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12606423 No.12606423 [Reply] [Original]

>there are fish
>one fish suddenly develops legs
>somehow that fish finds someone to have sex with
How is that possible? no fish is going that legs are sexy. That weird fish is going to become an incel and never pass on it's genes

>> No.12606435

It seems like the problem is not you "not getting" evolution. The problem here is you not reading the theory at all.

>> No.12606438

U are right. I just know what they teached me at school

>> No.12606451

It's small changes in alleles and the frequency of those alleles in a population.
It's not suddently one day one fish is born with legs. It's one day a fish (or a handful) have some mutation that makes their leg bend ever so slightly downward a little bit, and that makes them swim a little differently. They have kids like any other fish.
Then that goes on for 10 million years and the descendants of that fish have speciated and that slight bend has turned into a whole new shape and the fish population is now a mudfish-like species.

>> No.12606460

but still wouldn't they be seen as largely unattractive mates?

>> No.12606464


Maybe you should see a doctor. Seeing how you can barely write you might have attention span issues.

>> No.12606471


>> No.12606476

Also, rape exists and is one of the most common forms of reproduction in animals. Not fish though because they don't have sex they use external fertilization.

>> No.12606477

so you would fuck a girl with small bumps just below her arms? (that in a few hundred generations would become new arms?) or a girl would fuck a guy like that?

>> No.12608781

Animals just have sex if they can... some humans would describe it as rape. Animals rape each other all the time. Rape is a very natural thing in nature.

>> No.12609009

then what's with all the complicated mating rituals that animals have?

>> No.12609015

Ducks do not give a shit

>> No.12609020

but other birds do

>> No.12609021

I do not give a shit too

>> No.12609023


>> No.12609169
File: 28 KB, 500x281, 3USgt2gh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would this thing that has not happened happen?
>no, so things that did happen didn't happen

>> No.12609183

Thats more of a birb thing. Mammals fight.