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File: 51 KB, 800x600, sars-cov-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12594666 No.12594666 [Reply] [Original]

At what point in time do you think COVID would have run its course? Late 2022/early 2023?

>> No.12594729
File: 269 KB, 681x730, BioNTech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The largest transfer of wealth is occurring right now.
THEY are making too much money to ever want it to stop.

>> No.12594955


Honestly, there will problem be a COVID obsession for hundreds of years. People will be obsessed with COVID as long as it exists. And COVID-19 will probably exist for hundreds of years.

Bubonic plague still exists.

>> No.12594964


Democrats admit that lockdowns result in an upward transfer of wealth and greater wealth inequality, yet Democrats want more lockdowns anyway.

And Democrats claim to want more income equality.

>> No.12594992

The World Health Organization says lockdowns don't work and do more harm than good.

>> No.12595018
File: 12 KB, 282x164, th (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At what point did:
H2N2 Asian Flu
H3N2 Hong Kong Flu
H1N1 Swine Flu
...run their courses? It's all made in BSL laboratories anyway. They're made to be around awhile, as long as we keep creating them.

>> No.12595028

The WHO also claimed SARS-CoV-2 isn't transmissible to humans. They also claimed it can't spread through aerosols. They also claimed China was open during the entire process. Yeah, great track record.

>> No.12595058


>> No.12595071

True but I think they are right on lockdowns.

>> No.12595083

political correct term for coward

>> No.12595151

November 3rd, 2020.

>> No.12595159

Why would anyone listen to the WHO when trump pulled out and told them to go fuck themselves?

>> No.12595169

So you are pro-lockdown?
I think a lockdown might work, maybe, if you did it immediately after release. Some people think the virus was out many months before previously thought which would make the lockdown mostly useless except maybe to prep supplies. At this point, the cat is out of the bag and it makes no sense.

>> No.12595179

The WHO has no credibility but I don't know if lockdowns are good or not

>> No.12595297
File: 708 KB, 500x260, boo-hoo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 term

>> No.12597143


The former two diseases were much more deadly than COVID if you adjust for world population, yet nobody seems to have cared about them.

>> No.12597176


COVID-19 is really a complete nothing burger by historical standards.

People are just brainwashed into thinking it's actually a big deal.

>> No.12597245

You're brainwashed to think it's a "nothing burger"
Also do Amerifats quantify the seriousness of events in burgers? This is new to me

>> No.12597256


>> No.12597286
File: 137 KB, 707x480, covidcorpseconvicts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, I don't remember prisoners and national guard called in for morgue duty and rows of corpse freezer trucks last flu season.

>> No.12597304

If it doesn't effect me it doesn't matter.

>> No.12597354

You're brainwashed for thinking people thinking it's a nothingburger are brainwashed

>> No.12597365

A short term spike in mortality doesn't justify a global lockdown, especially when the deaths are in a population that's so frail that they even manage to die from vaccine side effects.

>> No.12597386

This is Amerifat vocabulary

>> No.12597426

Said who? You midwit?

>> No.12597435

that's because during flu season, corpses are buried, not burnt

>> No.12597551

This. For example Sweden was supposed to be a covid hell, yet 2020 was no worse than severl years from the last decade (let alone famine or real epidemics years).

>> No.12598330
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>> No.12598371
File: 1.55 MB, 222x222, CheckedAndCropped.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12598463

It won't stop. It will become permanently endemic. In 20 years the human lifespan will readjust and the disease will become simply another risk factor for the elderly, like influenza.

>> No.12598477

The only shithole that has such a thing as democrats is the US.

The World Health Organization is single handedly responsible for the pandemic spread of the virus. They made no pressure to stop international trade in the critical months, they didn't give mitigation guidelines to the general public such as making cheap masks and instead told everyone it was a nothingburger until actual economic damage was done.

The world health organization is not reliable. It's a waste of the world's tax money.

>> No.12598494

The lockdown is only useful as long as viral prevalence is under the endemic umbral. Lockdowns themselves are an intervention with benefits and risks, and depending on the management are therapeutic or cause iatrogenic damage.

In many countries, lockdown was arbitrarily enforced by people who knew nothing of public healthcare doing copycats of what other nations did. They enforced them with imprisonment of one sort or the other without taking into account the increased 'statistical protection' (to avoid the term herd immunity) on those who ignored the measures. Only 10 weeks of lockdown were needed to be on the safe side, with further adjustments to logistics and travel; however anything longer than that was useless and harmful.

>> No.12598500

>The World Health Organization is single handedly responsible for the pandemic spread of the virus.
No not single handedly. China fucking lied a lot too and probably some people in the US and other countries.
>They made no pressure to stop international trade in the critical months
Why the fuck would you need an organization to give guidelines for a virus when each country has their own institutions which can do this?
>The world health organization is not reliable.
True but that doesn't mean they are ALWAYS wrong. I think at this point, the WHO is right in saying that lockdowns won't work and are causing irreplaceable harm to economies.

>> No.12598518

>muh China
Every government is responsible for the healthcare of their respective populations. That's why Sentinel Surveillance is a thing, and as a matter of emergent diseases, both said government and the WHO are responsible of stopping population movements as necessary.

>Why the fuck would you need an organization to give guidelines for a virus when each country has their own institutions which can do this?
Because that's what we pay them for. Not only that, it's an economical global threat which falls under UN jurisdiction, it's ONE disease with the same fucking pathology in every fucking human, and most importantly, most countries of the world have shit public health institutions, and they all rely on the AUTHORITY of the WHO to define guidelines.

>I think at this point,
At this point whatever they say is inconsequential. They became negligent when they were needed the most. If they couldn't help in the current worst case scenario what makes you think they will help in worse cases?

>> No.12598528

>Because that's what we pay them for.
July 6, 2021 and the US is out of the WHO
> If they couldn't help in the current worst case scenario what makes you think they will help in worse cases?
I don't and I'm not advocating but I am simply saying that they are right on lockdown policy right now. Also, I find it funny to cite them whenever libs talk about lockdowns and criticize them for not "trusting the health experts and the science".

>> No.12598538

>hurr durr the whole world is the US
I wonder why don't you simply fuck off to /pol/.

>> No.12598542

I'm in US, so "we" won't be paying them anymore. Don't be butthurt about it. I'm sure your dumbass countries will still be though so enjoy your governments using the WHO info.

>> No.12598560

I don't get what you're so happy about, you became the world reservoir of the shit.

>> No.12598568

We don't have to waste money on a corrupt organization that repeatedly lies to people during a pandemic. That's what I'm happy about. We can reinforce our own institutions. Fuck the WHO.