard, he took an online iq test while streaming, he has never been tested.

>> No.12626163
File: 5 KB, 202x249, download (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why yes I do play video games, I only play
>aoe2 1v1
>aurora 4x

how could you tell?

>> No.12626285
File: 42 KB, 641x530, 1525574604819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking tards in this thread, just google it https://www.york.ac.uk/news-and-events/news/2017/research/multiplayer-video-games/
yes there is a correlation

>> No.12626793

>knowing the meta perfectly and only playing whats most broken (winning through better weapons)
I have an idea of what the meta is
>playing braindead champs like garen or malph (low iq high pragmatic)
I do this
>winning by being a good sport and non toxic (high conscientiousness)
I do this
>winning through mechanical ability (medium iq, high coordination)
sometimes. I don't rely on this
>winning by shotcalling with pings (high iq)
I ping a bit
>winning with a duo (youre stupid and gay)
I have done this in the past but I don't do it regularly
>winning through dodging champ selects not in your favour (winning through game knowledge very low iq just rewards grinding games to understand what beats what)
I dodge often
>winning by low ping +perfect computer specs( luck and or money, maybe high iq if you earn the money doing something smart)
my setup was in the bottom 10% of setups for playing league, then I thought of something that put it in something like the bottom 30%-50%
>forgot winning by wave management which is high iq but also rewards game knowledge accrued through grinding
I am not an expert in wave management but I have some basic awareness of it
I don't even care about winning that much though. if I was iron 4 that'd be fine with me.

>> No.12627951

>high iq region
>like NA
anon, I...

>> No.12628008

You are Somalian, aren't you?

>> No.12628351

Anon, I...

>> No.12628756
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>tfw "smart" buck suck badly at strategy games

>> No.12628878
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>literally repeating the same simplified task again and again
>same map, same goals, repeat same shit thousands of games
>game trains you to default to your basic instincts and rage like a fucking animal, lowering your tolerance to failure
>addicted, cannot or won't do anything on free time besides lol

no. you are not smarter because you play that steaming pile of shit. you are not smart because you learned to flash at the right time. you are just another addict playing a simplified game for an infantilized public, just another fucking mice running in a wheel, competing against other mice expecting to become "better" than them in a game that, at the end of the day, does not and will never have any relevance on your daily life. No one in the real world will ever give two shits if you are plat or diamond, it won't feed you or your family, wont give you anything that last unlike spending that time in learning an actual skill of just fucking living your life. You will spend years of your life playing the same stupid game again and again and when you came realize, you wont have any memories of all those years, not even memories of the game because is the same fucking map and the same fucking things happening again and again, so its natural you wont remember anything. Just a fucking lagoon, that is all I see now...

no it fucking won't make you smarter to masturbate larping as a pro gamer.

>> No.12628972

Almost anyone could get to current diamond level without talent (good hands-eyes, good reflexion, creativity). Change in mentality and attitude turn me from gold feeder to plat carrier.