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12605696 No.12605696 [Reply] [Original]

why frenchies hate vaccines?


>> No.12605777

because we are basé et rouge-pilé

>> No.12605787
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>> No.12605790

because they are redpilled they teached the world how to chop the head of unelected officials afterall

>> No.12606525

because they are based and if you were smart you would do the same

>> No.12608629

nobody trust in our government anymore

>> No.12608683

What's the deal with the french? How are they always so based and so cringe at the same time

>> No.12608689

We hate our government and everything related to it. I don't even fucking know who's our Prime Minister anymore.

>> No.12608731

Jews made them do that though.

>> No.12608739

Yeah, the French Revolution was the objective of freemasons.
Next time, you should better protect your king, instead of eating up leftist propaganda about how good democracy is.

>> No.12608748

>kill your king
>stop being a global superpower
Funny how that happens. Just a coincidence, I guess.

>> No.12608752

Soros is their king now

>> No.12608950

Imagine a baker who
a)will try to force you to eat his bread using various threats
b)will take no responsibility if you will get sick or die after eating it
Will you voluntarily get stuff from such a bakery?

>> No.12608963

>>stop being a global superpower
Nice joke I laughed.

>> No.12608968 [DELETED] 

It's what some have called a "French paradox": a country with historically high medicine consumption has notably low confidence in vaccines, a trend that has sparked concern in the early days of the COVID-19 vaccination rollout.

Trailing its European neighbours in the first weeks of its vaccination campaign, the French government was accused by some of capitulating to a vaccine-hesitant population. Experts say the delay, however, was likely also logistical.

Yet France remains one of the most vaccine-hesitant countries in the world, despite some recent signs that as more people are vaccinated for COVID, confidence rises.

Nevertheless, just 40% of people in France said that if a COVID-19 vaccine was available they would get it, according to a December 2020 Ipsos survey.

The same survey showed that 77% of respondents in the UK, 65% in Germany and 62% in Italy and Spain would be willing to get a coronavirus vaccine.

**Recent surveys, however, have shown that may be rising slightly, with an IFOP poll released on Monday showing 54% of French people would be willing to be vaccinated, 15 points higher than in December.

Ipsos' survey from October had shown French willingness to get the vaccine at around the same level before the drop in December.**

A December survey carried out by Public Health France showed a significant difference in confidence between genders and ages, something that remains the same in polls released earlier this week.

Under a third of people aged 18-49 said they intended to receive a coronavirus jab, compared with 61% of people over the age of 65.

Flourish logoA Flourish chart
The study for Public Health France also showed in December that just 29% of women in France said they intended to get a COVID-19 vaccination, compared with 53% of men.
I love women now.

>> No.12608980

expansion on point b
>bread usually has to be approved by FDA for consumption
>this time he's legally exempt from consequences of people consuming his bread
>has all the motivation to have paid (to him, by truckfulls) live trials of the weirdest and previously unapproved for consumption bread recipes on the general population

>> No.12609097

Because French governments have had the world's lowest approval rating for decades. As low as 4% approval rate in 2016. Can you imagine a country where 96% hate the government, and yet it's business as usual ? Anything the government say is heard with the most extreme suspicion. Also only 24% trust the press. Politics, journalists, self-proclaimed experts, all liars.
So if the government, the press, and the experts all claim all day long that the vaccines are safe, they're probably not, and the more they claim, the more it's suspicious. Everybody still remember the Chernobyl cloud which never reached France, and was totally healthy anyway, and the many health regulation scandals, where no responsible was ever found.

>> No.12609176

>The study for Public Health France also showed in December that just 29% of women in France said they intended to get a COVID-19 vaccination, compared with 53% of men.
I love women now.

>> No.12609206

Wtf how are frenchies so gigabased?
Here in Germany everyone is a docile sheep that gobbles up state propaganda and has already forgotten the next day that they got fucked over by politicians the day before.
Maybe I should immigrate.

>> No.12609208
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How do germans believe the Holohoax so much?

>> No.12609219

Only those that are capable of critical thought and analysis can see the truth clearly
For many people it's just too much of a hassle to invest the effort and they give insufficient fucks about the globalist lies they are told, or questioning them
They have lives that keep them busy and meaningless wastes of time to gloss over the lies that are told to hide the truth about (((their))) insidious nature and (((their))) crimes.

>> No.12609225
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Il est bien beau, le pays de Pasteur.

>> No.12609227

Misuse of children's neuroplasticity. The brain is shaped from birth into patters of affirming the holohoax. Once you're out of higher education, and finally exposed to different information, your brain is not going to undo something as fundamentally ingrained as language or arithmetic, in this case affirmation of holocoast. Add to this how emotionally charged is the sin of your grandparents, and you get total use brain's plasticity to shape it as you will.

>> No.12609268

Because we have been parasited by kikes way longer than any of you have.
You adopted the redpill, we were born in it.

>> No.12609414
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>Kill your aristocratic elite
>Replace them with a Freemasonic bourgeois elite
Literally that's all the French Revolution was about; the bourgeois business class being mad that they don't have power.

>> No.12609801

the French hate vaccine because it hurts a lot when it's in the ass