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12573352 No.12573352 [Reply] [Original]

This video says that Reddit founder Aaron Swartz was murdered because he was about to prove the connection between corporate funding of academic research and the results that research inevitably produces.
What percentage of academic scientific research do you think is real and what percentage is fake results that were purchased by a corporate donor?

>> No.12573368

lol that pic.

>> No.12573414

ICNIRP seems like a giant corporate-donor-science ran authority along with the FCC.
Basically the telecom industry is full of pocket scientists so it seems in some sources.
Governments get billions in tax from telecom companies. So it would be favorable for their wallets to shift the focus to older studies on the matter of EMF and health which is what we see when ICNIRP and FCC give references in their arguments to pushing new generations of transmission technology etc.

For example there is hardly any studies on 5G millimeter waves and biology yet it is already out, in small areas in the UK, they rested on the usual non-ionising and non-thermal properties for its rollout (which is reasonable but there are other issues if one wishes to look), however, the 5G millimeter waves definitely should of had more studies done before a public rollout, since mass exposure to millimeter waves is new.

>> No.12574252

Reminder that OP has made this exact thread hundreds of times
Reminder that this is only one of the images OP spams
Reminder that OP could never cut it in a STEM field :)

>> No.12575153

theres guys from the telecoms who use the big telescopes in hawaii, arizona & south america. the teleco corporate people like to put science stuff on their resumes because it makes them look more well rounded and suited for executive positions.

>> No.12575185

His suicide was certainly sketchy, and anyways information should be accessible to others, it’s absurd the way they hoard the intellectual properties of others or charge exuberant fees for anyone to access the available literature. Censorship is immoral and unethical.

>> No.12575269

Based schizo-slayer. Doing God's work.

>> No.12577066

The implication that paleontologists make a lot of money is literally dumber than either of the retards in the picture.

>> No.12577068

>Reminder that this is only one of the images OP spams
I really want to see the rest of the shitposts now

>> No.12577074

>Reminder that OP could never cut it in a STEM field :)
STEM isn't hard. It's not a badge of honor or intellect to have a STEM degree or to do research in a scientific field.