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File: 467 KB, 1920x1280, STACC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12582882 No.12582882 [Reply] [Original]

STACC edition
Previous Thread: >>12579751

>> No.12582891

Fuck boing and fuck urf

>> No.12582895

Someone post that pic of Michoud celebrating the first bolt of SLS

>> No.12582897

Aaahah I was just about to post this image. I wanted to talk about how like maybe 10 or 15 years ago it would have been such a cool picture. But now it just elicits no emotion from me. I look at these SRB's and feel nothing but hatred for contractors and cost plus bloat

>> No.12582898
File: 171 KB, 220x299, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SN9 launch and SLS 8 minute static fire both happening this weekend
>one of them's probably going to blow up

>> No.12582899
File: 149 KB, 1125x822, 585931AA-8531-4313-B4E8-C1AFC0E9C0C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright guys it’s RealisticWarshipAnon here. I’ve been thinking. If a Nuclear Salt Water engine can fly a brachiostome trajectory with a lot of thrust....why even bother with a fusion engine?

>> No.12582900

Dubs and SN9 explodes on ignition

>> No.12582906

I blame you, Anon.

>> No.12582909

Dubs and it lands on Tim Dodd’s house

>> No.12582910
File: 168 KB, 1000x1000, 34e6878888be567702229218f43fc37d--d-illustrations-space-shuttle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12582911
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You best put those back where you found them motherfucker

>> No.12582915
File: 575 KB, 1416x1080, Screenshot_20210114-002717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that happened

>> No.12582918

>SN9 blows up
>a tsunami of cope floods the internet
>but it's justified, as SN10 nails it a month later

>SLS blows up
>the next core stage is years and billions of dollars away
>Congress snaps
>SLS is cancelled
>Starship gets a cost-plus
>Boing never works on a NASA program again

>> No.12582919

Either way it'll be a heck of a fireworks show.

>> No.12582920

I will find you motherfucker.

>> No.12582923

Dubs and SN10 goes kaboom too

>> No.12582928


>> No.12582934

Dubs and all the dubs curses on snine are reset

>> No.12582935
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not today

>> No.12582936

>Boing never works on a NASA program again
Pure fantasy. You and I both know that a Senate-lead commission would find no fault on Boing!

>> No.12582939

SN9 wont be flying until about Q2 2021, only because it fucked the raptor on shutdown and they have to redo the test campaign

>> No.12582943

No dubs so not true

>> No.12582949
File: 9 KB, 275x183, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enter the immunity dog

>> No.12582951

Do we know what kind of hydrocarbons are on Titan?

>> No.12582953


>> No.12582955


>> No.12582956

When they replace an engine you will apologize

>> No.12582957

I apologize to no man

>> No.12582964

That is no man.

>> No.12582966

This isnt SLS where a minor fuckup results in a 1 year delay.

>> No.12582967

This is not Boing. They don't need half of year to replace an engine.

>> No.12582970

You will NEVER be a woman

>> No.12582972
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>> No.12582973

Personally I feel a burning hatred for fireworks

>> No.12582982

Thank God

>> No.12582985


>> No.12582986
File: 257 KB, 800x1200, 800px-Two_Space_Shuttle_SRBs_on_the_Crawler_transporter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For Sale: Solid Rocket Boosters, Never Flown

>> No.12582989

I'll give you ten bucks, best I can do.

>> No.12582990

Imagine if they just shot them up alone for shits and giggles

>> No.12582993
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>> No.12582994

Come on, the sight of those big-data boosters rolling out on the ML doesn't get your blood pumping even a little bit? You can still think the SLS is a waste of money and nonetheless appreciate a bigass rocket rolling out.

>> No.12582995
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1604106791372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Next planned rocket launch: Electron on Jan 16
>Next planned Falcon 9 launch: Starlink on Jan 17
>Also planned on Jan 17: Virgin Orbit with LauncherOne
>SLS status: overbudget and behind schedule

>> No.12582996

It's true, my trips confirm
Check 'em

>> No.12582998

I wonder how fast they'd accelerate. Would probably shoot off like an ICBM.

>> No.12582999
File: 154 KB, 1200x769, comfyindaelephant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Long weekend
>3 launches
>Country dies afterwards

>> No.12583002

trips and SLS explodes instead

>> No.12583004

Is the landing flip maneuver actually attainable? It's never been done before, and the maths behind are borderline insane. I think Musk, for one, might be over his head here

>> No.12583008

Knowing the time and money that have already been blown on it kinda takes the wind out of my sails in terms of being excited. It's like getting a birthday present after catching your mom giving head to afford it. Sure you got a new gameboy but at what cost?

>> No.12583009
File: 34 KB, 800x533, 050119-rh3-306-photogallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh. You touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding."

>> No.12583013

Dubs and Musk cancels the starship program tomorrow

>> No.12583014
File: 1.10 MB, 1280x720, 1607616266205.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon... SN8 nailed the entire maneuver, it worked nearly flawlessly. If the engines have gotten their fuel, it would have landed.

>> No.12583017

That big explosion at the end says otherwise

>> No.12583020
File: 2.82 MB, 640x360, oof.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Today’s @BlueOrigin landing and the epic view from above the Kármán line. #NeverGetsOld #GradatimFerociter

>> No.12583023

It's true. I've been saying it since day 1. SpaceX is a fraud bankrupt joke. Simply the only thing keeping it up is simple hype, plain and simple.

>> No.12583026

>If the engines have gotten their fuel, it would have landed

>> No.12583027

What the fuck is it doing for a second there? It's just letting itself hover away from the pad, meaning it has to correct more aggressively just to get back.

>> No.12583033

>Boing never works on a NASA program again
never going to happen. boing at this point is a nationalized business. its only private by name. government uses it as a slush fund for themselves and can get away using it as a guise of a private company to sell shit overseas for influence and not being weapons. large part of the world depends on boing aircraft and because of that, america.

>> No.12583034

Someone said in the last thread, but you would think that after so many flights they would actually innovate towards an actual hoverslam.

>> No.12583035
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what happens if there's a lot of rain or a hurricane?

>> No.12583037

you're sick in the head or living under a rock.

>> No.12583040
File: 50 KB, 640x797, jeff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm slightly surprised he was even on site for the launch

>> No.12583041
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Nice try, Senator Shelby.

>> No.12583042

wow they almost missed the pad. someone got their math wrong.

>> No.12583044
File: 12 KB, 250x200, nathan1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They destroy the hurricane

>> No.12583045

I hate how clean he looks

>> No.12583047

well when you start making about $1k a month you can start affording stuff called soap.

>> No.12583048


You are either a moron or baiting but I'll bite regardless:

1: The skydiving Starship fell in a controlled, stable manner. This worked flawlessly.

2: The wing flaps in combination with RCS thrusters kept the Starship under controll and contributed with the flip. This worked flawlessly.

2a: The engines relit successfully and contributed to flipping the Starship. This worked flawlessly.

3: When there was enough fuel available for the Raptor engines, the Starship was deaccelerating in a similar fashion of a Falcon 9 booster. This worked flawlessly.

The only part that didnt work was fuel pressure in the header tanks and since they know the issue, they can fix it.

>> No.12583049

this is not good practice if new glenn is to hoverslam jeff's mom

>> No.12583051

That's right, we should all go to our state representatives, if they're democrat that is, and demand for them to push for the cancelation of the whole starship program
Musk is not the right person at the wheel when it comes to these sorts of things, he knows cars and paypal and thats about it
All of spaceX's scheduling thats made public is completely unrealistic, yet he will not face due consequences for setting such an unrealistic timeline for his ambitions, no matter how deluded they may sound

>> No.12583054
File: 80 KB, 640x800, 139536267_1116403712132311_1654997269909835262_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He actually had some dirt on him in another picture in the set. Even then, it's like he showed up for photo ops and left.

>> No.12583056

Exactly this, why should we waste so much taxpayer money on Elon's fantasy? Universal Basic Income please

>> No.12583058

Yaaas, free healthcare when? Canada has it

>> No.12583059
File: 56 KB, 886x851, 1592973806276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure if being sarcastic or actually a mentally ill freak of nature who is deeply sick in the head. either way ima point to pic related to be safe.

>> No.12583061

>somebody had to go out and put down a little rug and footstool before he would go look at it

>> No.12583062

Make the island higher so it doesn't flood the next time. All of Galveston was raised up so that it doesn't flood.

>> No.12583069

i see vaush faggots have entered the chat. if you people had your way we would still be in the stone age due to people sacrificing technological advancement for free clubs.

>> No.12583071

This place is in need of some serious landscaping

>> No.12583073

sorry, i'm on team amazingatheist

>> No.12583074

Use all that water to produce oxygen on site, then use the hydrogen with boaters to produce methane on site as well.

>> No.12583075

>Even then, it's like he showed up for photo ops and left
Makes sense given how passionate he seems with space flight

>> No.12583077

Its bait.

>> No.12583078

yeah hahaha farting trump boaters LOL

>> No.12583081
File: 229 KB, 1102x509, DEPOTS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12583082

The place really should have been raised before construction but Elon is from C*lifornia and doesn't believe in weather. The monetary losses wouldn't be significant and most stuff could be carted out but the big loss would be time

>> No.12583083

Listen here you big virgin, this starship thingy is going nowhere
Mars is already taken, and it belongs to oldspace
The jobs NASA creates keep it afloat, and barely at that
We can cut funding and end all of your precious fantasies if we don't like how things are looking over at the agency, and we sure as hell can pull some strings to ensure spaceX takes the same route

>> No.12583086

No, all boaters. Indiscriminately.

>> No.12583091
File: 2.82 MB, 300x268, 1609811727515.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

elon is sending people into space and trying to advance humanity. you fuckwits are destroying humanity because of a deep seated, ingrain endorsement of mental illness. along with trumptards storming the capital because of a retard.
you're mentally ill. you can keep denying reality like trump denying he lost but it won't change reality. like trump isn't your president anymore, starship is going somewhere. if you against one man spending money and the government funding projects to advance humanity then quite frankly you are the scum of the earth that needs to go back gagging on trumps orange cock.

you're all sick fucks that want humanity to stay grounded.

>> No.12583093

But boats are cool, I want a boat. All I have is a raft, it's kind of a boat.

>> No.12583096

As long as you don't get too close to the pad when a closure is ongoing do whatever you want. Otherwise into the carbon extractor you go.

>> No.12583100

We were born here as a species, we'll die here as a species
The first man on mars will be a woman
The future is rainbow

>> No.12583103

>The first man on mars will be a woman
Correct, and he will be my wife(male)

>> No.12583105

I have no idea what you're trying to say but I hope you feel better now anon.
I'll sidle right up the the goddamn shore with a beer in hand for a front-row-seat, go ahead and fly I'm not stopping nothing. "Oh no he might get hit with shrapnel if there's an explosion or something", well then that's on me then guy.

>> No.12583109

My gf has the biggest cock I've ever seen on a guy, and im a girl

>> No.12583111
File: 339 KB, 923x1135, 00E08DE1-0BAD-4C19-929E-A71D3E9ED542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give it to me straight, bro’s...will FTL become real?

>> No.12583115

What's FTL?

>> No.12583118

You will never exceed c

>> No.12583120

It's so absurd looking. It's like seeing a 16 story tall building do a backflip. If there weren't 80 cameras on the thing I wouldnt have believed it was real.

>> No.12583122


>> No.12583124

Hmm I've only done bass-to-mouth, i think ill pass

>> No.12583127

Not anon but that type of talk is really disgusting and dangerous. Evolution gave us the greatest gift, the ability to protect ourselves. Capable of having the opportunity to not go extinct on this planet like all species before us. Along with the added ability to save the other creatures evolution made by bring them with us.
A cat will never fly. Will never ride a rocket into space. A cat without us will go extinct on planet. We don't have to. We can save ourselves while also spreading life on this planet to other planets.

We need to honour evolutions gift to spread not only our species amongst the stars but the other species on this planet. We owe it to them for everything we have done and the sacrifices they have made to benefit us. We cannot slow down or stop our advancement. We cannot let the greatest gift evolution has ever given to a species go to waste because a bunch of idiots who only care about themselves in the now for short term benefits.

We are the dominate species on this planet because of our technology. We are not an organic species. The moment we picked up a spear to hunt to artificially increase our range and deadlyness we became artificial. We cannot forgo that. We cannot stop. We have to get off this rock and do everything we must. Or our evolution was a waste and pointless.

>> No.12583132

That's a sweet jacket though.

>> No.12583135

Goddamn some people are taking Shelbyposting way too seriously.

>> No.12583138

>r*ddit spacing
yikes and cringe

>> No.12583139

Based but dude he’s just a troll. Ignore it man

Not gonna lie that’s a cool pic. As much as I dislike Bezos I’m 90% sure I’ll look like him when I’m 30.

>> No.12583140

fuck shelbyville

>> No.12583141
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>> No.12583142
File: 189 KB, 1188x882, F01CE2B2-398E-4B96-A719-286462997808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God some of you fags don’t know what trolling is damn

>> No.12583145


>> No.12583146
File: 1.34 MB, 2205x2300, S65-30427_G04-H_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gemini IV

>> No.12583151

SpaceX might have figured out the landing problem, but will the ever solve the (((other))) problem?

>> No.12583152
File: 1.57 MB, 2205x2300, S65-30431_G04-H_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12583155

I guarantee you Jeff reeks. You know we don't call it Body Odor for nothing, right? Jeff is a confirmed sniffer, and all sniffers love their own natural aroma

>> No.12583157
File: 1.50 MB, 2205x2300, S65-30433A_G04-H_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12583158

I’m surprised Jim BridenSTINE has been such a great guy

>> No.12583159
File: 740 KB, 640x480, 1602801942303.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be on EVA
>fuck up
>go off-tether

>> No.12583161

I just wanted to share a pic of orange rocket before the unironic shelbyposter arrived. :(

>> No.12583162
File: 1.41 MB, 2205x2300, S66-38080_G09-S_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gemini IX-A

>> No.12583163

Fuuuuuuuuck that

>> No.12583165
File: 16 KB, 400x272, 2018071215314247455031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All part of the plan

>> No.12583167
File: 2.24 MB, 2205x2300, S66-46122_G10-S_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gemini X

>> No.12583168

>The moment we picked up a spear to hunt to artificially increase our range and deadlyness we became artificial. We cannot forgo that.
Can you point me to the nearest spear tree?

>> No.12583169
File: 57 KB, 680x448, intp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What would it be like?

>> No.12583170
File: 45 KB, 586x616, IMG_20201208_170528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yes, earth-goy, keep up with the flip maneuvering, you sure got something there, its not like it's a sham or anyt- i mean, oh, look, SN9 up next! How exciting...

>> No.12583171

Historical records show only 1 small overflow of water that destroyed the original boca chica village. I've wondered about it myself, but I think they've got most of their hardware above a certain water level that they can ignore it.

>> No.12583172

holy shit that's actually terrifying
could you pull your oxygen and make the end come quick at least? as far as deaths go, CO2 poisoning isn't that bad

>> No.12583174

They came in off target because the rocket is shitty, blamed the wind even though there were no recorded gusts at all.
Would have more respect for them if they just admitted that their avionics were sloppy and needed a lot more work.

>> No.12583176

Yeah, just find your nearest tree. Some assembly required.

>> No.12583179

Earthers mercilessly bullied into /eg/ which is the boards festering tumor of seething niggers and poorfags.

>> No.12583182

Maybe? I dunno, I'd rather have an hour or two of floating to come to terms and slowly slip away after a time personally. You'd have one hell of a last view, I'd take every moment left to enjoy it.

>> No.12583183

Why do you think Elon is going to fucking Mars of all places? It’s the one place in the solar system you can build a future on with a bunch of long nosed gentleman showing up to destroy you with their golem.

Hopefully spacex accelerates even faster in their operations as things back home are becoming increasingly unstable. Once he gets that colony and it becomes sustainable then all will be well.

>> No.12583184

The point was that spears are artificial to begin with.

>> No.12583186

Do you reckon that in the distant future, earth will be more like a huge slum, or more like a haven for rich people?

>> No.12583189

The point is at the end of the stick if you're clever.

>> No.12583191
File: 486 KB, 680x657, 453867EE-A84E-4DF6-B2C2-8FA8074D7103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/gif/ is full of people posting 7 foot tall belter qts

>> No.12583193

I'm kinda mixed. One one hand it was literally going to miss the pad. Had momentum in the wrong direction and it failed to compensate for that. The only reason it didn't miss it entirely was because it pulled that severe tilt maneuver. On the other hand it's kinda impressive that it managed to do correct course so hard without eating shit

the way its landing algorithm is written?
when altitude =< x && v = 0
{ appraise location, make corrections, bring altitude down to 0}

You can see it have an "oh shit" moment when v = 0 and it clearly moves into a new decision-making tree. It apparently failed to "see" the fact that it was drifting.

>> No.12583194

* without

>> No.12583195

maybe he has an odysseus complex. These jokes are going to be everywhere.

>> No.12583199

A smoking cratered ruin courtesy of space secessionists

>> No.12583200

>All of spaceX's scheduling thats made public is completely unrealistic
this is the weirdest fucking complaint I've ever heard from oldspace.

>> No.12583201
File: 39 KB, 389x577, maxresdefault (8).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget happy merchant Zubrin :)

>> No.12583202

So two smoking craters, only one less so because Mars has thinner atmosphere?

>> No.12583210

I guess once the adrenaline wore off and you came to terms with it, it could be pretty relaxing. Just shooting the shit with Mission Control and whatever family members they can get on the radio before calmly passing away and eventually becoming one hell of a shooting star.
Those first few moments of "shitshitshit" would still be unimaginably awful, though.

>> No.12583214
File: 301 KB, 1580x2072, 30C6BADB-EC05-467B-A46E-E1B362A262B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made me think of what would happen if New Glenn crashed into the deck of its landing ship. Rip dudes on board lol

>> No.12583217
File: 886 KB, 320x240, find-him-and-kill.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12583219

Would burning up in re entry be painful? I mean like let’s say you’re outside the ship. Would you burn up or just die painlessly?

>> No.12583220

>believing in the New Glenn
It's even less likely for it to make an eventual appearance than Bigfoot is

>> No.12583221

Yes goy, build the tiny starships hehehehe

>Hand rubbing intensifies

>> No.12583223

didn't they already get hit by a hurricane?

>> No.12583225

Which rocket is more real? New Glenn or SLS?

>> No.12583226

no they got rocked

>> No.12583227

Remember how hard he shilled SLS and shit on Starship?
>Yes goy fund Boeing and Aerojet
>Nooooo Elon is wrong Starship won’t work
>We need four launches of SLS goyim :)

>> No.12583229

Well SLS is real, I've seen it down at the pad, so

>> No.12583230

SLS is real. You've seen it down at Michoud. We're building the core stage. We have all the engines done, ready to be put on the test stand at Stennis... I don't see any hardware for a Falcon 9 Heavy, except that he's going to take three Falcon 9s and put them together and that becomes the Heavy. It's not that easy in rocketry."

>> No.12583232
File: 54 KB, 720x406, 47BA2301-C72F-4139-B6FD-9A2833E41BA1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS exists it just takes forever to be put together. New Glenn is literally pic related

>> No.12583233

Slow, right now. We're gonna wish we had it after a few SS milestones.

>> No.12583236
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>> No.12583238

>Those first few moments of "shitshitshit" would still be unimaginably awful, though.
You ever have a moment where something happens and in an instant you know it's fucked and will require a lot more effort to repair/clean? I imagine it'd be like that, maybe with a few desperate minutes of hoping someone else finds a solution to your predicament.
That part would suck balls, absolutely. Resigning oneself to fate after, not so much, depending on the person I guess.

>> No.12583244

Very slow given light lag.

>> No.12583245

>waiting 14 minutes minimum to find out if your bait thread got any replies or 404d

>> No.12583248

Looks kino as fuck though. I'd have Blue off the Cowboy Bebop OST playing in my head as I drifted.

>> No.12583252

Why the hell is SN9 hop NET the 18th?

>> No.12583259

Do you think once a Martian colony becomes independent Elon will lock all the diversitynauts outside the airlock?

>> No.12583261

If not then this all is a colossal waste of time

>> No.12583263

sfg should there be a different word for suborbital travelers other than astronauts? I dont want people like yuri to lose the title but if tourist hops on a blue origin hopper should they really be called an astronaut?

>> No.12583264

>Martians actually become the most prolific shitposters because they spend 14 minutes posting into the aether before checking for (You)s

>> No.12583265

Probably want to do extra checks. I think SpaceX really doesn’t want SN9 to crater, too, after getting so close the first time. If SN8 failed on ascent or something SpaceX could just say “Oh well we tried and now we have data :)” but now that SN8 went so well the bar is a bit higher.

>> No.12583270
File: 20 KB, 400x400, VDBht2wz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'll take the Bluepill please
>raking millions of billions of dollars in public contracts
>work zero to little, just enough to keep the dough coming
>bribe state inspectors
>buy votes directly off of senators
>sugar daddy Bezos gets me paid for doing nothing, lacks enough ambition to make sure we're not slacking off
>make up a giant revolutionary rocket and say it'll totally come out, eventually, all the while rejoicing in media praise and space enthusiasts' blind cheers until it all implodes right in my fat fucking stupid face once the clock starts ticking and we only have a couple parts to show for it
>having a fucking feather as a logo
>amazon prime is free

>> No.12583271

Yuri... Gangaran? The ASTROnaut? Anon?

>> No.12583273

>saturn general gets deleted due to slowpoke.jpg spam again
Why do they always pick on the ones with the worst light lag?

>> No.12583274
File: 528 KB, 1000x608, 1609626425454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst part about modern electronics is it means there will be almost no opportunity to work as a space tug pilot.

>> No.12583275
File: 548 KB, 1139x808, CCB637F4-BBA3-4603-9605-47E8FFD63A30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, I'll take the Bluepill please
>>raking millions of billions of dollars in public contracts
>>work zero to little, just enough to keep the dough coming
>>bribe state inspectors
>>buy votes directly off of senators
>>sugar daddy Bezos gets me paid for doing nothing, lacks enough ambition to make sure we're not slacking off
>>make up a giant revolutionary rocket and say it'll totally come out, eventually, all the while rejoicing in media praise and space enthusiasts' blind cheers until it all implodes right in my fat fucking stupid face once the clock starts ticking and we only have a couple parts to show for it
>>having a fucking feather as a logo
>>amazon prime is free

>> No.12583276

Gagarin* fuck me too I guess

>> No.12583277

Cosmonaut, actually.

>> No.12583278

>sfg should there be a different word for suborbital travelers other than astronauts?
Rich larpers.

>> No.12583282

Yeah that's the point though, anon was talking about the term astronaut specifically but mentioned yuri. Unless the Americans have a ruski or a couple of japanese girls I don't know about

>> No.12583291

Sorry for some reason i thought he didnt complete a full orbit.

>> No.12583293

You'd be dead long before then.

>> No.12583294


>> No.12583296

I guess you'd have to punch a hole in your suit and use the leak as a ghetto cold gas thruster and hope you get back inside and repressurize before you die.

>> No.12583301

/sci/ have to redpill the physicists and mathematicians on the reals first.

>> No.12583303

That doesn't really work as a job anyway. At least not without a fucknormous shielded cycler with spingrav, which probably would have permanent personnel although maybe not a pilot persay. Anything less would be slow death.

>> No.12583304

The guy came from South Africa of all places, I would be genuinely surprised if he wasn’t aware of their behaviour especially when his dad killed 3 nogs that broke into his home once when he was a kid.

>> No.12583306

haha just like iron man
but seriously I wonder how much thrust you could get from a pinprick in a fully-pressurized suit.

>> No.12583307


>> No.12583310

Looks like 70s/80s kino.

>> No.12583311

Omg im being racist, how edgy

>> No.12583319

hey did you hear what happens to time as you approach c

>> No.12583320

Yes, because self preservation is racist.

Lmao I’m sure you would prefer to get hacked to death by a local nog raiding party, but thankfully Musks father had a spine and a gun otherwise we wouldn’t have spacex.

>> No.12583334

Pretty much rivers and lakes of everything needed for both Starship and Hank Hill.

>> No.12583335

Seethe and cope

>> No.12583336
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>> No.12583337

>fending off home-invaders is racist just because they were black
If they were a multi-ethnic gang of inclusive minorities would it make a difference? Dead thugs is dead thugs.

>> No.12583339

>CO2 poisoning isn't that bad
CO2 forming carbonic acid in your blood is what triggers your urge to breathe and also your panic reflex. CO2 suffocation is literally up there with burning to death in terms of horribleness. You're thinking of carbon MONOXIDE.

>> No.12583345
File: 113 KB, 500x667, hopwhen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hop wen?

>> No.12583348
File: 99 KB, 1024x768, plinkett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's odorless AND colorless!

>> No.12583355 [DELETED] 

Niggers objectively commit the most violent crimes of any race per capita

>> No.12583357

Suffocating on a noble gas is kino

>> No.12583362

>violence is now quantifiable

>> No.12583366


>> No.12583372
File: 56 KB, 543x376, big_g_landg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big g slides into this thread

>> No.12583377

as quantifiable as these dubs

>> No.12583378
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>> No.12583381


>> No.12583383

Who's more violent then, Hitler or Stalin?

>> No.12583390
File: 55 KB, 960x480, dick_shelby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever supports PROPELLANT DEPOTS more!

>> No.12583392

I guess then you'd probably want to vent to space enough that hypoxia kicks in but not enough that you start feeling you can't breathe.

>> No.12583395
File: 47 KB, 1200x1200, kino.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how the webm you posted is the complete opposite of the clusterfuck you call your political ideology. Starship is based, but so was raiding the capitol. It wasn't even for the orange man anymore, it was because the legislative branch was being too jewish.

>> No.12583401

>On the other hand it's kinda impressive that it managed to do correct course so hard without eating shit
You're not wrong, but the massive issue with the landing system is that it has no smooth transition. It comes screaming in, goes to a hover, then settles down. BO has huge issues with controlling the flight path down to the pad, so they rely heavily on NS being able to get close, come to a hover, then land. You got to see today what happens when the falling pattern is really messed up, it has to regain control and drift back to the pad.
Don't get me wrong, it is impressive and it works. But if BO thinks they can do the same thing with New Glenn, they are going lose a lot of boosters.

>> No.12583406

>But if BO thinks they can do the same thing with New Glenn, they are going lose a lot of boosters.
Good. Maybe they'll learn from their mistakes faster than from endlessly studying models

>> No.12583407

Neither of them killed anyone personally as far as I know, but Stalin might have beaten people a few times, and ran gangs, so probably Stalin.

>> No.12583409

Arguably Stalin as he is known to have personally killed people. He had hundreds of thousands of his own party members and even some of his friends purged and he fucked up any internal faction or ethnic group that tried any shit like the kulaks or didn’t try anything in the case of the Volga Germans and he would have soldiers or officers killed just for fucking up.

Hitler could match him when it came to brutality at war, but for internal actions Stalin has this one in the bag.

>> No.12583412

>/pol/ shit

>> No.12583413

The ship is going to be moving (literally, under power) when New Glenn comes in to land so it literally cannot have any time to hover, it would be hovering right into the manned control deck if it did. So yeah, they absolutely need to fix everything about the landing and NS should have been the test bed for it but they don't care.
It used to seem like a sure thing BO would at least produce the first reusable orbital class booster not under the auspices of SpaceX. As this goes on I start to wonder.

>> No.12583414

>nooo dont revolt against governments nooo

Fuck off bootlicker.

>> No.12583419

Stalin fought in the civil war and even before it including a famous case where he robbed a bank and killed a bunch of random civilians.

>> No.12583425

Chad Stalin. Fuck modern baizuo for ruining my mental image of communists. Mass produced T-55s, Soyuz soaring to the heavens, T-34s and AKs, shit was cash

>> No.12583429
File: 82 KB, 649x840, LCLV1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it have worked?

>> No.12583432

Hovering static relative to the ground is functionally identical to hovering static relative to a moving target in terms of software desu.

>> No.12583435

No. Next old concept?

>> No.12583438
File: 503 KB, 961x749, SaturnS1D_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about this one?

>> No.12583443

So they're gonna pull up alongside, match speed, and tokyo drifto into place? Because that does not at all sound as easy as hovering and putting down without matching lateral velocity with a third party, and just saying it doesn't make it convincing. It'd be pretty sick though, admittedly.

>> No.12583447

>single stage
>in image: staging

>> No.12583449

Literally an absolute UNIT

>> No.12583451

>a stage is a stage you can't say it's only a half

>> No.12583462

>Throwing away five F-1s to put 23 tons into LEO
Uh no

>> No.12583466

well atleast the view is nice

>> No.12583479

Hitler might have killed a few people during the first world war, depending on whether he was a good shot or not idk.

>> No.12583484

Back when "stage" meant "set of tanks"

>> No.12583485

neither and both. everyone will treat earth as 'home' and most will retire there someday. majority of people will never leave the planet and obviously the poor are stuck here, but the rich won't be escaping either (because not earth is going to be shittier than earth for a LONG time)

>> No.12583491

Hovering relative to the ground is just adjusting to get zero velocity vectors relative to the ground. Its the same for a moving target except for the vertical axis, which for a boat will be variable. If you want to make it sound really complicated just mention that New Shephard is actually cancelling velocity relative to the surface of a massive spinning ball of magma with a thin rock crust hurtling around the Sun at 30km/s.

>> No.12583496

A huge slum where the most destitute individual is more wealthy than a modern day billionaire due to how far technology has advanced. Kinda like how modern day slums often have sheet metal roofs and many plastic items and of course modern or near modern electronics.

>> No.12583503

I think he was a message runner, which is admirable of course but not really violent.

>> No.12583505
File: 361 KB, 612x422, pw3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a shitshow. this thing has been ready for 6 years and still no passengers which is the ONLY thing it can do and can only do for a few seconds before they return below the Karman line. can we all agree that the BO team is officially worse than even the NASA SLS team?

>> No.12583507

Consumerism and overcomfort make modern people experiencing living standards which are astounding compared to the past somehow still manage to complain.

>> No.12583514

At least SLS will be orbital

>> No.12583523

Well in that case yeah, probably a 0-0 kd ratio on that guy.

>> No.12583526
File: 149 KB, 1177x1600, program-Constellation-test-rocket-Ares-I-X-Launch-Oct-28-2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they pretty much did already

>> No.12583527

You can't make matching speed with the ship not an extra step. Well, actually, you could. If you did a proper suicide burn. To do it while hovering, though, means managing an additional velocity during that maneuver. Go re-watch their booster's behavior with absolutely no significant confounding factors and see if you think that same booster is ready to manage even a small tangential velocity vector while handling the same maneuver.

>> No.12583534

The drop engine half-stage had parachutes. It's the original version of what became SMART. You're "only" throwing away a single engine plus the stage body. With F-1Bs it'd actually be a pretty cheap design.

>> No.12583536
File: 2.25 MB, 320x240, 132F7DB7-9723-484B-A201-230FFC7596C3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ares I was awesome but horribly impractical. It would’ve flown Orion for the first time in 2015...three years after Dragon flew on Falcon 9 for 1/3rd the cost

>> No.12583545

... on a solid booster that almost guarantees death in the event of a failure

>> No.12583549

Well I mean they are sending astronauts on starliner which almost guarantees death even without the event of a failure.

>> No.12583553

SN9 is going to explode for sure, I think the 4th or 5th attempt will actually stick the landing.
As for SLS part of me wants it to explode for the oldspace cope but there is not way it gets canned and it exploding just takes more money away from other projects.

>> No.12583556

What are you thinking, identical failure to SN8 or something else? I have a good feeling about this one but if it fails I'm betting it crumples a landing leg at the last minute and falls over, fulfilling the prophecy of her being Tipper

>> No.12583564
File: 1.74 MB, 880x1131, 320926_81_39721_NoTJTIWFS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Habitable planets aren't nearly as important as you might think. If you have advanced enough technology to build a fleet of colony ships and send them off at 10% c, you probably have advanced enough technology to turn all the asteroid in your system into a massive amount of O'Neill cylinders. And once you run out of asteroids you can just starlift a ridiculous amount of matter off the sun. The most likely reason you would want to go to another star system, is to get away from the people in your home system.

>> No.12583566

Getting a fusion engine approved by the gov is maybe doable. a NSWR is so far out of the bounds of acceptable that it boggles the mind. These fuckers have sadly made the use of even HEU in space reactors a nightmare-they'd have a stroke at a machine powered by a continuous fission reaction.

>> No.12583572

It'll be something new, I'm thinking engine throttling as that never really got tested on SN8 due to it going oxygen lean and engine rich.

>> No.12583573

>The most likely reason you would want to go to another star system, is to get away from the people in your home system.
I mean that's why I want to get away from Earth so yeah

>> No.12583579

>He doesn’t know

>> No.12583580

The original Ares I/Orion plan was a lot better. In this, Orion was designed to have three variants. There was the manned one we all know and love. There was also an unmanned variant that still has the capsule (think of it like a gigantic version of dragon). The third and final version of Orion had the same service module as the first two but a giant cargo module like Cygnus (but fatter). Ares I was supposed to fly 4-6 times per year.

>> No.12583581

didn't you see https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-promoting-small-modular-reactors-national-defense-space-exploration/

>> No.12583583

You can do LEU NSWR so it's just a matter of getting enough spicy rocks into orbit and lying about what the boron tubes are for.

>> No.12583585

None of that BS is anything more than sci-fi

>> No.12583587

SRB’s are expensive thought. From what I understand (correct me if I am wrong) SRB’s were used in the early days because they were cheap. But now for some reason they cost a fuck ton. Could a solid rocket motor be made dirt cheap if it was made by someone like spacex?

>> No.12583593

How many full sized prototypes did they make for SLS?

>> No.12583597

They made a flight version core stage but never mated it and instead popped the two tanks for pressure tests.

>> No.12583601

>But now for some reason they cost a fuck ton.
SRBs are still cheaper than cryogenic engines. It's just that reusable liquid fueled rockets are even less expensive.

>> No.12583616

I'm sure a competent aerospace company could produce super cheap SRBs. Still you are throwing them away every launch since there isn't any real mechanism to reuse them.

>> No.12583623
File: 17 KB, 400x289, LFBB_line_drawing_plain.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since there isn't any real mechanism to reuse them
Then make one

>> No.12583626

Solid rocket port tail fin to orbit when bros?

>> No.12583631

It's not about bringing it back. You can't refuel them like you can a liquid rocket, each time you have to essentially rebuild it. Also I'm no rocket scientist but I bet solid fuel is a shitload more expensive than methalox.

>> No.12583633

dumb question: when you watch rocket engines fire the flame isn't just a 100% neat flame. There are always streaks that emerge and then quickly disappear. Even very clean burners like the raptor and SSME have periodic orange streaks. Are these streaks combustion instability that quickly resolves itself or what?

>> No.12583642
File: 572 KB, 1024x576, S2Ep05_00383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is /x/ allowed to post here

>> No.12583645

Senior NASA Scientist Pleads Guilty To Making False Statements Related To Chinese Thousand Talents Program Participation And Professorship

>> No.12583651
File: 54 KB, 475x346, guillotine french revolution.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12583652

Any NASA employee convicted of selling out to a foreign country or company should be strapped into the flame trench for a rocket launch.

>> No.12583653
File: 1.34 MB, 1500x2100, meyya meyyappan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just trust me you dumb fucks

>> No.12583655

Elon confirming 2 of snine's engines were damaged during static fires

>> No.12583657

tip of the iceberg

>> No.12583660


>> No.12583662
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>> No.12583665

odd. They did multiple firings so the damage clearly didn't render them inoperable. But I'm sure they want the engines at 100% for the flight

>> No.12583666

Jokes on them, there is no technology to steal from NASA.

>> No.12583668

We exist... only to suffer

>> No.12583669

>engine swap...needs a few hours at most
Mad lads

>> No.12583671

When are they going to dig a fucking flame trench and stop yeeting concrete chunks back at the engines.

>> No.12583677
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>flame trench

>> No.12583680
File: 475 KB, 1125x655, F627D970-2E39-495E-B2C8-0E080CFFBD11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SN9 only flying to 10 kilometers


>> No.12583681

>You can't refuel them like you can a liquid rocket, each time you have to essentially rebuild it
Remove the cap and put the new grain in

>> No.12583684

I told you SN9 was totaled

>> No.12583687

I guess New Shepherd really is our only hope now. Sad!

>> No.12583688


>> No.12583694

If you think about it ... a reusable solid rocket booster would be even better than a reusable liquid one. Throttle by varying the oxidant injection. Refuel by replacing the grain. No need for venting anything other than O2.

>> No.12583700

Do they need to static fire the new set?

>> No.12583712


>> No.12583721

i figure SN9's first flight is completely focused on the landing/header tank. Afterwards I'd expect them to go supersonic on ascent.

>> No.12583723

You would think a poo would be absolutely against selling out to China give their relations, but I guess not.

Or maybe he isn’t a poo hard to tell.

>> No.12583737

Could be a Paki. China is currently trying to make them into a vassal state

>> No.12583755
File: 146 KB, 750x589, FDD430C8-37FE-4C8D-A620-8AC9726D0B1F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would the mass penalty be too big? Even if it was made just thin enough to stop pebble-sized rock bullets?

>> No.12583773

Doesn’t seem to be worth it to SpaceX desu.

>> No.12583779

Underrated, and quite frankly based

>> No.12583782

Who gives a fuck about mass penalties? It can lift 100 tons to LEO.

>> No.12583783


>> No.12583786

>half inch steel plate to protect the Raptors

>> No.12583788

the problem was never engine swap times. they have to do the whole campaign over again. fucking shitty raptors god damn

>> No.12583793

We don’t know if the problem is because of the Raptors or the concrete

>> No.12583794
File: 287 KB, 580x441, jwst25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw china steals the plans for jwst from nasa and it causes the collapse of the chinese economy

>> No.12583795

Loving the cope in here blaming it on a lack of flame trench. Even Tom Mueller himself is not as stupid as /sfg/ to think Raptor in any way reliable. In an interview last year, he said Raptor would take much longer than Merlin to become reliable

>> No.12583801

The long con

>> No.12583806

Do you do this for free or does Bezos pay you?

>> No.12583808


>> No.12583811

Free Amazon delivery for estrogen

>> No.12583812
File: 1.79 MB, 498x276, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12583815
File: 58 KB, 444x538, roman clothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck are clothes going to work on a Martian colony? Are we going to have to go ghetto like the ISS and wear the same thing all year? How much flax or cotton or whatnot would we have to grow to make an ample supply of cotton and linen? Would something like pic related be easier to manufacture as opposed to modern tshirts and pants? Also I guess leather is off the table lmao

>> No.12583821
File: 137 KB, 320x640, roman-toga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roman togas

>> No.12583826

it's probably the GSE. You feed an engine shit you get shit

>> No.12583827

Comfypilled. Walking around all day in a toga would be nice.

>> No.12583835

Nudism should be enforced. Wearing clothing without environmental reasons is objectively retarded.

>> No.12583839

Does Tom Mueller work for Bozo too? Get real man

>> No.12583840

>It's a literal nudist colony

>> No.12583852


>> No.12583862

>Starship literally rings like a bell at takeoff from Martian shrapnel

>> No.12583868

what a piece of shit lmao, BE-4 will rule supreme

>> No.12583920

I've been thinking about this a lot lately and I've come to conclusion - chemically regenerated cellulose like lyocell of viscose
made from straw, leaves and other waste side products from hydroponic system
if that's not enough, bamboo can be processed into fibers - either mechanically or chemically

I'll put my notes, speculations and ideas into some kind of OC infographic later
nothing beats a T-shirt and shorts in terms of practicality and it's easy to make them
the hard part is making fabric

>> No.12583926

Or you could just not waste resources and energy on clothes.

>> No.12583934

is it a waste of resources if its literally waste?

>> No.12583935

You could use that poo to make bricks

>> No.12583973

no, SRBs

>> No.12583980

Before answering that you should first address the issue of atmosphere.
Since Nitrogen is hard to get at least for now, an atmosphere of pure oxygen at 0.2 bar is the cheapest solution, but it is also dangerous.
You need sprinklers ready everywhere and non flammable things, clothes especially.

>> No.12583985

put a picture of Starship in there

>> No.12583987

Yeah I would love to see it. Sounds interesting

>> No.12583988

You can build houses out of rice husks on Earth, but I doubt mudbricks can hold atmosphere
besides - why waste resources and energy on inner walls? You already threw the notion of privacy out of an airlock with nudist colony policy

>> No.12583993

will sn9 launch in feb or march?

>> No.12583994

so only SLS static fire this weekend after all, huh?

>> No.12583995

>hop reduced to 10km, NET the 19th

>> No.12583997

the absolute state of space-x

>> No.12583999

>so only SLS static fire this weekend after all, huh
>this weekend
You will be lucky if there's going to be SLS static fire this year

>> No.12584000

In Monday, Mr. Shelby.

>> No.12584001

Actually, SLS static fire is the only thing that wont be delayed. It's happening tomorrow. Screencap this and call me delusional

>> No.12584004

What a world where SN9 kneecaps itself and is about to be one-upped by SLS. Sheesh...

>> No.12584008
File: 65 KB, 850x83, delusional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

done and done

>> No.12584010
File: 224 KB, 1125x1093, A82BE233-86EC-4B1B-91E0-2D89835ABC9A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are speculating a few things
1) The Raptors are actually in good shape, but Elon and the team want them to be better. Apparently any issues with the Raptors happened after the first burn, but SpaceX was still cool with firing them two more times. This, combined with the delay to announce the Raptors being taken off likely means that there was A LOT of data review. It’s likely that the Raptors are good, but not quite 100%.
2) It seems like SN9 is specifically designed to test the landing. This makes sense because it’s the one thing that SN8 didn’t get quite right. It’s okay to lower the apogee because all you need is a bellyflop. The lower apogee also gives less of a chance for a Raptor to blow up or fail in flight, too.
3) SpaceX is being extra cautious with SN9 BECAUSE of optics. SN8 did so well that anything less would be a disappointment. SpaceX wants the best engines for the job, and they want the highest chance of a successful landing. My personal theory is that SpaceX is trying to show off for the HLS down select because SN9 might be the last Starship flight before the decision of which HLS to fund. You bet your ass they want a successful landing.

>> No.12584022

>No header tank in nose
Ayy lmao

>> No.12584027

Lunar Starship has no header tanks. Also does anyone have a mass estimate on it? Regular Starship is said to mass 120 tons but I have no idea if that is for the cargo variant, or one with a crew cabin in the nose

>> No.12584031

What a garbo picture, I can't even tell what half that shit is meant to be. And why are there 500 pipes running in circles on every deck floor/ceiling?

>> No.12584033

Why does it say NET 19th when the earliest TFR says 18th?

>> No.12584038

dunno where they got 10km either, still says surface to unlimited

>> No.12584059
File: 510 KB, 1080x3240, SpaceX Lunar Starship cutaway diagram.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best i can do

>> No.12584072

>they've already started the countdown

>> No.12584079

Happy New Test!

>> No.12584081

Scared, SpaceX stan?

>> No.12584085

god, don't even joke about that. not after GR-7.

>> No.12584086

>the nosecone docking port
two starships sitting in orbit, k-i-s-s-i-n-g

>> No.12584089

>open airlock
>engulfed in comfy LOX

>> No.12584094

Just think of all the workers down there in Alabama.

>> No.12584103

It's for Orion, not other Starships. Artemis HLS architecture is a giant meme.

>> No.12584106

I think you mean the patriots down in Alabama

>> No.12584123

Why don't they just get the SRB mafia to rebuild the 1960-70s tier ICBM arsenal, giving them something to do and putting money towards non shit space projects instead.

>> No.12584126

Arms reduction treaties.

>> No.12584130

They literally are:

>> No.12584135

No. Only female-to-bunny.

>> No.12584137
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>> No.12584139
File: 115 KB, 796x805, 1600579901377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that kind, this kind.

>> No.12584142

Artemis HLS is retarded. NASA should jus pump $1 Billion per year into Starship and spend the rest of its SLS and Orion money building cool deep space missions. I know this will never happen but remember: Starship is an unstoppable force. It will happen. SpaceX will move heaven and Earth to ensure that it flies, and this level of certainty is something even SLS doesn’t have with the entirety of the US government behind it

>> No.12584147

A lot of the Minotaur and Minotaur-C (formerly Taurus) rockets reuse 1980s era stages. Seriously, the latest Minotaur IV launch used solid stages that were cast in 1989. They just kept for that long.

>> No.12584148

NASA should get out of the fucking way

>> No.12584151
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See >>12583244
New slowest board.
So hyperventilation and an extreme panic attack where you think you're going to die except you actually are going to die?
Half A press.

>> No.12584154
File: 1.24 MB, 3000x2091, 1591021840275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems like a complete meme, is it?
Neighborhood/town-sized spin grav stations > state-sized O'Neill cylinders

>> No.12584160

and people are moaning about ladder for NT lander being too long

>> No.12584163

I would love both of them to happen desu. Too bad O’Neil cylinders are impossible with current tech.

LunarShip has a ladder

>> No.12584164

Honestly they should just throw money at cislunar tug companies as well as SpaceX to really get the costs down. Then once there's a system for ferrying smallsats from Starship rideshares in LEO out beyond the magnetosphere, 4ASS can kludge together a cheapass non-superconducting plasma magnet sail demo mission.

>> No.12584165

Moonship doesn't have a ladder. It has an elevator.

>> No.12584179
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It has a winch/elevator

>> No.12584186

Irish diaspora on the Moon when

>> No.12584190

It is for other starships also, how else would people transfer between two starships?

>> No.12584203
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Simply installing a Von Braun style station in orbit would really convince people the idea of living in space. Right now its seems everyone is myopic about space habitation, assuming we'll be living in zero gravity.

>> No.12584211

NASA commercial crew-style fixed price contracted competition for two von braun stations fucking when??

>> No.12584223

when will it hop?
they finished the static fires so they should be ready right?

>> No.12584225
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1 cubic meter of air weighs about 1kg
starship has enough capacity to lift 100t = 100000 cubic meters
that's enough nitrogen to fill 8 basic 15 floor commieblocks with normal atmosphere

>> No.12584232

next week. raptors are kill (as per usual)

>> No.12584242

Yes starlifting is an absurd meme

>Bro just build a gigantic series of magnetic field generators around the sum and enormous collection devices to receive massive quantities of hydrogen/helium/whatever
>Ok now you need to take that hydrogen/helium/whatever and fuse it into trillions of tonnes of useful elements


>> No.12584247

Why does the lunar lander starship even have atmosphere engines? If it doesn't return to Earth, when is it ever gonna burn in atmosphere?

>> No.12584260

Is there a word for this kind of BS? Super out your ass type concepts that I can write off as retarded and focus on more productive discussions

>> No.12584263

It wont. Artist is just a mega retard

>> No.12584266


>> No.12584271
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Science Fiction General amirite

>> No.12584276
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Please invest

>> No.12584287

and then there's these fucking grifters. ugh, they should team up with ARCA

>> No.12584300

We're so bored waiting for something interesting to happen so it's understandable

>> No.12584308

>Sci fi

The problem is that plenty of fully achievable and realistic concepts get lumped in with this phrase.

>Hurr U want to send millions of ppl to Mars in chemical rockets? Lmaaaaoooo sci fi
>Hurr U think U can just use big fission engines for rockets? Lmaaaaoooooo sci fi
>Hurrrr U think U can provide the basic needs of humans outside of urf? Lmaooooooooo sci fi


>> No.12584314

someone has watched too much isaac arthur

>> No.12584321

Now that's a man who loves stuff that's out your ass

>> No.12584323

I was shitting on it as a retarded concept. Stop letting that fat fuck live rent free in your head and making you seethe 24/7 anon. We see you posting about him all the time, it's not healthy to be so obsessed.

>> No.12584327

huh? I've never watched a video of his before, I just heard he likes poo

>> No.12584332

It's embarrassing to try so hard anon. Everyone in these threads recognises you.

>> No.12584340
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>> No.12584343

Yes, even Zubrin-chan recognises your unhealthy rent free obsession.

>> No.12584349
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Will Jim be back?

>> No.12584358

So no hop today...
I was planning on not studying and slacking, fuck it, now I'll have to.

>> No.12584366

i was shitting on it too
also i mentioned isaac arthur like maybe 3 times in total here so you clearly confuse me with another anon

>> No.12584389

I blame you, you son of a bitch.
Stop posting your fetish here weirdo I've already told you before.

>> No.12584394

you are talking to at least 3 different anons

>> No.12584416

The problem is that at low enough pressure, oxygen exchange in your lungs goes the other way, it literally pulls the oxygen out of your blood.

>> No.12584466

Pray for big Jim

>> No.12584473
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>Scientists and engineers now know how to build a station in space that would circle earth 1,075 miles up. The job would take 10 years, and cost twice as much as the atom bomb.

>> No.12584501

I shown you my rocket please invest

>> No.12584524
File: 611 KB, 1209x1600, Never forget what they took from you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry anon, NASA will get us back to the moon soon!*

>> No.12584528

Replace matching speed with the ground with matching speed with the ship, you dummy.

>> No.12584543

>I'm thinking engine throttling as that never really got tested on SN8
The engines were continuously throttling down during the entire ascent, dude. They'd throttle down until they hit minimum settings, then one of the engines would cut off and the other two would throttle up a bit to maintain the same acceleration. This was done because as propellants were used the vehicle got lighter and lighter, but they didn't want to run out of propellant while still moving upwards.

>> No.12584548

No they aren't, they're only cheaper than oldspace engines. Raptor blows the fuck out of any solid booster in terms of thrust per dollar, even if you include the structural mass of the tanks etc.

>> No.12584565

>Since Nitrogen is hard to get at least for now
Mars' atmosphere is 2% nitrogen and any Starship-based colony is going to be harvesting many thousands of tons of that atmosphere annually, which means many dozens/hundreds of tons of nitrogen by-product. Nitrogen is not hard to get on Mars.

>> No.12584578

Actually in starlifting you're just taking all that material from the star and sifting out the ~1% non-hydrogen-non-helium stuff, then putting the H2 and He somewhere else. It's still retarded.

>> No.12584582

Yeah it will. Lunar Starship needs the SL engines because during launch from Earth in the first place it needs the thrust of at least 6 Raptors total to achieve orbit in time.

>> No.12584588

I'm starting to think you have brain damage.
Matching speed with a constant velocity on the Earth's surface while hovering over it means actively maintaining that velocity vector. You don't just "match speed" and suddenly share a frame of reference like it's orbit, at any point in your hover you are actually on a parabolic arc which does not have a constant velocity vector relative to your moving target. Do you understand?

>> No.12584592

It doesn't unless I'm blind

>> No.12584599

You know Starship is the second stage, right retard? When it lights it will be practically vacuum. You are a dumb fucking anon

>> No.12584600

It's literally the same, are you ok?

>> No.12584605

You know it needs to have enough thrust to accelerate quickly enough that it can circularize before passing apoapsis and falling back into the atmosphere, don't you retard?
This is why launch vehicle second stages need a TWR of at least ~0.8.

>> No.12584614
File: 24 KB, 1024x518, Lunar-Starship-Artemis-SpaceX-render-1-crop-2-c-1024x518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official Lunar Starship render from SpaceX, note the three SL and three Vacuum Raptors on the base. Now fuck off.

>> No.12584618

Guess what type of engines they will be, retard. Okay okay I'll give you a hint. Ready? Not fucking sea level engines. You mouthbreathing troglodyte

>> No.12584622

Alright anon, fine. You live in a different world. It must be nice to maintain constant velocity without input energy despite not being in a fucking vacuum.

>> No.12584623
File: 95 KB, 1170x660, SpaceX-Books-Passenger-On-Its-New-Rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh-oh, pal. I have a render too. Renders are real reflection of what will happen in reality. Fucking destroyed and debunked

>> No.12584624

>believing official renders

>> No.12584647

I'm not saying it's gonna have vacuum engines in the final version, I was just complaining about the renders having them.

>> No.12584654

It'll have a whole lot of speed from the superheavy, will it really need to fire its atmosphere engines as well as its vacuum engines? Wouldn't that just be wasting fuel? Three vacuum raptors firing full blast is gonna produce a lot of thrust.

>> No.12584664

Wind doesn't matter for a slow moving platform, because wind also exists when you're trying to land on land.

>> No.12584672

They will be 3 Sea level and 3 vacuum Raptors.
That's from 2016 and shows the ITS landed on Enceladus. I posted a render of HLS Starship landing on the Moon which was posted by SpaceX last year.

>> No.12584682

It won't be enough thrust, and it won't be moving fast enough. The Booster is gonna separate at a couple km/s, which is enough that if Starship did nothing it would fall back down after about a minute or two of parabolic arc.
Fully loaded Starship masses >1500 tons. Starship with zero payload and enough propellant to reach LEO would mass ~1200 tons. Raptor produces ~200 tons-force of thrust, meaning six of them firing at once would allow Starship to hover (maintain a TWR of 1).
Basically, yeah, Starship will absolutely need all 6 engines firing at once during the burn to orbit. At some point during ascent it's likely that the SL engines will shut down and the rest of the burn will be completed with the vacuum engines, but that can only happen once TWR and gravity loss factors minimize.

>> No.12584688

>they'll just compensate because it's a trivial problem
Meanwhile BO cannot compensate because it's not a trivial problem, lol. Hovering is so retarded compared to a suicide burn.

>> No.12584702

>Wouldn't that just be wasting fuel?
It's not wasting fuel vs. not wasting fuel. It's wasting fuel through gravity losses (lower thrust) vs. wasting fuel through inefficiency (underexpansion).

>> No.12584713

TWR doesn't matter once you're out of atmosphere and going approximately sideways, you only need enough time to burn to orbital speed without reentering

>> No.12584722

At some point you have to give up and tell a motherfucker to go play KSP. This is that point here.

>> No.12584723

wait a minute...you're telling me they broke TWO raptors?? so anon was wrong, he said they would only replace one. get fucked doomer anon

>> No.12584741

Which is your favourite?

>Terrestrial planets
>Gas giants
>Ice giants

>> No.12584745

Terrestrials, I like walking on solid things. Magnetospheres are pretty cool too.

>> No.12584775

>having one uniform surface instead of a dozen with a wide range of conditions and resources
Gas giant gang, disregard planets acquire moons

>> No.12584785

the sun

>> No.12584796
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>> No.12584835

I'm not saying that BO won't have problems dude, if anything I'm saying it's pathetic that they can't even get ground based landings nailed down. Water platforms do add one extra variable, vertical height variation through time, and also they're smaller (NS could feasibly land on any patch of desert, though it'd probably get scuffed). BO has a shitload of homework to do before NG landings on their manned(!) platform ship become likely to succeed.

>> No.12584854

>you only need enough time to burn to orbital speed without reentering
Which is a function of TWR you fucking carrot.
Starship will separate comparatively low and slow relative to all other TSTO rockets, due to having such a massive second stage vehicle. This benefits the Booster because starting off lower and slower means less performance is necessary to do RTLS landings, and benefits the upper stage because it needs a huge delta V budget anyway in order to do the other things it's designed for, ie get to Mars and back.
Like the other guy said, you need to go play ksp, in fact go play real scale Ksp so that you don't get tricked by how the velocity necessary to escape the atmosphere in vanilla Ksp is effectively half of orbital velocity. On Earth, Starship will be dropped off by the Booster with a kiss on the forehead and a pat on the bum maybe 80 km up and moving no faster than 2 km/s. Starship then needs to reach at least 5.5 km/s for TWR to "not matter", and then expend a further 2.3 km/s to reach a stable orbit. For the acceleration up to 5500 m/s it will be more efficient to use all six engines despite being in vacuum or near vacuum the entire time, because gravity losses and also needing to push out the apoapsis. After that the vehicle can shut off the sea level engines and finish the burn with at an Isp about 15 seconds higher than when all engines were running.
Just remember please that the only time efficiency matters enough for Starship to NEED to only use the vacuum engines is for the burn to Mars/Moon from LEO after refilling on propellants.

>> No.12584858

based, also engine swap according to Elon takes a few hours at most, and the engines are only slightly damaged since they actually fired for that third time -after- being roughed up.

>> No.12584866

Ice giants in the habitable zone, with large terrestrial moons (either primordially formed, produced via giant impact, or captured during the messy period of system formation).
Reminder that a warm ice giant would likely have elevated concentrations of He3 and deuterium compared to cold ice giants, and much more relative to any gas giants, while also having a taller atmospheric scale height due to being warmer, making extraction more feasible.

>> No.12584872

Good that you at least understand that. Now the only thing left is where does the twr>1 requirement comes from.

>> No.12584889
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Hey guise, I just realized something...
What if Jeff Who's actual plan is to throost vertically to GEO, then he doesn't have to go sideways to reach orbital velocity!

>> No.12584915

There's nothing simpler and cheaper than SRB - that's why they are so widely used.

>> No.12584939

>le cope
The beauty of this particular private spaceflight company is we'll just have to wait a week or two at most and see for ourselves.

>> No.12584947
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>> No.12584962

>My personal theory is that SpaceX is trying to show off for the HLS down select because SN9 might be the last Starship flight before the decision of which HLS to fund. You bet your ass they want a successful landing.
Most likely this.

>> No.12584964


>> No.12584967


>> No.12584970


>> No.12584975

you missed

>> No.12584978

not nice

>> No.12584979

It doen't need to be >1. It needs to be greater than ~0.8. With full tanks, payload, and only the three Raptor Vacs, the TWR will be nowhere near 0.8.

>> No.12584983

>there's nothing cheaper
>monopolized market which never gives out its numbers
I wonder.

>> No.12584988

They're widely used because oldspace liquid rocket engine providers are running a racket and charging dozens to hundreds of millions per engine. Also many rockets use SRBs in order to generate more orders for military ICBM providers.

>> No.12585009

small Maine-based sounding rocket launch at about 12pm eastern. currently in hold due to weather. their hybrid engine uses lox and a bio-derived solid fuel

>> No.12585016

no, he was saying that they need to improve the engine swap process so they're taking time right now to practice

>> No.12585022

hop in next month, now seethe

>> No.12585027



>> No.12585034
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>> No.12585039


>> No.12585049

Hop off a bridge seetheposter.

>> No.12585053
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>> No.12585058
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>> No.12585059

That's cool but for what purpose?

>> No.12585062

have sex

>> No.12585066

Many celestial bodies in the solar system that are potentially interesting for future exploration missions, such as the satellites of Saturn and Jupiter, Enceladus and Europa, as well as the polar regions of Mars, contain significant amounts of water ice. Devin Carrol and Mark Yim from the University of Pennsylvania decided to investigate the use of this material in robot construction and built a prototype of a small robot out of ice.

>> No.12585067

Shit. Nuclear salt water is literally the Epstein drive. I hope elon musk invest all into making it a reality after starship flies. You just build it in orbit and use the starship as taxi

>> No.12585071
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>> No.12585076

Look at his giggling facet he knows what's up. It's gonna be a long time before eva 420

>> No.12585077

bye bye estronaut

>> No.12585099

It's essentially like making something out of stone. Sure, there's plenty around for ISRU, but it has limited usage a reason: really only has compressive strength, brittle, wears fast. Great if you want to make a load bearing structure and use it right, not great for much else. It wou;ld make more sense to use ice where you can compensate for its downsides with sheer mass, meaning static structures, and importing metals. Both Saturn and Jupiter should have metal sources among their moons.

>> No.12585104
File: 24 KB, 229x343, 1488920227034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is Raptor's problem

>> No.12585108

Based recovery.

>> No.12585113

some moons litteraly have almost only ice,

>> No.12585114

elon tweets are so fucking obtuse i really dont know why i try to understand them. there's always at least 3 possible interpretations

>> No.12585121

It hasn't been blessed by an Orthodox Priest from Russia yet

>> No.12585123

Plausible deniability.

>> No.12585124

so the ceo of a billionaire company whos doing the most to save mankind takes a minute to personally answer your questions without charging you for it but you don tlike the style in which he answers boooooo hoooooooooo

>> No.12585126

I think Epstein drive is actually some sort of afterburning fusion engine but yeah, torch drive

>> No.12585130

bad post
yeah, he's turned the pace up on his whole life too high I think

>> No.12585133

Hence importing. Just source from another moon nigga. It'll be cheaper in the long run than hamstringing the capability of your infrastructure

>> No.12585135

it's not "style" it's autism

>> No.12585136


>> No.12585141

based, he was the only anon who was have told been the truth. i salute yee

>> No.12585148

tfw the >delusional fags were right

>> No.12585150

Unironically the raptor team was led by Elon and Tom Mueller had no major role in its development

>> No.12585151

No he was talking about the team working on getting the Starship launch sequence more routine and reliable, hence 3 fires in rapid succession.

>> No.12585156

>please seethe, I have nothing unless you are upset by progress

>> No.12585158


>> No.12585165

You'd not use pure ice, that's stupid. If we're gonna build vehicles out of frozen water they're going to resemble composite materials, with water ice instead of resin, with embedded fibers of whatever description. For example, water ice with embedded cellulose fibers is actually extremely strong. Panels of fiberglass cloth several centimeters thick mixed with water and frozen would also be very very strong. The idea is that the addition of fibers removes the brittleness of the water ice because cracks cannot easily propagate.

>> No.12585170

>only methane rocket that's ever flown (i think?), only FFSC that's ever flown
>upgraded from "blows up half the time" to "needs repairs"
It's doing its best, okay?

>> No.12585172

uhhh yep :)

>> No.12585175

Also it only needs repairs because it's firing directly onto a concrete slab with no sound suppression and also likely production of debris.

>> No.12585179

hey that's true

>> No.12585181

Use of emoticons should be a bannable offence on 4chan.

>> No.12585187

That would eliminate whole "pure ISRU" part which breaks the reasoning for using it in the first place. Sure, it would be better to use something like pykrete than pure ice, but by import mass and availability as well as by performance, it would be better to use metal than something like pykrete.

>> No.12585200


>> No.12585202

What makes you think you can't make synthetic fibers in situ, dude? Even cotton would be fine, and that only consumes carbon (in terms of what you can't recycle back into the ecological loop of your farm). Or you could skip the biological stuff and directly synthesize thin plastic fibers from methane produced in-situ, which could then be baked into carbon fibers just like we do here on Earth. Of course you could also extract the stony material from the dirty ice and generate silicate fibers from that, too.

>> No.12585206

: ^0 thanks for gatekeeping, rabbi

>> No.12585211

<@:^) shut the fuck up :)

>> No.12585214

><@:^) s
is it clown?

>> No.12585226

clown hat curly haired smiley face

>> No.12585227

You're suddenly assuming such a glut of resources from the "dirty ice" that you only change what would be a better option. If you have the capability of producing carbon strands and plastics, carbon fibre is quite obviously a better material than imbedded ice and would be within your assumed capability.

>> No.12585232

Bans should stick, otherwise there's really no point if a shitposter can just come right back and keep going.

>> No.12585238

Carbon fiber requires a resin anyway. Resins are chemically complex. Water ice will be literally dirt cheap. I'm not assuming a glut of resources from dirty ice, I'm saying that if the crust of Callisto or whatever is 1% silicate rock on average then on average you can afford to make a composite water-ice based material that is 99% ice and 1% silicate fibers and have a material that is strong AND tough enough to be useful for a host of applications. Why are you being so obtuse about this.

>> No.12585248

>Why are you being so obtuse about this.
Because we live in a universe where metals exist, so I don't see the point. The only justification would be if you're in a closed environment where you need to make as little use of imports as possible and literally only have ice available. When you start throwing in a monkey wrench like "w-well I'd only do it if I had silicate rocks so I get X Y Z" it makes more sense to get metals out of the fucking rocks, dingus.

>> No.12585293
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Hop when?

>> No.12585309

not soon

>> No.12585320

Delayed as they need to replace 2 engines. It will be atleast a week as they have to static fire them again.

>> No.12585321
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>> No.12585328

a-at least it's Q1

>> No.12585330

Yeah and there aren't many metals on fucking ice moons retard, hell even on Earth with its massive hoard of metals we use orders of magnitude more rock to construct things (in the form of concrete). You use what's cheap and available, not what's best on paper with no expense spared. God damn.

>> No.12585334

You illiterate fucking nigger, what was the first fucking thing I said? Use it for static structures. What is concrete used for? Tanks? Trains? Plains? Automobiles? What is it fucking used for you braindead nigger?

>> No.12585335

You're hopeless.

>> No.12585336

Yes, I'm too in favour of shooting repeated ban evaders but at least it would send a message that this shit is not welcome.

>> No.12585338

And you have no understanding of materials.

>> No.12585341

Going through labor pains on its way to become absolutely indestructible

>> No.12585342
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>> No.12585347

inaccurate, I am literally elon

>> No.12585351

>Everything will change after SN8
>All the hard work is done, now it's going to be flights every week
>SN9 will fly 2 days after SN8!
>They will have multiple starships set up at one time bro!
So, that was a fucking lie...

>> No.12585352

careful buddy

>> No.12585354

Unironically, they are too powerful

>> No.12585358

Imagine how much of a paradise Mars would be if there was a strict "No Jews" policy

>> No.12585363

> The average density of Ganymede, 1.936 g/cm3, suggests a composition of about equal parts rocky material and mostly water ices.[8] Some of the water is liquid, forming an underground ocean.[42] The mass fraction of ices is between 46 and 50%, which is slightly lower than that in Callisto.[43] Some additional volatile ices such as ammonia may also be present.[43][44] The exact composition of Ganymede's rock is not known, but is probably close to the composition of L/LL type ordinary chondrites,[43] which are characterized by less total iron, less metallic iron and more iron oxide than H chondrites. The weight ratio of iron to silicon ranges between 1.05 and 1.27 in Ganymede, whereas the solar ratio is around 1.8.[43]

also guys please don't quarrel

>> No.12585364

>sn9 fucking falls over
>raptors shitting the bed
unironically i dont care bc spacex is back at it within weeks, but if boeing pulled this shit i would be shitting in their mouth

>> No.12585366


>> No.12585370

Boeing! dropped one of the domes for the fuel tank and it set them back a year I think. Also they apparently installed the welding machine upside down and fucked up the original tank. Fucking idiots

>> No.12585372

So why are they doing this?

>> No.12585376

Isn't it more logical just to dump snine and just move on to snten with fresh raptors?

>> No.12585377

Basalt fiber reinforced water ice composite materials confirmed. These materials will be useful for any application that requires high strength and toughness, just as fiber reinforced resin composites are on Earth. Any statement to the contrary that follows this post is 100% cope.

>> No.12585378

>What was I talking about? Oh yeah, spaceflight

>> No.12585381

Literally to practice getting static fires of Starship more streamlined. SN9 is really similar to SN8, and SN8 basically did everything perfectly except for the final landing burn (even the flip was perfect) when the methane header pressure farded and shidded, so basically they are free to be more risky with SN9 without actually setting back the program. They probably won't be as cavalier with Sn15 for example.

>> No.12585384
File: 11 KB, 253x253, Foust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jeff Bezos. Wait a minute, that's not Jeff Bezos. What is it with Jeff's?

>> No.12585385

>a bunch of autistic LARPers in costumes wandering around the capitol taking selfies and stealing shoes is based
It was like a youtube comment thread brought to life.

>> No.12585386

You're not interested in averages but in accessible materials, I'm arguing for metal usage but I recognize that. The problem is as follows: if you assume you have significant rock deposits available, you also have significant deposits of metals which are far superior to any form of ice for any motive structure. If you don't have significant rock deposits available, your next best source is not ice but the absolute fucktons of metals in available relatively cheap dV terms by scouring other moons. The only reason that large icy moons have any scarcity at all is their differentiation, which does not apply at all to the hundreds of scattered moonlets.

>> No.12585391

Sn9 isn't broken yet, why would they move on to a newer vehicle which isn't even ready when they still have an old toy to play with?

>> No.12585392

oh ps any statement to the contrary that follows this post is 100% cope I guess lmao, dialte

>> No.12585395

>well I mean
Back to r*eddit you go

>> No.12585400

What's other moons that has fucktons of metals?

>> No.12585401

Not all the fuel is burned right away so you have some dark sooty unburned fuel flying around

>> No.12585403
File: 601 KB, 2048x1145, Screenshot_20210115-093953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was it The Blue Origin?

>> No.12585407

Blue Gender

>> No.12585413

Rick who?

>> No.12585414

Jupiter and Saturn have dozens if not hundreds of moonlets. These should reflect the general composition of their moons, about half ice, the difference being they are too small to gravitationally differentiate, leaving the copious amounts of metals which are present in any of their moons readily available rather than locked beneath miles of surface ice.

>> No.12585416

Should I post more Krystal porn?
I have unreleased Patreon stuff.

>> No.12585422

Counterpoint, titanium is common as fuck on Earth, and it's also got physical properties that make it much more desirable than almost any other metal for most applications (ie corrosion-proof bridges and boats, vehicle frames, drive shafts, the list goes on and on) BUT because it's energetically intensive and complex to produce from its native form, titanium is hardly used outside of specialized applications. Instead iron, a heavier metal with roughly equal strength and bad corrosion resistance outside of alloys makes up the second biggest fraction of gross building material mass produced on Earth annually (only beat by concrete itself).

On icy moons the same logic will apply to not just titanium but all metals. They will be rare. They will be energetically intensive to produce. They will be comparatively complex to produce. Therefore they will be expensive. Meanwhile, igneous rocks will make up the majority of rock in the icy crust, Igneous rock, particularly basalt, needs only to be melted and extruded through dies to produce strong fibers. These fibers can be spun and woven into blankets which, if mixed with liquid water and frozen, will produce a very strong and lightweight material that is completely fracture resistant and quite stiff when thick, yet flexible if thin. Its use will be limited to applications where it will not be exposed to temperatures approaching zero celsius, because water ice softens and weakens significantly before melting, but below negative 20 to 30 celsius water ice is very hard, and in fact at temperatures below -100 C it begins to approach the hardness of steel.

While still not as good as metals, it will clearly be good enough to be used even for certain types of vehicles, and definitely for most types of structure. Basically, water ice + fiber composites will take the place of concrete on icy moons, except it will also include all the applications we'd use concrete for if concrete also had high tensile strength.

>> No.12585430

Those streaks actually come from vapors surrounding the engine plumbing getting sucked by the plume and mixing with it slightly (if you look closely you can see hydrogen vapors flowing down the side of the RS-25 and interacting with the plume).

>> No.12585431

Wouldn't delta-v for transportation be huge inside of gravitaion pull of jupiter?

>> No.12585438

That's really cool. Reminds me of that Canadian WWII aircraft carrier made of ice: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Habakkuk

>> No.12585445


>> No.12585446

WHAT lmao, what is this ghetto Canuck shit?

>> No.12585452

No? You aren't escaping Jupiter at any point when transporting between its moons which is the whole point, and the moons themselves are not very tyrannical. It's cheap.
I don't know how many thousands of times I will have to reiterate my original point: yes ice makes sense for static structures, pretty much for the same mechanical property reasons concrete does. Yes fiber imbedded ice is better than pure ice, but it's still really quite shit. Melting and extruding basalt isn't really any easier or more accessible than steel.

>> No.12585454

Yes. Just transferring from an elliptical Ganymede orbit to an elliptical Callisto orbit costs over 2 km/s. This is also the cheapest transfer, any other two moons are separated by a larger delta V barrier.

>> No.12585462

I love this place

>> No.12585466


>> No.12585468

>Yes fiber imbedded ice is better than pure ice, but it's still really quite shit.
It would literally be stronger than the fiberglass composites we use to build speedboats n' sheit.
That was going to be made of a frozen mixture of wood pulp and water, sometimes called 'parcrete', and although it lent strength the actual reason was because frozen wood pulp has an extremely slow rate of thawing even when immersed in warm salt water, which would allow the ship to spend years toddling around the arctic ocean before needing to spend a month in the docks to get its outer surface refurbished using big refrigerator panels to freeze new layers of parcrete on

>> No.12585474

>the moons themselves are not very tyrannical. It's cheap.
To go from Callisto's surface to Ganymede's surface costs 15 km/s before gravity losses, and only 3.8 km/s of that is from the launch off Callisto and landing on Ganymede. The rest is aaaall orbital transfer.

>> No.12585475
File: 2.02 MB, 1920x1080, 290G566cVklT3ZQDWnAPXM4gQ3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[air guitar ensues]

>> No.12585487

Posting anime on the /sci/ - Science & Math board should be a bannable offense.

>> No.12585489

Righteously grandiloquent!

>> No.12585494

I'm not interested in going from Callisto to Ganymede, they're both large differentiated moons with ice-dominated surfaces. In other words, their scarcities overlap completely. I'm interested in a materials pipeline from small undifferentiated moons to the larger moons.

>> No.12585497

Nope, White men are not welcome in the Biden administration.

>> No.12585500

I don't think anybody believes you anymore, might want to switch it up again to keep it fresh.

>> No.12585501


>> No.12585502

Jim has a history of climate change denial, so probably not

>> No.12585506

>It would literally be stronger than the fiberglass composites we use to build speedboats n' sheit.
Do you have a source for that? And just as importantly, what is your metric for "strength" here? When talking about structures you can get away with nothing but compression, but for a vehicle we're interested in torsion and tension.

>> No.12585508
File: 133 KB, 680x545, apuastronaut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA Scientists Plan To Approach Girl By 2018
Behind schedule again

>> No.12585513

It's over bros

>> No.12585517

I can infer that colonization of jupiter's moons would be apparently from mars due less delta V than from earth. But will delta of starship be enough? Assuming having refueling depots on martian orbit

>> No.12585531

once Mars is developed to the point where it can develop and launch its own vehicles the whole solar system is available. Earth to anywhere but Mars and Venus is just prohibitively expensive for any serious effort.

>> No.12585533
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>> No.12585540
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>> No.12585542

incredibly based, dont let the pedos fit in

>> No.12585543
File: 54 KB, 750x936, 81141303-B94A-4502-B9AD-4108E4F7AD7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So does anyone have an idea what happened to the Raptors? And not FUDposting, like actual speculation?

>> No.12585544

Concept art always fills me with such hope

>> No.12585549

I hope Superheavy development doesn't bottleneck the entire program
>BN2 delayed by chronic thrust puck issues
>BN3 RUDs in a static fire
>meanwhile SN15, 16 and 17 are all ready for orbital test flight and just waiting on a booster

>> No.12585551

>Superheavy becomes the new N1
Please no

>> No.12585552
File: 165 KB, 1052x932, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except for four moons, others are fucking far away, so huge deltaV.
Also these four moons all have ~0.85 g/cm3 density, which means ice or rubble pile or something between.

>> No.12585553
File: 1.80 MB, 480x270, 76CA5C11-4B97-42C1-89BC-79AF907C2ADE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t know why but I love those CGI space animations which you know aren’t trying too hard to be realistic, but still look good. Pic related is what I mean.

>> No.12585556

I was thinking about this too but my bet is that Superheavy isn’t a big priority yet. They have all the parts there’s no reason to NOT stack them unless they’re waiting on something. It’ll probably take longer than Starship to build

Idk that would suck but the N1 would’ve worked after five flights

>> No.12585559

It's actually worse to go from any of the small moons to Callisto or Ganymede etc.

>> No.12585561
File: 90 KB, 450x393, b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how the fuck is starship supposed to land (or lift off) on mars then? there won't be any pads, the fire hit the ground at 90 degree angle, rebound and fuck things up, especially if there are no legs

>> No.12585562

Where can I find the dV from Mars surface to various major belt objects?

>> No.12585564

that's why they're doing these tests now, and there will be legs

>> No.12585571
File: 168 KB, 1464x2060, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this https://camo.githubusercontent.com/d59acdb1a109883188892dd05509fbc1596abc9523a28efebc6507288da97139/68747470733a2f2f692e70696e696d672e636f6d2f6f726967696e616c732f37662f64312f34342f37666431343433653361363431653737616637386331656461653231323138362e706e67

>> No.12585573

>2/3 raptors break on static fire

Engines worthy of interplanetary travel OH NO NO NO NO NO NO Musk exposed as a fraud

>> No.12585574

The hardships of the early colonial period will hopefully keep them away, but once things become comfortable and stable then their noses will already be on ships to get there.

Hopefully musk will be handpicking who gets to go. That tweet about the media a while ago at least shows he aware.

>> No.12585576

not just a fraud, a hack-fraud

>> No.12585579
File: 78 KB, 680x510, ErypUdFXEAUMNMq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Future Starship crew members!


>> No.12585582

I love Johnny Kim he’s great.
Starship to Orbit 2022
Starship with people on board...2026? I can see it having crew on board like a space station in 2023/2024 though

>> No.12585584

I wonder if they have to wear the jumpsuits or if they decide to wear them on their own

>> No.12585586 [DELETED] 

What did Elon mean by this? https://s2.desu-usergeneratedcontent.xyz/trash/image/1603/00/1603009148112.jpg

>> No.12585587
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>> No.12585588

Holy shit

>> No.12585592

I thought he was a Jew?

>> No.12585593

...Flightsuits are unequivocally based and comfy. I bet they choose to wear them

>> No.12585596

>Remember me Goyim

>> No.12585599

based as usual

>> No.12585602
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>inb4 they get "Lightning Fast Engine Repair" on the job

>> No.12585605

We have to get the cake. For Lockheed and Aerojet's GAY WEDDING

>> No.12585606

Both tension and torsion would be comparable if not stronger. This is because ice at -100 C is stronger than typical fiberglass resins, and also because most of the strength of a fiber-binder composite material comes from the fibers. While pure ice is also brittle, the presence of fibers will prevent crack propagation in ice composites, making them extremely tough (resistant to fracture)

>> No.12585608
File: 289 KB, 2184x1144, Raptor_SN20_tractor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will SpaceX finally put some kevlar blankets around their Raptors?

>> No.12585609

>antimatter is a real thing that really exists
pretty crazy stuff

>> No.12585610

>"Yeah yeah Mr. Musk we'll get right to work"
>"So Jay! What did you think of The Expanse?"
>"I keep getting distracted by discount James Franco's weird face"

>> No.12585614

>how the fuck is starship supposed to land (or lift off) on mars then?
They are currently in the process of figuring out what bits to change under the skirt in Starship to make it stand up to unprepared surface landings.

>> No.12585615

What if they made raptor out of diamond, the hardest metal? What could damage it then?

>> No.12585619

Honestly bro’s I can see them flying within the next 10 days easy peasy. They’ll just do a WDR by Sunday/Monday, and a static fire next Friday. A flight could happen next next Monday

>> No.12585625

>this time we'll fly on Monday for real guys
okay elon

>> No.12585630

Diamond is a hard metal but it's not tough, this is because the carbon in the diamond is bonded together in sheets that can slide next to one another when friction or force is applied.

>> No.12585631
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Yes, I know it's page 9, but I gotta go, so here:

>> No.12585632

What if they make the concrete out of diamond instead?

>> No.12585634

I think you are just joking but a) even synthetic diamond might be expensive, and b) there is a difference between strength and hardness. Diamond is HARD, in that it does not scratch, but it is not strong. A diamond hit with a hammer will still shatter like glass

>> No.12585635

The Raptors are being installed today.

>> No.12585637

There's probably some diamond in every bit of concrete in the world desu

>> No.12585647
File: 162 KB, 997x602, diamonds are metal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure why you think I'm joking anon.
But jokes aside a fully-usable transparent raptor would look fucking incredible wouldn't it?

>> No.12585659

>but are still able to perform a static fire without obvious issue
kinda wish elon was less vague

>> No.12585678

top kek never gets old

>> No.12585749

>Is there a word for this kind of BS
Isaac Arthur-ism