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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12606055 No.12606055 [Reply] [Original]

What field of science will explode in possibility and popularity in the next 20 years? In what field will the next big thing happen?

>> No.12606175

This thread seems dead, so I will post my question here. If I want to be a neuroscientist, should i study psychology or bioenginering?

>> No.12606181

cringe dont waste your time with neuroscience just work on artificial organs, specifically artificial penises

>> No.12606186

I'd put money on nuclear energy and bio engineering

>> No.12606218

it's all gonna be CRISPR

>> No.12606250

That's assuming every world government doesn't chimp out and ban it all

>> No.12606263

Study neuroscience and computational biology

>> No.12606273

quantum computing

>> No.12606300

Are quantum computers gonna appear by themselves once we reach the atomic precission?

>> No.12606346

not sure what you mean but no, I can't say that will bring about a general quantum computer. There is skepticism about it's ability to solve some problems but I don't know. There is always advancement in fabrication but it's unknown what can be said about computing abilities until we have tests.

>> No.12606356

Both, it will give you a better understanding of overall and one will give better context and make more sense for the other, as relevant information can be found in both for each other
Also, become a AI neuroscientist
We have far too few Robot Psychologists, and I want to be sure there are people who can even begin to understand the psychology and minds of AI at all rather than having none
You need to tell us whether a computer is able to effectively mimic or replicate human neurology and what differences there are and why these differences are important and whatnot
would appreciate, thanks

>> No.12606377

Unironically social psychology

>> No.12606380

science is dead in the US. whatever is next will happen in China.
we're more concerned with credentials and race than finding things out.

>> No.12606459

Whatever you find the most fun you will get paid the most in

>> No.12606482


>> No.12606486

Artificial intelligence and genetic engineering

>> No.12606513

-AI management
-space mining

>> No.12606588

>science is dead in the US
not yet but it is being transferred actively to China
right now its cheaper for China to buy/bribe research from the US but they are starting to build their science infrastructure

>> No.12606801

Haven't you noticed that China is decades behind and only can copy what was made in the West?
And the reason for that is that their true scientists despise their own government, because freedom of thought is essential for researchers, and that is a thing totalitarian regimes cannot tolerate.
USA! USA! USA! (and I say it as a russian dissident scientist and independent researcher, even russian soft totalitarianism is too much to me to want any association with them)
So please, do you best to save the republic.

>> No.12606823

do we even care? I bet if you proposed big bold ideas to test things like building a giant linear collider (just to give one example) people would rather debate the politics of it, if it were funded, we would allocate 10x too much and 90% would go to consultants who outsource the tasks.
We wouldn't put our best on it but we would measure the racial diversity of it.
Then, we would close down abruptly with a far reduced project scope, let out some more marketing spiel, and promise that the next iteration will be the one that does it.
Meanwhile, all the technical expertise for doing that project would be literally dead, like those people died and they didn't pass their knowledge on.
Experimenting might even become associated with white supremacy. "Scientists aren't born and they aren't bred either" -- "they're created by complex racially diverse groups that collaborate together through the watchful oversight of civil rights attorneys in Washington". Do not question their authority on the matter.

>> No.12606841


>> No.12606847

The government that doesnt ban it is the one that takes over the world

>> No.12606874

Big things only happen in physics. Everything else is an application of something that happened in physics earlier.

>> No.12606920

not even exaggerated

what's the best thing to get into as a chemical engineer? lab-grown meat for one seems like it will explode very soon.

>> No.12606944

Massive cope. They have actually much more freedom. There is really only one rule. Dont be againt the ccp.
Top researcher in china have a green card to do whatever the fuck they want bypassing any sort of morals or ethics.
In the other hand, someone like James Watson, with a lifetime dedicated to science, gets shutdown because he had the "wrong" opinion on race.

>> No.12606950

+ look up joscha bach OP

>> No.12606967

machine learning

>> No.12606972

Wow, what a Chad

>> No.12606977

>What field of science will explode in possibility and popularity in the next 20 years?

Machine learning and AI, still.

Even with no algorithmic improvements in 20 years there will still be 20 years of hardware improvements.
Do you get it?

In 2000 deep learning would not have worked because it was too expensive computationally. 15 years later, AlphaGo happened.

Now consider the algorithmic improvements going on too. We're going to replace every single professional category with algorithms, except for maybe prostitutes and delivery guys. Everything where you use a brain is going to be captured by ML/AI, either entirely or as assisting software.

>> No.12607000

>They have actually much more freedom.
1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qhk5idZxxrQ
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAhTeH5Xjpc
> Top researcher in china have a green card to do whatever the fuck they want
And what happened to the guy who genetically modified the twins to make them resistant to aids and superintellectual? (he's in jail for that)

>> No.12607008

the best neuroscientists are physicists

>> No.12607016

I don't think the interesting stuff necessarily is unethical.
I just think in the US there is too much emphasis on graft, marketing, and politics and skills have started to deteriorate.

>> No.12607026

It amazes me that most of /sci/ has completed Calc I but still are unable to apply derivatives to their view of the world. Position, velocity, and acceleration are not synonyms. Why does your analysis assume that they are?

>> No.12607040

Fuck off, commie, I'm an ex-soviet citizen and I see china for what it is.

>> No.12607044

you have no idea what neuroscience even is, do you?

>> No.12607050

>It amazes me that most of /sci/ has completed Calc I but
bold of you to assume that

>> No.12607115

>Position, velocity, and acceleration
"if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry"
So what about He Jiankui?

>> No.12607123

Not a bad prediction

>> No.12607124
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Autogynephiliaology - the science of how anime turns men into faggots

>> No.12607126

It feels like these mRNA vaccines might have a shitload of potential to be used against all kinds of other crap. The immune system is stupidly powerful if it can be pointed in the right direction.

>> No.12607145

sustainable technologies

>> No.12607361

Apparently you develop cancer cells all the time and your immune system kills them? And cancer cells are copies of one another? Sounds like the way to go to my dumb ass.

>> No.12607415

imagine think delivery can't be automated
or sex for that matter

>> No.12607773

cybersecurity probably

>> No.12608796

here's your (you) buddy. Hopefully this dopamine hit will keep you from making a new thread about it for at least a few hours

>> No.12608948

You have way too much hope in me.

>> No.12608961

As a mediocre software engineer who still has 2 years left of studying, I’m scared there won’t even be a job for me because it’s all automated

>> No.12609824
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Christina what the fuck.

>> No.12610305

>Even with no algorithmic improvements in 20 years there will still be 20 years of hardware improvements.
Its the opposite. There's not going to be any more hardware improvements but software will become better.

>> No.12610616

Synthetic biology