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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12590582 No.12590582 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.12590683


>> No.12590688

we should have listened :/

>> No.12590714


>> No.12591881


>> No.12591955

Its too late for those GOD CURSED INFINITY LOVING SODOMITES! They had their chance, they could have repented. BUT NOOOOO! They just had to keep blaspheming with their 0.999... = 1 HERESY

NOOOO! An apology will NOT save them from the DISCRETE FIRES OF HELL, where they shall BURN FOR A FINITE AMOUNT OF TIME!

Say it with me, Brothers and Sisters of the ONE TRUE FINITE FAITH.



>> No.12593141

Serial Holy Convergence bests Satanic Parallel Divergence every day of the year! (but only when there's no fraud!)

>> No.12593164

Amen, brother.

>> No.12593191

I am susbscribed to his channel but I no longer watch his videos (though I miss little cactus banking, what happened?). Recently the video's title are getting pretty interesting. Could someone give me a quick rundown on these videos?

>> No.12594473
File: 314 KB, 934x480, wilburg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Try to redefine taking the derivative finitely
>Use 2x2 nullary matrix IN THE DENOMINATOR
Bravo Noam.

>> No.12594520

He says it's actually valid since epsilon is not invertible. Actually watch the video for once.

>> No.12594526

No, that's the reason it's invalid. Results in division by zero

>> No.12594539

Typo, meant to say invalid.

>> No.12594549

Link to YouTube channel?

>> No.12596009


>> No.12596960

who is this guy and why do I always see people questioning the idea of rational numbers?

>> No.12596970

Only trolls question rational numbers. There's nothing wrong with the idea of rational numbers. The real numbers are nonsense though.

>> No.12597036

>Try to redefine taking the derivative finitely
you are wrong. it is not an attempt at all to redefine. it is only a detour wilberger takes you to show how current calculus might be connected to his definitions. wliberger usually likes to tell the history of subject and also their current mainstream interpretations. along side his own development from the very foundations.

>> No.12598505

>rational number
>not real
Nice bait, but I also want to see this thread go wild.

>> No.12598573
File: 456 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20210118-172553_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can one man be so based?

>> No.12598631

Rationals suck
How many rationals are there between 1 and 2?
What is the next rational comes after 1?
There isn’t one
This is at least as crazy as real numbers

>> No.12598668
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Wildberger is close to a solution. That solution is bullet proof mathematical axioms.

All he has to do now is to forfeit rationals and complexes aswell.

The only reality is finite amount of Successors.