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12596086 No.12596086 [Reply] [Original]

>childhood abuse lowers the IQ of its victims

How come Asians STILL perform higher than whites despite most of them growing up in abusive houses? Have Asians not reached their full potential?

>> No.12596098

Well they first teach them strict codes of honor. Kids naturally struggle at first. But will understand it and understand any discipline thereafter. In their eyes, if they can have others give respect to them, the cycle is fair and complete.

>> No.12596119

Most of the Asians I know hate their parents and respect them out of fear.

>> No.12596122

i don't know what you're citing but i think you're reversing the correlation on the stats there homie.
Abuse happens more in low IQ areas, more low IQ kids come from low IQ areas, im not sure abuse does make them dumb. but the stats could be read that way.. though i was somewhat abused so i may be wrong here..

culture and narrative seem to tell another story like with asians or like mozart and micheal jackson.. persecuted genius or some shit. liberal cope trope for snowflakes and weak minds.
everyones sack of shit feels heavy, even if you got a silver spoon

>> No.12596149

Abuse making people dumb makes less sense than just saying dumb people are more likely to be abusers.

>> No.12596161

thank you, im having trouble thinking tonight.. im working through some shit.

>> No.12596250

Because it is systematic abuse applied with a purpose, not the random kind like the lower socioeconomic classes do.

>> No.12596257

abuse lowers memory through traumatic dissociation. it has brain damaging effects.

>> No.12596290

you never forget when i raise my hand though..
and you concentrate actively when certain vocal timbres and amplitudes are applied or modulated towards you..
somethingsomething pavlovs dog
life is shit, if negative influence (abuse) limited intellect..
..how do you explain the variation then? like how come mongolians or uighurs dont fit in your asia build? or are they just that badly abused theyre "3rd tier" even with the oppression buffing bonus effects of muh chldhod nuhglectful upbranging?

>> No.12596302

I've taught Japanese, Vietnamese, and Korean students. The abuse rates from parents seem high, but the kids are more neurotypical, even the ones who suffer abuse. White people are fucked in the head in general so probably suffer more when they suffer from abuse.

>> No.12596303

dude... literally trauma causes mental illness which is filled with cognitive distortions of everything in reality.
there is a thing called dissociative identity disorder, e.g.

>> No.12596327

ah. sorry i misinterpreted your post.
I couldn't tell if you were double speaking.
you're making shit up, basically, is the thing you're saying by this variation and that abuse. or not interpreting the statistics right.
there's a causation, everyone dissociates a bit, I've heard. It's on a spectrum.

>> No.12596330

I don't know if asians suffer more abuse than other groups

>> No.12597267

because the bit of abuse they go through (most asian parents aren't sadistic) is not nearly enough to offset the huge ammount of discipline they have for the rest of their lives.

>> No.12598356

>post mediocre paper
>say x happens cuz muh childhood abuse
>sell books convincing people they have been abused somehow (even if they had a normal childhood) and need to feel like victims
>keep selling shit and narrstives to be consumed for such artificially created victims
>profit from said articles/books
>no one will challenge your views because who could disagree with the mass media and its childhood cult of histeria.

really, most of psychology is all about being a pseud

>> No.12598616

making your children focus on their studies or sport(s) of choice is not abuse

>> No.12599227

>despite most of them growing up in abusive houses?
they don't, the opposite actually.

>> No.12599236

My mom was abusive to me and my sister. We’re both behind our other family members as well as having less social interactions. I don’t even talk to girls I’m schizoid and just match with them on tinder.

>> No.12599540

because being strict =/= abuse???

>> No.12599555

No its a chr*stcuck bait retard

>> No.12601315

Asia is huge. What parts are you talking about?

>> No.12601557

You will never have accurate statistics for mental illness in Asian populations because it is underreported.

>> No.12601603 [DELETED] 

1.Rape apes or "niggers" as I call them have lower IQs
2.Rape apes also are more likely to abuse their children.
Here, solved your conundrum, bro.

>> No.12601898

as for me one of the reasons i'm trying so hard in academics is so that i can earn money and be autonomous enough to leave this household forever (without ever having to ask them for financial help) and finally go no contact with my parents

>> No.12602622

Op is talking about east Asians

>> No.12602631

The human asians, not the subhuman monkeys.

>> No.12602729

sexual or physical?

>> No.12602743
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