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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12591690 No.12591690 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have big aspirations in life?
Do you believe that you can be the top of your class and get good recognition even while in undergrad?
Do you want to go to grad school to specialize in a topic and be, until the day you die, the one person in the world that knows more about something than anyone else?
Do you want to change the world?

If your answer is yes to any of these questions then Theoretical Physics

Are you literally retarded?
Do you know that you will never be more than mediocre?
Do you also have mediocre aspirations?
Do you just one to leave school to get paid 60k - 100k a year to sit in an office for 8 hours a day doing nothing of value, just repetitive and trivial tasks/calculations.
Do you want to shit post all day in /sci/, boasting your average salary because of a misguided idea that non-engineers are all poor?
Once again, are you literally retarded. As in a doctor told you that you were born mentally challenged?
Then go for engineering.

>> No.12591767

Hello! Nuclear chemical engineer here!
Have sex
Sincerely, Tony

>> No.12591906

god I wanna fuck ako

>> No.12591920
File: 11 KB, 202x249, george orsonwells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anime avataring = OP is an autogynephiliac

>> No.12591924
File: 94 KB, 599x643, cisagp .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op wants to be ako and get fucked by you. do you want to fuck a /sci/nerd dressed up as ako? op would be into that for sure

>> No.12591926

I would rather be the one dressing up if we were both biological males

>> No.12591933

Theoretical Physics: Pain in the ass and get less for what you do. Practically useless unless you're a masochist.
Probably makes you wonder if it was worth it later on in life.

Engineering: simple as making graphs, getting money. A very diverse field with many jobs. Still have time for other stuff in life including hobbies and other studies. Expandable field.

>> No.12592049

I'd rather be a respected expert in my field of engineering than be a mediocre theoretical physicist who has to be jerked off by academia because nobody outside his university knows his name.

>> No.12592074

That just means you are not made for theoretical physics

>> No.12592099

why are theoretical physicists such arrogant autists?

>> No.12592134

you know what website you're on, faggot?

>> No.12592392
File: 75 KB, 900x770, C098EF28-0CF0-4753-922C-99866F7D7A1A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kido when you grow up you will realize life is too short and there’s more in it than science.
Yeah I know science is great but I know I won’t live to take benefits of my work.That’s why I quit academia and now I am in the industry living happily.
Maybe if the biology guys cure aging in next 50 years I will consider going back.

>> No.12592414

he was such a faggot
I miss him a lot

>> No.12592420

How’s his google work going ?

>> No.12592440
File: 13 KB, 225x225, 1608754704813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could have been an electrical engineer.

>> No.12592457

This, they're just glorified (((applied))) mathematicians.

>> No.12592479

what is this argument about engineers just boasting when they are literally the ones with the fulfilling career and years of real world experience and applications of the theory? thats literally what science degrees do. thats what you do faggot. thats what youre doing. this is one big science cope.

>> No.12592867

Here, let me help you navigate: The scientists formulate the theories you clowns can later use to create your shitty corporate products.