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12607237 No.12607237 [Reply] [Original]

If evolution deemed it a benefit to have pubic hair then why are women in such a hurry to shave it off? It seems like it would be inconvenient in more than one way. It takes time, you have to buy pubic hair removal products, the prickly itchy feeling as hair regrows..... But the worst thing is regressing backwards to a child-like state like pic shows. What are women trying to do here?

>> No.12607250

Public hair evolved to discourage oral sex, therefore resserving sexual pleasure only for copulation that results in reproduction.

>> No.12607294

what about oral stimulation

>> No.12607305

why does the illustration depict a mutilated penis?

>> No.12607307

why are you looking at the penis?

>> No.12607313

i'm looking at the whole picture, the penis just being a part of it i noticed

>> No.12607320

they like to advertise their pussy slits.

>> No.12607321


>> No.12607350

if evolution deemed it a benefit to have facial hair why do men shave it off?

>> No.12607357

because all females are pedophiles

>> No.12607391

This whole shaving craze is due to:
>porn (men only look at shaved bleached pussies so they develop a preference for it so it makes sense that women will adapt)
>beauty industry creating a "need" for women to shave. Look up ads from the 70s-80s. That's when it started getting more traction. When you want to sell something, you just convince your target demographic that they need it.

>> No.12607424

Hair removal dates back to ancient Egypt back in 3,000 BC. It's theorized that hair removal was done to show the lack of visible bugs, parasites, or bumps such as warts or infection. Bronze razors were used, and lots of delicacy was required. There's evidence to suggest female public hair was shamed as uncivilized or barbaric, and typically associated with poverty or lack or care.

>> No.12607441

Well I think we are getting less hair. I used to go out with a girl who didn't grow any body hair at all except a tiny tuft of hair on her mound

>> No.12607450

nothing beats a mouthful of bush

>> No.12607458

True but it doesn't mean that this trend was present in all cultures for thousands of years.
I'm specifically talking about western countries. Look at porn from the 80s, women didn't shave their pubic hair as much.

>> No.12607460

I personally prefer shaved lips. The rest can be hairy. Soft pubic hair is just... ahhhhh.

>> No.12607470

kek, exposed

>> No.12607502
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>> No.12607515

>source: my hairy ass

>> No.12607525

>he thinks that pubic hair discourages oral sex
>mouth on hairy pussy go brrrrr

Pubic hair protects your genitals, that's all there is to it.

>> No.12607559

And the only part you commented on...anon...

>> No.12607569

Why do you people just copy the same threads Over and over again

>> No.12607663


>> No.12607687

>What are women trying to do here?

The same thing men are trying to do with shaving

namely, mindlessly aping what other people are doing. Real NPCs


>> No.12607706
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>> No.12607723

>kiddie dick is circumcised

>> No.12607728


>> No.12608173


>> No.12608178

>If evolution deemed it a benefit to have pubic hair then why are women in such a hurry to shave it off?
What a fucking retarded question. Jesus Christ.

>> No.12608181

there's evidence that oral sex is selected for, but i couldn't be bothered explaining

source, somewhere here:

>> No.12608248

I think it just shows more hair = more manly. Not that I 100% agree, but it's kinda what I think is being pushed narratively.

>> No.12608297

womp womp
not bad

>> No.12608390

Naturally hairless skin feels so much more incredible than shaved skin. She had the most amazing skin I've ever felt.

>> No.12608442

yes but it wasn't in our culture. hair removal in our culture is a result of marketing campaigns and media, like so many other things.

also 'it's theorised' is bullshit. they removed it likely because it was their custom to do so, which can arise for any number of reasons and be long forgotten, nothing more. treating it as strictly instrumental is nonsense and unscientific. generally-speaking, the only solid cross-cultural reason for hair removal would be cleanliness or rather ease of cleanliness, not having to clean as much. for normal women who don't walk around exposed and only have sex with their husbands, there are unlikely to be any social forces at work.

Here's a indigenous huntergatherer example:
>In his letter to Manuel I of Portugal, Pêro Vaz de Caminha gives what is considered by many today as being one of the most accurate accounts of what Brazil used to look like in 1500.
>They are brown skinned, of a quite reddish complexion, with handsome faces and noses, nicely shaped. They go about naked, without any type of covering. They do not bother to cover their bodies, and show their private parts as readily as they show their faces. In this matter they are of great innocence.
> they are well groomed and very clean. And in that aspect, I am convinced they are like birds, or mountain animals, to whom the air gives better feathers and hair than those of their domesticated counterparts, because their bodies are as clean and as plump and as beautiful as could be!
>They only eat this yam (referring to manioc, then unknown to the Europeans), which is very plentiful here, and those seeds and fruits that the earth and the trees give of themselves. Nevertheless, they are sturdier, and sleeker than we are despite all the wheat and legumes we eat.

>> No.12608448

wrong bit sorry
>Walking among them there were three or four women, young and gentle, with their hair very black and very long, loose to their backs; their private parts, so prominent and so neat, and so clean of their hairs that they did not get ashamed when we looked at them.
>One of those young women had the whole body painted from bottom to top with that tincture, and she was so well-shaped and so rounded, and her private parts so graceful that many women of our land, if they had seen her features, would feel embarrassed for not having theirs look like hers.

>> No.12608484 [DELETED] 


>> No.12608493

What if my balls are stuck at stage 1

>> No.12608496
File: 94 KB, 599x643, cisagp .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

autogynephilia is what causes the desire to regress backwards to a child-like state
anime is what causes autogynephilia

>> No.12608520

Not everything evolution makes has to be useful. Dumb traits can propagate as long as they don't prevent the organism from reproducing.
Anything that manages to fuck before it gets killed is participating in evolution.

>> No.12608535

Not at trait impact evolutionary fitness retard.

It may serve no purpose. It may be on the way out. Purist darwinism has been proven wrong and Darwin vehemently disagreed with people perception his theory as such.

>> No.12608549

so in 2050 women will be craving bigfoot?

>> No.12608567

iirc that's literally what women think; they see bearded men as less likable but also more potent

>> No.12608573


>Shame men for being hairier by being less hairy themselves.

>> No.12608647

Friggin kekin

>> No.12608691

My penis looks like img 2 - 3 and i'm 21.

>> No.12608715
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>> No.12608719
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An attempt was made.

>> No.12608757

Probably american. I've heard that genital mutilation is so common there that it's actually seen as gross to have a whole, intact penis.

>> No.12608759

>Post about "nature"
>Circumcised penis

>> No.12608771

At its peak the rates were >90%. Down to 50% now supposedly. I've yet to fully understand how exactly it happened, no explanation makes sense. Neither alone nor together.

>> No.12608777


The absolute train wreck of a biology education needed to even ask that question

>> No.12608793

That is insane, the US is just a third world country that happens to have money and nukes

>> No.12608799


It makes perfect sense to do so. We're a conquered population, little more than chattel.

>> No.12608819

So the chart is saying it's okay to bang 15 year olds?

>> No.12608822

but (real) girls are already girls

>> No.12608825

good fix

>> No.12608829

only if you're also 15. if younger you shouldn't be having sex at all

>> No.12608862

women are autogynephilic

>> No.12608867

well onlyu some of them watch anime presumably

>> No.12608881

they always have been autogynephilic anon, the idea that mongolian animations cause agp is retarded

>> No.12608893

sryt h ought you were the other person. but are you saying this because they obsess over their appearance? so are men who do the same like e.g. gym bros autoandrophilic?

>> No.12608897


>> No.12608901

yes, aap is the inverse of agp. Gym bros who masturbate to themselves in the mirror, fujo gaydens, etc.

>> No.12608907

i have to assuem that ugly bitches (who can't/don't do anything to make themselves pretty) arne't actually autogynephilic though. or else they have really low standards

>> No.12608932

>public hair

>> No.12608938

porn girls just kept their pubic hair because thye didn't want anyone seeing hteir nasty roast beef pussies. now they just get their labia minora trimmed surgically. hell, we might as well just do it as soon as girls are born, since nobody likes that shit

>> No.12608945

>if I make them all know my pain, I will finally feel okay

>> No.12608956

what are you talking about?

>> No.12608965

>we might as well just do it as soon as girls are born, since nobody likes that shit

>> No.12608971

well it's better than waiting until they're like twelve or so, which is what happens to 5-10% of global female population when they receive clitorectomies, and they remember the experience for their entire lives

>> No.12608974

The body remembers everything, it's not a matter of age or conscious recollection. Pre-verbal trauma just gets stored primarily in the motor and sensory regions.

>> No.12608976

that's why we have anesthesia

>> No.12608978

Doesn't work.

>> No.12608981

oh ok

>> No.12608984

some minor trauma is a reasonable price to pay for every chick having a sexy pussy imo

>> No.12608994

We get it, you have a bush fetish
Most normal people prefer hygiene

>> No.12608996

big tiddy futa gf

>> No.12609078

Its cultural influence from the United States. European women did even shave their legs, theres nothing wrong with that, but propaganda ridiculed them for being on a natural state. They also did not use deodorant and bathed like once a week. Nothing wrong with that either.
Currently my struggle is to ridicule people until they accept bidets. You would not believe the copes people come up with to defend cleaning their dirty assholes with dry paper.

>> No.12609158

where is preverbal orgasm stored then?

>> No.12609209

t. Mike cernovich

>> No.12609210

who the fuck is that?

>> No.12609229

Same reason women bleach their hair blonde or wear makeup, to look as young and healthy as possible. As you can see from your own chart, lack of hair is a sign of youth, so women try and look as young as possible, partly to attract men.

>> No.12609288

some well-groomed pubic hair makes me hornier than a bald pussy though

>> No.12609293

societal pressure and propaganda you retard

>> No.12609300

It's actually a derivative of psychology, namely the book "The Body Keeps the Score". Which I've never actually read cover to cover, tbqh.

This. Don't buy that "trying to look younger" or innocence thing at all. Could be insecurity.

>> No.12609518

fashion is fucking retarded and irrational

bush is hot as fuck, and that makes sense because it's a sex characteristic

>> No.12609554

>these Europoors obsessed with little boy dick.

>> No.12609596

Then why do some fags have both boobs and dick . Ate they transplants ?

>> No.12609601

so they want to look 1 because it attracts men? hmm ok got it

>> No.12609680

Aren't some native americans naturally hairless?

>> No.12609684

uhh.... what gave you that idea

>> No.12609753
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>> No.12609771

evolution isn't a fucking person and it isn't intelligent design either. hair on the middle digit of fingers is a qualitative feature that some people have and it has no purpose, it's just there..
people might have gotten the habit of shaving pubes because it smells, simple as

>> No.12609774
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>> No.12610051
File: 106 KB, 1617x1144, blakked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12610054

Had this thread before you weird cunt.

>> No.12610386

wtf is this?

>> No.12610396

Mutt's Law. BBC had to be mentioned.

>> No.12610403

n!gger edition

>> No.12610458


>> No.12610644

>burns off your penis
Woops :^)
Well we can still turn him into a girl, see what happens ::DDDD :DDD :D

>> No.12611109

Average Aryan male genitalia censored for American decency

>> No.12612180

I thought it was to protect against friction during intercourse.

>> No.12612184

if this board wasnt full of a bunch of virgin nerds youd know that its pretty gross to eat pussy and get a bunch of fucking pubes in your mouth

>> No.12612188


>> No.12612328

It's not saying anything but yes it's ok if it's a acceptable age range depending on the development of both.
My girlfriend was 14 and I was 17 when we met. No one has ever cared. Well that's not completely true, her dad was a annoyed. That was about him adjusting to his daughter having sex than our ages.

>> No.12612498

pubic hair evolved to avoid skin chafing. women shave it off because human men find body hair unattractive

>> No.12612551


>> No.12612579

People started shaving because they wore clothes. Our judgements accelerated past instinct, so it became the norm. The desire to conform and meet the demands of the opposite sex did not, however. People shave and it becomes normalized. Men desire what is normal. Deviancy is suspect even if the fear is irrational. Irrationality is sometimes expressed as desires because it cannot stand up to reason.

>> No.12612583

Chafing causes ingrown hairs and irritation. The ingrown hairs can cause infection which can lead to death, so people started shaving.

>> No.12612601
File: 72 KB, 1000x650, 2_ceb3336a-179f-4845-8141-d6dc8f8fc8c0_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a retarded argument. Whens the last time you met someone with a dangerously ingrown hair. Go take a look at a fat guys thighs if you think chafing isn't a major concern in a sweat-heavy environment

>> No.12612610

Blame kelloggs cornflakes

>> No.12612641

People can develop cysts from collections of ingrown hairs all the time. Combine poor hygiene with poor medicine and it can be a major threat. >>12612601
>Go take a look at a fat guys thighs if you think chafing isn't a major concern in a sweat-heavy environment
It is a major threat.

>> No.12612782

so all mating stopped in the past because men didnt like hair and so there is no present? got it

>> No.12612790

>against nature
I suggest you look up Appeal to nature fallacy and fuck off.
Also shaving public hair got rid of the pubic lice endemic overnight, and oral sex feels great, it’s like you are ages t women enjoying sex

>> No.12612795

Yeah maybe if you don’t wear clothes, and can act as a redestior but in modern society under clothes it just acts as a smell trap

>> No.12612847

so there is more lice epidemic now than in say the 1980s when all the porno stars had huge bush?

>> No.12612860

those are pretty small for futa dicks
also female circumcision is illegal