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12598199 No.12598199 [Reply] [Original]

I get extremely infuriated every time I encounter imaginary numbers.
How is that allowed? It’s literally introduced a tainted, absurd object as a building block and then building logic on top of it, of course you will come up with weird shit like Riemann hypothesis.

Any anon can change my mind? Why imaginary numbers have a right to exist? Why not also create 2+2=4 mathematical objects, mix them into real math to create ((complex numbers))? I just don’t see how that’s not absurd, this absolutely infuriates me that math cucksois literally take this at face value.

Also I’m particularly interested in foundations of number theory, eg why people think the initial distinction between 0 and 1 makes the solid foundation for all the modern math we have right now, why we even make this distinction and never question the foundation of real math as well (besides it being useful in our everyday life to operate on our primitive world concepts).

>> No.12598223

It started as a game: what are the roots of the polynomial [math] x^{2} + 1 [/math] ? Then interesting properties were found, and it led to pretty much the whole field of modern algebra. You say it has to right to exist, but it has many legitimate uses. You like number theory? Without complex numbers many problems couldn't even hope to be solved. You like physics? Quantum theory can't be formalized in the real domain. Trigonometry? Requires complex numbers.
Just because you don't like it doesnt mean it's pointless. Why can't you just get it through your head?

>> No.12598233

>It started as a game: what are the roots of the polynomial x2+1
Can't solve x^3-5x+1=0 without i even though all three solutions are real numbers

>> No.12598255

I guarantee someone though of the quadratic problem before that cubic one

>> No.12598259


[math] \displaystyle
ax^3+bx^2+cx+d=0 \\
S=2b^3-9abc+27a^2d \\
T=b^2-3ac \\
Q= \sqrt{(2b^3-9abc+27a^2d)^2-4(b^2-3ac)^3}= \sqrt{S^2-4T^3} \\
C= \sqrt[3]{ \frac{1}{2}(Q+2b^3-9abc+27a^2d)}
= \sqrt[3]{ \frac{1}{2}(Q+S)}
= \sqrt[3]{ \frac{1}{2} \left ( \sqrt{S^2-4T^3}+S \right )} \\
x_1= - \dfrac{b}{3a}- \dfrac{C}{3a}- \dfrac{b^2-3ac}{3aC} = - \dfrac{b}{3a}- \dfrac{C}{3a}- \dfrac{T}{3aC} \\
x_2= - \dfrac{b}{3a}+ \dfrac{C(1+i \sqrt{3})}{6a}+ \dfrac{(1-i \sqrt{3})(b^2-3ac)}{6aC} \\
~~~~ = - \dfrac{b}{3a}+ \dfrac{C(1+i \sqrt{3})}{6a}+ \dfrac{(1-i \sqrt{3})T}{6aC} \\
x_3= - \dfrac{b}{3a}+ \dfrac{C(1-i \sqrt{3})}{6a}+ \dfrac{(1+i \sqrt{3})(b^2-3ac)}{6aC} \\
~~~~ = - \dfrac{b}{3a}+ \dfrac{C(1-i \sqrt{3})}{6a}+ \dfrac{(1+i \sqrt{3})T}{6aC} \\

>> No.12598260

How can you “solve” something with a broken tool?

No wonder there are so many paradoxes in the fields you’ve just mentioned.
Even if we don’t get metaphoric, imaginary numbers are basically adding “what if..” into every place they are used, and it seems that mathematicians just take it at face value and use these numbers without regard of the side effects of the statement. The onus is on (You) to prove imaginary numbers CAN be used in mathematics, as the way I see it implicitly taints the whole chain of thought/proof that uses the concept.

>> No.12598265

fuck off brainlet

>> No.12598270

>the quadratic problem
nah they just shrugged it off because the ANSWER is imaginary
x^3-5x+1=0 has only real solutions, so it couldn't be ignored

>> No.12598285


Imaginary numbers are literally for trannies

You can’t rely on a good goy number even as a crutch as I said, it might make sense but it can’t be used, simple as

>> No.12598288

Actually, nobody here is responsible for convincing you of anything. Everything about i and C is searchable. You haven't said anything specifically critical about C; instead, you have proven how sad you must be:
>today is the day guys
>I am going to change the world and reveal the lies for what they are
>haha, I just showed the status quo
Why do you flounder about like a moron?

>> No.12598289

>'broken tool'
You can define the field of complex numbers as R[X]/(X^2+1). nothing broken here retard, if in hs we say let's take i such that i^2=-1, it s for slow brains.

>> No.12598316

Kys, that’s a strawman and not what I’m talking about
Imaginary numbers are used in proofs as a starting point to build theories in complex plane, all of this is straight bullshit, you are literally building upon something that not only doesn’t exist, but taints any and each ensuing statement
I gave you an example, Riemann zeta function, if you wish we can get more detailed

As I would expect the thread is getting filled up quickly with soi NPCs that wouldn’t even question their HS algebra textbook lmao

>> No.12598326

>that's a strawman
>building upon something that not only doesn't exist

Okay you are bait, retard or high. Choose wisely faggot

>> No.12598333

Do negative numbers exist?

>> No.12598335


I’m going to sleep now and will respond with actual math tomorrow that will literally obliterate imaginaries and all cuckholds that waste their lives playing with useless theories touching them

>> No.12598338

Here, read this tonight

>> No.12598342

without them, you couldn't even send this fucking message eurofag

>> No.12598343

Yes, they exist because they don’t have a paradox engrained into their definition

“Exist” is a dumb wording, it’s just better to say can be used in math and can’t be used

Negative numbers can be used. Imaginaries CANT

>> No.12598351

I will. Be there in 12 hours because I’m asleep right now. I’m all set up right now finance wise, and have my whole life (60 years approx) to obliterate imaginary number cucks.

>> No.12598464

>he gets thrown off by the name imaginary
Negative numbers are 'imaginary' too

Imaginary numbers and Real Numbers are like 2 independent direction vectors to each other. When you do basic physics of motion you use complex numbers

>> No.12598541

>because they don’t have a paradox engrained into their definition
sure they do, you can hold two apples but you can't hold negative two apples

>> No.12598564
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Whenever I encounter them, I think: not these fuckers again.

They have no information solely. With their companion, c*mplex conjugate, they might have. The good of them is to battle quickly against sine and cosine identities.

But: they are useless. We can do math without them. Also: if you ever try to proof some physical thing with them, it is not going to happen. Quantum mechanics is a shitshow and vague non-physical theory of nothing.

Long live reality.

>> No.12598590

The sheer willpower that allowed you to type this in detail is astounding

>> No.12598662

Anyone who genuinely has a problem with complex numbers and isn't just trolling, deserved to be shot.

>> No.12598687
File: 236 KB, 717x1024, janne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't been shot yet.

Quick Rundown:

Girolamo Cardano introduced c*mplexes in "Ars Magna" of year 1545. Cardano didn't invent them, he stole them from Niccolo Tartaglia which he promised not to :(

René Descartes did not accept complex numbers and ridiculously called them imaginary in "La Géométrie" of year 1637.

I trust Descartes.

>> No.12598717


Its not absurd, you just don’t understand abstraction.

[math] \sqrt{-1} [/math] only has meaning when you are doing algebra with numbers that can’t be organized in a one dimensional line.

You will be doing algebra with [math] 2x2 [/math] matrices when you search for the roots of the characteristic polynomial of your linear transformation in order to find the two dimensional subspaces that said linear transformation maps back onto themselves.

Obviously, you can’t meaningfully organize the [math] 2x2 [/math] matrices into a line, but that doesn’t make polynomial expressions of the [math] 2x2 [/math] matrices meaningless. [math] \sqrt{-1} = \sqrt{-1 \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix} } = \sqrt{\begin{bmatrix} -1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \end{bmatrix}} [/math] is not only meaningful for finding the roots of characteristic polynomials, the ability to solve it is the sufficient condition for finding [math] n [/math] roots of your [math] n[/math]th degree characteristic polynomial.
When your [math] n [/math] roots belong to distinct equivalence classes (and when the subset of matrices belong to an integral domain field), it proves that the whole linear transformation can be completely understood as linear transformations, each within [math]0[/math], [math]1[/math], and [math]2[/math] dimensional, independent subspaces.

The abstraction surrounding [math] i [/math] matters because of how broad the sufficient condition for finding [math] n [/math] roots of the characteristic polynomial is.

>> No.12598748


You can divide and conquer a linear transformation without using the rotation-scaling model of Complex Numbers.

You can build an eigenbasis of a linear transformation without the notion of conjugate eigenvectors, or conjugate eigenvalues.

However, it is IMPOSSIBLE to guarantee (in 99.999% of cases) that you will find n eigenvalues in n distinct equivalence classes UNLESS you can find the square root of negative 1.

>> No.12598893

Eigenvector means vector that points same directin when matrix multiplied. Talking about non real eigenvalues and vectors are nonsense.

We just need to live with n or less than n possibly eigenvectors.

>> No.12598908

Non-real eigenvalues are completely legitimate because eigenvalues don’t have to be real numbers.

[math] \sqrt{-1} [/math] is just an abstraction of the sufficient condition that the field of eigenvalues must satisfy to (almost) always get as many distinct equivalence classes of eigenvalues as there are dimensions of the linear transformation.

>> No.12598915

No, “eigenvector” doesn’t mean that the vector goes in the same direction when multiplied.

>> No.12598917

Quantum particles have imaginary spin and they are real concrete things that exist.

>> No.12598925

>tainted, absurd object
Quite clearly b8, but I'll still bite.
How about Fourier transforms? The most elegant / complete formulations rely on complex exponentials, and frequency domain is not only the truth, but an extremely useful (and in some cases necessary) tool to analyze LTI systems, solve certain classes of PDEs, etc.

>> No.12599452

You summed it up really well my fren.
OP be like
>Oh no [math] \begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ -b & b\end{pmatrix} [/math] doesn't exist. It s all fake by Low IQ NPCs, muh imaginary

>> No.12599458

*a b -b a . sorry

>> No.12599476

>Complaining about imaginary numbers
You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.12599480

what do you mean "how is that allowed"? math is all made up, you retard, you MAKE the rules. if you don't like complex numbers, then do your math without them

>> No.12599513

>thinking 2+2=4 is any different from "imaginary numbers"

>> No.12599520

Imaginary numbers exist as a way to discuss phenomena that need to operate in a repetitive manor. For instance if you try to graph a circle in Cartesian coordinates, there is no function that exists that will complete a full circle in a non piece wise manor.

This is the biggest reason for imaginary numbers, to be able to graph circular functions and other repetitive functions on a graph.

For your zero and one question, I would propose that math is a language and takes its fundamental basis in language. Therefore we cannot have quantities of any consequence without a distinction between nothing (0) and something (1,2,3 etc) the foundation of "real math" is the language used to discuss it. This is why math is so universal, it is purely tangible and based off quantity and count.

>> No.12599732
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Alright guys, riddle me this:

What is the decimal number of i?

Pi = 3
e = 2.27

What is i? Is it larger or smaller than pi?

>> No.12599745

i = 1i

>> No.12599748

It's useful for sone real life problems.

>> No.12599752
File: 61 KB, 600x584, TIMESAND___Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12600149

If you want to talk about something being larger or smaller, you need an ordering. There are many orderings you can put on the complex numbers but none of them retains arithmetic the same way the real numbers does, if that is what you mean?

>> No.12600174

>if you ever try to proof some physical thing with them, it is not going to happen.
what about EE

>> No.12600182

Just dont refer to them as numbers. They are important structures that have propeties oridinary numbers dont have, are an useful compact way of integrating notion of rotation extending already existing rules. Some caveats related to regarding i as sqrt(-1) exist but again- think of them as useful structures that behave almost like ordinary numbers, which makes them convenient.

>> No.12600246
File: 161 KB, 1080x1350, 1611049048571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to be an expert. What are some some other math fields that I should distance myself from, and what are some based math fields?

>> No.12600286

>You like number theory? Without complex numbers many problems couldn't even hope to be solved.
Such as?

>> No.12600317

>I trust Descartes.
He thought the pineal gland was the resting place of the soul.
He thought eye sight was caused by tiny balls of light pushing against hoses and tubes in our bodies.
He thought animals didn't have feelings. You know who else thinks that's true? People who eat dogs in China.

>> No.12600341

complex numbers = conformal geometry. there are more geometries than just Euclidean, there's affine, projective, hyperbolic, spherical and perhaps more. conformal geometry is the geometry where angles are defined, but not lengths. an example of a conformal transformation which is not Euclidean is the circle inversion. complex numbers are an algebraic structure which is the best for handling this stuff. everything you can do with complex numbers represents something in conformal geometry. if I showed you this geometric/algebraic structure without calling it "complex numbers", you would be amazed how convenient and useful it is.
it's a totally different story that complex numbers were discovered as an answer to an algebraic problem about real numbers. that's why they're called ""numbers"" in the first place and that's where all the confusion comes from.

>> No.12600679

"broken" does not mean what you really mean, which is "counter-intuitive". Mathematical ideas, processes, and results are not always intuitive, but they should be logically correct nonetheless if done properly. If the math conflicts with your "common sense", then your common sense is wrong, not the math.

>> No.12600687

Again, "paradox" =/= "counter-intuitive". Pick up a book and learn about the field rather than bitch about how mathematical results don't fit neatly into your narrow view of the world.

>> No.12600700

what makes "1 + x = 0" different from "x^2 + 1 = 0", so that one deserves a solution and the other does not?

>> No.12600758

every second of human experience is equivalent to everything a dog experiences in his life

>> No.12600965

natural numbers = discrete magnitudes
positive real numbers = continuous magnitudes
integers = discrete magnitudes with a discrete sign
real numbers = continuous magnitudes with a discrete sign
complex numbers = continuous magnitudes with a continuous sign

why is the final line so controversial? what makes it different?

>> No.12601116


>> No.12601126

>act like the Lord's presence is a common public space
>don't understand why he gets angry

>> No.12601133

What this guy said.

Basically, people were trying to solve cubic equations back in the 16th century or so, and they stumbled upon complex numbers. Unless you accept that complex numbers are just as good as real numbers, you can't find the roots even if they are all three real.

>> No.12602027


Sounds same direction to me.

>> No.12602044

Of course one can. This formula just fucking accepts cucklex solutions too

>> No.12602079

>Of course one can
tell us how

>> No.12602084

You should checkout quaternions it would blow your mind.

>> No.12602125

common sense has no actual meaning, simple as that

people who try to rationalize abstraction are retarded

>> No.12602130

t reddit formatting

>> No.12602134

this is your brain on literature

>> No.12602139

if this entire thread is not bait i am dreaming

>> No.12602141

> casus irreducibilis
you can't state some real numbers without the use of imaginary numbers, so imaginary numbers aren't a technique that was invented to make thing easier, they exist.

>> No.12602146


literally the same thing, are you dense?

>> No.12602162

it is a field, i will call them numbers lol

>> No.12602172

the young brain reaches a point when it just stops believing shit and starts to question when complex numbers are taught.

Imagine 17yo's picking into the teacher when she's teaching long division

>> No.12602399

>Why imaginary numbers have a right to exist
They're numbers with angles: 1=1∠0°, -1=1∠180°, i=1∠90°
They add geometrically: 1+i = √2∠45°
They multiple rotationally (phase shiftingly) M∠a * N∠b = MN∠a+b

Of course they don't make sense in scalar contexts

>> No.12602413

That is the one dimensional subspace case
In the two dimensional subspace case, you will replace the vector with a two column matrix, and the scalar with a 2x2 matrix

>> No.12602418

There's extensive proofs for imaginary numbers having direct real-world applications and existence. They were built from observing physical phenomena and structures. You're literally just triggered by the word "imaginary", and nothing else.

That's the entire solution to your problem. Get over crying about the word "imaginary". If they had called them something like "co-planar roots", you would have never even thought twice about their """""right""""" to exist.

>> No.12602447

>In the two dimensional subspace case, you will replace the vector with a two column matrix, and the scalar with a 2x2 matrix
that's what the complex notation stands for, yes

>> No.12602450

All numbers are imaginary.

>> No.12602474

>Any anon can change my mind? Why imaginary numbers have a right to exist?
learn to speak, please

>> No.12602627

...which means the vector doesn’t go in the same direction when multiplied by a complex eigenvalue

>> No.12602763

[math] \displaystyle
\\ z_1 = x_1+y_1i \; \; \; \; \; z_2 = x_2+y_2i
\\ z_1^* = x_1-y_1i \; \; \; \; \; z_2^* = x_2-y_2i
\\ | z_1 | = \sqrt{x_1^2+y_1^2} \; \; \; \; \; | z_2 | = \sqrt{x_2^2+y_2^2}
\\ z_1+z_2 = x_1+x_2 + (y_1+y_2)i
\\ \left | z_1+z_2 \right |^2 = \left ( \sqrt{(x_1+x_2)^2+(y_1+y_2)^2} \right ) ^2 = (x_1+x_2)^2 +(y_1+y_2)^2
\\ z_1z_2^* = x_1x_2 -x_1y_2i +y_1ix_2 -y_1iy_2i = x_1x_2+y_1y_2 +(x_2y_1-x_1y_2)i
\\ z_1^*z_2 = x_1x_2 +x_1y_2i -y_1ix_2 -y_1iy_2i = x_1x_2+y_1y_2 +(x_1y_2-x_2y_1)i
\\ z_1z_2^* + z_1^*z_2 = 2(x_1x_2+y_1y_2) = \text{2Re}(z_1z_2^*) = \text{2Re}(z_1^*z_2)
\\ |z_1|^2+|z_2|^2 + z_1z_2^* + z_1^*z_2 = x_1^2+y_1^2 + x_2^2 + y_2^2 + 2(x_1x_2+y_1y_2)
\\ = (x_1^2 + 2x_1x_2 + x_2^2) + (y_1^2 + 2y_1y_2 + y_2^2) = (x_1+x_2)^2 +(y_1+y_2)^2

>> No.12602772


>> No.12604854


>> No.12605166

I guess you are a retard for not reading the reply chain

>> No.12605528

Please answer seriously: how does it feel to be a midwit? You're struggling with the basic concept of mathematics.

>why people think the initial distinction between 0 and 1 makes the solid foundation for all the modern math we have right now
One of these is the additive identity and the other as the multiplicative identity in the field of integers. What you're arguing is as retarded as
>why does the initial distinction between true and false make a solid foundation for all formal logic

>> No.12605547

>Why not also create 2+2=4 mathematical objects

>> No.12605577

Well the point of Math is to uncover and catalog all possible rules mathematical objects can interact.
Unfortunately for you, it turns out complex numbers have too many interesting properties to ignore.

>> No.12605590

>he thinks numbers are real

>> No.12605599

Learn2logic faggit

>> No.12605611
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Let's be honest ALL numbers are pozzed and should never have been discovered by humans.
Even natural numbers produce crazy shit like diophantine equations and Fermat's last theorem.
This is not what evolution intended for us at all.

Counting was a mistake.

>> No.12605944

Anon, if you're not shitposting, you *do* know that there's a very simple formal algebraic construction of the complex numbers right? If you accept the construction of the reals, you can accept the ring R[x] and its ideals. The set of complex numbers C is simple R[x] / (x^2 + 1), where we can identify the class of x under the quotient as being *exactly* i, the imaginary unit.

>> No.12605951

>Kys, that’s a strawman and not what I’m talking about
Anon, you complain about the complex numbers not being rigorously defined...and then someone rigorously defines it for you, and you call it a shitpost.

>> No.12606555

Because anything is allowed in math if it has utility (i.e. doesn't break rules you consider more important). Stop thinking about math as working with quantities or whatever.

>> No.12606658

>Let's be honest ALL numbers are pozzed and >should never have been discovered by >humans.
>Counting was a mistake.
Well spoken!
Although, do you think it would be right to deny other species the ability to count as well? I once went to the Li river in China's Guangxi province, where the fishermen use cormoran birds to catch fish for them. A cormoran is allowed to eat every 8'th fish that it catches. So they have learned to count to 8. It is debatable whether it would be cruelty to animals to disallow them to count.

>> No.12606667

>taking an object's name too seriously
This is the peak sign of brainletism

>> No.12608806

If you are mad at basic reality you need to take your meds.