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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12617031 No.12617031 [Reply] [Original]

Where does /sci/ do for work? I presume most of your are engineers or chemists.

>> No.12617049

>phd astrophysics

>> No.12617064
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>bachelor's of science in mechanical engineering
>employed as a senior machine learning engineer
>this post will make /sci/ enormously butthurt for multiple reasons
>but that won't change the fact that it's true :^)

>> No.12617077

I live in my mum's basement with a lock on the other side of the door.
I'm given tendies and magic candy every day and night.
I'm comfy

>> No.12617079

Why would anyone be upset about that. Congratulations.

>> No.12617097

I live in a cabin in the mountains and just study all day.

>> No.12617098

Senior technical specialist for a molecular diagnostics lab. BSc molecular genetics and virology, MSc medical science, thesis in systems development. It's fine, I get to be an autistic introvert and shitpost on 4chan, I don't get yelled at by a PI, and local pizza places give me free food because I'm a "#HeAlThCaReHeRo"

>> No.12617103

Math/phys degree is useless. Should've gotten a CS degree dumb boy.

>> No.12617314

Congratz, dude. Unfortunately engineering is corporate slave work. The lack of math/phys positions is telling of a government's fears of free thinking. I was fortunate enough to score a high paying position in my field where I get to think and contribute to papers.

To my math/phys peers, take the risk if you truly want to be free. I do recommend having a backup career in mind in case it doesn't work out.

>> No.12617317

Tbh it's not worth slaving away for companies or someone else's work. I had done it before pursuing my PhD and the pay just wasn't worth it.

>> No.12617342

Exactly why I live in the mountains, only work for myself.

>> No.12617366

> I do recommend having a backup career in mind in case it doesn't work out.
This, this so fucking much on so many fucking levels.

People called me dumb for joining the military after the degree. Now in the Pandemic I'm studying russian and getting my masters while getting payed to basically sit at home and wait and I'm about to be set for life, while the rest are unemployed and starving for any pippete monkey or even teaching contract. I believe the right word for this is "vindication", stability first your PhD with no job experience at your 26 later.

>> No.12617370

chemical engineering masters student

>> No.12617376
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Structural Engineer

>> No.12617410

I work in a central bank (no joke). It is comfy.

>> No.12617413

VFX artist.

>> No.12617416

I work at Kroger

Yes I am a physics grad

>> No.12617427

VFX has been a lifelong hobby of mine in the past, but I'm finishing a stem degree. I'm pretty passionate about VFX, I've learned a lot over the years. How might I get employed as a VFX artist, if that was something I wanted to pursue?

>> No.12617443

most people here are students

>> No.12617562

Biophysics PhD
Structural biology post-doc

>> No.12617650

I'm a PhD student in theoretical physics

Sound interesting

>> No.12617709

>MSc Economics
finance bro at bank

>> No.12617720
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>> No.12617746

phd in econ ?
Anyway to get into one with only a masters in econ ?

>> No.12617763

Metallurgist. Make bank. Also, hobby farm.

>> No.12617778

I'm a failure. I don't have a job and I get NEETbucks. I've a shitty diploma in accountancy. I'm trying to get accepted in a training center to get a better accountancy diploma, but it's still shit. Even if I suceed, finding work in this field is kinda hard in my country, because there are too much accountants, and the pay is not higher than 1700-2000€/month.

It's over.

>> No.12617791

Pharmacist who neets it up by choice.
I am starting to think abiut work and there isnt anything out there. Working in a pharmacy is borisng, aorking in a hospital might be fun until you get bossed around by the doctor. Finally, any work in the industry somebody else (with a more specific degree) can do it better than you.
Thank you for reading my blogpost

>> No.12617795


blah, im so scientists i dont even have work

i just wonder things

>> No.12617857

I really hope you get that diploma and find a job. It's a start. Once you have something steady (even some shitty wage job), start looking for other opportunities. For now, all you need to do is survive. Whatever you do, don't give up.

>> No.12617904

Design FPGA IP-cores for telecommunication companies

>> No.12618550

that sounds really interesting but I can imagine it being boring in reality and normies not respecting your work

>> No.12618592

My boss is telling me if I graduate right now he can get me a shit load of jobs. Is it feeling the same for you?

>> No.12618656

is it fun?

>> No.12618666


>> No.12618670


>> No.12618681

what's the career progression look like in that industry?

>> No.12618799

I work on an assembly line in a factory.

>> No.12618802


>> No.12618812

It's extremely relaxing and the hours are good.

The pay is terrible but I have no real desire to own anything.

>> No.12618823
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>> No.12618892

How hard is econometrics?

>> No.12618896

Im an apprentice that is being trained in mechatronics.
I also have a one-man-company that sells computer parts on ebay. I founded the company in August 2019 and now im finally making profits( not much but still).

I also enrolled myself for CS Undergrad which ill start in April. I already dropped out twice from busines admin. and Finance but im feeling hopeful and motivated for the first time.

>> No.12619022

phd student in physical chemistry

i like your picture

>> No.12619067

It's pretty fun if you like hardware description, like any programming related job there's a lot of bullshit in between actually working, but that's life.
I'm still quite fresh but looks like the standard engineer progression, junior-senior-team lead/management. The industry has a surprising amount of small to mid size companies like where I work(~50 employees), who simply supply black box solutions to larger companies.

>> No.12619079

>Im an apprentice that is being trained in mechatronics
What does your apprenticeship consists of? Is it more theoretical or practical?
Interesting post all around, you seem like a go-getter anon

>> No.12619128
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I am a lab technician pipette monke who makes as much as a waiter. AMA.

>> No.12619141

Professor of Physics.

>> No.12619164

It's a joke field for mongrels.

>> No.12619190

Degree?Masters? What are your prospects?

>> No.12619207

Now you're slaving away for your advisor for even less pay. :^)

>> No.12619208

Fresh grad with bachleor's. Job prospects afterwards are actually pretty good, but I want to go to grad school. I'm actually pretty lucky, I think. I'm just jealous of the CSchads who make 100k right after graduating is all.

>> No.12619211

I'm a NEET/math grad student.

>> No.12619261 [DELETED] 

>Where does /sci/ do for work? I presume most of your are engineers or chemists.
Most of /sci/ is highschoolers. You have a low opinion of engineers and chemists if you think they'd be posting the things getting posted on here.

>> No.12619274
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Energy tech guy in the public sector.
Just two more months and we can celebrate one year working from home anniversary.

>> No.12619301 [DELETED] 

>Anyway to get into one with only a masters in econ ?
If you've got a competitive resume, you can get summer internships as a BSc or jobs as an MSc. Look at your central bank's hiring page. Your university might also forward calls for applications. In Canada, calls for applications for summer positions at the BoC usually start as early as last year's fall, so you need to pay attention not to miss out.

>> No.12619307

No real work yet, doing an econ PhD
>Anyway to get into one with only a masters in econ ?
If you've got a competitive resume, you can get summer internships as a BSc or jobs as a MSc. Look at your central bank's hiring page. Your university might also forward calls for applications. In Canada, calls for applications for summer positions at the BoC usually start as early as last year's fall, so you need to pay attention not to miss out.

>> No.12619310
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>bachelor in mech eng
>work in r&d in the automotive sector
>mostly doing analysis, coordination and teamlead
>tfw a friend is about to finish his PhD in physics and will get average income at best
I consider myself lucky

>> No.12619324
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> Bachelor and master in computer engineering

Security analyst

>> No.12619408

I'm a writer. I write legal documents for an engineering company.

>> No.12619573

Based. Do you do simulation and uncertainty or do you do design?

>> No.12619953

The first factor is location. Most major cities have some kind of legitimate VFX/CG companies in them, Los Angeles and NYC having by far the most options if we're talking about America. I believe Atlanta Georgia, Chicago, Dallas/Austin/Houston, Toronto, and Vancouver have some good companies as well. If you're in Europe or Asia, there are definitely a lot of great places to work as well, again, mostly centered around major cities. Unfortunately, getting started on a legitimate VFX career, along with the other creative fields, can be really difficult if not down right impossible if you aren't living in a city that has a lot of companies that are active in the industry. Ironically, once you actually have your feet off the ground, you can do it from anywhere, especially with how Covid has driven everything towards remote work. My eventual goal is to just be a VFX artist living in a remote cabin in the mountains and working on big projects from the comfort of my comfy cabin lol.
In terms of getting a job at one of these companies once you are in one of these cities, it can be really difficult or really easy depending on your experience, your connections, and straight up just knowing where to look. I live in Los Angeles, and I got my first job when I was just starting out from a friend from college who had gotten a job at a studio. I started as a low level computer engineer and quickly worked my way up. The best thing I ever did, was I asked one of the producers at that first company if he could straight up give me a list of every single VFX studio in Los Angeles, and he did. I sent out a resume/reel to every single company, and got a response from about 30% of them. Ended up working for one of them as an Autodesk Flame assistant, and have been advancing ever since. Most places will want to hire you as an assistant before hiring you as an artist, unless you have an insanely good reel, and really know what you're doing.

>> No.12620007

Some of you guys are alright. Don’t go to the computer science department or the airport tomorrow.

>> No.12620025

One of two chemists working for a shithole, backwoods specialty chemical plant in the southern US. It’s pretty based.

>> No.12620533

I'm a professor, which was my dream job since middle school.
Cope, codemonkey.

>> No.12622479

Are you gonna be a spy?!

>> No.12622485

I work at kroger I bag groceries

>> No.12622631

Full professor?

>> No.12622765

Is it at least in a nice area where you don't get crackheads and weirdos threatening and/or robbing on a semi-regular basis?

>> No.12622803

Пoздpaвляю тoвapищ
Unfortuantely, joining the military (and using your prior education with an advantage there) while maintaining a human pay is only possible in states imo, so rest of eurofags will have to resort to pippete monkey jobs or worse.
T. Soon to be graduate

>> No.12622825

engineer for a defense contractor, working on embedded systems for various products, typically upgrades to ancient hardware

>> No.12622923

So in the end, what's the most practical employable STEM degree?
I want Job straight out of uni with only BS if possible

>> No.12622937

computer science or engineering

>> No.12623003

Then why some people go for STEM degrees beside CS/engineering?

>> No.12623015

Yes but i live in my moms basement

She reminds me every day that she wasted her retirement paying for my math bachelors

>> No.12623021

>Yes but i live in my moms basement
It doesn't sound that bad. You can still get into pretty much whatever you want. Why not /learn2code(tm)/ or do a trade? Don't software companies love math majors or something?

>> No.12623042

Yes. My area of interest in my PhD and post-doc has structural biology and structure-based drug design, which has included a fair amount of chemical biology. That makes you a commodity in industry, because industry would rather do target validation in-house, and outsource synthesis. In other words, would rather disclose chemistry than targets. (Source: post-doc is in industry hub and have ongoing collaborations with biopharmas.)

>> No.12623287


>> No.12623429


I'm a chemist but I don't do any actual chemistry, I tell chemists in China and India what to do

Fortunately they haven't yet realised that I'm not very good

>> No.12623513
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how's the job market looking anon? Was thinking of doing the same (or maybe electrical engineering, although cheme is my top choice by a long shot).