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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 354 KB, 632x661, 1610576879227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12578528 No.12578528 [Reply] [Original]

will you take the vaccine ?

>> No.12578538
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>> No.12578546
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Smash or pass

>> No.12578562 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 464x450, NewNormal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello fellow 4channelers, I am not a federal agent, I-I mean glowie. I took the vaccine and I am a-ok, spic and span! Join us in the cult of (((Baal))) by submitting and you can go outside again and even have sex with boobas!

>> No.12578564

Yes, CCP, I will take the vaccine. Now, go back to /pol/.

>> No.12578591

I'll take it a third time!

>> No.12578872

Absolutely disgusting corpse. We live in literal Hell.

>> No.12578927

They clamp. Just think that we were once naive and defenseless infants in this utter shithole where people look at politicians and actually believe in them. Look at that creature. Wake up people, you're living ina movie. All the world is a stage.

>> No.12578947

that creature is hideous/ Imagine what she looks like when her hair dye has been done in a couple months and with no make up. Good lord she would be horrifying. Imagine getting drunk and waking up beside her with her teeth in a glass beside the bed

>> No.12578952

In a year or 2. Let the idiots be guinea pigs.

>> No.12578989

I would take a gummer from Pelosi.

>> No.12579176

don't you mean 'the miracle vaccine'?

>> No.12579179
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scientifically speaking, do masks work?

>> No.12579185 [DELETED] 


>> No.12579312


>> No.12579315

fuck no

>> No.12579344


>> No.12579350

>will you take the vaccine ?

Do not worry, she has taken the vaccine and look at her obvious health.

>> No.12579352

Ok I get it. You guys come here to /sci/ when Trump betas out and screws you over.

>> No.12579505

Sir this thread is about vaccines

>> No.12579513

>implying most /pol/acks support zion don

>> No.12580332

We must inpeach our deranged presidentè

>> No.12580342
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>> No.12582353

I don't need a vaccine. Cause i stay the fuck at home and I rarely meet people. And I don't want that shit in me. Btw kudos to that fedral agent lol. You made me cringe laugh so badly lol

>> No.12583609

Yes, any chemist or biologist can even demonstrate that easily. They significanly reduce the risk of infection, if you fucking wear them, that is

>> No.12583618

over my dead body

>> No.12583620

N95/N100 masks, yes; this piece of cloth people wear covering half of their nose? nah

>> No.12583738

>will you take the vaccine ?
YES and so should you and everyone else quit being whiny little crybabies and fools who believe baseless conspiracy theories from Beijing and Moscow claiming all sorts of horrible shit will happen to you.

>> No.12583743

I already have, and my second dose is next week. What kind of IQlet or pussy wouldn't?

>> No.12583761

vaccines cause autism

>> No.12583767

So do viral infections.

>> No.12583770


>> No.12583777


>> No.12583778

ive been warned to not do it.

>> No.12583785
File: 276 KB, 850x1208, e811ed58dfe46f7afa914daf5c6e32bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

planet prison is to nice of a name. yeah i think we should all just call this planet hell.

the dangers of democrazy are real. she is third in line to be president.

>> No.12583789


>> No.12583798

Wow, opinions are fun.

>> No.12583804
File: 95 KB, 1600x900, edward g robinson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12583823


filename directly from salt booru. now we know you masturbate to snake vore. also, cope seethe dilate pollinate touch grass have sex appreciate free form jazz

>> No.12583834
File: 61 KB, 1024x917, 1606889889708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't like snake jazz your rick and morty faggot. and i don't like vore either you fucking moron... thanks for the reply though! :) you seem to know a lot about this stuff. seems you called yourself out here.

>> No.12583841

Looks like the the rich guy in Hannibal

>> No.12583845

>4 out of 43,000 people had a temporary nerve inflammation for a few days
That's actually a lower incidence rate than 30 year olds dying from COVID. To have a temporary numbing of one side of your face. Not being able to raise your arm for a couple days is probably worse desu.

>> No.12583848 [DELETED] 

COVID also causes peripheral facial palsy. And Guillain-Barre. Christ that's some pants-on-head retarded logic.

>> No.12583849

tfw you admit you were already isolated from humanity while subscribing to theories about covid driving humans apart.
I think you should socialize more anon

>> No.12583856

i search "snake mawshot" and it's the 3rd result, which was posted 1 month ago. stop hiding

>> No.12583860

the picture was suppose to be a metaphor but you misinterpreted.

>> No.12583874

Uhhh, guys? Why are we suddenly replying to bait threads?
Or is everyone a bit in here?

>> No.12583978
File: 29 KB, 598x574, new_normal_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12584076

This is not a human.
I don't care what anyone else says, you can't convince me otherwise.

>> No.12584078

>This is not a human.
Correct. It's a shoop.

>> No.12584388

>droopy eye
>face melting
the unfortunate thing is that its not a shoop

>> No.12584396

Source then?

>> No.12584427

>This is not a human
The statement remains true

>> No.12584432
File: 67 KB, 628x776, 1607954169222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12584457


>> No.12584481


>> No.12584558
File: 1.17 MB, 640x640, training_for_your_mom.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cock in your whore mothers ass, how about that?

>> No.12584572

Never. I only believe big orange man because he is a genius and the second coming of jesus christ.

I donate all my money to my god emperor trump to fight Biden and his lizard people.

Now let drink copious amounts of alcohol, and get high on meth because those are way safer.

>> No.12584575

lol pwned

>> No.12584606

You deluded foolhardy fool! It's literally the [math] \mathrm{TRUMP~VACCINE}^{TM} [/math]. You make it sound like he's been warning people not to take it, and that Trump supporters follow those warnings like he was Jesus, but the reality is Trump thinks the vaccine is an incredible feat of his administration and wants everyone to take it, but for some reason his followers who think he's jesus still won't do it. You sordid faggot.

>> No.12584621

No, meta analysis by the CDC shows that masks neither protect others from you or you from others.

>> No.12584676

Not peer-reviewed.

>> No.12585189

I shat my pants laughing at this shit

>> No.12585237

No, the Pfizer one doesn't even prevent infection and transmission, its pointless.

>> No.12585249

Imagine thinking not taking the vaccine will make things
>They won't.

>> No.12585263

It prevents disease. We need more data about preventing infection. Preliminary data from Israel suggests it lowers the risk.

>> No.12585443
File: 56 KB, 750x739, dzt7sczb4x261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean the ones with filters sure, but a piece of cloth ? it stop some droplets, but that's it, if it really worked, the cases wouldn't have grown like this, look at the UK for example, lockdown for months, masks, restaurants, malls, cinemas are closed, you are not allowed in a public place with many people, but somehow the cases keep growing.

>> No.12585491

Remember when she was telling us to go down China Town and hug as many ChinX as we could.

Don't know if she has our best interest at heart sometimes.

>> No.12585601
File: 1.09 MB, 2500x1406, 190108-chuck-shumer-nancy-pelosi-snip-ac-918p_aa101e7d92c9e80dcc5bb8e9d9f46cab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes aside, what are the actual chances of a major political assassination occuring in the next few years?

>> No.12585604

Already got it, faggot

>> No.12585712

>Remember when she was telling us to go down China Town and hug as many ChinX as we could.
hey at least im not racist

>> No.12585738

Anons, please. The snake is very sexy but vore is shit-tier. Now settle down.

>> No.12585748
File: 2.24 MB, 842x1276, vphe05f72mp41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too low.
The population of the First World is a bunch of sedated cattle incapable of standing up for anything. In their pursuit of all the comforts of life, they have created a Skinner-box mockery of it.

>> No.12585775

Already did

>> No.12585795

enjoy parkinsons

>> No.12585818

Ya desu the part that blasts my booty the most is the fact that we've collectively spent enough money to attach like 500 n95 masks to every person on the fucking planet daily for months at a time

but yet here we are

>> No.12585833
File: 97 KB, 1838x624, good job pfizer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I'm old and frail. The coronavirus can kill me by giving me a fever.
>If I'm old and frail. The vaccine can kill me by giving me a fever.
>If I'm young, neither of them will kill me, but with the vaccine I'll have a 100% risk exposure.
>Covid itself might never pay me a visit.