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12572262 No.12572262 [Reply] [Original]

are you prepared for the Chinese century?

>> No.12572275
File: 2.71 MB, 406x720, 上海.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already here

>> No.12572285 [DELETED] 
File: 1.91 MB, 480x640, china food4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I can't wait bro

>> No.12572287

They steal patents via hacking or infiltration such as government funded students.

They even tried it on with GMO crops in America.

>> No.12572309

Yes! it's gotten of to a fantastic start

>> No.12572315

Holy shit they have elevators, buildings, and lights? We truly can't compete anymore

>> No.12572317

this is such a superficial cope lol, the same few webms of mentally ill chinese people being shared around by butthurt people.
China is building, you are seething.

>> No.12572324

memes aside how hard is it to get a job there and how good is it? i couldn't give more shit about politics.
i know a couple of IT and engineering guys that went there and live in skyscrapers.

>> No.12572325

100 social credit has been transferred to your account. Your family’s organs will not be harvested this month.

>> No.12572326

it used to be possible to get IT and engineering jobs in china easily. I've heard it's fairly harder now though because of more Chinese that can work in those kind of jobs.

>> No.12572332

As prepared as I was for India to be a superpower by 2020.

>> No.12572344

China should let go of the Nankin massacre lie, just like Israel should let go of the Holohoax lie.
Once they do that, jews and chinese will live a better life.

>> No.12572367

China's only "advantage" is population and that will be lost in time. Their working age population has already been declining for years and the total population will start decreasing in a couple years if it hasn't already (the chinese like to lie about stuff like this). Basically what happened, and is happening, to japan will happen to china. The denial of this fact is the biggest cope spread by chinese. They have cultivated the idea that china will surpass the west and they present superficial data to support it, but a closer look reveals its fucked.

>> No.12572374

I guess there is still a huge cultural difference between rural and urban China...

>> No.12572425
File: 264 KB, 1600x1050, continentalpopulationprojection (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to some projections, Nigeria will overtake China in population before 2100.

>> No.12572450

Yes, but it will be populated by chinese

>> No.12572485

You are just coping with the fact that you will be too stupid to acquire social credits (the superior system of ensuring civil stability).

>> No.12572509

nordoids still eat horse heads or some shit

>> No.12572598

100 social credit has been transferred to your account. Your family’s organs will not be harvested this month.

>> No.12572610

that sure doesn't get old, anon
Enjoy woketards burning your country while I use my social credits to buy tendies with a HUGE discount

>> No.12572671

>They steal patents
Muh intellectual property

>> No.12572733

are those.... BUILDINGS WITH LIGHTS?????

>> No.12572747

Population alone can't do much unless it starts developing.

>> No.12572795
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>> No.12572807

We cyberpunk nao

>> No.12572808

OMG it's on twitter, it must be true.

>> No.12572829

>OMG it's on twitter, it must be true.
OMG it's something bad about China, it must be false.

>> No.12572899

Sure, they will totally anihilate us with their rampant stealing and cheating, because generation of students who got their degrees by copying from each other and bribing is so superior.

>> No.12572981
File: 460 KB, 1422x847, brightest math distribution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That picture is misleading because it assumes talent is equally distributed across countries.

>> No.12572985

>use my social credits to buy tendies

>> No.12574878

t. Seething pajeets

>> No.12576516

Lots of Chinese people in the universities here a few of them are good, very good. They do good work, they care about their work.

A good 60-80% are completely useless and do only the bare minimum. They all have great qualifications on paper, yet most of them seem incapable/unwilling of communicating even in basic English (which is a requirement for the job), everything they write is clearly google translated from Chinese and it's just nonsense most of the time.

In other words, pretty much the same as professors/postdocs from many other countries.

What worries me is not the Chinese, it's that these people somehow passed and continue to pass their interview. Anyone should notice very quickly how unqualified they are from a 10 minute conversation.

>> No.12576650

as if their degrees are nearly as good as the west's
all those degrees are so they can build B grade buildings and D grade software

>> No.12576712

Look at all the videos of retarded Americans. This is incredible cope.

>> No.12576713

The difference is talented Indians run away to USA and EU. Chinks mostly stay.

>> No.12576715

Japan is #3 economy on the planet with 120 million people. Japan with billion+ population would easily be #1.

>> No.12576716
File: 36 KB, 739x415, images (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All your tech is from Shenzhen

>> No.12576722 [DELETED] 
File: 10 KB, 563x418, images (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know Chinks and Japs are the same race right? China will be Japanese tier soon. Communism just hampered their progress.

>> No.12577003 [DELETED] 

Races don't exist,
>Communism just hampered their progress.
China is one of the most globalist capitalist countries on earth, try counting how many foreing coporations are in China

>> No.12577052 [DELETED] 

Oh my fucking god. Are there really people on Earth who already forgot about Mao Zedong's mass murders and state induced famines? Read a fucking history book, you retarded faggot.

>> No.12577060 [DELETED] 

> Are there really people on Earth who already forgot about Mao Zedong's mass murders and state induced famines
I didn't even mention such thing, take your meds schizo.

>> No.12577119 [DELETED] 

Yes that's my point. Communism is a shit system and that's why after the 1978 economic reform their GDP skyrocketed because they became full capitalist. Japan and Korea became capitalist right after WW2 and that's why they are so developed. China is just behind the nips and gooks.

>> No.12577166

>a bunch of degree mills taught a bunch of retards how to memorize multiple choice questions
who cares

>> No.12577193

>are you prepared for the Chinese century?

>> No.12577208

Without a doubt China is set to become the dominant world power.
They value education, science and technology.
They are for the most part a homogeneous people with a low tolerance to outsiders.
They are lead by a technocratic dictatorship, which means they can get shit done fast.
Geopolitically they are well positioned to engage in cold war competition at far higher cost efficiency than their rivals.

All China has to do is wait for the West to slowly become 3rd world shitholes. This may well take another hundred years or more, but the Chinese are extremely patient people. Their closest rivals will then be India and Russia, a laughable comparison. At this point Chinese hegemony will be total. Then they will slowly move in and take over whatever parts of the world pleases them. Probably without even a shot being fired. Just by moving their people in and displacing the local inhabitants. All quite peacefully. Just like they did to Singapore, like they are doing to Tibet, as they are doing to the Xinjiang, as they are on verge of doing in East Africa.
Within a thousand years or less the predominant world population will be mostly derived from Han Chinese. Surviving ethnic enclaves other than Han will be about as relevant, culturally, politically and economically, as the native American Indians.

Now here is the kicker. At long last the likes of Greta Thunburg will get their wishes fulfilled. Even though her DNA will likely be extinct, or swimming around as an archaic reminder in the blood of some predominately Han Chinese descendant. The Chinese, providing they dont actually mange to kill all life on this planet in the process, will slowly awaken to the need to preserve what ecosystems remain in a sustainable manner. After all, their politburo will need clean air to breathe. If they deem it necessary it will be done, soon and fast, with an iron fist, with none of the Western fuckarsing around doing nothing which has prevailed for the past 100 years.

>> No.12577253
File: 162 KB, 648x1266, Chinas-population-pyramid-of-2010-and-2050-Source-United-Nations-World-Population.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what they said about Japan in the 90s. All it takes is one economic recession and and it all slides into the mud.

>> No.12577342

Scientifically speaking the chinese are much more sane than the obese trumperino

>> No.12578602

I doubt anyone other than a clickbait journo said that about Japan in the 90's.

There are important differences in any case. Japan is a democracy, its government can not act unilateral. In many regards its still a conquered state, it cant engage in sabre rattling or military threats. It lacks natural resources and is therefore highly dependent on trade for strategic resources. Its an island nation which restricts its opportunity for expansion other than through naval power.

>> No.12578730


one korean stem student is worth more than 37 chinese ones

>> No.12578739

Japan would be that if it had 7x the population to match china