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/sci/ - Science & Math

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12576729 No.12576729 [Reply] [Original]

Explain this

>> No.12576737


>> No.12576755

SAT is designed around white knowledge, and thus inherently racist.
If the questions were on more black topics, the gap would be reversed. Examples:
>Dayshawna empties an 8-round clip into a blood, taking 6 seconds in total. How dead is that fool?
>Marquesse is cooking crack in the kitchen. How many kilos can he make before the cops get tipped off by a snitch?
>Analyze the lyrics of "suck a nigga dick" by lil' Bull$hit and how it relates to social justice.
Wypipo can't answer these REAL questions, thus a gap would exist.

>> No.12576760
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>> No.12576790

SAT is designed around whites yet gooks outscore them. Leftists politics is just dancing around the IQ question

>> No.12576796

maybe asians are just more white than white people

>> No.12576818

Ngl you got me in the first sentence

>> No.12576884

Iq is a flawed metric and not very useful, most of the posts on here like to point out that blacks earn less, commit more crime, etc.. as if we didn't already know that considering most black kids are born into poor communities and families let alone daily racism although I dont think that's as much of a factor anymore

>> No.12576891

Did you even bothered to look the image?

>> No.12576895

Yes Iq is flawed and favours white people in America versus blacks. Any serious scientist doesn't use it anymore across different cultures and races

>> No.12576926

No of course not. He is an ideologue presenting his rehearsed political diatribe not science

>> No.12576932

>no true Scotsman fallacy
It just gets sadder and sadder the depths to which they sink to protect their narrative they know is bullshit but wont let go of because it all crumbles like a house of cards when if they do and they know it

>> No.12576946

I don't really give a shit because I got a 1340/1600 therefore being smarter than either whites or blacks. checkmate /nerds/

>> No.12576953

>what is systematic racism

>> No.12576954

it was all that cum you swallowed anon. Good job

>> No.12576958

>what is a redit tranny

>> No.12577057

Niggers are dumb as rocks

>> No.12577640

OP asks a question. Gets the correct answer. Immediately triggers the board "REEEEE NIGGER" "REEEEEE SHILL" "REEE REDDIT" "NOOOO, Y..YOUR SUPPOSED TO SUDDENLY HATE BLACK PEOPLE"

>> No.12577643

Nogs were not bred to be smart

>> No.12577649

That's not the correct answer. Systematic racism is not falsifiable and not a scientific concept. It does not exist, scientifically speaking. It requires conspiracy theory levels of explanation and does not explain observed phenomena.

>> No.12577652

interesting and afropilled

>> No.12577680

>this thread
its funny how I once though /sci/ would be more politically correct and worried about being racist. It feels quite dumb now
I guess browsing /tg/ recently has left me tired as sin of seeing people defending certain sjw stupidity and taking every opportunity to jump with "go back to /pol/"

>> No.12577784
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If it is true then prove it, it shouldn't be very hard since you are so sure of your right. Because every life experience I have had points to it not being true and I can provide receipts if I need too. In fact it is done on this board all day every day and I have yet to see one of you clowns even attempt to back your claims up with any actual data. In fact every time I see you come into a thread spewing your nonsense you get blown the fuck out

>> No.12577851

I always say that the biggest racism that there could ever exist is real equality, and so far i've been proven right
When you put the exact same criteria for everyone then the logical conclusion is that people will only be limited by their own natural characteristics, things like certain jobs, fields of expertise or just being able to follow laws.
You don't need to make a segregating law that treats africans differently if you wanted to put a lot of africans in jail or if you didn't want africans to work in a space program, you just need to treat everyone equally and simply because they aren't as intelligent they would short themselves out proportionally

>> No.12577854
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well it was like that for the last 5 years but some of us kept coming here shaming them with facts and proofs. The thing about who are cowardly like the type of incels that post here, they are very responsive to shaming. All you have to do is go from the minority to the majority and the cucks just fall in line. I brought people here from 8kun to increase our numbers (the numbers of those with the facts and receipts) and the mouthy little NPC meme minds slowly got drowned out and then just stopped saying anything altogether. It is a pretty simple but effective technique the (((globalists))) use on the lemmings

>> No.12577874

Sure, but the context of your "iq is flawed" was that it assumes that two people will have the same intellectual history. Assuming wealth somewhat mediates quality of education etc., can you explain what's going on in the picture? Can you also explain how people from cultures *far more alien* that the African American one (East Asians, Igbo people etc.) nonetheless perform better on tests like the SATs.

>> No.12577878

> what is desperately throwing around terms

Isn't one of the main components of systemic racism the wealth inequality?

>> No.12577885 [DELETED] 

SAT is designed around a uniform curriculum taught the same to all children of every race stfu you imbecile.

What you are trying to do is make the debunked the argument that IQ tests have a cultural bias but you are too stupid to do it correctly so you just spew whatever retard shit that pops into your retard mind

>> No.12577893 [DELETED] 

my bad my post was for this moron >>12576755

and the other two morons who are probably him samefagging

>> No.12577899

maybe Im the retard and misread it sorry bros

>> No.12578193

People that deny the importance of pattern recognition are some of the worst criminals on the earth.

>> No.12578262

I'm an actual tranny from redit and even I know n*ggers are stupid

>> No.12578269

>I brought people here from 8kun to increase our numbers

>> No.12578404

honestly, I never posted in /sci/ before, I was just curious today. As I said the board I used to frequent the most, /tg/, is now absolutely insane and filled with imbeciles unironically defending things like articles saying "D&D perpetuates white male priviledge" and god forbid you say that you had a bad experience with female players at your table or that you don't want trannies

>> No.12578411

We have just about finished up this board want us to swamp that board next? We have gone board to board since 2017

>> No.12578424

nah, its easier to not care. That said you would do a favor, no doubt, but I don't think its worth the hassle
or maybe it is, I don't know

by the way, just because I agree with you on being against political correction doesn't mean I buy into any of your anti system propaganda or your lemming theory. Such vision falls appart quickly and doesn't apply to any society that isn't the american one. American society and lifestyle is beyond fucked and will never be a real example of human behavior

>> No.12578441

Perhaps comfort at any cost should not be a sacred virtue.

>> No.12578442

SAT score is very dependant on schooling.

IQ score is less.

That the SAT gap is persistent while the IQ gap is shrinking suggests to me the problem is in public schooling.

The table isn't about IQ.

>> No.12578449

human nature is human nature, it is all the same the only difference is to what degree based largely on IQ. You are more than welcome to your opinions but I believe my body of work speaks for itself and I am more than willing to debate anyone anytime and even publish it for all to let them make their own minds up

t. bodhi mantra @ esoteric awakening

>> No.12578454
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>>what is systematic racism
agreed, whites and asians are systematically discriminated against.

>> No.12578501

I've yet to meet anyone who would defend comfort as a virtue, then again I'm european

you do you

>> No.12578510

Europeans live within roughly the highest worldly degree of comfort at every level of their existence.

>> No.12578519

And I've yet to meet anyone here who thinks comfort is a virtue

>> No.12578543

shieeet, dis nigga be makin sense

>> No.12578550

Calling it by another name or pretending it's not the case is irrelevant, you would give up absolutely nothing for the amenities you've become accustomed to.

>> No.12578555

says you

>> No.12578573

Yes, this last year has proven without any doubt that as humans we have moved beyond great struggles for higher visions, and maintaining decadence and comfort at any cost is the path forward.

>> No.12578582

How has last year shown that? Not that anon.

>> No.12578599

Anon, you don't know anything, not about the people I live with, not about society and certainly not about me. The fact that you think of other people as lemmings and yourself as the only sane person and real human only shows how deeply disconnected from reality you are. You are not a revolutionary, you are a just a punk kid angry with a world he doesn't understand because he has never bothered to talk with real people and consider what they may have to say and think

but you do you

>> No.12578618

Fear was catered to and survival at any cost has been solidified as the core moral virtue of humanity. Maintaining a life of comfort and decadence takes precedent over ALL ideas in prior eras considered worthy of dying for. Hardship is no longer noble. Survival at any cost is implicit with decadence and comfort, the absolutely maintenance of physical pleasure over lifes driven by the mind.

The average human is rat-like, rather than Socrates whom drank the hemlock for the sake of his integrity.

>> No.12578626

Look, stating what humans are does not necessarily prove it to be negative or positive. It is just what humans are. Almost nobody on earth is willing to be uncomfortable if given the chance to be comfortable. This is just what humans are.

>> No.12578628

have you told your friends already? what did they have to say about all of that?

>> No.12578630
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>How has last year shown that?

>> No.12578633

It's abundantly obvious, actually.

>> No.12578635

what you are is a fool who thinks he knows everything, and there's nothing positive about that

>> No.12578639
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>> No.12578641

I may have fucked the wording pretty badly in my statement and I do apologize for that, but look, if you were to request that a person drown themselves a very small proportion of modern humans could pull it off, a greater proportion of earlier humans could pull it off.

Accept it, comfort is the core virtue of humanity.

>> No.12578647
File: 263 KB, 578x790, GOOD SHIT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you were to request that a person drown themselves
you do you

>> No.12578649

you are arguing from ego because you do not want to admit the truth yourself. It comes from a place of anger, you are not arguing about human nature, you are arguing to avoid admitting to yourself that you are not willing to sacrifice for higher ideals

>> No.12578652

It's a silly question of course, but the power of the mind simply is taking a backseat to being satiated moving forward.

It is not a bad thing to simply admit humans will do anything to maintain comfort, and that their minds are not strong enough to overcome this.

>> No.12578656

I'm not arguing anything with someone who talks high and mighty about people he has never bothered to talk to

>> No.12578661

Do you disagree? Is within all men a Socrates? Or no?

>> No.12578663

Niggers are stupid. Explained.

>> No.12578667

Not in niggers

>> No.12578673

Environmental factors.

go back to /pol/

>> No.12578684

>OP posts a pic with objetive data and not a single comment on it
>"g-go back to /pol/!"

>> No.12578695

>SAT is designed around white knowledge, and thus inherently racist.

Yet somehow those non-White Asians do BETTER than the whites!!!
There must be "magic" questions that only blacks can not figure out.

There are no racial differences in intelligence... or are there?

Please show ANY standardized intelligence or academic test that shows NO racial differences in intelligence

>> No.12578704

retard, read the rest of the post

>> No.12578706

>Dayshawna empties an 8-round clip into a blood, taking 6 seconds in total. How dead is that fool?
He dead as your deadbeat dad nigga
>Marquesse is cooking crack in the kitchen. How many kilos can he make before the cops get tipped off by a snitch?
Is Marquesse working with little g? That’s what it comes down to
>Analyze the lyrics of "suck a nigga dick" by lil' Bull$hit and how it relates to social justice.
I ain’t gonna do no shit like that. Fuck analyze I only fuck anal

>> No.12578709

the chozen one

>> No.12578711

this desu

>> No.12578714

Prove “systematic racism” explains niggers being the dumbest race in the world.

>> No.12578725

>retard, read the rest of the post

I did ... I ASSURE you the liberal progressives that make these tests have tried for over 40 years to make the tests as favorable to blacks as possible... those damned whites and Asians STILL figure them out better than Tyrone or Aquanetta can.

>> No.12578728

You will never be a woman

>> No.12578737

no, you really fucking didn't

>> No.12578741

>Environmental factors
Why do you refuse to consider other possibilities? Not very scientific.

>> No.12578764

>no, you really fucking didn't

Yes I did. You assume that blacks have secret "black knowledge" that white and Asians are not aware of. I TRY VERY hard not to have be exposed to it but I am VERY much aware of black culture/society.
Your basic flaw is you assume that somehow you can create a standardized test that blacks would perform better than whites and Asians.

This is like trying to make a standardized IQ test for Drown syndrome children that shows NO intelligence differences with children without Down Syndrome.

>> No.12578766

do you have autism?
what am I saying, of course you do

>> No.12578772

Please post a "black knowledge" question that that an average black person can get correct but somehow those stupid Whites and Asians can not get correct.

>> No.12578780

All I'm seeing is that if you are black with the IQ of a white man you will make more money than the white man, way more. Why are all you faggots talking about racism n shiiieeet? Are you fucking blind?

>> No.12578782 [DELETED] 

Which barbershop Big Mike always get his cut on Tuesdays?
A. Nigga shieeeet
B. Snuffles
C. Big Mikes mama cuts his fro
D. Big Mike ain’t got no hair to cut
E. Mr. Johns on 43rd and Faith

>> No.12578785
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I am already in my mind teehee. Be my bf? Might as well you arent getting any pussy anyway

>> No.12578790

There are only 12 personality types and a very limited of variables involved in human behavior. I am an empath and can read people very quickly actually based on a few simple observations. If you havent picked up on this ability than you are likely an NPC, sorry I had to be the one to tell you

>> No.12578792

Dis be a trick question.
Everyone know Big Mike is a Jamaican Reggae homie and he got da dreadlocks... never get he hair cut

>> No.12578793

What are the 12 personalities

>> No.12578794

*limited number of

>> No.12578796 [DELETED] 

Bruh you know it
You gon ace those BETs
Always choose D
Deez nuts

>> No.12578800

All empaths completely fail to properly read me, to them I exist only to compliment their delusions. They know nothing of me, consistently diametrically wrong.


>> No.12578803
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as above so below

>> No.12578808
File: 130 KB, 327x430, empath.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everyone who says they are an empath doesnt mean they are one anymore than every idiot here that thinks they are smart is. Being delusional doesnt make someone an empath

>> No.12578813

btw I am intj master race

>> No.12578815

I'm not that person.
but once when I watched a show, I did that..
and could predict who was going to betray who and save who when where etc. plot stuff.
that's some empathy, and it's a real thing.
but i don't care too much about that practice anymore, unless i like someone.

>> No.12578818

You're like me but a dick

>> No.12578819

Ok I’m skeptical of this but it gave me something called introspective ruler

The description of which is closer to me than any personality test I’ve read

>> No.12578825

ENTJ chad here

>> No.12578826
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open your auric (magnetic field) is very draining. You have to keep your shields up or you attract cluster B vampires

this is 4chan anon, obviously I am not like this irl. There are some very nasty people here for an empath you cant let them in or they will vampire you and it is just too draining being sincere and open surrounded by a bunch of jackals

>> No.12578829
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>> No.12578834

Here is the science of how and why it works. Don't judge, read it all the way through then take the time to innerstand it. It will seem quite fantastical at first because you have been in a state of amnesia to your true nature. If you follow the signs, you will see I am right about everything.


>> No.12578838

what the hell is happening in this thread

>> No.12578844

The mean of 13% is going to be lower than the mean of 60.6% (or 70% if including Hispanics) especially when factoring in public school system and home life.
>1, 3, 6, mean = 3
>1, 3, 6, 9, 2, 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 3, 9, 2, mean = 3.8
Don't forget Jews are counted as white in the consensus.

>> No.12578845

being an empath means you can sense subtle vibrations from people that reveal their thoughts or intentions. You can feel tension in the air from angry or mean people. You pick up on ques people who are not observant simply dont see. Think of it as an emotion and character Sherlock Holmes. He was most certainly an empath. I imagine most police detectives are highly empathic on some level. There are lots of good movies about this kind of thing. Suspect zero in fact is a decent one and of course Sherlock Holmes as I mentioned.

>> No.12578849


shoo shoo schizo

I actually subscribe to fractal reality holonomic theory too, Debrogile-Bohm has it right.

>> No.12578854

cognition bias, you believe what you wish to believe, mean people, nice people, whatever, it's the same tier as spotting the same kind of car everywhere you go because it's stuck in your mind

>> No.12578855

you only even know what it is me because of me bub, dont get uppity I have been teaching people this stuff for years. You only learned it through osmosis from my hard work faggot

>> No.12578864

also you barely understand the basics, I will teach show you what it is rarely taught to NPC like you. Or dont, doesnt matter to me, suit yourself

>> No.12578865

>Explain this
That white people are a lot more likely to force their kids to do their homework seems like it would be up there with whatever you're trying to say about racial IQ disparity.

>> No.12578867

Wrong, I've been into debrogile-bohm hypothesis for many years.

>> No.12578870

you are like babby

>> No.12578880

Because they take it for granted and have never had it threatened

>> No.12578883

no you

k well I have been teaching it to the donkeys here since 2015 or so where were you when every single person was calling me schizo because they were too retarded to understand it? I never saw you homo

>inb4 lurking

>> No.12578895

you have cognition bias, nothing you are reading is real it is just chemicals you are misinterpreting. Two can play this game to infinity.

I know how to be objective and test my results. Thanks for your sci 101 lesson though freshman

>> No.12578909

I've been a shill for it since 2010, I don't waste my time shilling it to /sci/ though. This is COPEnhagen land.

All of everything is a cognition bias that's the point ya mook

>> No.12578925

ok then based you are one of the rare not retards that visit here. I still assure you there is plenty there in that article you dont know yet. But again, no worries, doesnt matter to me. You will likely find your way to it one day anyway.

>> No.12578963

btw I was just joking about you being a schizo, take what you will of the fact that you took it seriously

>> No.12578973

Income =/= net worth.

>> No.12578980

Anon net worth would be even more absurd of a stratification

>> No.12578981

Prove it.

>> No.12578982

Retarded nigger

>> No.12578992


>> No.12578995

Stop proving my point for me retard.

>> No.12578999

Do you know what the word stratification means?

>> No.12579009

Do you know what the point of OP's image is?

>> No.12579013

no worries, was a good convo for once in this shithole full of retards. cheers

>> No.12579014

Evading your retardation I see

>> No.12579020

Answer the fucking question dipshit.

>> No.12579022

cheers m8

>> No.12579024

You didn't answer mine

>> No.12579030


They NEVER ask what blacks spend their money on. They assume blacks buy spend their money some as non-blacks.
Very few blacks PLAN for retirement, they spend whatever extra money they have on immediate gratification... hair, clothing, cars, drugs, gambling, whores, eating, etc.
Living well NOW is more important than planing on living well in the future, thus that save nothing for future.. which explains the median net worth of $8

>> No.12579033

The division of things into groups based on some metric.

>> No.12579035

Life expectancy is well below social security age

>> No.12579037

Is there anything more pathetic than a thread where 2 completely anonymous people just have to get the last word in?

>> No.12579039

Alternatively their net worth can be explained by them not being given property for free or next to no cost and then that property appreciating in value because of the housing market boom.

>> No.12579040

Alright, so, your assertion I'm assuming is that net worth would show the range of numbers between 1 and 1600 to be less meaningful, and this would be correct as net worth is 1 to well let's cap it at a billion. This is why income is used instead, as it relates to working class households rather than the limitless potentiality of the elite classes, where 1600 still remains the maximum. Net worth is a useless metric and any data scientist would immediately spot it as dishonest.

>> No.12579044
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>> No.12579052

No, my assertion is that a person with an income of 20K and a net worth of 150k experiences less hardship than a person with an income of 20K and a net worth of 10K.

>> No.12579063

I would agree that this was the case in 1960, but in the modern era where not owning things is more convenient than owning things this simply isn't true. A lack of liability is a big thing.

>> No.12579069

>but in the modern era where not owning things is more convenient than owning things this simply isn't true
You can't be thrown out of a house you own outright. The same is not the case for an apartment.

>> No.12579071

Your 20k simply does not go as far when you have 150k of assets to be responsible for and maintain, whereas 20k with no assets you have the full leverage of your income.

>> No.12579076

The fuck are you talking about? It's like you think you have more money if you don't have any money.

>> No.12579079

Both parties are making 20k per year, assets depreciate and must be maintained, this costs an amount of your 20k income. If you only make 20k it is a much better idea to not have assets, as you can live with less expenses.

>> No.12579080


>> No.12579085

fake butters

>> No.12579093

Did you just go to university of >>>/biz/ and only learned about crypto?

>> No.12579095


>> No.12579096

>loses the argument

>> No.12579101

>Thinks less money is better because they are coping about their coins going down.

>> No.12579105

I am not a cryptofag, you are a sad little cretin with a bad argument though.

>> No.12579110

know why you cant get a job? Because they are giving yours to nigs with a double digit IQ and C average in bunny courses when you worked your ass and will get jack shit

Biden Says His ‘Priority’ Will Be Minority- and Women-Owned Small Businesses

>> No.12579119
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while you are paying for this shit with your taxes from the only shit tier job you will be able to get!

>> No.12579128

I can't explain it without sounding like a white supremacist.

>> No.12579145

Nice try. You can't fool me cryptofag.

>> No.12579183

>I can't explain it without sounding like a white supremacist.

And that TERRIFIES you.
We all must pretend to see the Emperor's cloths.
The liberal progressives DESTROY anyone who questions their beliefs.

>> No.12579208

>point out ashkenazi jews then asians then whites have highest average iq likely due to in part genetics from evolving under different fitness landscapes
>get called white supreme
the absolute state of clown world

>> No.12579251
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you arent fooling anyone Chaim

>> No.12579285

You must believe that race is a social construction, physical differences do NOT define a race.
All races are equal.
You are PRIVILEGED by the actions of your ancestors and should be ashamed of that, you should be held accountable for the sins of your ancestors.
The Ancestors of black people in America were treated bad, they DESERVE to be rewarded for the pain of their ancestors.
Noticing at ANY deficiencies in the Black Americans makes you a white supremacist.
Nothing is worse than a white supremacist, they deserve to publicly shamed, lose their job and if possible imprisoned.
Any differences between the races is completely due to racism, if you question this you are a racist.
All the deficiencies in Black Americans are due to racism not because the individual blacks mare horrendous life decisions.

Remember races do not exist, but white people owe blacks for the sins of their ancestors, also any failing in blacks is due to racism and NOT because of poor individual choices.

>> No.12579533

>whereas 20k with no assets you have the full leverage of your income.
Not really since only having cash is really bad since that can get fucked due to inflation anbd not scalign well. Home ownership is important because it's way for families to have something to pass onto their kids as well as an asset to make use of down the line that can go up in value as markets change.

My friends uncle inherited owned a small house in downtown Vancouver years back and now it's value rocketed sky high to the point he was able to move out to Ottawa. Making a fuckton of money is pointless when you don't invest it in anything

>> No.12579562

20k =/= 60k, 20k is not enough to do anything besides maintain this property you are effectively living on 15k or less income, property taxes, repairs, etc to attempt this on 20k is a very bad idea

>housing markets always go up
>families can be expected to pass generational wealth
This is increasingly rare and can't be considered the norm for the last few decades.

Whereas 20k without strings attached allows you to significantly cut costs where you can actually make useful investments such as education or non-depreciable assets.

For higher ranges of income, yes, a house is a good investment but in these lower bounds it is crippling.

>> No.12581707


>> No.12581748

>>housing markets always go up
Housing, as in buildings to live in might not go up, and even loose in value over time, but properties will go up inevitably.
Basically every property already has an owner, and unlike houses where you can live in only one at a time, your surrounding private property cant be big enough as long as you can spare the money.
This means demand outstrips supply, and as the population grows, we only have a constant amount of tradeable land with an increasing number of people wanting to purchase it.

>> No.12581809

>what are property taxes

>> No.12582065

based and crowd control pilled

>> No.12582931


you just described trump supporters

>> No.12582954
File: 270 KB, 450x360, texan2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no you
look at the big brain on this retard

>> No.12583079

The original reply was a JOKE you stupid autistic bitch

>> No.12583102
