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12609436 No.12609436 [Reply] [Original]

Just how common are study drugs and stimulants in academia. When I started my undergraduate lots of other undergrads were picking them up and now I'm a postgrad they're almost ubiquitous in my field (Physics). Do any of you anons take them and just how common are they actually?

>> No.12609494

I take adderall. I tried both concerta and modafinil and they do jack shit. The adderall just boosts my mood a little bit and decreases the need for sleep. But they don't help with studying one bit.

>> No.12610795

try modafinil, coffee, high % cacao chocolate and tea together. Blessed stack u just pee a lot.

>> No.12610878

Modafinil made my pee smell funny so i stopped takeing it.

>> No.12610907

What type of tea? I already drink a lot of coffee , so little caffeine wanted, but I would like a hot beverage for my afternoons

>> No.12611183

give me the low down on Modafinil guys, I have endocrine issues, will I have more energy?

>> No.12611187
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>stimmed stemcel
Couldn't be me

>> No.12611228

>>12610795 modafinil+tea is really bad.
If you combine it with coffee just drink half the usual amount.

>>12611183 It's sth you take ca once a month so no.

>> No.12611249

in my country we use Tramadol, but it's highly addictive and it make you scratch your skin but 100% concentration garantee

>> No.12611274

What country are you from?

>> No.12611298

>opiates for concentration

>> No.12611307

The only drugs that I frequently use are caffeine (tablets/coffee/energy drinks) and Phenylpiracetam. The caffeine is used consistently and the Phenylpiracetam is used once per week maximum. I rarely have access to adderall, but in the past I’ve used that too.
t. Undergraduate

>> No.12611328

Toss in some Kratom too.

>> No.12611558

>getting blasted on smack to do science

>> No.12611577

Modafinil is meh. You'll be more focused I guess but it's nothing compared to adderall. Easier to get distracted too.

>> No.12611597

Well math, but yeah

>> No.12611850

truck drivers do that where i come from too. but would it work for studying too?

>> No.12611879

Honestly skip the high cacao chocolate and just eat raw cacao nibs. Way better than processed chocolate

>> No.12612788

The UK, I go to a highly ranked uni, not gonna say which because I don't like dropping personal info on the internet, but from talking to friends at other good unis doing CompSci, Maths, Chemistry they say it's the same at their unis too

>> No.12612791

How much of a brainlet do you have to be to need drugs for academia? Half these replies say they take them for focus and concentration, what happened to having discipline? How does it feel to know that while you're doping the top people in your classes and the top people in your fields are natty and still doing so much better than you?

>> No.12612843

yea because thats what is important

>> No.12612964

I took modafinil because I was a 19 year old having the hormones of a 15 year old, constantly falling asleep in class.

>> No.12613028

It just makes you not fall asleep. It's for sleep apnea iirc.

>> No.12613045

As >>12612791 said, you might memorize lot's of stuff but you won't have the same mental elasticity as someone who fully understood the subject without drugs, just cope with your AHD and study.

>> No.12613263

Coming from someone who used modafinil for some time in my undergrad I can attest that good sleep hygiene, exercise, a good diet and a study program that fits your needs will beat modafinil 100% of the time.
Now if you have done all of the above and want that extra boost for a week or two then knock yourself out. Just make sure you are a good student first then you can think of doping yourself.

>> No.12613334

>survivorship bias

>> No.12613521

Who are you quoting?

>> No.12615255

I bet this works better than Adderall

>> No.12615272

Honestly only dumbasses need to take the stimulants. They don't recognize the difference between quantity of work and quality of work. In my physics program I was seen as lazy. Went to the gym every morning, reached my office at 11 am, went to lunch, went back to office around 12:30. Worked nonstop, went home at 3 pm.

Got three papers out in high energy physics despite my peers getting 0-1. The secret was to actually work during those 3 hours and not browse Facebook, chat with office mates, etc. Never took a single Adderall, drank maybe 10 cups of coffee a semester, and slept in about 8 hours a night.

Work smart, not hard.

>> No.12615282

Is sleep a meme? I've been thinking about practicing good sleep hygiene.

>> No.12615290

Absolutely not a meme. Probably the single most important part of your graduate school life. Realistically I got 6 hours most nights but that's because I'm an anomaly and part insomniac. In the words of my friend, I function when I'm not supposed to. No drugs needed. But if I were physiologically able, I'd definitely sleep 8-9 hours a night.

>> No.12615318


without them i feel only despair. such a bleak outlook makes it rather difficult to concentrate.

>> No.12615322

So you worked about 3 hours a day, for 6 days(?) a week and published 3 papers instead of the average 0-1. Honest question, are you high IQ? no need to lie, you're anonymous here

>> No.12615341

4-5 days more realistically. Sometimes I stayed a bit later until like 5, but that wasn't normal. My IQ isn't anything spectacular. At most it's like 130, realistically I wouldn't be surprised if I'm in the 100-110 range.

>> No.12615367

Nice! I am also a believer in quality>quantity. Are you finished with your post-grad? What are your plans for the future?

>> No.12615386

>When I started my undergraduate lots of other undergrads were picking them up
Only the brainlets

>> No.12615397

I'm finished, yes. Plans are to go on to teaching. I like the freedom in teaching.

>> No.12615471


my head feels foggy and i feel a strange pain that is both nowhere and everywhere.

>> No.12615473

Godspeed anon

>> No.12615828

unironically just get 7 - 8 hours of sleep every night
Ive never been more productive and focused

>> No.12615841


without them i get 10-11 and still feel tired. like i don't have enough blood. i wish i understood why but i do not.

>> No.12616230

If you'd rather pay a company for pharmaceuticals than buy a cow share from a local farmer and do a milk fast, kill yourself. You can get 1 month of raw milk for 20 bucks 1 gallon a week

>> No.12616964

> my head feels foggy
Same shit, but for me this occurs when I try to start my day without drinking coffee.

>> No.12617036

>taking stimulants
oh you poor cucks

>> No.12618019

I took a lot of adderall during my masters degree, would wake up take 5mg and drink espresso. would go to lab and do a stack of experiments. When i started my PhD i realized that I owuld rather be less effective at doing tasks and more creative. Haven't touched adderall since starting. 100x better. Also did coke on the weekends with some neuroscience friends, haven't fucked with that in years either. If you are smart enough to be in STEM you don't need stimulants, they probably stifle your creativity. Quality of work > quantity

>> No.12618067

Adderall unlocked my brilliance, was recommended to be put on meds as a kid but my mom refused (I respected her decision) when I finally took adderall for the first time in college I got straight As, told I was ‘brilliant’, that the quality of my work and proficiency of my skills would ‘take me anywhere, to graduate school and beyond’

However adderall is a drug and there’s a blurry line between using it to aid with ‘adhd’ and being a speed fiend (simply put)

Modafnil is similar to Ritalin or cocaine as it’s dopaminergic only in the way it subdues your brains repuptake (regulation by way of elimination) of dopamine (you can think of modafnil as 1/4 strength Ritalin and 1/10th strength of Wellbutrin/buproprion) adderall (amphetamine, d-amphetamine) is however a full agonist and releases dopamine and subdues reputake.

>> No.12618073

I mean to say Wellbutrin/bupropion is 1/10th the strength of Ritalin

>> No.12618124

>Adderall unlocked my brilliance, was recommended to be put on meds as a kid but my mom refused (I respected her decision) when I finally took adderall for the first time in college I got straight As, told I was ‘brilliant’, that the quality of my work and proficiency of my skills would ‘take me anywhere, to graduate school and beyond’

Being "brilliant" in undergrad and your quality of work and skill proficiency there does not translate to anything in academia. Undergrad requires memorization and doing tasks that are listed in syllabi...

academia involves free thought, creativity, and an ability to accomplish tasks. Adderall only helps with the latter...

>> No.12618150

It’s true, It can become very clear if you take too much Adderall and you get stuck in a loop (Rearranging the same sentence for four hours trying to get it perfect) too much Adderall a.k.a. too much dopamine = excessive stimulation (obviously) and extreme exaggeration of its compulsive side effects, basically tweaker behavior

>> No.12618155

I don’t agree with the brilliant comments I got it made me feel more alienated and cynical

>> No.12618191

Taking drugs really does have no place in anything you intend to do seriously in life. Having adderall or your ‘drugs’ but with no assignments/being on your own won’t inspire or foster meaningful creativity and curiosity

>> No.12618272

Fuck everybody who "augments" their abilities with stimulants and depressants just to cope with the sucky shit the modern world forces us to do. Every one who doesn't eat the shit raw and unfiltered means someone else has to get twice the load for twice as long because nobody will ever be able to snap out of this system as long as everybody else is sedated and self-manipulated into a well conditioned slave class

>> No.12620082


No Speed = drop out of impossibly boring 30 credit hour ZOOM-based medical school, be poor and indebted

Speed = now I love going to school, will complete Doctorate, get good boy points, use GBP to go innawoods

see the difference?

>> No.12620096

At the highest levels of sport, performance-enhancing drugs are banned. No matter how good your discipline, focus, and natural talent, modern pharmacology has the capacity to augment your abilities. Its up to you whether or not it is worth the toll on your body and your spirit.

>> No.12620110
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I see, but I think it's too late to do that and that mindset just prolongs the end

>> No.12620148

Me >>12615272

>> No.12620298

Dude moda is a trip.

I tried it once for exams and it just made me feel like a zombie. I didn't feel any smarter though.

>> No.12620365

Modafinil makes my sweat smell weird

>> No.12622186

Modafinil seems to be hit or miss for different people. I think there was even a specific gene that was identified that causes some people to be non-responders.

I use it and find it to be extremely effective. I have a chronic health issue which fucks with my energy levels and I started using modafinil to deal with that. I probably wouldn't be where I am without it. Its a deal with the devil but I'm ok with it.

I don't have first hand knowledge of other people using it,but I have to imagine this shit is all over the place. I know its big with traders, especially crypto guys because their markets are 24/7.

I agree with the other posters that a stable life, good sleep and diet probably would have you better off than Modafinil. But my life was pretty fucked up and unstable and I did what I could to get it on track. You can call it cheating or a crutch, but I think it was worth it.

>> No.12622210

>highly ranked uni
nigga the only bong uni that's not suicide tier for stem is cuckbridge and even that depends on the field

>> No.12622245

wow hilarious post, Im crying over here my guy, laffin hard

>> No.12622483
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Pic related is literally the GOAT int booster. Shame it has such negative side effects on health or otherwise, I would be on it for the rest of my life instead of 2-3 days.

>> No.12622523

Any legitamate moda vendors?

I bought a batch but it didnt work, no urine smell. afinilxpre was god tier but all the current ones seem scamish.

>> No.12622571

Who said I dont go to cuckbridge?

>> No.12622587
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Gauss didn't use drugs.