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File: 83 KB, 500x333, cornell_law_school_gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1260795 No.1260795 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ im so fucking frustrated...i cant decide what school to go to.
fucking help!
i have good grades but went to a community college so i feel like that killed my chances.

tl;dr- lets talk about colleges

>> No.1260815

bump because /sci/ seems busy

>> No.1260820

nothing...nothing at all?
im a bio major...any other bio majors?

>> No.1260823

Go to DeVry University. Many successful people have gone there. They appear in the commercials.

>> No.1260832
File: 46 KB, 608x505, bawwww.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1260836

>implying the college you go to matters

>> No.1260845

>implying it doesnt matter

>> No.1260850

>implying science taught in college A is somehow different to the science taught in college B

>> No.1260851

it doesnt you dumbass. its grad school that matters

>> No.1260858

>implying every great scientist didnt go to a great school

>> No.1260870

>implying albert einstein went to a great school

>> No.1260871

Well how much money can you afford/willing to loan a year for school?

>> No.1260876

It is.

>> No.1260881

Times have changed, and I don't think this guy expects himself to be the next Einstein.

>> No.1260888

not a lot....im kinda hoping for scholarships.
i think up to 30,000 is my limit..

i could always go to a state school and get in cheap...im getting my associates at this comm. college, then going for bachelors

>> No.1260889

>implying hawking and dawkins among others were not at oxbridge

>> No.1260897

That's a good point. It really falls upon the professor, and you have a better chance of getting a good one at a good college. Lower-level colleges will either be people who don't know jack shit and are teaching from books or people who really love what they do.

But that would only matter if college was actually for KNOWLEDGE and not having a nice name and a high number to put on your resume.

>> No.1260904

all popular science figures went to great schools. dawkins, sagan, gould, tyson, Feynman, etc

>> No.1260917

What state? Some states have really good schools for peanuts like VA
UVA, VTech, William and Larry, all 15k a year with room and board?

>> No.1260922

>implying someone like Einstein comes more often than once in human history

>> No.1260937
File: 21 KB, 155x202, 1272322156519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>William and Larry

>> No.1260941

im in Massachusetts...UMass is shit tier...shitty campus, unhappy students, etc

>> No.1260959

how is PSU for a state college, chem major?

>> No.1260968

great if you don't mind going to college in the middle of the woods

>> No.1260970

Pitt > PSU?

>> No.1260973

Olin? MIT? UMass?

In state's always cheaper

>> No.1260974

Bard College here. Great if you want to get laid. Physics, not so much,

>> No.1260976

i think so.

Fun Fact: U Pitt has the tallest college building in the US and the second largest in the world behind a building at University of Moscow

>> No.1260992

olin-im a bio major and thats an engineering school
MIT- i feel like i could never get in
UMas-shit tier school.

>> No.1261001

anyone here go to an ivy league school?

>> No.1261008
File: 68 KB, 407x521, 1267151636416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ivy league

>> No.1261013
File: 10 KB, 450x355, clinton_laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ivy league
>on 4chan

>> No.1261015


>> No.1261017

No, but I do go to the best engineering school in Canada.

>> No.1261021

>Implying we don't have several physicists who are better than einstien was

>> No.1261023

Waterloo? Anybody with a 90% average can get in there.

>> No.1261025

and that is...?

I've had my eye on McGill.

>> No.1261030

Scrubs think choice of school doesn't matter? My CS degree from UIUC will fare a lot better than a degree from, say, University of Georgia. But forget that it will look better on resume... I will learn a lot more. It's the knowledge that counts.

But I understand, scrubs who fail academically think school doesn't matter, to make themselves feel better. Keep at it.

>> No.1261032

>He can't learn without someone holding his hand

>> No.1261041

OK, don't go to college. Don't get a degree. See where you get work.

>> No.1261052

Yes, it's Waterloo.

One of my Profs when to McGill but she graduated in 1987 so not much help there. TBH Waterloo must have fucking CASH because they've built about 6 major buildings in the last 2 years and opened a satellite campus in Dubai. Some facilities though are just average but the reputation is like an instant hire. I also have NO school debt thanks to co-op, and have worked 2 full years in engineering already. Oh, and I'm in 3rd year.

>> No.1261059

>scrubs who aren't good at what they do think the school to which they went matter, to make them feel better

>> No.1261061

>Underwater welder
>!00k salary
>Work 6 months a year
>Investments in wine

>> No.1261078


That's how you look at it? Enjoy your shit-tier school, worthless academic failure.

>> No.1261081

Unless you went to a clown college, doing well at CC would help your chances rather than hurt them.

>> No.1261088
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>> No.1261093

WOAH that's so weird. I just graduated from the school in OPs pic and it was weird to just see it randomly like that.

However I'm not a scientist and was just browsing through so I have nothing constructive to say.

>> No.1261097

HAHAHAHA have fun with your shit education.

>> No.1261110

Community College is a strategic decision. The first two years of college aren't too different anywhere. You can save the money you would be spending and work to save up for a different college.

>> No.1261111

ya but i feel like schools discriminate against transfer students. its harder to get in

>> No.1261137


You think it's harder to get in as a transfer, because schools discriminate? I'm amused.

>> No.1261143

u went to cornell?

>> No.1261147

switch major, goto olin

>> No.1261149

Remoev_YuoR IlLGEaL_CLoen_FO Http://wwW.COCKstaLk.SE/_(rEpLACE COCkS_WItH aNOn)_immeIdAteLy. hh g rrhu w u appmt gvhoqd lobixqsvjgh mou

>> No.1261157

ok discriminate is a bad word...less likely to consider transfer students. hows that

>> No.1261168
File: 39 KB, 400x300, collage-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about collages.

>> No.1261223

Anyways op
you should prolly look up a list of school with good bio programs and compare that to how much the schools cost. When you have a bunch of decent schools, within your price range, see which ones your qualifications (lol grades) will let you get into, apply to about 4 schools you'll definately get into, and 3 above/below what you think you'll get into. That'll give you a good range of schools you should get into, ones you should get scholarshits at, and ones you hope to get into, but prolly wont.