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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12591555 No.12591555[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>be 29
>be smoking pot since 14
Is my life over? Can I still quit and go to college or is my brain perma fucked from getting a degree?

>> No.12591563

that depends
r u a nigger?

>> No.12591567

no I am white

>> No.12591596

Depends on how you smoked it?

Are you in a well ventilated room, what kind of smoking did you do, and how frequently you did it. Because as far as I know, weed doesn't make you permanently stupid, it's the lack of oxygen from smoking. Although I heard from a doctor that you might gain a breast or two from weed and like any substance you can get an addiction. You should be fine in college as long as it doesn't get in the way with your work.

I know this because my dad grew and smoked it around your age, and went to college in his 30s.

>> No.12591626
File: 43 KB, 640x427, the_lazy_stoner_1024x1024[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a multitude of scientific papers that show smoking weed while your brain is still developing (before 25) causes its to be stunted from what it would have been normally. Also this damage/arrested development is permanent. You are probably noticeably more stupid than you would have been and this damage is irreversible.

Weed Reduces Volume Of Various Regions Of The Brain And Negatively Effects Motivation :

Weed Is Addictive:

Weed Causes Long Term Cognitive Damage:

Weed Causes Depression And Anxiety Disorders:

Cannabis use and the risk of developing a psychotic disorder

Weed raises Estrogen levels:

>> No.12591627

so I should just kill myself then?

>> No.12591630

I think that's a bit extreme. I mean, how intelligent are you and how is your executive functioning?

>> No.12591632

When I was 27 I taught myself math 100 2 weeks before the final exam and got an 84

>> No.12591634

What is "math 100"

>> No.12591635

other than that I am an adhd stoner procrastinator who does shit all all day

>> No.12591637

calc I

>> No.12591638

based bottom ?

>> No.12591640

yes it is I bottom poster from /lgbt/

>> No.12591789

never give up OP

>> No.12591890

Dude don't try to measure your intellectual dick. If you are interested then go and learn it. No need to stress about things that have already been done, only you really know if you can or can't learn stuff.

If you genuinely are worried about academic aptitude you can go to get evaluated and a trained professional can help you decide study habits that take advantage of your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.

t. Bottom stoner who started around 14 and now is getting their PhD

>> No.12591900

>be 20
>been masturbating since 11
Is my life over?
been "trying" to quit for like a year now

>> No.12591907

have you ever grown any of your own stuff?

>> No.12591969
File: 187 KB, 261x271, 1426686408187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be 29
>been a virgin since 15
Are there any hope left?

>> No.12591973

>virgin since 15
Not how it works. You are either a virgin or not.

>> No.12591981

Doesn't guys start being virgins from the day they can nut?

>> No.12592179

15 = 1 + 5 = 6
fuck outta here pedo

>> No.12592198

>If you genuinely are worried about academic aptitude you can go to get evaluated and a trained professional can help you decide study habits that take advantage of your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.
Uhm what do you call these professonals? And where can on find them?
Asking for a friend

>> No.12592228

(((They))) are called (((tutors)))

>> No.12592235

This. Tutors are the jews of the educational system. They dont want you to be an independent stoodier because you won't be dependent on them and they cant extort any money from you.
Anon stay far away from the education jew

>> No.12592237

Hate to tell you this, but even without the weed, you're way too old at 29. In my experience, the retarding effects of weed usually dissipate after a few months if you stop smoking. But you started really young, so there's no way of telling whether you fucked your mental development or not.
Weed is disgusting and you should stop, but you missed your shot to go to college. Just try to get a job that doesn't require a degree.

>> No.12592251

got my life together at 27
can say today that i don't regret nothing even tho there was a period of regret.

i spend my youth not worrying to much and haveing a good time an no stree,

now i have my dregree and hopefully soon a famaly.

so yeah, just quit and do what you feel like, it's not worse than lead poisning or hookworms you can do it!

it's all about attitude in life

>> No.12592258

*haveing a good time an no stress

as males we have a second chance in life, woman that have fucked up when they are 30 are off way worse

>> No.12592264
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Are you having a stroke anon? Can you still raise your arms?

>> No.12592294


>> No.12592303 [DELETED] 

no and no
i studied cs, witch might explain some things..

>> No.12592329
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is this true

>> No.12592428

Sadly, yes. Most people who do extremely well in academia get into it young, or at least a the normal age (i.e. 18-20).
But do not fret, anon. There are many cool jobs you can get with out going to college. Look at trade school, particularly business or marketing. Maybe that's your thing. Many IT jobs don't require college if you know what you're doing and are actually passionate about it. You can still pursue mathematics and science as a hobby, if you so choose. You are not your job.
>t. employed embedded developer who dropped out of college

>> No.12592453

"Retarding effects of weed", what kind of nigga magical bullshit is this. You don't need drugs to be a dumbass.

>> No.12592459

what do you guys reccomend a dumb 23 yr old wage cuck do for trade

>> No.12592461

The problem with most of these studies is that correlation does not prove causation.

>> No.12592465

>You don't need drugs to be a dumbass
That was never implied, brainlet. Stop talking like a nigger btw

>> No.12592472

Depends. Did you do well in high school?

>> No.12592473

The only part of this that's true is that you believe smoking weed makes you dumb so you act the part.

>> No.12592478

Keep justifying being a druggie, anon. There is literally NO good reason to smoke weed beyond
>b-but it makes me feel good

>> No.12592488

And that's all weed is, when does become justifying or when can I just smoke it to relax and not feel nausea all day.

>> No.12592489

The fact that you realize it's a problem is good at least, but imo, you're indistinguishable from a nigger.

>> No.12592491

I managed to get a First while having a pretty bad weed habit in my last year of uni, depends on what kind of stoner you are. Can you function high and concentrate on work?

>> No.12592497

Take acid and major in philosophy.

>> No.12592529

nah i tuned out. im kind of a mushroom nigger but man theres a lot of dumbasses who arent wage cucks right

>> No.12592535

It's more of who you know so connections, social networking.

>> No.12592550

well thats fucked. thanks though

>> No.12593422
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>The problem with most of these studies is that correlation does not prove causation.

>> No.12593759

OP, do you understand the proper usage of there, their, and they're? If yes, you're ahead of a large enough segment of the population that you should have no problem making a middle income life for yourself. It's unlikely that you'll ever do anything great but that's also true for most people more intelligent than you.
Don't worry about what your past choices have done to your brain and make the best use of what you have now. It's not too late to do something productive with your life. You will never be a Elon Musk but you can be a normal suburban dad in a nice average house and a garage filled with hobby supplies. You'll be fine if you decide to be.

>> No.12593785

It's best to not expose yourself to the stress of having deadlines, it might trigger your psychosis

>> No.12593980

so people in their 30's never get math + cs degrees?

>> No.12594044

Not just tutors. If you are at an academic institution get evaluated for learning disabilities and ask for coaching. They can genuinely give very good advice on how different styles of thinking interface with learning

Not a tutor, a tutor is someone to teach you a subject. An academic coach helps with the actual process of learning and stuff. They will teach you about things like memory palaces, method of loci, different studying strategies etc.

Self teaching that stuff is possible but harder than an external evaluator

>> No.12594088

go work for walmart and work your way up to middle management and earn a living that way, you did fry your brain but that doesn't mean you can't turn your life around

>> No.12595188

silly bottom higher education is for men!

>> No.12595345

does your top know you are here?

>> No.12595355

I cant feel empathy or regret unless I've smoked a little weed and I didnt start smoking until I was 24.

>> No.12595381

he broke up with me in June and has friendzoned me

>> No.12595428

that's your choice. science doesn't answer wether you should or shouldn't, only you do.
you can still be an engineer or code monkey.
also why do you want a degree? this automatically seems like a symptom of brain damage.

>> No.12595431

I want to get a math + cs degree and be a cushy low six figure a year programmer or if I can do it seriously be a high paying data scientists

>> No.12595456

What country? Specialize in networking and/or cyber security because of it's growth straight programming is dead in the western world unless you already have 10 years exp.

>> No.12595459


>> No.12595465


>> No.12596745


Virgin: Has never had vagina-penis sex, ever

>> No.12596750

>be 29
>Is my life over?
Yes. And it doesn't matter if you smoke or not.

>> No.12598677

<21 year old hands typed this

>> No.12598751

even if pot didn't destroy your brain, 30 years of a lazy lifestyle almost certainly did. It will be very hard to break your current habits and get any degree and if you want a hard, in demand degree like engineering it is impossible unless you ease into it. work and go to community college at the same time to build some discipline and make yourself somewhat attractive to admissions. if you have an interest in some field and can find clubs for it thatd probably be good but it sounds like you are just concerned with not being a failure in general.