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12595429 No.12595429 [Reply] [Original]

>Virus has a 0.01% chance to kill you
>Taking the vaccine will not prevent you from spreading it to others as you still get infected by it.
>Vaccine has a 5% chance of causing short term side effects, and the long term and even lifelong side effects are all unknown as MRNA technology has never been done on humans before.

Why should I take it again?

>> No.12595433

You shouldnt unless you medically need it (being old or medically at risk)
>sorry goy no vaccine passport no access to [fucking anywhere]

>> No.12595496

As long as it doesn't turn me completely straight I'm okay with it.

>> No.12595536

The backlash toward vaccines would.be nonexistent if healthcare was free

>> No.12595539

>Taking the vaccine will not prevent you from spreading it to others as you still get infected by it.
May or may not be true. The mRNA vaccines seem to reduce viral replication. The Oxford vaccine does not.

>and the long term and even lifelong side effects are all unknown as MRNA technology has never been done on humans before.
The long term effects of COVID-19 are unknown as well, so pick your poison.

>> No.12595554

>>the long term effects of COVID-19 are unknown a well
>SARS never existed

>> No.12595563

Different virus, very few people infected to judge, and there's people with lung damage 20 years later.

>> No.12595570

sorry i read the ingredients and it turns out not only am i immunocompromised im also allergic and currently taking a course of contraindicative treatments.. all i'll be able to do is wear this mask.
>good thing you told me they were so effective right doc?

>being that you stopped the world for me i can travel anywhere passport-free.
>being that im not white i can travel visa free without being approached by police and simply burn my ID if caught.
>who knew im actually a syrian jew who needs to return to israel for the gibs, thanks.

>> No.12595578

not quite as simply as you'd like to say but sure..
baxter also contaminated the sars vaccine with swine flu and shipped it out..
>sure thing anon, tell me again how these people are above reproach. especially now theres indemity waivers.. and lifetime residuals on patents for those writing the safety studies and the studies saying theres no time for testing we must jump straight to human experimentation on the general population...

>these people arent scientists or doctors
when did the Hippocratic oath stop applying..
>when you stopped training doctors and hiring people with less than half of the formal training for cheap..
its coincidence anon

>> No.12595581

>different virus
Covid is the deviation of the same virus.
>people with lung damage 20 years later
Most people with lung damage have recovered.

>> No.12595598

or died due to ventilation..

btw check the sars reports from around that time too.
ctrl-f ventilator..

"The incidence of NIV‐associated barotrauma ranged from 6.6% to 15%. Patients who fail to tolerate NIV or fail NIV with progressive dyspnoea, tachypnoea and hypoxaemia should be intubated and mechanically ventilated. Mortality rates in intensive care units for SARS patients were high: 34–53% at 28days, when some patients were still being ventilated. Strict adherence to infection control measures including isolation, use of appropriate personal protective equipment and negative pressure environment had been reported to eliminate cross‐infection to HCW."


"In clinical practice, physicians have recently attempted to avoid mechanical ventilation (MV) as much as possible and have started to use non-invasive ventilation (NIV)"
>fucking wonder why. almost like the actual science was in.. ventilators meme was to scare you and that's about it. had more than enough for those who actually needed it.

lets take medical advice from the fucking news though.. doctors included (unforgivable)

>> No.12595601

>Covid is the deviation of the same virus.
That doesn't mean the same long term consequences.

>Most people with lung damage have recovered.
I don't remember the exact number, it was something like 10% still had visible scarring at the 15-year mark, which frankly I'd rather not have, assuming it even holds true for SARS-CoV-2.

FYI, not saying anyone should get the vaccine(s), but if we're going to talk about unknowns, the same goes for the virus.

>> No.12595606

as always dates, check citations and references and fucking read it, before taking it out of context.

>> No.12595609

im not sure anyone in this thread is a true anti-vaxxer in the trad sense..
all pro-science/math here correct?

>> No.12595644

>im not sure anyone in this thread is a true anti-vaxxer in the trad sense..
I'm just playing devil's advocate, but I have no issue with someone having concerns over the mRNA vaccines because I do as well. Right now it's about weighing the current data for the vaccines to the risk of getting infected and the risk for severe infection. My parents are in a low risk group for getting infected, but high risk for a severe infection. So is it better for them to get vaccinated in the slim chance they do get exposed? I think those are the kinds of questions each person needs to ask and weigh their options, and then re-evaluate as more data becomes available.

>> No.12595656

After the covid debacle I feel that going 100% pure anti-vaxxer is the most wise way.

>> No.12595707

There's backlash toward vaccines in Europe(i live here) where healthcare is "free", so fuck off with this shit.

>> No.12595717

There is a backslash against vaccines because
a)They are forced
b)They make you sick
Both have little to do with healthcare cost.

>> No.12595743

they are changing the definition of herd immunity.
if thats not shifting goalposts i truly dont know what is. after a decade of concentrated effort to force that into their heads.. and then to act as though it never happened. then wonder why these people are so fucking distrustful..

an analogy. flouride in drinking water is good
but it took the whistleblower suing and getting re-instated on public record for them to tell the public the truth about its use and toxicity.
dacade later the WHO says it was a "public health miricle"
the messaging is so fucked up and the irony is all the folks pushing it are comms majors working as "science communicators" the same as the "fact-checkers" however they're all innumerate or willfully ignorant, or at worst maliciously pushing an agenda..
this fucking stinks.
the newest papers having more citations than anything for the last 5 years..
the fucking typos on them..
the egregious conflicts of interest..
the destruction of the Hippocratic oath
the destruction of any academic honor pledges
>and they lick it up under the guise of helping. desperate to be published and guaranteed review and citation due to the contextual period it was published in rather than being published for the sake of its merits.
but given our ability to fuck vaccinations via rushing and contamination in the past maybe youre right.. the numbers dont lie and our record has slipped a long way.

please remember polio and the like anon.. they're not all evil.. i earnestly plead of you.. for your own sake. you are all your family has to care for them, no one else gives a fuck. you have to have the correct information to help them and yourself. you must live anon..

mrna and testing periods are key in this issue..

im done.
im in fucking tears.
24 months of this and no end in sight.
i can no longer in good consience stand by my position as an enabler to the academy it has proven itself defenceless and unwilling to prevent its own corruption.

>> No.12595745

If your ideology requires deception, it's garbage.

>> No.12595752

If only conservatives expressed their grievances in ways that are easy to reason and argue about.

>> No.12595755

i find it curious all the threads about the future of anti-aging here considering the other major topic is mrna mechanisms of action.
it's like an informational fractal in an autistic sort of way..

btw not that anyone asked.
>"The new mRNA vaccine was developed in haste and had never been used on a large scale for the prevention of infectious disease, and its safety had not been confirmed for large-scale use in humans, a Chinese immunologist said. "
for fucks sake..


looks like the backup bought and paid for, is here incase the public starts any sort of general disquiet about it.

"CanSinoBIO has initiated Phase III clinical trials for a recombinant COVID-19 vaccine (Ad5-nCoV) it developed in Mexico in November, and over 10,000 volunteers have been vaccinated in its Phase III clinical trial with no safety incident reported, the company said in December. "

"vaccines from CanSinoBIO and AstraZeneca are (both) adenoviral vector vaccines."


>> No.12595760

is that a question youre posing?

given the testing and treatment both require garunteed exposure to high-risk situations i think the high-risk people would do better staying in low-risk situations..

the same covid cattle funnels as the rest of the sheep
>why am i testing positive? i wore a mask!!
after touching the same fucking surface as every sick and healthy(see sick) person in the place.. contaminated by the "solution"
get fucked, ship it to me at least you pricks..
blue apron does fine, just add dry ice.

>> No.12595761

What part of of the name "SARS 2" convinced you of that?

>> No.12597047

>Virus has a 0.01% chance to kill you
like the flu
>Taking the vaccine will not prevent you from spreading it to others as you still get infected by it.
like the flu vaccine
>Vaccine has a 5% chance of causing short term side effects, and the long term and even lifelong side effects are all unknown as MRNA technology has never been done on humans before.
Smallpox and Polio are MRNA viruses.

>> No.12597785

It's more rhetorical for myself, and each person is going to have their own risk rating and their own decision to make.

So why wasn't MERS called SARS-CoV-2 if they're the same thing? I think you're placing too much importance on the name. Had SARS-CoV-2 been discovered in the middle east, it'd likely be MERS-2, or if it'd been discovered in North America, it'd likely have an entirely new name.

>> No.12598543

You shouldn't. As any medical intervention, the risks and benefits are for you to take. You don't want them, you're playing with your own life.

>> No.12598548


>> No.12598591

Because a 5% chance of short term side effects is better than a 100% chance of short term side effects (being sick for like a week).